In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt looks at the growing dissatisfaction with the global elites and their utterly insane Agenda 2030.
From Alberta to Tampa and from Ron DeSantis to Bill Maher, the cross section of society that has had quite enough is becoming more vocal every day. Even Australia is backing down, with Novak Djokovic getting set to play the Open even though he is not vaccinated.
Meanwhile, influential content creators such as Joe Rogan are openly mocking Klaus Schwab and the entire Reset of Stupidity.
Michael’s prediction? 2023 will see an increase in worldwide resistance to the elites and their medical dictatorship.
Time to go on offense!
Klaus Schwab, son of a NAZI
DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection
The plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Klaus Schwab en Frau Hilde hard aangepakt: ‘Dit is eng, kijk naar die vent’
ReplyDeleteKlaus Schwab and Frau Hilde dealt with harshly: "This is scary, look at that guy"
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World Economic Forum wil ‘misinformatie’ bestrijden en dit verstaat het ‘praatclubje’ eronder
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum wants to fight 'misinformation' and this is what the 'talk club' means by it
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World Economic Forum: Japan bouwt futuristische ‘smart city’ en dit tref je er aan
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum: Japan is building futuristic 'smart city' and this is what you will find
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World Economic Forum distantieert zich van vacature voor ‘lekkere blonde wijven’
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum distances itself from vacancy for 'nice blonde chicks'
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Klokkenluider onthult wat er achter de talloze branden in voedselfabrieken zit
ReplyDeleteWhistleblower reveals what's behind countless food factory fires
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De Geest van ‘Covid’ keert opnieuw terug: Ontwaken de doden?
ReplyDeleteThe Ghost of 'Covid' Returns Once Again: Awakening the Dead?
DeleteWaar zijn ze bang voor? Duizenden SOLDATEN ingezet bij World Economic Forum
ReplyDeleteWhat are they afraid of? Thousands of SOLDIERS deployed at World Economic Forum
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Voorbereidingen in volle gang: 5000 soldaten beveiligen jaarlijkse WEF-bijeenkomst in Davos
ReplyDeletePreparations in full swing: 5000 soldiers secure annual WEF meeting in Davos
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Zo diep zit president Biden in het World Economic Forum
ReplyDeleteThat's how deep President Biden is in the World Economic Forum
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FBI director, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock, and Pfizer, as well as Gates Foundation officials to reportedly attend Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum summit in Davos next week.
ReplyDeleteNiets te zien hier: oversterfte gaat in Duitsland helemaal door het dak
ReplyDeleteNothing to see here: excess mortality is going through the roof in Germany
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Piloot onthult: elite wil rondgevlogen worden door ongevaccineerde piloten
ReplyDeletePilot reveals: elite want to be flown around by unvaccinated pilots
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Ook gouverneur van Florida spreekt zich expliciet uit tegen World Economic Forum: ‘Mooi zo!’
ReplyDeleteGovernor of Florida also speaks out explicitly against World Economic Forum: 'Great!'
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“Catastrofale uitkomsten”: Davos elite bezorgd over wereldwijde grilligheid, kosten-van-levensonderhoud crisis
ReplyDeleteCatastrophic Outcomes Davos Elite Worried About Global Volatility, Cost-Of-Living Crisis
DeleteThe Pope always wears two hats: a secular and a ecclesiastical, and that was the case even before the Roman Empire masqueraded as the Roman Catholic Church in the time of the Emperors.
DeleteThe fact is that every pope is the Roman emperor in disguise chosen by the senators (the "cardinals") and all the world leaders come to see him because they know how much power he has.
The Vatican bank controls ALL banks in the world and MONEY is POWER.
EagleRobin January 14, 2023 at 09:14
It is the false prophet who is in the Vatican. The antichrist is about worldly politics. But the two do work together.
Name:* January 14, 2023 at 09:22
The 'black' pope is secretly the prime minister of the world. The white pope is his talking dummy, his fallguy, a distraction, a fake front that spells out the cabal's plans in socially desirable words.
Gini January 14, 2023 at 10:36
And then you have the gray pope, which is above the black pope
Het World Economic Forum heeft een nieuw woord bedacht om de extreme chaos te beschrijven die onze planeet in haar greep houdt
ReplyDeleteThe World Economic Forum Has Invented A New Word To Describe The Extreme Chaos That Is Gripping Our Planet
DeleteThe earth is flat and not a 'planet'
DeleteEscort agencies booked solid for Davos forum – media
DeleteSounds like sex is the main event in Davos. Funny!
WEF-plannen uitgerold in Schotland: 20-minutensteden en tijdperk van privéautogebruik ‘is voorbij’
DeleteWEF plans rolled out in Scotland: 20-minute cities and era of private car use 'is over'
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Het World Economic Forum geeft nu openlijk toe dat hun doel is om binnen enkele jaren een “Nieuwe Wereldorde” te creëren
ReplyDeleteThe World Economic Forum now openly admits that their goal is to create a “New World Order” within a few years
DeleteDavos: Sloveense buitenlandminister eist dat landen ‘regels van de Wereldorde respecteren’
ReplyDeleteDavos: Slovenian foreign minister demands countries 'respect rules of the World Order'
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World Economic Forum lanceert stilletjes initiatief om wereldwijd massaal grond op te kopen
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum quietly launches initiative to buy up land on a massive scale worldwide
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Propagandachef World Economic Forum stapt op na desastreus verlopen Davos-conferentie
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum propaganda chief resigns after disastrous Davos conference
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WEF beveelt wereldregeringen om “vlees en brandstof sterk te rantsoeneren” om de Great Reset in te luiden
ReplyDeleteWEF Orders World Governments To Begin ‘Severely Rationing Meat and Fuel’ To Usher In The Great Reset