In a cringe inducing interview with a BBC reporter, Bill Gates argued that it’s perfectly fine for him to fly around the world on private jets because he’s doing much more than anyone else to combat climate change.
Gates claimed that because he continues to “spend billions of dollars” on climate change activism, his carbon footprint isn’t an issue.
“Should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?” Gates said in the interview with Amol Rajan.
POPE calls for WORLD UNITY, Urges "CLIMATE CONTROL is Top Moral Issue"
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Klimaatopwarmingssekte zegt dat operatiepatiënten minder anesthesie moeten krijgen om de planeet te redden
ReplyDeleteGlobal warming cult says surgery patients should receive less anesthesia to save the planet
DeleteBill Gates: ik mag wel privéjets gebruiken en wel om deze reden
ReplyDeleteBill Gates: I am allowed to use private jets for this reason
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Bill Gates wil kunstmatige intelligentie gebruiken om samenzweringstheorieën te bestrijden
ReplyDeleteBill Gates wants to use artificial intelligence to fight conspiracy theories
DeleteStudie: Bill Gates’ laboratoriumvlees veroorzaakt kanker bij mensen
ReplyDeleteStudy: Bill Gates’ Lab Grown Meat Causes Cancer in Humans
DeleteEet smakelijk: hier wordt het kweekvlees van Bill Gates van gemaakt
ReplyDeleteBon appetit: this is what Bill Gates' cultured meat is made from
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Het plan om het Westen kapot te maken
ReplyDeleteThe plan to destroy the West
DeleteBill Gates arrestatiebevel uitgevaardigd in Filipijnen voor “moord met voorbedachten rade” in verband met uitrol vaccin
ReplyDeleteBill Gates Arrest Warrant Issued in Philippines For ‘Premeditated Murder’ Linked To Vaccine Roll Out
DeleteGreta Thunberg deletes ‘end of the world’ tweet
ReplyDeleteBill Gates wants global ‘fire department’ for pandemics
ReplyDeleteBeyond the Reset: bekijk deze film over de wereld na de Great Reset
ReplyDeleteBeyond the Reset: Watch this film about the post-Great Reset world
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Afrikaanse functionaris waarschuwt Gates en Soros: gebruik ons continent niet langer als proeflab
ReplyDeleteAfrican official warns Gates and Soros: stop using our continent as a test lab
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Investeerder gearresteerd nadat hij Bill Gates ontmaskert: ‘We weten hoeveel hij om kinderen geeft’
ReplyDeleteInvestor arrested after exposing Bill Gates: 'We know how much he cares about children'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Vader van Elon Musk doet opmerkelijke uitspraken over ontvolkingsplannen Bill Gates
ReplyDeleteFather of Elon Musk makes remarkable statements about depopulation plans Bill Gates
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Epstein blackmailed Bill Gates – WSJ
ReplyDeleteBill Gates krijgt versnelde goedkeuring voor nieuw coronavaccin ondanks ernstige zorgen over veiligheid
ReplyDeleteBill Gates Gets Fast-Track Approval for a NEW Covid-19 Vaccine Despite Serious Safety Concerns
DeleteGates Foundation werkt aan ‘vliegende vaccins’, hoe werkt het?
ReplyDeleteGates Foundation is working on 'flying vaccines', how does it work?
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Gates Foundation Is Working On Engineering Flying Vaccines via Mosquitoes
DeleteGates Foundation ontving miljarden euro’s aan financiering van de Duitse regering
ReplyDeleteGerman gov’t funds several Gates Foundation projects to the tune of 3.8 billion euros
DeleteBill Gates financiert een wel heel bizar project om ‘klimaatverandering’ te bestrijden
ReplyDeleteBill Gates is financing a most bizarre project to fight 'climate change'
DeleteMiljarden belastinggeld naar Gates gesluisd voor population control-programma’s
ReplyDeleteBillions of tax dollars funneled to Gates for population control programs
DeleteBill Gates zegt dat hij ‘de oplossing’ is voor klimaatverandering, dus hij mag vier privéjets bezitten
ReplyDeleteBill Gates Says He Is ‘The Solution’ To Climate Change So It’s OK To Own Four Private Jets
DeleteWaarom maakte Bill Gates plotseling een ommekeer in het klimaatdoemverhaal ?
ReplyDeleteWhy Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative
DeleteHere is a picture of Bill Gates with his “dad”
ReplyDeleteNotice anything strange?
Bill Gates gaat er prat op meerdere privéjets te bezitten: ‘My Guilty Pleasure’
ReplyDeleteBill Gates Boasts of Owning Multiple Private Jets: ‘My Guilty Pleasure’
DeleteBill Gates lacht om het idee dat hij een ‘kwaadaardig complot’ had bedacht om vaccins te pushen
ReplyDeleteBill Gates Laughs Off Idea He Hatched ‘Evil Plot’ to Push Vaccines
DeleteBill Gates won't be laughing anymore when he's burning forever in the lake of fire...
DeleteBill Gates klaagt dat ‘samenzweringstheoretici’ zijn ‘superbelangrijke werk’ veel moeilijker maken
ReplyDeleteBill Gates Complains ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Are Making His ‘Super Important Work’ Much Harder
DeleteBill Gates roept op om koeien aan te passen om ‘klimaatverandering’ te bestrijden
ReplyDeleteBill Gates calls for cows to be modified to combat 'climate change'
DeleteBill Gates is a servant of the EVIL LUCIFERIAN ROMAN EMPIRE
ReplyDeleteThe 'Climate change' HOAX was concocted by the EVIL LUCIIFERIAN ROMAN EMPIRE
ReplyDeleteBill Gates’ in laboratoria gekweekt vlees onthuld: “Echt gruwelijk”
ReplyDeleteBill Gates’ Lab-Grown Meat Exposed: ‘Really Gruesome’
DeleteBill Gates’ ‘synthetische melk’ bevat 92 ‘onbekende’ chemicaliën
ReplyDeleteBill Gates’ ‘Synthetic Milk’ Spiked with 92 ‘Unknown’ Chemicals
DeleteHang on! Now Bill Gates is coming for your backyard GARDENS? | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteBill Gates wil DNA van koeien veranderen met mRNA-vaccins om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan
ReplyDeleteBill Gates Wants To Alter Cow’s DNA Using mRNA Vaccines To Fight Climate Change
DeleteLuciferian Bill Gates planning for “Pandemic 2,” complete with new vaccines administered from “a little patch”
ReplyDeleteHet is zover: Duistere droom van Bill Gates om zon te dimmen komt uit
ReplyDeleteThe time has come: Bill Gates' dark dream to dim the sun comes true
DeleteOok in Duitsland zijn coronadocumenten geopenbaard en dit onthullen ze over de Gates Foundation
ReplyDeleteCorona documents have also been revealed in Germany and they reveal this about the Gates Foundation
DeleteBill Gates over trits nieuwe mRNA-vaccins: ‘We knoeien met zelfassemblerende nanodeeltjes’
ReplyDeleteBill Gates on series of new mRNA vaccines: 'We are tampering with self-assembling nanoparticles'
DeleteKill Bill Gates!
DeleteBilly the Kill(er)
DeleteZe gingen naar Afrika om te kijken naar 30 jaar aan vaccinatiedata en wat ze ontdekten was schokkend
ReplyDeleteThey went to Africa to look at 30 years of vaccination data and what they found was shocking
DeleteBill Gates is a sadistic mass murderer and he deserves the same fate as Satan.
Delete“Bill Gates controls the WHO which mandates ‘vaccines’ for the entire World…” -RFK Jr.
ReplyDeleteBill Gates belongs in PRISON NOW for Biological War Crimes.
Flashback: Bill Gates legt zich toe op weerbeheersing en het “kalmeren” van orkanen
ReplyDeleteFlashback: Bill Gates Devotes Himself to Weather Control and “Calming” Hurricanes
DeleteNieuws over Nederlandse rechtszaak tegen Gates verspreidt zich als een lopend vuurtje over de wereld
ReplyDeleteNews of Dutch lawsuit against Gates spreads like wildfire around the world
DeletePsychopaat en massamoordenaar Bill Gates wil samen met Trump werken aan ‘betere toekomst voor iedereen’
ReplyDeletePsychopath and mass murderer Bill Gates wants to work with Trump on 'a better future for everyone'
DeleteZuivelgigant Arla verwikkeld in mediastorm rondom methaanremmer voor koeien, massale oproep tot boycot
ReplyDeleteDairy giant Arla embroiled in media storm over methane inhibitor for cows, massive call for boycott
DeleteFarmers Defence Force wil pas op de plaats met methaanremmer Bovaer: ‘Kleeft een stevige gezondheidswaarschuwing aan’
ReplyDeleteFarmers Defence Force wants to pause with methane inhibitor Bovaer: 'It comes with a strong health warning'
DeleteBill Gates is going to be tortured forever in the lake of fire together with Satan unless he repents and is saved by JESUS!
ReplyDeleteLocking him up on earth is not an appropriate punishment: eternal TORTURE is!
Btw: are YOU saved from the lake of fire?
Politicus confronteert ‘journalist’ op straat: ‘Hoe onafhankelijk is uw verslaggeving als u wordt betaald door Bill Gates?
ReplyDeletePolitician confronts 'journalist' on the street: 'How independent is your reporting if you are paid by Bill Gates?
DeleteBill Gates en Soros drijvende kracht achter petitie tegen benoeming Kennedy
ReplyDeleteBill Gates and Soros driving force behind petition against Kennedy appointment
DeleteSuperschurk Bill Gates heeft ernstige waarschuwing: ‘Dit kan miljoenen doden opleveren’
ReplyDeleteSupervillain Bill Gates has dire warning: 'This could kill millions'