click on pic
She's not a transgender! She's always a man!
Paris is an ally and not a “vassal” of Washington, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday, defending his comments about “strategic autonomy” of the EU regarding the rising tensions between the US and China.
“Being an ally does not mean being a vassal... doesn’t mean that we don’t have the right to think for ourselves,” Macron said in Amsterdam at a joint press conference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.
ENOUGH ALREADY! New Year -- No Fear
In this episode of The Remnant Underground,
Michael J. Matt looks at the growing dissatisfaction with the global
elites and their utterly insane Agenda 2030.
From Alberta to
Tampa and from Ron DeSantis to Bill Maher, the cross section of society
that has had quite enough is becoming more vocal every day. Even
Australia is backing down, with Novak Djokovic getting set to play the
Open even though he is not vaccinated.
Meanwhile, influential content creators such as Joe Rogan are openly mocking Klaus Schwab and the entire Reset of Stupidity.
Michael’s prediction? 2023 will see an increase in worldwide resistance to the elites and their medical dictatorship.
Time to go on offense!
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
EU wil energie nóg duurder maken: ‘Verwerp dit voorstel!’
ReplyDeleteEU wants to make energy even more expensive: 'Reject this proposal!'
DeleteEU country’s spies point to ‘threat’ of Russia and China
ReplyDeleteMoscow and Beijing want to end the hegemony of the West, Dutch intelligence has said
Western values: raping children and torturing them in order to harvest adrenochrome
DeleteFascist Rutte does and is going to do whatever US tells him to do. This AIVD report is just for show.
EU leader quickly breaks key election pledge
ReplyDeleteEstonia’s Kaja Kallas defended her tax hikes as a “national defense levy”
DeleteAnother Western minded prostitute for the US. I wouldn't doubt that she is also a lesbian as well.
France investigates posters likening Macron to Hitler
ReplyDeleteThe offenders will be punished for insulting the president, satanic officials have said
Hitler in the realm of the dead (hell): "I'm offended!
DeleteMacron dances as France burns
ReplyDeleteFranse politie verklaart burgeroorlog in Frankrijk: Verrader Macron koos de verkeerde kant
ReplyDeleteFrench Police Declare Civil War in France: “Traitor Macron Chose the Wrong Side”
DeleteFrankrijk voor vijfde nacht op rij in crisis terwijl geweld zich verspreidt naar buurlanden
ReplyDeleteFrance in crisis for fifth night in a row as violence spreads to neighboring countries
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
What's happening in France?
DeleteFrankrijk grijpt Rassenoorlog aan om Totale NWO Controle in te voeren
ReplyDeleteFrance uses Race War to introduce Total NWO Control
Deleteuse a translation machine
Macron mulls social-media ban
ReplyDelete10% of arrested rioters were foreigners – French Interior Ministry
ReplyDeleteSilly Sam
DeleteThis is not simply a race thing. Just as the Yellow vests where hardworking people and the next riots will be ordinary French families on the bread line. There is growing discontent throughout the west from decades of excessive greed, corruption, and peak stupidity. You can call it what you want, try to blame a single group, but the problems all stem from a few powerful people at the top who are playing the whole population like a fiddle whilst culture, society, community, privacy and family are all burnt to the ground with full intent.
France is reaping what it has sown with rioting kids
ReplyDeleteMacron suggesting fines for parents of protesting minors is too little, too late
DeleteA rather simplistic and shallow analysis of the biggest Freemason/Globalist victim in Europe - France. There have been decades of treacherous Illuminati/Freemason rulers who have been promoting this uncontrolled influx of the Arab/African hordes. Pompidou, Mitterrand, Chirac, Sarkozy, and now this little banking gnome Macron.
Sub Atomic Particle
DeleteMacron is an ex Rothschild investment banker. He has no clue how average people live and survive because he never has to worry about where his next meal is coming from.
DeleteAmazing how fast they can RETURN kids to the parents! Liberal tell us the kids are NOT ours, they are "Theirs" - they belong to the Government who can decide that a parent has NO right to stop them from getting a sex change, getting an "abortion" and then not being OBLIGATED to inform the parents or get their permission! Now, those same kids they CLAIMED to belong to them, are the ones they now want to HAND BACK the responsibility to the parents? This guy should change his surname to MORON!
Woke acteur Richard Gere deelt video waarin hij fans vraagt om te helpen Europa te overspoelen met meer moslimmigranten
ReplyDeleteRichard Gere Says MILLIONS of Muslim Migrants Should Flood Europe To “Eradicate Racism”
Delete‘Hang Macron’ singer rejects incitement accusations
ReplyDeleteIn this video from 2017, French President Macron behaved inappropriately with the President of Burkina Faso, after which the latter left the hall.
ReplyDeleteAfter that, Macron said: "He went to fix the air conditioner?".
Macron calls French presidential term limit ‘bulls**t’
ReplyDeleteMacron booed at Rugby World Cup opening ceremony
ReplyDeleteRussia summons French envoy over Macron’s G20 snub
ReplyDeleteMaria Zakharova, branded the actions of the French authorities a “wild manifestation of Nazism.”
DeleteFrankrijk: Buitenlanders plegen 69% van de overvallen, geweldsmisdrijven en seksuele aanvallen in het openbaar vervoer
ReplyDeleteFrance: Foreigners commit 69% of robberies, violent crimes and sexual assaults on public transport
DeleteFrance to call for Palestinian state – media
ReplyDeleteFrench President Emmanuel Macron intends to call for “a return to a real peace process” and and end to the “colonization” of the West Bank
DeleteSo France grants the Basques their own state and Corsica independence and north-west France becomes Dutch-speaking and free again and Alsace-Lorraine is shared with Germany?
DeleteMacron wants anti-IS coalition to go after Hamas
ReplyDeleteUkraine still ‘very far’ from EU membership – Macron
ReplyDeleteMacron admits EU’s Russia sanctions have failed
ReplyDeleteWest cannot let Russia win – Macron
ReplyDeleteParis will send Kiev 40 SCALP missiles and hundreds of bombs, as Ukraine continues to plead for more aid, the French president has said
Macron scraps Ukraine visit due to ‘security issues’ – media
ReplyDeleteMacron and Zelensky sign military deal
ReplyDeleteMacron explains ‘NATO troops in Ukraine’ remark
ReplyDeleteThe French president has said his refusal to rule out such a deployment was merely aimed at “opening a debate”
'Sun King' Macron warns against Western cowardice
ReplyDeleteThe French president has argued that Ukraine’s European backers will have to summon the “courage” to stand up to Russia
Macron verhoogt maniakaal de spanningen tussen Europa en Rusland
ReplyDeleteMacron Irresponsibly Increases Tensions Between Europe and Russia
DeleteFrench leader proposes expansion of euthanasia laws
ReplyDeleteMacron ‘panicked’ over leaked Ukraine reports – Marianne
ReplyDeleteMacron wants Crimea seized from Russia
ReplyDeleteWaarom Macron plotseling 180 graden draaide over het sturen van grondtroepen
ReplyDeleteWhy Macron suddenly turned 180 degrees on sending ground troops
DeleteMacron believes Ukraine could fall soon – Politico
ReplyDeleteTimofey Bordachev: Emmanuel Macron might be a clown, but he’s a dangerous clown
ReplyDeleteMatteo Salvini: “Ik wil niet sterven in een oorlog tegen Rusland voor die kleine oorlogszuchtige flikker met zijn transvrouw in het Elysée
ReplyDeleteMatteo Salvini: “I don't want to die in a war against Russia for that little warmongering fagot with his trans wife in the Elysée
DeleteNational Rally trounces Macron’s bloc in French vote
ReplyDeleteFrom Jean-Michel to Brigitte Trogneux,
ReplyDeletelies at the Elysée
Lokte Macron Telegram-oprichter Doerov naar Parijs om hem te arresteren? ‘Dit verhaal wordt met de dag gekker’
ReplyDeleteDid Macron lure Telegram founder Durov to Paris to arrest him? ‘This story is getting crazier by the day’
DeleteFrench court fines women for calling Macron’s wife a man
ReplyDeleteCandace Owens ontvangt dreigende brief van president Macron en dit staat er in
ReplyDeleteCandace Owens receives a threatening letter from President Macron and this is what it says
DeleteRussian Professor Dugin labels French President Macron's wife a "TRANSGENDER MONKEY."