Friday, 3 February 2023

News updates 2

EU nation slams US ambassador over ‘interference’

John Bolton shares stance on talks with Russia in prank call 

Trump calls for restraint in arming Ukraine 

‘Terrorist attack’ kills one in Russia – official 

‘Chinese spy balloon’ breached US airspace – Pentagon 

US senator fears nuclear espionage 

Switzerland addresses potential energy shortfall 

Serbia and Bulgaria launch construction of new gas pipeline 

White House denies Biden offered Putin ‘20% of Ukraine’ 

Ex-president’s ally unveils plot to keep him in power 

Calls of ‘treason’ as Serbian parliament debates Kosovo 

EU ‘dress code’ for Ukraine trip revealed – Politico 

China ramps up fuel oil imports blended from Russian crude – media 


US set to boost military presence near China    


Australia snubs new king 


George Soros is either prophetic or pulls a lot of strings Op-ed

Frontnieuws - Front News

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In video: Russian Marker combat robots arrive in Donbass

Four Marker combat robots have arrived in the Donbass region, Dmitry Rogozin, former director-general of Roscosmos and head of the special military advisory group known…

Joe Biden Offered Vladimir Putin 20 Percent of Ukraine to End War: Report

The White House and the CIA have responded to a report that CIA Director William Burns gave Russian President Vladimir Putin a fifth of…

BREAKING: Pfizer Director Tells Project Veritas COVID Shots Have “Worrying” Effect on Menstrual Cycles

In another shocking video from Project Veritas, a senior Pfizer employee can be seen on CCTV admitting that the experimental…

Scott Ritter: The truth about tanks - How NATO lied its way to disaster in Ukraine

Tank war has evolved. The great armored showdown that characterized much of WWII and the Arab-Israeli conflicts, which as…

The narrative collapses: Thailand drops a bomb on Pfizer

A few days after receiving her injection, the Thai princess "suddenly" collapsed. Three weeks later she is still in a coma....

No other explanation

There really is no other explanation for what is happening… it is clearly deliberate, global genocide, the only thing that is not certain yet is…

Top insurance analyst finds 7% increase in total mortality for every Covid vaccine dose received

A top insurance research analyst has determined that the overall death rate increases by 7% for every COVID vaccine dose administered, meaning…

Russia outlines reaction if Ukraine gets long-range weapons

Ukrainian troops will be pushed further away from Russian territory in response to the West's decision to supply Kiev with long-range weapons, it said.

Russia threatens to bomb NATO air bases if warplanes donated to Ukraine are used

If airfields in NATO countries are used by Ukraine, they become legitimate targets for Russian forces, General Buzhinsky says. Russian general Yevgeny Buzhinsky...

Poland recruits crew for Leopards to protect NATIVE POLISH LAND in Ukraine

Polish authorities are recruiting crews for German Leopard tanks to be supplied to the Ukrainian army. Advertisements have been posted in public places in which the…

“It is time for us as a scientific community to admit that we were wrong about COVID and that it took lives”

A real "mea culpa", a constant and rapid review of history, or further narratives regarding "amnesty" for what "the others" deem...

A Shift in Anti-Russian Propaganda – Are We Going for Jenga?

There was a time when I was willing to give media reports, especially newspapers, the benefit of the doubt. Not now...

Humanity in the trenches? What Western propaganda hides

Brutal, cruel, uninhibited and criminal are the adjectives attributed to Russian warfare in the West, just as they are to the Red…

The British broadcast an SOS: The situation is dramatic, many Ukrainian troops are exhausted – “Russia has changed its strategy and is advancing”

The Ukrainian army has collapsed on several fronts of the war in the Donbass, according to the British BBC, which emphasizes the…

In video: Insane kindness of Russian soldiers

A video from the frontline somewhere in the Donbass shows the storming of Ukrainian army positions by Russian soldiers. According to reports...

Ukraine is sinking – Are Western elites throwing in the towel?

What makes the RAND Corporation's latest report on Ukraine so important is not the quality of the analysis, but the fact that…

NYT: Covid vaccine manufacturers and Bill Gates' GAVI have screwed everyone

This New York Times story (no paywall link) from today is very illustrative of the current times. It turns out that the Covid vaccine manufacturers…

It's TOO LATE for NATO to win the war against Russia... here's why

While the prostitute propaganda media absurdly claims that Russia is withdrawing and NATO forces are winning the war in Ukraine, the truth is much more sobering: The…

Sheep cannon fodder

We are dealing here with three basic groups of people. The first are the Snappies, so we. This group consists of the people who, to…

Plan to block Russian shipping in Baltic Sea violates international law and could provoke war

Western plans to arm Estonia with state-of-the-art types of conventional weapons that can be aimed at Saint Petersburg, as well as the installation of an anti-missile system…

As Another Victim Of The Genocidal Bioweapon Injection Does The 'Pfizer Flop' Live On TV – Why Should The FDA Keep 75 Years Of Safety Data…

Pfizer issued a statement following that online Project Veritas video in which a Pfizer executive brags about mutating COVID via "directed evolution"...

The Vladimir Kuts Long Range Effect – Sanctions and geography replace the Russian oligarchy with state planning, which yields a better growth rate

There's nothing like facing the gun barrels of the Germans, British and Americans to teach Russians what to do...

Dr. Coleman: COVID-19 Injections - Unspeakable Truths

The fundamental problem of physicians is, and always has been, an unwillingness to accept the extent of their ignorance and an unwillingness to…

The Netherlands is also getting “smart cities”: you are followed and locked up in your neighbourhood, and you are happy about that

About 60 partners, including TNO (Dutch organization for applied scientific research), have joined the next step of the so-called City Deal: "A...

Ireland postpones funerals as 'mysterious' spike of 20% excess mortality puts pressure on morgues

The 'mysterious' peak in excess deaths reported mainly in countries with high vaccination rates with the experimental Covid injections, and also almost two years...

Peekaboo: Russian soldier captures Ukrainian drone

A Russian soldier was able to catch a Ukrainian drone that tried to hit him with a bomb. The incident took place in a wooded…

NATO continues its disarmament

NATO continues its disarmament mission. - France sends 12 extra powerful Caesar howitzers to Ukraine "The announcement of the French Defense Minister Sebastien...

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WHO-pandemieverdrag: in deze 2 belangrijke nieuwe overeenkomsten staan zeer opvallende regels

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WHO Pandemic Convention: These 2 important new agreements contain very striking rules

Read more "

 These are not Christian sites, so eat the fish and leave the bones.

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. What the war in Ukraine and the pandemic have in common

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  2. Replies
    1. Gyƶrgy Schwartz (Soros) is a puppet of the Pope the Vatican, the Jesuits and Satan

  3. Replies
    1. Salix
      And with an army like that they not only want to lead war against Russia but China, too!?! What are they smoking at Downing Street 10?šŸ˜‚

  4. Replies
    1. US Colonel: “Ukraine has 400,000 victims – The Russians have set up “big meat grinders” on many fronts”!

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  5. Replies
    1. “Ukraine will go up in flames” – Medvedev warns Kiev of attacks on Crimea

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  6. Replies
    1. Great Reset in Lidl: Less meat on offer because of “our planetary limits”

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  7. Replies
    1. Another EU Fail – Trading Giant Trafigura: “Shadow Fleet” For Russian Oil Reaches 600 Ships

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  8. Replies
    1. Ukrainian soldiers execute group of Polish mercenaries in Vuhledar

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  9. Replies
    1. Russian forces destroy Ukrainian defenses in Bakhmut – Russians control 1/3 of the city and move into the city center (Videos)

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  10. Replies
    1. Mao went on to condemn ongoing US military operations in Syria, stating that American forces are stealing the country’s energy resources at a staggering rate.

  11. UK has secret plans for EU – Bloomberg
    London is quietly planning to boost cooperation with Brussels in defense, migration and the economy, officials told the agency

  12. Replies
    1. Dr_Spock
      Australia is doing the very same thing to this man, as the UK is doing to Julian Assange. Shame on our western nations and their so-called and much espoused: preached to other countries around the world, values. Which when it comes down to the treatment of their own citizens, actually mean diddly squat.

  13. Replies
    1. Nuclear danger is a HOAX!!! It is only heat!

  14. Replies
    1. Salix
      Loony ballooney. Zel and his US bosses seem to sniff the same stuffšŸ˜‚
      5 hr

      Tom One
      What absolute rubbish. For one why would Russia use such unsophisticated technology and secondly if these were anything above normal air space for planes the Ukrainians don’t have any detection system or the means to shoot them down. Fake News.

  15. Replies
    1. By taking down each other's balloons, they are, in effect, taking down each other's "satellites."

  16. Replies
    1. Warmongers & Medias= Criminal Enterprise
      basically warmonger america looks the other way, while the sanctioned ships are offloading oil with each other at sea..... because america is right now depleting it's oil reserve, which is normally used for storage in case of wartime crisis or emergencies, such as now......... this explains why america goes begging to venezuela and other countries it so heavily sanctioned...... and it shows desperation, stealing syrian oil, while preaching rule of law to countries around the world, of course with a straight face of an angel. lmao

  17. Replies
    1. 'global' = world wide: the earth is flat

  18. Replies
    1. Some observers have speculated that the administration is keeping information about the downed objects secret not because of a security issue, but to avoid embarrassment. A hobbyist group in Illinois claimed that it had a small mylar balloon go missing over the Yukon around the same time that the US military shot down a UFO in the region. Such balloons cost as little as $12. Each Sidewinder missile goes for around $472,000.

  19. Replies
    1. The French president “is still talking about the strategic independence of the EU,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov remarked last summer, adding “I am certain they will not be allowed to have it.”

    2. A former BRITISH COLONY rules over the former COLONIZERS

    3. How is this possible? Because the US is controlled by Satan himself through the Vatican

  20. French minister defends steamy sex scene
    Bruno Le Maire’s latest novel comes amid mass protests over economic hardship

    1. wobi
      We were colonized by French so we know them very well. It’s all about them. Indeed, it’s the sole domain they are good at ( sex ). I remember, at the beginning of the SMO, this minister vowed to destroy Russian’s economy maybe with his manhood. What a joker!!!

    2. wobi
      We were colonized by French so we know them very well. It’s all about them. Indeed, it’s the sole domain they are good at ( sex ). I remember, at the beginning of the SMO, this minister vowed to destroy Russian’s economy maybe with his manhood. What a joker!!!

    3. S.H. Eliot
      What the heck is wrong with these degenerates?! Instead of doing their job ,for which they were supposedly elected, they indulge in debauchery and self-indulgent depravity. One opens her legs and the other writes a porn book, and this is when their country burns!

  21. Petri Sherman
    Yet another Victoria Nuland, Condi Rice, HRC embarrassing cutout. The CIA/MI6/NATO chosen spokeswomen for arrogant Western imperialism are no surprise; yet they are beyond pathetic. I used to be inclined to think that women might do more justice to humanity than men. Wow! Was I wrong. Britain has just sent long range missiles to Ukraine and advertised it to the world. How utterly mindless to then berate SA for sending weapons to Russia! Reminds me of the old cowboy/Indian shows I watched as a kid. Simple: We're the good guys and they're the bad guys. Sadly, it is apparent that many Western leaders never left their childhood.

  22. Replies
    1. aquerett
      The USA could be behind the sightings as well, more likely.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”