Friday, 28 April 2023

Europe Reveals Map BREAKING-UP RUSSIA into 41 new countries

Here is Gunther Fehlinger and the West's (suicidal) map of a world without Russia

click on pic

Gunther Fehlinger, Chairman of the Austria NATO non-governmental organization (NGO), publicly revealed today, the West's "plan" for Russia: Broken-up into 41 new, autonomous countries! There wouldn't BE a "Russia" anymore.    Russia's response was simple: If there isn't going to be a Russia anymore, then there isn't going to be a Europe or USA, either.   World War 3 is officially on its way.


The revelation of this map is literal PROOF that it is the actual intention of the West to do-away with Russia.    By even manufacturing such a map, the West has shown its intent.   Russia now faces an ACTUAL existential threat.  Their very existence is at stake.

Think about the time and effort that was necessary to research the populations and ethnicities in each of these areas, where they are, and how to draw actual lines along the geography of the demographics, to create this vision of new, autonomous, countries.  The research and planning alone had to take . . .  YEARS.

Read more... 


Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Two Kingdoms Order out of Chaos

The Two Kingdoms Order out of Chaos

Bishop James E. Quigley in the Chicago Daily Tribune on May 5, 1903: "When the United States rules the world, the catholic church will rule the world"


It's easy to see where the United States of America is going. Benito Mussolini: “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism, because it is the merger of corporate and state power”With the 1954 by Johnson introduced 501c3 you have the merger of state and church, with "Globalism" you have the merger of corporatism with the state. Bishop James E. Quigley in the Chicago Daily Tribune on May 5, 1903:" When the United States rules the world, the catholic church will rule the world".


This Map Shows The Huge Scale Of Vladimir Putin's Eurasian Plan



“In the Foreign Policy Shadow of Dr. Brzezinski: Obama, Islamic Fundamentalism and Russia” (Part II), by Bruno Adrie



Monday, March 17, 2014

Who is Zbigniew Brzezinski?

Obama’s Former Foreign Policy Adviser Said – In 1997 – that the U.S. Had to Gain Control of Ukraine

Obama - Columbia University - Zbigniew Brzezinski: Romish-Masonic Tools for Papal War Against Russia? 


"..Knowing Brzezinski’s volatile hatred of Russia, this scares the life out of me. As Obama’s foreign policy mentor for – how long? Back in his Columbia days? Now, for sure.."


Brzezinski was national security adviser under Jimmy Carter. He left Columbia to found the TRILATERAL COMMISSION along with David Rockefeller. The Trilateral Commission is a private organization with members from the U.S., Europe and Japan. (The Japanese presence has grown to include other nations in Asia.)
In his book “Between Two Ages”, Brezezinski writes:
“Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief” (Page 72). He called for a deliberate management of the American future (Page 260), a “Community of Nations” (page 296) and a “World Government” (Page 308).


There is a man who is more dangerous to mankind than any other living person today. His name is Zbigniew Brzezinski, a CFR-member , Arch-Trilateral Commissionist, Bilderberger. He has been the evil spirit behind 5 US presidents, including Obama - and he is obsessed with but one thought: The US is to dominate a communist one world state. 




We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.



  1. Replies
    1. Europe Reveals Map BREAKING-UP RUSSIA into 41 new countries

  2. West’s efforts to isolate Russia have failed – Lavrov
    The top diplomat says nations comprising 85% of the world’s population are refusing to take part in anti-Russia policies

    1. nuc
      Yes, it's spectacularly failed, and the West also found out that in an attempt to isolate Russia, they isolated themselves from the majority of the world population.

  3. US sets nuclear detectors in Ukraine – media
    A team was sent to place sensors that could attribute blame to Moscow in the event of any potential atomic incident, the NYT reports

  4. Replies
    1. Frederico
      One would have hoped the long-standing enmity between Germany and Poland might end after Germany ceding roughly one third of its territory after WW2. And how could all the property Germans lost not be a form of reparation? What if Germany doesn't pay? Will Poland invade?

    2. And they're all members of the European 'union'...

  5. China’s peace plan for Ukraine ‘wishful thinking’ – EU
    The only way to resolve the conflict is if Moscow meets Kiev’s conditions, foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has claimed

    1. Borell is a typical rotten Roman Catholic and unelected servant of the pedo Pope of Rome

  6. Moscow accuses EU’s top diplomat of ‘colonialist mindset’
    Josep Borrell is geopolitically ignorant, the Russian Foreign Ministry has suggested

    1. Take another borrel Borrell and a 'borrel' is Dutch for a (strong) drink

  7. Zelensky is a ‘puppet’ – Lavrov
    The tensions between Moscow and the West can only be resolved by talking with the Ukrainian president’s foreign masters, Russia’s FM has said

  8. 'They said they’d shoot anyone who wanted to go to Russia': A look at Soledar, the town captured from Ukraine earlier this year
    Famed for having the largest salt deposits in the former USSR, Soledar is free from Kiev's control but fighting continues nearby

    1. YPBt23d
      More death, suffering and destruction, brought to you by America the beautiful , the neocon . This country isn't even worth defending anymore .

    2. zorba
      Russia is in a fight for its survival. The USA wants to destroy the Russian people, the Russian military, and Russia's politicians.. Then seize Russia's resources.

    3. RusskiyRusskiy
      Ukraine never really cared about its Russian minority. No new infrastructures, no new private vehicles for the people there not even pensions for the elderly since 2014. No wonder why the people wanted to return to their motherland territorially. Its literally still stuck in Soviet past, I mean Russian areas in Ukraine.
      2 hr

      Pavithra Pavithra
      RusskiyRusskiy, Ukraine did not care about Ukrainians too. All men are forcibly conscripted and taken to the front line. Zelenskey is not a Ukrainian. Ukraine is a dictatorship now.
      1 hr
      1 more reply
      God's blessings on these people. "Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9
      2 hr

    4. Good impression of how barbarian Nazi Ukraine is, supported by the satanic Vatican controlled West

  9. US threatened WWII vets over Victory Day parade – envoy
    American veterans were reportedly told their passports would be canceled if they traveled to Russia

    1. LooblooRossiya
      It makes me sick that America couldn't even have the compassion to wait until our WW2 vets were dead before (again) attacking Russia on the side of the Nazis. They should have been spared this disrespect &shame. America should be ashamed of itself. This is just hateful.
      27 m

      Russia should have some soldiers hold these WW2 vets photos at the parade like they did at the embassy. To honor them in absentia. And to shame America for holding them hostage. This is hideous. AND Putin should mention it in his speech. Just thank them, briefly put the cameras on their photos, and say we are sorry you are prevented from being honored today. Offer them asylum.

  10. Italy urges citizens to leave Ukraine
    The Italian Embassy in Kiev has warned Russia is launching “increasingly heavy missile attacks” in the city

  11. Washington ‘relieved’ UK will cross red line for Kiev – media
    London’s proposed delivery of long-range missiles won’t mean that the US will then provide its own weapons of this type, Politico also reported

    1. “It’s a position the United Kingdom can uniquely do [since] Russia doesn’t like us very much anyway,” a British official told The Post, explaining London’s willingness to escalate.

    2. The British government is showing its true colors...

    3. Hegel
      Correct mr british official, in fact, nobody likes you guys... Not even your own.

  12. EU state plans to ‘eradicate’ May 9 celebrations of victory over Nazis – minister
    The Latvian capital has continued to allow annual marches honoring Waffen-SS legionnaires

  13. EU’s top diplomat says he knows how to stop Ukraine conflict ‘immediately’
    Kiev will have to surrender in “days” as soon as the West stops supplying weapons, Josep Borrell has predicted

  14. Replies
    1. Uranium dust cloud heading west?

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  15. Replies
    1. Russian Kinzhal razed large Ukrainian ammunition depot in Mykolayiv to the ground (Video)

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  16. Replies
    1. Another video was filmed by a Wagner fighter, showing the building mined by Ukrainian forces. Numerous civilians confirmed that Ukrainian servicemen blew up their houses, killing civilians who were hiding inside. It was also earlier reported that the Kiev regime was preparing a provocation. They mined a house on Yubileinaya street, where dozens of civilians were hiding, in order to blame the Wagner PMC for the war crime.

    2. Mark Rutte was natuurlijk zeer tevreden over deze 'successen' van zijn geliefde Oekraïense 'strijders voor democratie'

    3. Mark Rutte was of course very pleased with these 'successes' of his beloved Ukrainian 'fighters for democracy'

  17. Replies
    1. Martin Armstrong: Why Ukraine must lose to save the world

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  18. Russian lawmakers call for ban on trucks from EU state
    The proposed legislation would restrict Polish freight transit through Russia and ban refueling at local prices

    1. “The leadership of Poland must answer for the demolition of monuments to our soldiers and officers, for its Russophobic policy. They can start with an explanation of their actions to more than 20,000 truck drivers who will lose their jobs because of their actions, and about 2,000 Polish transport companies [that] will go bankrupt,” the lawmaker stated.

  19. Replies
    1. Lavrov compares NATO's policy to Hitler's "Drangs nach Osten"

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

    2. Hitler was een krankzinnige KATHOLIEK en Biden is een krankzinnige KATHOLIEK

    3. Hitler was an insane CATHOLIC and Biden is an insane CATHOLIC

    4. En de EU is een project van het KRANKZINNIGE Vaticaan...namens satan

    5. And the EU is a project of the INSANE Vatican...on behalf of Satan

    6. En het Vaticaan is het vermomde Luciferiaanse ROMEINSE RIJK And the Vatican is the disguised Luciferian ROMAN EMPIRE


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