German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stands next to a Leopard 2 main battle tank at the Bundeswehr army training center in Ostenholz, October 17, 2022
Winterhilfe for the Eastern Front
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Nadert de oorlog in Oekraïne het Culminatiepunt?
ReplyDeleteIs the War in Ukraine Nearing the Culmination Point?
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Oorlogsupdate – Waarom geen grote pijlen? Kessler-syndroom, De Equalizer en verdere Oekraïense mobilisaties
ReplyDeleteWar update – dedicated to Slavyangrad
DeleteScott Ritter - The US Military is Geared to DESTROY The M-1 Tank
ReplyDeleteAbrams tanks might be poor fit for Ukraine – FT
ReplyDeleteTom One
DeleteFirstly None of this is news to readers but it’s nice for the FT to spell it out to the general muppets not up to speed on the war. Secondly these US tanks were never going to be released. It was a front to placate Scholz and get Germany and others to send their tanks.
Kolossaal: Derde Wereldoorlog escaleert nu corrupte VS-functionarissen hun criminele operaties en onderzoek naar biowapens in Oekraïne proberen te beschermen
ReplyDeleteHUGE: World War III escalates as corrupt US officials seek to protect their criminal operations and bioweapons research in Ukraine
DeleteHans S February 6, 2023 at 09:25
DeleteAnd all evil roads lead to the Jesuits of the Vatican.
It was no coincidence that Hitler was a Roman Catholic and so is Biden.
De zaken rechtzetten; Dingen die u moet weten over Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteSetting the Record Straight; Stuff You Should Know About Ukraine
DeleteGermany met with ‘silence’ over tanks for Ukraine – politician
ReplyDeleteAmerikaanse gepantserde MRAP’s “geslacht” na vuur van Wagner bij Bakhmut
ReplyDeleteUS armored MRAPs "slaughtered" after Wagner's fire at Bakhmut
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Mossad denkt dat tot nu toe 157.000 Oekraïense soldaten zijn gesneuveld
ReplyDeleteMossad Believes 157,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Are KIA So Far, Turkish Newspaper Claims
DeleteThe Fight for Ugledar: Why controlling a small town in southwestern Donbass is so important for the Russian military
ReplyDeleteRussen vinden ruim 20.000 documenten over biolabs in Oekraïne, dit staat erin
ReplyDeleteRussians find more than 20,000 documents about biolabs in Ukraine, this is what it says
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Kremlin reacts to ‘Zelensky elimination’ comment
ReplyDeleteTwee soldaten van de Oekraïense strijdkrachten die in Duitsland zijn aangekomen om te leren rijden met Leopard-tanks hebben politiek asiel aangevraagd
ReplyDeleteTwo soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who arrived in Germany to learn how to drive Leopard tanks asked for political asylum
DeleteDe strategische doelen van Rusland – Als consequentie van een instortend Amerikaans Imperium
ReplyDeleteRussia’s Strategic Aims – In Consequence to a Collapsing U.S. Empire
DeleteUncle Sam wedt op de ineenstorting van Rusland en verliest zijn shirt
ReplyDeleteUncle Sam Bet on Russia’s Collapse and Is Losing Its Shirt
DeleteRussia warns of ‘unpredictable escalation’ in Ukraine
ReplyDeleteBan on Russian media protects ‘freedom of expression’ – Borrell
ReplyDeleteMoscow provides update on Ukrainian losses
ReplyDeleteAnatomie van een Russische Psyop
ReplyDeleteAnatomy of a Russian Psyop
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Op de vlucht: Oekraïense BMP-chauffeur trapt gas in en laat zijn kameraden achter op het slagveld (Video)
ReplyDeleteOn the run: Ukrainian BMP driver hits the gas and leaves his comrades on the battlefield (Video)
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NYT over Oekraïne – Echte berichtgeving, propaganda voor evenwicht, onheilspellende waarschuwing
ReplyDeleteNYT on Ukraine – Real coverage, balance propaganda, ominous warning
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German defense minister admits Ukraine doubts
ReplyDeleteIn video: Oekraïense nazi’s blijven Russische krijgsgevangenen doden
ReplyDeleteIn Video 18+: Ukrainian Nazis Continue To Kill Russian Captives
DeleteRussia to probe alleged POW executions by ‘Ukrainian nationalists’
ReplyDeleteRussia cautions against Western warplanes for Kiev
ReplyDeleteConsumer goods giant warns of exit from Russia
ReplyDeleteRecord investment helped Russia survive sanctions – Bloomberg
ReplyDeleteBloomberg: De EU kan de activa van de Centrale Bank van de Russische Federatie niet overdragen aan Oekraïne, omdat het grootste deel ervan “niet kan worden gevonden”
ReplyDeleteBloomberg: The EU cannot yet transfer the assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to Ukraine, since most of them “cannot be found”
DeleteRussia explains stance on peace talks with Ukraine
ReplyDeleteUS special ops in Ukraine risk major escalation – ambassador
ReplyDeleteGerman foreign minister admits blunder
ReplyDeleteAnnalena Baerbock clarified a remark made at the European Council about “fighting a war against Russia”
Zelensky shares photo of Ukrainian soldier with Nazi insignia, again
ReplyDeletePolish leader warns of Russian victory
ReplyDeleteThis is HORRIBLE and Putin says "no more" | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteIndrukwekkende Russische aanval: Hel van vuur met Terminator en BTR-D elimineert Oekraïens peloton in Kreminna (Video)
ReplyDeleteImpressive Russian attack: Hell of fire with Terminator and BTR-D eliminates Ukrainian platoon in Kreminna (Video)
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Rusland demilitariseert niet alleen Oekraïne, maar ook de NAVO
ReplyDeleteRussia demilitarizes not only Ukraine, but also NATO
DeleteRussia and China didn’t discuss Beijing’s ‘peace plan’ – Moscow
ReplyDeleteDit is ‘m dan: de killerrobot die Rusland in Oekraïne gaat inzetten tegen ‘onze’ tanks
ReplyDeleteHere it is: the killer robot that Russia will use in Ukraine against 'our' tanks
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EU’s Borrell rebukes NATO head
ReplyDeleteKiev’s membership is “not on the table,” Brussels’ foreign policy chief has said
Roger Waters under criminal probe over anti-Nazi satire
DeleteGermany complains about Roger Waters show without batting an eye sending weapons to the Nazi command in Kiev. What a joke.
NBC ‘spreading disinfo’ on Ukraine talks – Moscow