The US is still working with Islamic State terrorists and other Islamist groups to carry out attacks against Bashar Assad’s government forces in Syria, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) chief, Sergey Naryshkin, has claimed.
According to an SVR report released on Monday, the US military’s Al-Tanf base in southern Syria is coordinating subversive activities, with the actions of terrorist groups being planned by representatives of the Central Command of the US Armed Forces as well as US intelligence officers.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
What the US is really doing in Syria: helping ISIS as much as they can...
ISIS-affiliated Maghawir Thawra terrorists brag about the US gift they received
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
US now openly admits its goal in Syria is to make it 'difficult' for Moscow and Damascus to defeat terrorists
Our goal is to make it very difficult for them to do that by a variety of diplomatic, military, and other actions.
To illustrate these methods, Jeffrey cited the US threat to respond “in a very savage military way” against any chemical attacks, which he described as “a favorite tactic of the Syrian regime in making advances.” This is factually untrue, since the alleged attacks always happen after Syrian Army victories, as a pretext for US intervention.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Donbass and Syria – A Perfect Storm Approaching?
When Recep Erdogan recently met with Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev, aping the words of Ukraine’s nazi collaborators, with a shout of “Slava Ukraine!”, it may well have seemed just another dog and clown show, put on by two US/NATO lackeys who are among the least trusted or respected national leaders on Earth. But this political theater may well have some serious and unpleasant portents for the near future.
Erdogan’s recent criminal foray into Syria marks a major escalation as well as a further betrayal of treaty agreements he made with Russia. After 36 Turkish soldiers were “inadvertently” killed by airstrikes (while the Turks were traveling with terrorists inside Syria) Russia called a unilateral ceasefire in order to de-escalate the situation and attempt to calm Turkish anger. Unfortunately, this was a serious tactical mistake, and the Turks used the ceasefire to launch a major attack against Syrian and Iranian/Hezbollah targets, killing up to 200 soldiers. Russia had grossly underestimated Erdogan’s recklessness and willingness to escalate the situation. The war in Syria currently stands at one of the highest crisis points in its almost 10 year history. And this escalation should be viewed in relation to other contemporaneous escalations, provocations, and developments around the world.
Escalations by the US-backed regime in Kiev against the Donbass Republics have recently been described as “the worst in years”, and are ongoing. Just as Erdogan has moved major convoys of military equipment and personnel into the combat zone in Syria, Ukraine is continuing to move more and more military assets into the Donbass area of operations. And this is happening at the exact same time, and in conjunction with, the movement of 20,000 US military personnel from the USA into Europe for the Defender Europe 2020 “exercise”, which will see war games, including the “rehearsal” of combined arms and airborne assaults, offensive operations, involving up to 60,000 NATO troops in total. This does not include the 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers that are already on the front lines in Donbass.
So while the Turks (NATO) are moving forward in Syria, the ukrops are moving forward in Donbass, and the US/NATO is on the move eastward in Europe with the biggest mobilization in over 25 years. And while Russia is besieged on all sides; in Syria, Ukraine and even on its own European borders, its main ally in the world, China, just so happens to be under economic and biological pressure (and perhaps under actual attack) on a scale it has never experienced before. And Iran, Syria and Russia’s most important regional ally, is behind only South Korea as the nation outside China hardest hit by this new and novel virus. So let’s talk about the coronavirus a bit more…
As noted in my previous article on the subject, while the virus has had a major medical, social and economic impact on China itself, in the West, and especially in the USA, the fear of the virus, and the population’s reactions, are in fact much more significant than the actual physical or medical consequences themselves. There have been 321 reported cases of coronavirus in the USA since the “pandemic” (or, rather, “panic-epidemic”) began in December, 2019, and so far there have been a total of fifteen deaths. And yet the fear-mongering, panic inducing sensationalism of the MSM has gotten people “panic buying” basic staples and stockpiling goods at a rate never seen on such a nationwide scale before. There are talks of quarantine and closing borders, martial law “if needed”, and other “emergency measures” to be enacted by Presidential decree. Now, wait a minute. Think about that.
Under a phony “pandemic”, you could start opening up and preparing those famous FEMA camps for “quarantine”, you could practice shutting down borders, “filtering” people, controlling information on the internet and in the media, and you’d have a populace already conditioned to being whipped into a frenzy or terrified into submission at a moment’s notice, without the need for any actual evidence or logical reasons. You could even shut down the stock markets and banks, maybe even suspend the elections. Or the Constitution. And you know what? You could do all that, prepare the population and domestic situation for a major war without saying it, or making it obvious, under the excuse of a phony pandemic.
Do you remember the fact that on September 10th, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 Trillion was “missing” from the Pentagon budget? The next day was 9/11, and the wars that were started by that have never stopped. The bullshit national debt number put out by the US government today is $23.4 Trillion, but only an idiot could believe that. The truth is that the real number is about ten times higher than they’re telling you. Not twice as high, or four or five or six times as high, but ten times as high, between $210 Trillion and $230 Trillion. These are the real, no bullshit numbers. And that puts every American man woman and child, every elderly, every invalid, every baby, on the hook for well over a half million dollars each, money that’s already been spent, that they already owe. And what do they have to show for it? Nothing. Like the Pentagon auditor said of the measly $2.3 Trillion, “We know they spent it, we just don’t know where it went”. A Trillion is a million million, and a Trillion dollars is about what the US owes China, and if it defaults, there will be a war. Or the US can start a war and then use the war as an excuse to default. One Trillion out of 230 Trillion might not seem significant, but a Trillion here, a Trillion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money.
Of course, the biggest holder of worthless paper and unpayable US debt are the US citizens themselves. Unfunded Social Security and Medicaid debt is estimated at $82 Trillion over the next 30 years. (Which is obviously not counted in the bullshit $23 Trillion official number.) That’s the money they’ve been taking out of your paycheck your whole working life, and again, “we know it’s gone, we just don’t know where it went.” But you can bet your life that you won’t be seeing it again. And when that debt does comes due, as it must, and probably sooner than later, there will be hell to pay, and hell is all there will be to pay it with. But if all the people who are owed money, who were robbed, if they happen to die from, or at least be distracted, confused, terrorized and repressed by an apocalyptic social breakdown brought on by the Third World War, while the thieves themselves sit out the war in the luxury bunkers they built with their looted Trillions, well, that wouldn’t be so bad, for the looters.
The Capitalist Class, the Ruling Class, the Parasite Class has just about sucked the Earth dry. Humanity, the environment, the social web of the human community, the world economy, evolution itself, all are on their last legs, disintegrating before our eyes. And this criminal class would like nothing more than to overturn the table, cry “Havoc”, and go into hiding in their billion dollar super bunkers for a few generations while the Earth depopulates, and regenerates if it can. Then, in 100 years or so, they can emerge as if from a chrysalis, reborn as Gods, with all the Earth as their domain and whatever is left of Humanity as slaves to serve them. They’ve been planning this for quite a while. And I think they’re getting ready to pull the trigger. In the next couple of months.
Here’s what else I think – I think the current Turkish and Ukrainian provocations in Syria and Donbass are preparations for real major offensives in both places, and are engineered to gauge Russian reactions, to call Russia’s bluff, to see whether Russia is willing to risk open warfare, Russian treasure and Russian blood, to defend land and people that are not Russian. I think Ukraine will withdraw from the Minsk II agreement at or before the next scheduled meeting in April, blaming Russia for not allowing Ukraine to totally misinterpret and/or re-negotiate the entire document. I think Ukraine will then request US assistance for military “anti-terror” operations in Donbass, and the 20,000 US troops in Europe for the Euro Defender 2020 operation will be moved into Ukraine to assist and “motivate” the Ukrainian Army in a major offensive against the Donbass Republics. At the same time, Turkey, with NATO backing, will begin an all-out war against Syria and its Lebanese and Iranian allies. This would be an opportune time for Israel to attack Southern Lebanon as well, which would divert Hezbollah assets from reinforcing the Syrian Army, and might allow for Israeli occupation of Southern Lebanon for the 30 miles or so from the current border to the long-coveted Litani River. Remember, along with Syria, Iraq and Iran, Lebanon was/is also on General Westley Clark’s famous List of Seven Countries. It’s been more than five years, but while the timetable has changed, the targets have not.
If my hypothesis is correct, the US will be able to use proxy troops (Turkish and Ukrainian) to do the hard fighting while maintaining some political distance, but still dealing multiple major political and military blows to Russia. In both Donbass and Syria, Russia would be faced with the dilemma of either abandoning her allies, principles and political standing, or engaging in full scale war on two fronts with two major US/NATO backed military powers, while her main allies, China and Iran are both seriously distracted by biological concerns.
If Turkey were to use its full military power against the Syrian Army, one on one, it would be a rout. Turkey’s combined military strength is about four times that of Syria. The odds are equally stacked in Ukraine’s favor against the armed forces of the Donbass Republics. Without Russian support and actual military intervention, the Republics would have little if any chance against the US-backed Ukrainian Army. If Russia uses full force against Turkey in Syria, if a Russian/Turkish military conflict spilled out into the Mediterranian, for example, NATO’s Article 5 could be invoked. If Russia uses full force against Ukraine in Donbass while US troops are there, it would be a direct attack on US troops invited into Ukraine by the “legitimate” government, and again Article 5 applies.
So either Russia must face a multi-front war with her allies hobbled if not crippled, against multiple interlocking adversaries, or submissively retreat within its own borders and abandon Donbass and Syria to the depredations of 21st Century fascists, and isolated, sanctioned and alone, await its own day of reckoning. Even with the technological excellence of Russia’s new weapons, which are an effective defense against direct attacks on the Russian homeland itself, if Russia retreats from Syria and/or Donbass, she will be effectively neutralized in the arena of world politics. No matter how amazing her weapons are, they are not much use without the will to use them when needed. And if Russia were to fail to use them to enforce their explicit and oft-stated red lines in Syria and Donbass, her enemies would know they had carte blanche to do as they please around the world, save a direct assault on the Russian homeland itself. Crimea and Kaliningrad would soon be in the crosshairs.
As I write, Erdogan has just met with Putin. The infinitely patient Russian President will do well to remember that nothing that Erdogan says or signs has the least bit of veracity. The same can be said for Zelensky, if and when the next Minsk Agreement meetings are held in April. I understand that Putin plays the long game, and his primary goal is to protect Russia, and his strategy is to do so by avoiding war. I believe he strives to follow Sun Tzu’s maxim that the most excellent warrior is he who wins without fighting. That is true, and indeed it is possible to win without fighting. But it must never be forgotten that it is also quite possible to lose without fighting. Appeasement did not work with the German nazis, and it will not work with the nazis of the 21st century. As for me and my family, friends and comrades here in Donetsk, we expect the attack to come in April or May, and we are preparing to fight. Putin and Russia should do the same.
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Pater Daniël Maes (85): ‘Doe je krant weg en maak van je tv een aquarium’
ReplyDeleteFather Daniël Maes (85): 'Put away your newspaper and turn your TV into an aquarium'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Damascus and Cairo close to restoring ties – WSJ
ReplyDeleteA thaw in Türkiye-Syria relations can be a step toward a ‘New Europe’ in the Middle East
ReplyDeleteRecent hostilities between Syrian and US forces could be a turning point
ReplyDeleteArab states call for withdrawal of foreign forces from Syria
ReplyDeleteUS ‘no longer confident’ Syria strike killed the right man – WaPo
ReplyDeleteThe doubts reportedly arose after relatives said the victim killed by an American drone was a peaceful farmer and not an Al-Qaeda member
DeletePeaceful farmer? Well than America did kill the right man.
Why would they kill an Al Qaida member, CIA's own creation?
23 m
Gamab Sol
US helicopter 'mishap' wounds over 20 troops in Syria
ReplyDeleteUS sending more fighter jets to Middle East
ReplyDeleteNazi US is illegal in Syria stealing the oil and Russia and Iran are legal there
DeleteSo Russia and Iran should kick the American Nazis out of Syrie!
DeleteOf course then Nazi-Israel will interfere....and that's how you get 'Gog and Magog', Ezekiel 38,39
DeleteLet it happen! Then God will show the entire world He exists!
DeleteThus will I be magnified, and sanctified, and known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know, that I am the Lord.
DeleteEzekiel 38:23
1599 Geneva Bible
Before that the rapture MUST happen, because during this dispensation of Grace there are NO prophecies to be fulfilled. That's for Israel and the world, after the rapture till the Second Coming of God-the Lord JESUS Christ
DeleteRussia and US nearly had major conflict in Syria – media
ReplyDeleteA crisis was reportedly averted during a 2017 confrontation in which both sides threatened to use force, a new book has claimed
The US is the western Roman empire
DeleteThe US military, with the help of its Kurdish allies, occupies a third of Syrian territory with no legal basis and is now complaining about Russia antagonizing its troops. Although Moscow was invited into Syria by Damascus and the US has repeatedly been asked to leave, the Americans are treating Syrian territory as if it is their own.
DeleteThe US Caesar Act sanctions have been blasted for years by UN experts, who have called upon the Biden administration to drop them over the “suffocating” humanitarian crisis they are inflicting on Syrian civilians.
DeleteAnd WHO is the Caesar?
DeleteThe POPE = the disguised Luciferian ROMAN EMPEROR the boss of the US and the West
(fake) Biden is just a puppet.
DeleteSyria’s first lady names biggest threat to the world
ReplyDeletePentagon declassifies VIDEO of Russian jets ‘harassing’ US drones
ReplyDeleteRussia is LEGALLY in Syria and the US is there as a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION!
DeleteTürkiye's release of Ukrainian neo-Nazis violates deal – Kremlin
ReplyDeleteTürkiye was apparently “forced” to take this step ahead of the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius, the Kremlin spokesman said
DeleteErdogan and Turkiye should never be trusted. But not only Turkiye, Russia also has to be careful of China. If you see statements of Chinese leaders in last two weeks, they are also making pro Ukraine, pro US and pro west statements. Always said that Russia is alone in this war and there is no one who will support Russia. All are trying to squeeze benefits out of Russia but no one will support her. Every country wants to weaken Russia because a weak Russia benefits them. Russia, please wake up and finish the war as soon as possible.
RT User
DeleteDidn't Putin call Erdogan a friend and honorable man? He's either stupid... or playing stupid
1 hr
liana sammartino
RT User, the second option, probably! Erdogan, as the low-street-mafia-ganster that he is, believed the Russian маскировка, and thinks president Putin is on his way out. And he is putting himself in line with Nato again....
Russian military responds to US ‘drone harassment’ complaints
DeleteThe US forces are in Syria illegally!!! So case closed! Hey Brandon, why don't you pull the forces out of Syria? What is the reason for them being there???
Syria's move to push US out of occupied territory
ReplyDeleteUS drone locked weapons on Russian jets – Moscow
ReplyDelete🚨 U.S. Military Exposed Killing Innocent Civilians in Syria! Pentagon's Deception Exposed!
ReplyDeleteThe US is controlled by the Vatican, the Jesuits and SATAN
DeleteSyria is about to explode
ReplyDeleteVS vallen checkpoint Syrische Arabische leger aan – Rusland dreigt met vergelding
ReplyDeleteUS Attacks Syrian Arab Army Checkpoint
DeleteUS issues ISIS warning amid Syria clashes
DeleteProof positive that the US and ISIS are one in the same!
US betrays its own principles to preserve chaos in Syria
ReplyDeleteSyria demands US pay for ‘stolen’ oil
ReplyDeleteThe West appears to be preparing another regime change ‘uprising’ in Syria
ReplyDeleteUS-backed militants fight each other in Syria. Who is to blame?
ReplyDeleteUS in Syria
ReplyDeleteDrone attack kills at least 80 at Syrian military college
ReplyDeleteAmerikaanse oliefaciliteiten in brand: Turkije bombardeert Amerikaanse en Koerdische doelen in NO-Syrië – NAVO hersendood
ReplyDeleteTurkish Airstrikes Inflict Heavy Losses On Kurdish Forces In Northeastern Syria (Videos)
DeleteIllegal US base attacked in Syria – media
ReplyDeleteNazi US strikes Syria in ‘self-defense’ – Pentagon
ReplyDeleteNazi American is the military arm of the Vatican and of the pedo-Pope of Rome, the ANTICHRIST
DeleteThe world economy already collapsed in September 2019 and the Great Reset is WW3
DeleteThe fake pandemic was part of it and the bio WEAPONS = the 'vaccines'.
DeleteThe end goal is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast!
DeleteThe wars in Ukraine and the Middle East are DISTRACTIONS from the REAL MASS MURDER by the 'vaccines'
DeleteAll governments have become BEASTS that MURDER their own citizens.
DeleteSome cooperate more and some less, but they ALL cooperate!
DeleteAnd they all shake hands with the ANTICHRIST = the POPE OF ROME, the disguised LUCIFERIAN ROMAN EMPEROR
DeleteThat's a FACT!
DeleteGet used to it: the WHOLE WORLD is the LUCIFERIAN ROMAN EMPIRE!!!!
DeleteAnd there is NO ESCAPE except by fleeing to JESUS Christ.
DeleteThe ROMAN EMPIRE will hunt you down, even if you flee to Mexico: Reiner Fuellmich
DeleteThe STATE of Israel is also the ROMAN EMPIRE...but NOT the LAND and ALL of it's Jewish inhabitants
DeleteGod will rescue ONE THIRD if HIS people in HIS land Israel: Zechariah 13:8-9
Delete8 And in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off, and die: but the third shall be left therein.
9 And I will bring that third part through the fire, and will fine them as the silver is fined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my Name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people, and they shall say, The Lord is my God.
1599 Geneva Bible
God gives this GUARANTEE ONLY to HIS own people and to no other people on earth!
DeleteMOST people on earth HATE the God of the Bible who came on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ
DeleteCurrently God-the Lord JESUS Christ is NOT WANTED in the STATE of Israel
DeleteYet millions of 'Christians' pray 'for the peace of Jerusalem'.
DeleteThe 'peace of Jerusalem' is BASELESS without the PRINCE of Peace, God the Lord JESUS Christ.
DeleteFor unto us a child is born, and unto us a Son is given: and the government is upon his shoulder, and he shall call his name, Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The prince of peace.
DeleteIsaiah 9:6
1599 Geneva Bible
True SAVED believers in the Lord JESUS pray for ALL people on earth and want ALL people to be SAVED!
DeleteTrue SAVED believers in the Lord JESUS don't support a state that has POISONED most of its citizens through the DISGUSTING 'vaccines'
DeleteThere will be NO PEACE ON EARTH until the PRINCE of PEACE, God-the Lord JESUS has returned!
DeleteUS launches new ‘self-defense’ strike in Syria – Pentagon
ReplyDeleteUS troops have illegally occupied the oil-rich region of northeastern Syria since 2014, ostensibly to fight Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS) terrorists. The occupation has continued despite the defeat of the terrorist group by Russian, US, Syrian and Iranian forces in the territories under Damascus’ control.
DeleteHet Syrische leger valt Amerikaanse troepen aan nabij de rivier de Eufraat
ReplyDeleteThe Syrian army attacks US forces near the Euphrates River
DeleteUS denies that it’s planning to pull out of Syria – media
ReplyDeleteUkrainian leadership is delusional – expert
ReplyDeleteTürkiye offers to host Russia-Ukraine talks
ReplyDeleteEx-NATO commander calls for Russian region to be ‘neutralized’
ReplyDeleteJames Stavridis has called Kaliningrad a “geographic wedge” between the bloc’s members
Jihadists claim to re-enter Syria’s Aleppo (VIDEOS)
ReplyDeleteRussian jets strike jihadists near Aleppo and Idlib in Syria – military
DeleteOf course Nazi-US is behind this on behalf of the Pope and Satan...
DeleteWho is behind the new Syria war flare-up?
ReplyDeleteRussian jets back Syrian counteroffensive – military
ReplyDeleteHundreds of jihadist fighters have been killed around Aleppo, Moscow said
Geweldsuitbarsting en escalatie in Syrië: professor legt in enkele minuten uit wat er gaande is
ReplyDeleteOutburst of violence and escalation in Syria: professor explains in a few minutes what is going on
DeleteKijk: Dit zei oud-generaal Wesley Clark in 2007 over het lot van Syrië
ReplyDeleteWatch: This is what former general Wesley Clark said in 2007 about the fate of Syria
ReplyDeleteEuropese leiders vieren machtsovername in Syrië door een terrorist die nog op de pagina’s van de FBI schittert
European leaders celebrate takeover in Syria by terrorist still on FBI pages
DeleteDamascus wordt nu geregeerd door ‘Al Qaida in pakken’
ReplyDeleteDamascus is now ruled by 'Al Qaeda in suits'
DeleteKijk: dit zei de afgezette president Assad van Syrië in 2017 over Trump
ReplyDeleteWatch: This is what deposed Syrian President Assad said about Trump in 2017
DeleteAssad’s leger is in het niets opgelost. Zijn soldaten die in het ziekenhuis liggen kunnen natuurlijk nergens heen. Een goede testcase. Hoe worden die soldaten behandeld door de “vrijheidsstrijders”? De “rebellen” die aldus de NOS voor vrede & recht gaan zorgen? U ziet het hier:👇
ReplyDeleteAssad's army has dissolved into nothing. His soldiers who are in the hospital can of course go nowhere. A good test case. How are those soldiers treated by the "freedom fighters"? The "rebels" who, according to the NOS, will ensure peace and justice? You can see it here: 👇
Doodgemarteld. Op straat. Door de 'rebellen.' De beelden blijven komen.
ReplyDeleteTortured to death. On the streets. By the 'rebels.' The images keep coming.
Gruwelijke beelden: ‘Dit zijn de ‘bevrijders’ van Syrië waarvoor onze progressieve hersenloze elite juicht’
ReplyDeleteHorrific images: 'These are the 'liberators' of Syria that our progressive mindless elite is cheering for'
DeleteWat je moet weten over de “gematigde” leider van de “rebellenbeweging” die in Syrië de macht heeft overgenomen
ReplyDeleteWhat you need to know about the “moderate” leader of the “rebel movement” that has seized power in Syria
DeleteCongreslid: Amerikaanse overheid zit achter regimeverandering in Syrië
ReplyDeleteCongressman: US government behind regime change in Syria
Delete‘Gematigde jihad’: Syriërs dolenthousiast over openbare executies
ReplyDelete‘Moderate Jihad’: Syrians Raving About Public Executions
DeleteKijk: CNN-journaliste bevrijdt crisisacteur uit beruchte ‘slachthuis’-gevangenis in Syrië
ReplyDeleteWatch: CNN journalist frees crisis actor from notorious 'slaughterhouse' prison in Syria
DeleteBlinded by propaganda: What’s really happening in Syria while the new government talks peace? (DISTURBING VIDEOS)
ReplyDelete‘People feel they might be executed’: Syrians come out for a frank talk with RT
ReplyDelete🇸🇾 ASSAD: "Most people are unaware that the rise of the Nazis between WWI and WWII was supported by the Americans... America wanted the Nazis and the Communists to destroy each other so that it could control Europe after both sides were weakened."
ReplyDeleteKijk: Verdreven Syrische president Assad onthult hoe Amerika nazi’s in het zadel hielp
DeleteWatch: Ousted Syrian President Assad Reveals How America Helped Put Nazis Into Power
DeleteKijk: Amerikaanse en Britse hoogwaardigheidsbekleders poseren met IS-terrorist
ReplyDeleteWatch: US and British dignitaries pose with ISIS terrorist
DeleteLavrov points to reason behind Assad’s fall
ReplyDeleteDit bericht over de nieuwe Syrische machthebbers is volledig genegeerd door de traditionele media in Nederland
ReplyDeleteThis news about the new Syrian rulers has been completely ignored by the traditional media in the Netherlands
DeleteWhy are the media and the West ignoring this? This is shameful.This isn't Israel or Gaza. It's about Islamist, Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, now controlling the Syrian regime, attacking minorities and burning women and babies in their homes.
ReplyDeleteKijk: Zo gaat het eraan toe in het ‘bevrijde’ Syrië
ReplyDeleteWatch: This is what it's like in 'liberated' Syria
Delete⚠️Graphic content ⚠️
DeleteIslamists from the current Syrian regime take Alawite out of his home and murder him.
The Sunni jihadists are dropping explosive barrels from the air onto Alawite towns. What Assad, an Alawite, did to the Islamists is now being reversed
DeleteNorth western Syria
DeletePiles of dead bodies in multiple places in the palatinate cities of Latakia and Tartus.
The current regime is massacring them and I see nothing in the UN or the streets of London 🚨GRAPHIC CONTENT🚨
The massacre in Syria no one will talk about.
DeleteWorld leaders were too quick to whitewash Julani. In reality he is as bad as Assad. 🚨GRAPHIC CONTENT🚨
🇸🇾 UNCENSORED: The reality in Syria:
ReplyDeleteSmiling happy groups of men run around and shoot random people.
Western governments sent aid to these guys.
This is just insanity.
Radical Sunni Muslims in Syria are on a killing rampage, slaughtering the more secular Alawite Muslims and especially targeting young women.
ReplyDeleteThese four young female university students were brutally murdered, and their bodies were dragged through the streets of Tartous and Latakia.
Will Western university students protest in solidarity like they do for Gaza? I don’t think so!
If they can't blame Israel they don't care!
DeleteRussia was right to back Bashar Al-Assad in Syria. He was keeping the country stable and protecting minority groups from Islamists.
ReplyDeleteBiden and the neocons funded the "moderate" Islamic rebels. They are now killing the Christians, Druze and Alawites.
Due to the fighting on the Syrian coast: The Russian Air Force base in Khmeimim has opened its doors to hundreds of Alawite families who have fled from the militants of the Syrian regime of Ahmed al-Shara'a who are threatening to exterminate them.
ReplyDeleteTucker Carlson
As predictable as this is, it’s still infuriating to see it. For decades, Bashar al-Assad protected minority religious communities in Syria, including the country’s large Christian population. No one in the United States was allowed to notice this, and anyone who did was immediately denounced by neocons as a dangerous extremist. Bari Weiss declared Tulsi Gabbard “monstrous” and an “Assad toady” for noticing. But it was true. Assad protected the Christians. The weaker Assad was, the more Christians died. During the years that neocons in the west backed the war against Assad, the percentage of Christians in Syria went from ten percent to two percent. Now that Assad has been driven from power, many of the remaining Syrian Christians are being slaughtered and their holy places desecrated. Bari Weiss and John Bolton haven’t said a word about it. But no one who’s paying attention can be surprised it’s happening. Neocon projects in the Middle East invariably destroy ancient Christian communities, from Iraq to Gaza and in many places in between. Can this be an accident? You wonder.
Syria: Over 7,000 civilians are reportedly hiding at a Russian airbase near Latakia.
ReplyDeleteThey are religious minorities, including Christians.
Outside the base they face death at the hands of jihadists.
This bears all the hallmarks of a genocide.
Muslim terrorists slaughtering entire Alawite families in Syria. Horrendous. Not a word of criticism from Hamas sympathizers and Israel haters in our country.
ReplyDeleteBetaald van uw belastinggeld: door Westen gesteunde jihadisten slachten in Syrië mannen, vrouwen, kinderen en baby’s af
ReplyDeletePaid for by your tax dollars: Western-backed jihadists slaughter men, women, children and babies in Syria