Sunday, 19 March 2023

Dutch Farmers: Canaries in the Globalist Coal Mine | Michael Yon & Eva Vlaardingerbroek | EP 340


Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Michael Yon, and Eva Vlaardingerbroek discuss recent events encircling the Dutch farmers protest, how their anti-globalist movement mirrors the Canadian Freedom Convoy, and how their message has resonated across the world despite best efforts to silence their voices.

At age 19, Michael Yon completed Green Beret training. His Green Beret experience taught him the art of observing and surviving in the most dangerous environments on earth. Combining his skills as a writer and a photographer, and with the encouragement of fellow veterans, Michael began his correspondent career by traveling to Iraq in December of 2004. That was the first step in his nearly 20-year journey—traveling the globe to report on world events firsthand. He has traveled to more than 80 countries including China, India, Bhutan, and Vietnam studying issues from cannibalism, information warfare, insurgency, protests, migration wars, and more.  His most recent journey has taken him from Asia to Europe, America, and Central and South America to study the conditions for global famine.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek is a Dutch political and cultural commentator and legal philosopher. She has been featured on Fox News, GB News, Tim Pool, 'Achtung, Reichelt' and many other media outlets across the world. She received her masters with honors from Leiden University in 2019 and after getting involved in Dutch politics, she's now made it her mission to be a conservative voice for freedom and justice in the Western world. Her motto in life and eponymously titled substack is 'Resist Much, Obey Little'

- Links - For Michael Yon: Website: 

For Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Eva's Blog on Substack:

Eva on Twitter 

- Chapters -

 (0:38) Coming up (2:10) Intro (3:43) Straight to the farmers (4:50) Information warfare (5:39) Why Eva protests (7:19) Leading via tractor (8:36) What’s going on in Holland? (10:39) When farmers protest (12:01) Nitrogen crisis? (13:20) Peak Polluters and other terms of attrition (15:38) EU mandated, Holland enforced (17:26) Why Holland seeks to destroy farmers (18:30) Support base versus apathy (19:20) Nitrogen is the wrong motive (20:03) Stalin’s famine, replacement strategy (21:30) The Darien Gap (22:26) Flood of migrants, forced lodging (24:46) What happens to the supply chain? (28:00) The Dutch Spirit (32:32) WEF, Trudeau, a just transition (35:50) Don’t say Holland (37:30) Sending Germans to police the Dutch (38:55) The distance of communication (42:46) The intent of the Globalists (48:01) The failed Google smart port (49:11) Dystopian tech, CCTV and skynet (53:02) Smart city, smarter control (55:20) Digital currency, no going back (1:00:00) ARC and a better narrative (1:02:50) Individual truth despite global destiny (1:04:38) Weaponized immigration (1:05:36) Poverty and tribalism (1:09:00) The Birthgap (1:11:10) Tri-state city (1:15:11) Fertilizer shortages (1:19:04) Farmers can only sell their land to the GOV (1:22:10) Effect and backlash on Dutch society (1:26:16) Freedom is taken, not granted (1:27:55) What will the farmers do? (1:30:23) What can we do to help?


🇳🇱Our farmers are fighting against the worst kind of injustice: a government that has turned on its own people. The government created a lie to rob our farmers of their land. But we won’t let it happen. Our #DutchFarmers are an example to the world. My speech with 🇬🇧 subtitles.


FACT: the Vatican bank controls ALL banks and money is power in this world.
FACT: the Jesuits of the Vatican invented communism.
FACT: the current Pope is a JESUIT.
FACT: the Roman Empire morphed into the Roman Catholic church as a DISGUISE.
FACT: Joe Biden is  CATHOLIC and so were Hitler, Mussolini and Franco.
FACT: Joseph 'Stalin' was a JESUIT PRIEST.
FACT: Roosevelt and Truman and Churchill were 33rd degree Freemasons = Luciferians.
FACT: Klaus Schwab is the son on a Nazi and Nazis were and ARE direct servants of the Papacy.
FACT: Every Pope is the disguised Luciferian Roman Emperor, the 'Vicar of Christ' = the 'In place of Christ', which is the meaning of the word 'Antichrist'.
FACT: the EU flag is the Roman Catholic 'Mary flag'.
FACT: the 'City of London' is the financial arm of the Vatican and Washington D.C. is the military arm of the Vatican.
FACT: the current Pope wants a world government and he's the strongest promotor of the 'man made climate change' LIE.
FACT: the UN is an instrument of the Vatican and so is the WHO.
FACT: all world leaders cooperate with the Vatican.
FACT: the Vatican created Islam.
FACT: the Vatican is the strongest promotor of atheism due to the 'Big Bang' and 'evolution' LIES and the 'Big Bang' lie was invented by a Jesuit priest.
FACT: the Vatican promotes the idea of the earth as a globe, while they know the earth doesn't look like that hence many international logos show the flat earth map, like the UN logo.
FACT: the Vatican HATES God-the Lord JESUS Christ hence their 'jesus' keeps hanging on a cross forever. With every Mass they celebrate the slaughter of JESUS Christ, because the Roman Empire crucified Him.
FACT: Satan exists though he loves to be called Lucifer, which is his FORMER name, which means 'light bearer' and God called him 'adversary' = Satan after his rebellion against Him, which happened in Paradise after the creation of Adam and eve.
God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the entire earth and Lucifer objected, not openly but in his mind, but God can read everybody's mind, and when God noticed that He called him 'Satan'.
So God allowed Satan disguised as the Serpent to test Adam and Eve, and Satan knew he could win Adam over through Eve, and that's why Satan successfully deceived Eve into thinking that eating from the forbidden fruit would make her equal to God. Adam was close by and he said nothing and when Eve gave him from the forbidden fruit he also ate it and the rest is Biblical history.
It's sad to say, but the first Satan follower was a woman, Eve.
The most important person in the corrupt Catholic religion is a WOMAN: 'Mary', who is in FACT Semiramis of Babylon, the 'Queen of Heaven'.

This is the ONLY way to beat the system:
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others. 


  1. Eva and Michael and Jordan need to get saved by God-the Lord JESUS Christ.

  2. @Let's talk on teIegram 👉@JordanBpeterson001 I'm not on Telegram.
    I don't like platforms behind the scenes.

    I'm on Google-YT since 2007 and on Google-Blogger since 2008.
    Like Eva I'm Dutch.
    Check out my blog if you want to know more about me: Ezekiel38Departure.


    Hans S
    Hans S
    4 hours ago
    FACT: the Vatican bank controls ALL banks and money is power in this world.
    FACT: the Jesuits of the Vatican invented communism.
    FACT: the current Pope is a JESUIT.
    FACT: the Roman Empire morphed into the Roman Catholic church as a DISGUISE.
    FACT: Joe Biden is CATHOLIC and so were Hitler, Mussolini and Franco.
    FACT: Joseph 'Stalin' was a JESUIT PRIEST.
    FACT: Roosevelt and Truman and Churchill were 33rd degree Freemasons = Luciferians.
    FACT: Klaus Schwab is the son on a Nazi and Nazis were and ARE direct servants of the Papacy.
    FACT: Every Pope is the disguised Luciferian Roman Emperor, the 'Vicar of Christ' = the 'In place of Christ', which is the meaning of the word 'Antichrist'.
    FACT: the EU flag is the Roman Catholic 'Mary flag'.
    FACT: the 'City of London' is the financial arm of the Vatican and Washington D.C. is the military arm of the Vatican.
    FACT: the current Pope wants a world government and he's the strongest promotor of the 'man made climate change' LIE.
    FACT: the UN is an instrument of the Vatican and so is the WHO.
    FACT: all world leaders cooperate with the Vatican.
    FACT: the Vatican created Islam.
    FACT: the Vatican is the strongest promotor of atheism due to the 'Big Bang' and 'evolution' LIES and the 'Big Bang' lie was invented by a Jesuit priest.
    FACT: the Vatican promotes the idea of the earth as a globe, while they know the earth doesn't look like that hence many international logos show the flat earth map, like the UN logo.
    FACT: the Vatican HATES God-the Lord JESUS Christ hence their 'jesus' keeps hanging on a cross forever. With every Mass they celebrate the slaughter of JESUS Christ, because the Roman Empire crucified Him.
    FACT: Satan exists though he loves to be called Lucifer, which is his FORMER name, which means 'light bearer' and God called him 'adversary' = Satan after his rebellion against Him, which happened in Paradise after the creation of Adam and eve.
    God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the entire earth and Lucifer objected, not openly but in his mind, but God can read everybody's mind, and when God noticed that He called him 'Satan'.
    So God allowed Satan disguised as the Serpent to test Adam and Eve, and Satan knew he could win Adam over through Eve, and that's why Satan successfully deceived Eve into thinking that eating from the forbidden fruit would make her equal to God. Adam was close by and he said nothing and when Eve gave him from the forbidden fruit he also ate it and the rest is Biblical history.
    It's sad to say, but the first Satan follower was a woman, Eve.
    The most important person in the corrupt Catholic religion is a WOMAN: 'Mary', who is in FACT Semiramis of Babylon, the 'Queen of Heaven'.

    This is the ONLY way to beat the system:
    We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
    So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
    If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
    Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
    Highlighted reply
    Let's talk on teIegram 👉@JordanBpeterson001
    Let's talk on teIegram 👉@JordanBpeterson001
    3 hours ago
    👆ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴍᴇ ✍️

  3. Replies
    1. Karel van Wolferen: 'The Dutch people voted for Monsanto without knowing it'

  4. Replies
    1. The left calls for dictatorship after a monster victory BBB: 'They are now saying it openly'

  5. Replies
    1. Harsh criticism of 'unelected PvdA mastodon' Samsom: 'He wants to tear the Netherlands down completely'

  6. Replies
    1. Great Reset: this is what a '15-minute city' looks like

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  7. Replies
    1. Dr. Coleman is not saved and he's not talking about JESUS and the blessed hope, the rapture of the world wide Body of Christ before the great tribulation.

  8. Replies
    1. Wolf bites despite grid, 21 sheep dead in Renkum

    2. De bloeddorstige wolvenliefhebbers kunnen weer tevreden zijn...

    3. The bloodthirsty wolf lovers can be satisfied again...

  9. Replies
    1. Professor: Dutch nitrogen crisis is delusional

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  10. Replies
    1. Is this what the Netherlands will look like in 2050?

  11. Replies
    1. Prime Minister makes a remarkable statement about the countryside: 'This is Rutte in full'

  12. Replies
    1. 'Climate leader and nitrogen champion' The Netherlands will burn waste from Rome: 'It couldn't get much crazier'

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  13. Replies
    1. Deltares warns that sea levels are rising faster off our coast, is that correct?

  14. Replies
    1. Brussels' involvement in nitrogen approach arouses irritation: 'Time to finally say no firmly'

  15. Replies
    1. Big doubt about the authenticity of the nitrogen letter from Brussels: 'This story stinks on all sides'

  16. Replies
    1. Much support for science journalist who is chopping up the government's nitrogen policy: 'Brilliant TV!'

  17. Replies
    1. "The coalition's plan is to get everything through next Tuesday"

  18. Replies
    1. Van Haga wants a parliamentary inquiry into nitrogen policy, BBB votes against


    2. To vote
      3 hours ago

      People should have been able to see for a long time that it really is the Build Back Better party. I have the vain hope that the eyes will open now….

  19. Replies
    1. Climate expert shows that Antarctica has not warmed for 70 years, and is thrown off LinkedIn: 'It can't get any crazier'

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  20. Replies
    1. No more flying in 2050? 'Look closely at this graph, this is the totalitarian agenda behind net zero'

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  21. Replies
    1. NOS weatherman Gerrit Hiemstra under fire for double cap: 'He is becoming a kind of activist'

    2. NOS weatherman Gerrit Hiemstra under fire for double cap: 'He is becoming a kind of activist'

  22. Replies
    1. Sharp criticism of AIVD annual report: 'This tends strongly towards paranoid conspiracy thinking'

  23. Replies
    1. 'Life in the Netherlands has become terrifying, there is a real disaster going on'

  24. Replies
    1. Johan Derksen calls FVD members potential TBS candidates: 'The demonization is becoming increasingly frightening'

  25. Replies
    1. When Baudet announced this 1.5 years ago in the House of Representatives, it was called a conspiracy theory

  26. Replies
    1. Wybren van Haga exposes crazy nitrogen policy: 'This is really crazy'

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  27. Replies
    1. Eva Vlaardingerbroek fierce: 'It is incredibly dirty what is happening here'

    2. That's what you can expect from dirty filthy CHILD RAPISTS and SATANISTS

  28. Replies
    1. Flashback: this is what Tjeerd 'halving herd' de Groot said in 2015 about livestock farming


    2. Merijn Hugens
      3 uren geleden


      Dat wordt weer Boerenprotestacties tegen Stikstof-Onteigening door Führer Rüttler & zijn Haagse Nazi-Misdaadsyndicaat, hooibalen in de fik, afval, autobanden, mest & asbest op de weg…Deze door een staatsgreep aan de macht gekomen Ongekozen, onwettige en illegale regering veranderd voortdurend onze Grondwet. Experimentele injectiecampagnes op grond van een in het laboratorium gecreëerd COVID-1984 Virus en een op die frauduleuze PCR-test gebaseerde plandemie. Met catastrofale lockdowns en dictatoriale, autocratische, totalitaire maatregelen, de censuur op kritische wetenschappers, gezondheidsprofessionals, artiesten en iedereen met invloed die de antithese van het door Big Tech, Big Banks, Big Pharma & Big Money gedomineerde Roverheidsinstanties durft tegen te spreken, de invoering van CBDC (programmeerbaar geld met vervaldatum) de propaganda van insectenvoeding, de onteigening en verbanning van boeren, de opkomst van Extreem Groen..Juist omdat de Nederlandse Boeren zo efficiënt zijn moeten ze verdwijnen…Bill Gates of Hell & zijn Elite-Parasieten willen 100% van ALLES…dus ook alle Landbouwgrond moet in hun bezit komen…Zodat zij kunnen bepalen wel soort Genetisch Gemanipuleerd mRNA-Voer er in onze Troggen wordt gegooid…
      3 uren geleden

      Buiten het feit dat die idioot eigenlijk in een inrichting thuishoort, is die kop van ‘m er ook niet op vooruit gegaan, maar dat zal wel door de kwaadaardigheid komen.

    3. Mary Hugens
      3 hours ago

      THE cesspit is being pulled open

      That will be again Farmer protests against Nitrogen Expropriation by Führer Rüttler & his Hague Nazi Crime Syndicate, hay bales on fire, garbage, car tires, manure & asbestos on the road…This Unelected, illegitimate and illegal government that came to power through a coup d'état is constantly changing our Constitution. Experimental injection campaigns based on a lab-created COVID-1984 Virus and a plandemic based on that fraudulent PCR test. With catastrophic lockdowns and dictatorial, autocratic, totalitarian measures, the censorship of critical scientists, health professionals, artists and anyone of influence who dares to contradict the antithesis of the Big Tech, Big Banks, Big Pharma & Big Money dominated Robber Government agencies, the introduction of CBDC (programmable money with expiration date) the propaganda of insect food, the expropriation and exile of farmers, the rise of Extreme Green..It is precisely because the Dutch Farmers are so efficient that they have to disappear…Bill Gates of Hell & his Elite Parasites want 100 % of EVERYTHING…so they must own all Farmland…So they can determine what kind of Genetically Engineered mRNA-Food is thrown into our Troughs…
      3 hours ago

      Apart from the fact that that idiot actually belongs in an institution, his head has not improved either, but that must be due to the malice.

  29. Replies
    1. And then the time had come: until a few months ago, this was still a 'far-right conspiracy theory'

  30. Replies
    1. BBB votes against FVD motion to protect farmers against nitrogen madness in The Hague: 'BB Farmers' deception'

  31. Replies
    1. 'Climate dictator' Timmermans wants to make people pay even more: 'Dictatorial cult'

    2. En zelf leeft deze Paapse smeerlap in de grootst mogelijke luxe!

    3. And this popish scumbag himself lives in the greatest possible luxury!

  32. Replies
    1. Farmers Defense Force Refuses To Straighten Flag And Here's Why

    2. Wat zegt die vrouw dat vriendelijk tegen onbekeerlijke criminelen

    3. How kindly does that woman say that to unrepentant criminals

    4. Onbekeerlijke criminelen kennen maar één taal en JEZUS Christus zal deze onbekeerlijke criminelen ALLEMAAL vernietigen en smijten in Zijn poel van vuur waar ze voor ALTIJD zullen worden gepijnigd!

    5. Unrepentant criminals only know one language and JESUS Christ will destroy ALL of these unrepentant criminals and hurl them into His lake of fire where they will be tormented FOREVER!

    6. De onbekeerlijke criminelen ('Koningshuis', regering en topambtenaren en uitvoerende instanties) van dit land gaan onverdroten voort met de vernietiging van Nederland omdat ze gesteund en onder druk worden gezet door de onbekeerlijke criminelen van Europa en de VS namens de grootste onbekeerlijke misdadiger van de wereld, de vermomde Luciferiaanse WERELDDICTATOR-keizer, de PAUS van Rome en op zijn beurt namens de DUIVEL.

    7. The unrepentant criminals ('Royal House', government and top officials and executive agencies) of this country continue unrelentingly to destroy the Netherlands because they are supported and pressured by the unrepentant criminals of Europe and the US on behalf of the greatest unrepentant criminal of the world. world, the Luciferian WORLD DICTATOR Emperor in disguise, the POPE of Rome and in his turn on behalf of the DEVIL.

    8. Alleen God-de Heer JEZUS Christus kan dit probleem oplossen en dat gaat Hij ook doen.
      Het is ZINLOOS om buiten Hem om te trachten dit probleem op te lossen!

    9. Only God-the Lord JESUS Christ can solve this problem and that's precisely what He's going to do.
      It is POINTLESS to try to solve this problem without Him!

    10. De Rooms Katholieke Adolf Hitler kwam destijds op democratische wijze aan de macht via een coalitie, maar zijn eigen partij haalde nooit de meerderheid. Via die coalitie en via een false flag genaamd de Rijksdagbrand kon hij zich ontdoen van al zijn politieke tegenstanders en hen opsluiten in concentratiekampen.
      Velen weten nog steeds niet dat dit alles was georganiseerd door de top-Jezuïeten van het Vaticaan, met medeweten van de toenmalige wereldleiders, en in 1933 kwam tevens in de VS een 33ste graads vrijmetselaar aan de macht (Franklin D. Roosevelt) en op 10 mei 1940 de 33ste graads vrijmetselaar Winston Churchill and 33ste graads vrijmetselaars zijn Luciferianen namens het Vaticaan = het vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse rijk.
      Heden gebeurt precies hetzelfde en alle wereldleiders dienen de vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse keizer, de Paus van Rome, de 'in plaats van Christus' hetgeen de betekenis is van het woord ANTICHRIST.

    11. At the time, the Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler came to power democratically through a coalition, but his own party never achieved a majority. Through that coalition and through a false flag called the Reichstag fire, he was able to get rid of all his political opponents and imprison them in concentration camps.
      Many still do not know that all this was organized by the top Jesuits of the Vatican, with the knowledge of the then world leaders, and in 1933 a 33rd degree Freemason (Franklin D. Roosevelt) also came to power in the US and on 10 May 1940 the 33rd Freemason Winston Churchill and 33rd degree Freemasons are Luciferians on behalf of the Vatican = the Luciferian Roman Empire in disguise.
      Exactly the same is happening today, and all world leaders serve the Luciferian Roman Emperor in disguise, the Pope of Rome, the "in place of Christ" which is the meaning of the word ANTICHRIST.

  33. Replies
    1. Fuss about 'totally moronic' buy-out scheme for farmers: 'This is just USSR 2.0'

    2. And COMMUNISM was invented by the satanic JESUITS!

  34. Replies
    1. Climate fund Timmermans cracked: 'What is happening here is just insane'

  35. Replies
    1. This 'Great Food Reset' leads to harrowing scenes in the Netherlands

  36. Replies
    1. MEP: farmers should disappear from Europe and this food will come back

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

    2. A legislative war is being waged against 🇪🇺 European food producers, such as in the Netherlands🇳🇱, in order to force citizens to start eating insects and artificial meat grown in laboratories in the near future. Normal citizens who want to live normally must defeat such policies.

  37. Replies
    1. FDF foreman calls out: 'Prepare for battle!'

  38. Replies
    1. Hard swipe at 'green crazy' Timmermans: 'Very dangerous man'

  39. Replies
    1. Co-founder Greenpeace warns: if we reach net zero, at least 50 percent of the population will die

  40. Replies
    1. 'Disturbing picture': how the government shops together scientific substantiation for nitrogen policy

  41. Replies
    1. The province of Limburg makes a long nose at The Hague and does not cooperate with forced expropriation

    2. The government steals land from farmers

  42. Replies
    1. Lawyer lashes out at nitrogen minister: "This is the mafia in suits"

  43. Replies
    1. Agriculture agreement is 'death sentence' for our food supply: 'We are ruled by idiots!'

  44. Replies
    1. De Jonge 'comes to steal your land' to build houses: 'What a scary little man he is'

  45. Replies
    1. "If this agreement goes through, we will again have very hard demonstrations"

  46. Replies
    1. Minister Van der Wal threatens: If the agricultural agreement does not come about, 'as a cabinet we will take decisions ourselves'

    2. Why is @hugodejonge actually involved in the agricultural agreement? It's not about farmland at all, is it?

  47. Replies
    1. Farmers en masse to The Hague: 'This is the last chance!'

  48. Replies
    1. Watch: Samira hilariously pokes fun at Eva Jinek

  49. Replies
    1. 'If we do nothing now, hunger in the Netherlands will become very great'

  50. Replies
    1. 122 measures are coming: 'It is unbelievable what it contains'

  51. Replies
    1. Read and shiver: this is what the draft agricultural agreement says (and yes, food will become unaffordable)

  52. Replies
    1. Like hungry hyenas, cartel politicians jumped on the disinformation about FDF leader Mark van den Oever

    2. De krankzinnigen die ons terroriseren kennen geen grenzen als het om lasteren gaat!

    3. The lunatics who terrorize us know no bounds when it comes to slandering!

    4. devil = liar, accuser, deceiver and SLANDERER

  53. Replies
    1. Farmers furious: 'It is no longer useful to demonstrate, we are going to tackle it harder'

    2. De DUIVELSE regering heeft de OORLOG verklaard aan de boeren!

    3. The DEVILISH government has declared WAR on the farmers!

  54. Replies
    1. PVV MP Edgar Mulder on the Malieveld: "It is not the farmers who have to leave, but this cabinet has to go!"

  55. Replies
    1. FDF will again fill the whole country with inverted flags: 'This is phase 1 and there will also be a phase 2'

      Read the comments

  56. Replies
    1. 'The Farmer Citizen Movement has now definitively sold its soul to the devil'

  57. Replies
    1. 'BBB has signed a coalition agreement that really scared me'

  58. Replies
    1. FDF leader: why Rutte can easily just become the largest again

    2. Mark of the BEAST! SATAN RUTTE!

  59. Replies
    1. No opposition to the climate agreement and other striking points from the BBB coalition agreements

  60. Replies
    1. Female farmer makes cry of distress: this story will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end

  61. Replies
    1. This farmer threatens to drop the entire nitrogen policy on its ass

  62. Replies
    1. Here they're juggling with figures about the Dutch farmers: "I don't believe it at all anymore!"

  63. Replies
    1. Outrage about even stricter nitrogen requirements: 'Have we gone completely mad?

  64. Replies
    1. The 'wildly attractive' buyout scheme for farmers in practice: 'Can't even afford the taxi'

  65. Replies
    1. Harsh sneer at nitrogen minister Van der Wal: 'Eel in a bucket of snot'

  66. Replies
    1. Minister Van der Wal caught: 'This is an outright lie, scandalous!'

  67. Replies
    1. The Hague is continuing the 2030 destruction agenda 'with rapid steps': 'The Netherlands must apparently be damned'

    2. Met instemming van het verrotte 'koningshuis' With approval from the rotten 'royal family'

  68. Replies
    1. Agriculture Minister Adema receives fierce criticism: 'This is surrealism 3.0'

  69. Replies
    1. Our agricultural sector is increasingly being suppressed: these interests are hidden behind it

  70. Replies
    1. This Dutch farmer sees through the true agenda behind the global war on agriculture

  71. Replies
    1. 'The WEF agenda is simply pushed through with little Pieter Omtzigt'

  72. Replies
    1. This is the organization that wants to 'take on' the World Economic Forum

    2. The network was founded by Jordan Peterson, among others.

  73. Replies
    1. BBB agrees to withdraw farmers' permits: 'Unbelievable, impossible to comprehend!'

  74. Replies
    1. 'BBB pretends to be there for the farmers, but then doesn't care'

  75. Replies
    1. This is what happens to fishermen who warn The Hague that windmills are causing death and destruction

    2. De pedo-satanische overheid wil de meeste Nederlanders uitroeien en de rest voorzien van het merkteken van het beest

    3. The pedo-satanic government wants to exterminate most Dutch people and provide the rest with the mark of the beast

  76. Geen wolf .
    🐺🐺 — 🐑🐄🫏🐎🐐🦌🐇🐈🦙🐾
    Vandaag liep ik in de stad Steenwijk. En daar stond een kraam met 3 mensen van de partij van de dieren. Eerst liep ik voorbij maar draaide me om en denk ik wil jullie eens persoonlijk spreken over het welzijn van de dieren hier op het platteland.
    Dus ben er op afgestapt en gevraagd waarom zij een onderscheid maakten in dieren.
    Hoezo? Ik zeg dieren op het platteland worden gedood ,verwond, verscheurd door de wolf. Een wolf die wordt verheerlijk en beschermd wordt door jullie partij. Waarom? Hebben dieren zoals schapen, paarden, pony, koeien, pinken ,reeën, Schotse hooglanders, moeflons ‘s ezels en al wat meer wat er bij ons leeft geen recht op een onbekommerd vrij leven?
    Ik zeg jullie hebben werkelijk geen idee wat er bij ons wordt aangericht.
    Waarop mevrouw zei maar dan moeten de dieren ‘s nachts ook naar binnen in de schuur 🙄
    Ik zeg u heeft werkelijk geen idee hè . Ten eerste jullie willen dat dieren buiten in de weides staan en nu moeten ze weer naar binnen. Ja maar een schaapskudde gaat ‘s nachts toch ook in de stal 😏 ik zeg dat zal moeilijk gaan als je honderden schapen overal en nergens hebt staan te grazen en daar der bij tegen Natura 2000 krijg je al helemaal geen vergunning om stallen te bouwen dus wat voor oplossing heeft u daarop? Tja tja daar had mevrouw geen antwoord op.
    Ik zeg en u denkt dat wolven alleen ‘s nachts actief zijn, nou dat is ook al lang niet meer zo.
    Ik zeg savond laten wij onze hond al niet meer los maar aan de lijn op ons eigen erf. Zegt mevrouw …je kunt ze beter los laten. Nou daar kwam mijn filmpje even tevoorschijn van een hond die even van het terras door een wolf werd gegrepen en er mee weg liep in zijn bek, en de hond was los. Mevrouwtje draaide haar hoofd weg van het filmpje ik zeg nee, KIJK niet wegkijken.
    Ik zeg wat vind u van pinken en schapen , pony’s enz. die half aangevreten en nog leven moeten wachten op BIJ12 om een monster af te laten nemen en daarna de dierenarts mag komen om het arme beest in te laten slapen. Dus mijn filmpjes van zwaar gewonde schapen, pinken, ezels geiten liet ik mevrouw even zien waarna ze haar hoofd weer afwende. Dus ik hield haar mijn telefoon vlak voor haar gezicht ik zeg, KIJKEN. U moet weten wat er gebeurt bij ons.

    1. Er was ook een meneer die deze beelden nog nooit had aanschouwd en vond het verschrikkelijk. Ik zeg als alle aanvallen die gebeuren nu allemaal eens op tv kwamen dan gaat het eens doordringen tot de mens. Maar af en toe eens een filmpje…ja dat geeft de werkelijkheid niet weer.
      Ik zeg en dan nog wat,….de wolfwerend raster van 1,20m ,wat een aanfluiting dus liet ik hun het filmpje zien waar de wolf met twee vingers in de neus over de hekken sprong. Meneer zei ja bij natuurmonumenten hebben ze de hekken ook veel hoger. Ik zeg en in de dierentuin zijn ze 3- 4 meter…waarom? Mevrouw….stilte.
      En ook subsidies die worden verstrekt gewoon een aanfluiting. En weet je…daar gaat het een veehouder, schapenhouder of hobby boer niet om. Die zien liever hun dieren elke dag gewoon nog in levende lijve in de weide staan. Het gaat niet om het geld dat je dan krijgt als je aan de voorwaarden voldoet. De pijn en machteloosheid is killing voor dierenhouders.
      Ik zeg en het fabeltje van …een ezel bij je dieren doen dat schrikt de wolf af. Dus maar even weer een paar beelden laten zien van dode ezels.
      Ik heb mevrouw ook nog even beelden laten zien van egels, reetjes vogels e.d. die in wolfwerend rasters kwamen vast te zitten. Ja het waren toch wel nare beelden want ze wende haar hoofd af. Maar ik heb haar alle foto’s en filmpjes laten zien vlak voor haar neus, ik zeg niet je hoofd afwenden dit moet je zien. Want je hebt werkelijk geen idee.
      En de onveiligheid bij mensen dat kinderen gehaald en gebracht worden in de auto naar school als ze door een bosrijk gebied moeten fietsen,en ja zelfs volwassenen niet meer ‘s avonds op de fiets door de bossen durven te rijden. Wandelen in het bos niet meer ontspannen is met je hond.Dat is toch niet te geloven. Ik had het idee dat mevrouw mij maar een overdreven persoon vond en dat alles zo meeviel. O,ja en het zijn toch vaak honden die de aanvallen doen zei ze…dus de lijsten van BIJ12 maar even laten zien waar de uitkomst 99% wolf was die de aanval had gedaan. Ik zeg en alle uitslagen kun je vinden op BIJ12
      Meneer daarin tegen was meer bereid om ook mijn kant van het verhaal aan te horen en de beelden te aanschouwen. En vond het vreselijk.
      Hij zei en wat doet het met jullie?
      Ik zeg ik slaap er vaak niet van. Maar de dieren houders zijn echt de wanhoop nabij als je voor de zoveelste keer je dieren gewond en dood aantreft. Verschrikkelijk zoveel leed.

    2. Ik zei ook dat we vaak het weerwoord krijgen….ach er gaan er per jaar ook honderduizenden naar de slachthuizen. En daar wordt ik boos om. Dat is toch werkelijk geen vergelijk. De mensen hier in Nederland willen gewoon hun stukje vlees en vis. 5% ja werkelijk 5% van de Nederlandse bevolking eet GEEN vlees. Dat is dus ruim in de minderheid.
      Nederlandse boeren hebben het beste verantwoorde vlees en zuivelproducten van ik wil wel zeggen heel de wereld.
      Een minderheid die tegen vlees eten zijn gaan bepalen wat een meerderheid moet doen. En dat gaat gewoonweg niet lukken.
      Dus na een half uur mijn kant van het verhaal te hebben gedaan en meneer ook toegaf dat hij niet wist dat het zo erg was heb ik mijn weg weer vervolgd. Blij dat ik nu eens mensen aan kon spreken die soms praten of ze alle wijsheid in pacht hebben maar wat er hier om ons heen gebeurd in Drenthe,Friesland, Overijssel en andere provincies echt geen enkel idee hebben wat in voor ellende wij op het platteland zitten.
      Meneer vroeg mij wat de oplossing dan zou zijn. Nou ten eerste Nederland is gewoon te klein voor de wolf. Een beheer en verwijdering van de wolf is dan de enige oplossing. Hetzij naar een land waar ze wel thuis horen of ……..
      Maar Nederland is niet de plaats waar een wolf moet zijn. Ik zei ik vind de wolf ook een prachtig dier. Maar onderhand ben ik hem gaan haten. En dat is natuurlijk niet de wolf zijn schuld maar van degene die deze predator zo graag hier willen hebben in dit kleine te drukke land met landbouw, en hobby dieren en te weinig ruimte om hun territorium te beheren.
      Dus ik geef de tip ook mee aan andere mensen ga het verhaal aan met hun. Sommige begrijpen het en hebben echt geen idee. Maar zoals ik vanmorgen weer meemaakte ook mensen die het allemaal wel mee vind vallen. Maar druk dan de beelden maar eens voor hun ogen….hopen dat die eens open gaan.
      Meneer was zo vriendelijk om te zeggen dat hij het fijn vond dat ik was gestopt om met hun te praten en ook de andere kant van het verhaal eens hoorde. En bedankte mij.
      Waarop ik mijn weg weer vervolgde met een ontladen gevoel om mijn verhaal eens live te kunnen doen.
      Want Facebook is soms moeilijk om je echte gevoel te laten doorkomen bij mensen die er niet mee hebben te maken.
      Fijn weekend allemaal

    3. No wolf.
      🐺🐺 — 🐑🐄🫏🐎🐐🦌🐇🐈🦙🐾
      Today I walked in the city of Steenwijk. And there was a stall with 3 people from the animal party. At first I walked past but turned around and thought I would like to speak to you personally about the welfare of the animals here in the countryside.
      So I went over and asked why they made a distinction between animals.
      How so? I say animals in the countryside are killed, injured, torn apart by the wolf. A wolf who is glorified and protected by your party. Why? Don't animals such as sheep, horses, ponies, cows, heifers, roe deer, Scottish highlanders, mouflons, donkeys and everything else that lives among us have the right to a carefree life?
      I say you really have no idea what is being done to us.
      To which the lady said, then the animals also have to go inside the barn at night 🙄
      I say you really have no idea, do you? First of all, you want animals to be outside in the meadows and now they have to go back inside. Yes, but a flock of sheep also goes into the stable at night 😏 I say that will be difficult if you have hundreds of sheep grazing everywhere and nowhere and on top of that, against Natura 2000 you certainly won't get a permit to build stables, so what? What solution do you have for that? Well, the lady had no answer to that.
      I say and you think that wolves are only active at night, well that is no longer the case.
      I say that in the evening we no longer let our dog loose, but on a leash in our own yard. Mrs.'s better to let them go. Well that's where my video popped up of a dog that was grabbed from the terrace by a wolf and ran away with it in its mouth, and the dog was loose. The lady turned her head away from the video and I said no, don't look away.
      I say what do you think of heifers and sheep, ponies, etc. that are half eaten and still alive and have to wait for BIJ12 to have a sample taken and then the vet can come and put the poor animal to sleep. So I showed the lady my videos of seriously injured sheep, heifers, donkeys and goats, after which she turned her head away again. So I held my phone right in front of her face and said, LOOK. You need to know what's happening with us.
      There was also a gentleman who had never seen these images and thought it was terrible. I say if all the attacks that happen were all on TV, it would reach people. But every now and then a video...yes, that does not reflect reality.

    4. I say and then another thing,... the wolf-resistant grid of 1.20 m, what a mockery, so I showed them the video where the wolf jumped over the fence with two fingers in its nose. The gentleman said yes, they also have the fences much higher at natural monuments. I say and in the zoo they are 3-4 meters…why? Madam….silence.
      And subsidies that are provided are simply a mockery. And you know... that's not what a livestock farmer, sheep farmer or hobby farmer is about. They prefer to see their animals still alive in the meadow every day. It is not about the money you receive if you meet the conditions. The pain and powerlessness is killing for animal keepers.
      I say and the fable of...putting a donkey with your animals scares the wolf. So let's show you a few more images of dead donkeys.
      I also showed the lady images of hedgehogs, deer birds, etc. that got stuck in wolf-resistant grids. Yes, they were unpleasant images because she turned her head away. But I showed her all the photos and videos right in front of her, I'm not saying turn your head away, you have to see this. Because you really have no idea.
      And the insecurity among people that children are picked up and taken to school in the car if they have to cycle through a wooded area, and yes, even adults no longer dare to ride their bike through the woods in the evening. Walking in the woods is no longer relaxing with your dog. That's unbelievable. I had the feeling that the lady thought I was an exaggerated person and that everything turned out so well. Oh, yes, and it is often dogs that do the attacks, she said... so the BIJ12 lists show where the outcome was 99% wolf that had done the attack. I say and you can find all the results on BIJ12
      The gentleman against this was more willing to hear my side of the story and see the images. And hated it.
      He said and what does it do to you?
      I say I often don't sleep because of it. But the animal keepers are really in despair when you find your animals injured and dead for the umpteenth time. So much suffering.

    5. I also said that we often get the rebuttal... oh well, hundreds of thousands go to the slaughterhouses every year. And that makes me angry. That's really no comparison. The people here in the Netherlands just want their piece of meat and fish. 5% yes really 5% of the Dutch population does NOT eat meat. So that is well in the minority.
      Dutch farmers have the best responsible meat and dairy products in, I dare say, the whole world.
      A minority who are against eating meat have come to determine what a majority should do. And that simply won't work.
      So after half an hour of telling my side of the story and the gentleman also admitting that he didn't know it was that bad, I continued on my way. Glad that I could now speak to people who sometimes talk as if they have all the wisdom, but what is happening around us here in Drenthe, Friesland, Overijssel and other provinces really have no idea what kind of misery we are in in the countryside. .
      The gentleman asked me what the solution would be. Well, first of all, the Netherlands is simply too small for the wolf. Management and removal of the wolf is then the only solution. Either to a country where they belong or......
      But the Netherlands is not the place where a wolf should be. I said I also think the wolf is a beautiful animal. But by now I've come to hate him. And that is of course not the wolf's fault, but that of those who want this predator so badly here in this small, overly busy country with agriculture and hobby animals and too little space to manage their territory.
      So I also pass this tip on to other people and share the story with them. Some understand and really have no idea. But as I experienced again this morning, there are also people who don't think it's too bad. But then just put the images in front of their eyes...hope they will open up.
      The gentleman was kind enough to say that he liked that I had stopped to talk to them and heard the other side of the story. And thanked me.
      After which I continued my way with a discharged feeling of being able to tell my story live.
      Because Facebook is sometimes difficult to get your real feelings through to people who don't have to deal with it.
      Have a nice weekend everyone

  77. Replies
    1. 2 ministers 'exterminate the entire agriculture and fishing industry just before they leave for good'

  78. Wanneer je denkt, het zijn maar een paar van die boertjes....
    NOS kijk effe.
    Tijs, kijk je ook effe mee?
    Of zit Ab Osterhaus er niet tussen met een tractor?

    1. When you think, it's just a few of those little farmers...
      NOS take a look.
      Tijs, will you also take a look?
      Or is Ab Osterhaus not among them with a tractor?

  79. Replies
    1. Farmers warn against actions 'that will pale in comparison to those of summer 2022': 'It can't go on like this'


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