Wednesday, 1 February 2023

News updates 1

US to arm Ukraine with ‘longer-range’ missiles – Reuters 

Ukrainian army maimed own civilians with banned mines – NGO 

Sex, lies and videotapes: Yet another scandal involving Western mercenaries engulfs Ukraine FEATURE

US spending too much on Ukraine, quarter of Americans say 

Iconic director blasts Western proposal on Kosovo 

The battle for lithium: China plants its shovel in the US’ back yard Op-ed

NATO member condemns Sweden’s response to Koran burning 


FBI searched Biden’s think tank for classified docs – media 


Ukrainian intelligence chief threatens attacks in Russia 


Ukraine condemns Croatian president’s comments on Crimea 


Russian Navy rescues French national

US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty – media 

Lavrov reveals message from Blinken 


UK nuclear sub reactor repaired with super glue – media 

Frontnieuws - Front News

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Size Matters – About a US Ground Intervention in Ukraine

A European financial research firm has sent me one of their quarterly research letters. It is a "contrary overview of the political and military consequences" of...

Chris Hedges: Ukraine – The War That Went Wrong

Empires jump into terminal decline from one military fiasco to another. The war in Ukraine, another failed attempt to...

Another Embarrassing Interview – Bill Gates Questioned About Epstein Admits “I Shouldn't Have Had Dinner With Him”

Billionaire vaccine guru and eugenicist Bill Gates has again attempted to downplay his ties to the late child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. During an interview with the Australian...

In video: Ukrainian officers reveal the real losses of several Ukrainian units

The video shows a dispute between a Ukrainian soldier and officers. The soldier came to discuss with his commanders and spoke on behalf of the…

Russia will have the largest scrap yard in Europe

War and environmental protection are incompatible. Even in peacetime, armies are among the biggest polluters. But if an armed war breaks out, it will be affected...

Vaccination guru Bill Gates admits: Covid jabs are "pharmaceutical junk"

Speaking in Australia, Microsoft inventor and vaccine guru Bill Gates called the Covid 19 vaccine ineffective. It does not protect against infections. It's not...

How to erase a PSYOP

There comes a point at the end of each PSYOP when the PSYOP has reached its goal, or as much of its goal as it…

Food as a vaccine – Bill Gates funds research

Soon there will be no need for injections to vaccinate people. Since the desired active substance could be administered via food - consciously...

Health minister Lauterbach admits "mistakes" now that excess mortality in Germany is 36% above normal

The news that Germany's excess death rate is 36% above normal and birth rates 10% below normal is becoming too hard to hide. The...

Is there a global mandatory vaccination threat? Doctors must "mark" unvaccinated people

In the US, doctors are now instructed to inquire about the vaccination status of their patients and to pass this information on to the…

Acute psychosis after COVID-19 vaccination

Unvaccinated patients have half-jokingly said that the COVID-19 vaccination in friends and family is driving some of them "crazy". Although I have always...

Russia: Europeans are persuaded not only to wash little, but also to eat insects

A few days ago I reported that the European Commission had approved locusts as a food additive, see Front News Ground insects "additive" is now in pizza, pasta...

The dictionary definition of “Anti-Vaxxer” has been expanded

Soon there won't be anyone who doesn't fit the dictionary definition of "anti-vaxxer". The usual response to any criticism of a vaccine or…

Caitlin Johnstone: What the mainstream media can't say anymore

I recently came across a 2014 op-ed in The Guardian, “It is not Russia that has brought Ukraine to the brink of war…

Bribed to lie and deceive en masse

All mainstream media are state-sponsored agents of mass deception. The Babylon Bee (BB) published a checklist of signs showing that…

North Dakota is going to criminalize the use of mRNA vaccines

Nowadays, hardly anyone can ignore the dangers of mRNA COVID injections. Instead of taking them off the market and immediately...

Bill Gates: Next pandemic is probably man-made and worse than COVID-19

Globalist and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has warned that the next pandemic will likely be "man-made" and "much more vicious" than the COVID-19...

The Other America (or the three missed opportunities to avoid World War III)

It feels like today's world is quickly spiraling out of control. Fears of a nuclear confrontation between Russia and NATO have…

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Kijk: Kaag krijgt vraag over banken, geeft een wel heel opmerkelijk antwoord

Lees meer »

Watch: Kaag gets a question about banks, gives a very remarkable answer

Read more "
These are not Christian sites, so eat the fish and leave the bones.

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. United States of Antichrist lies about misuse of American aid in Ukraine and about EVERYTHING

  2. Replies
    1. Bill Gates: The shocking truth kept under wraps

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  3. Replies
    1. Russian soldiers make chilling discovery in Ukraine

  4. Replies
    1. Humanity in the trenches? What Western propaganda hides

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  5. Replies
    1. The British broadcast an SOS: The situation is dramatic, many Ukrainian troops are exhausted – “Russia has changed its strategy and is advancing”

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  6. Replies
    1. What the war in Ukraine and the pandemic have in common

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  7. Replies
    1. Ukrainian counter-offensive in Ugledar ends in tragedy: Drove into their own minefield (Videos

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  8. Replies
    1. Luxury bunker: The super-rich prepare for a blackout

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  9. Replies
    1. Newspaper: No money for groceries? Just don't eat

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  10. Replies
    1. But during a 'pandemic' they need to wear a mask and keep the 'right' distance and they need to be 'vaccinated'...

  11. Replies
    1. Fantastika
      "Elected" by a select group of communist bureaucrats

  12. Replies
    1. Journey_Mann
      Rent a Mob is at work in Tbilisi ... USA has no money for Universal Healthcare, but plenty of Money for Ukraine Terrorists and Rent a Mob, wherever they want a regime Change ... what a farce ... but American folk don't protest about their Criminal Government. After all the American voter selects the arse holes in Congress to be their representatives. What does that reveal about the American Voter; the American voter can be fooled all of the time ... Career Politicians proved that point down the ages .... cheers ...

  13. Replies
    1. Quentin Holt
      The black slave traders who sold their stock to white slave traders did it because they got better prices than their usual customers. Boko Haram are still doing it, grabbing kids to use as soldiers or 'wives'. The cotton and sugar trade did increase demand for slaves so supply would probably also increase. One example would be the slave trader who wrote Amazing Grace when God saved him from a shipwreck so he became an abolitionist. It was white Christians who ended slavery. History is usually written by the winners and has a tendency to be whitewashed (no pun intended) but it still needs to be remembered to remind us where we came from and how far we've come.

    2. Hanss
      God didn't create 'black' and 'white' people but people who can vary in skin color between pale and (dark) brown.
      People can also differ in appearance and in height.
      Adam and Eve were neither pale nor dark in color and the same was true of JESUS, the creator of us all.

  14. Replies
    1. lightbringer
      This another example of the idiots produced by the Trudeau Regime. Canadians are begging the World - Help bring Trudeau and his Accomplices to Justice - It's time for Regime Change in Canada.

  15. The first Australian soldier has been charged over Afghanistan war crimes, but those ultimately responsible remain in command
    The murder allegation could be the start of a lengthy string of trials, which is unlikely to ever reach the top brass

  16. Replies
    1. Every week, two dozen seized cars from Latvian drunk drivers are given away to Ukraine

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  17. Longtime leader of NATO country loses power
    Milo Djukanovic has been defeated in a landslide after more than 30 years of ruling Montenegro

  18. Russian governor’s son dodges US extradition
    Artyom Uss has revealed he is back in Russia after escaping Italian custody

  19. Replies
    1. Watch: Protesters storm BlackRock office in Paris

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  20. Ex-president urges West to sanction Georgia
    Doing so would deliver a blow to Vladimir Putin and prove the US and the EU remain committed to "democracy," Mikhail Saakashvili claims

    1. Gregory Bradley
      He fled the country to Ukraine and renounced his Georgian citizenship. When things got too hot in Ukraine, he snuck back into Georgia. If there is a foreign government puppet in Georgia it is clearly Saakashvili.

    2. Jesuit priest Iosif Vissarionovitsj Dzjoegasjvili ('Stalin') was also from Georgia...

  21. EU country increasingly against sanctions on Russia
    A recent poll shows four out of ten Austrians want the embargo to end

  22. Baltic states demand explanation from China
    A scandal has erupted after Beijing’s ambassador in Paris called into question the sovereignty of former Soviet republics

  23. Police intervene as pro-Western mob targets Russian visitors (VIDEOS)
    Six Georgians have been arrested as demonstrators at Tbilisi airport protested against a flight arriving from Moscow, according to the local media

  24. Replies
    1. Hindustani
      I doubt, that the thefts are for sale to Russia. How do they get the stolen stuff across ? Most likely, locals are stealing to earn a few Pounds on the side, by selling to other locals, and everyone benefits locally, given the high costs

    2. OneHorseGuy
      I expect the UK government turns a blind eye to this as they want to control farming and rid the country of cows etc to starve the people, its all part of the WEF 2030 and depopulation.

  25. Replies
    1. All eyes on Venezuela after protests explode, what's going on?


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”