Tuesday, 1 November 2022

US government worked with Big Tech to censor social media


Documents show how Homeland Security sought to dodge the First Amendment ban on censorship

One of their major revelations is that tech companies – including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft and LinkedIn – met with the FBI and other government agencies every month, before and since the 2020 election. Facebook even set up a special portal for “takedowns” that requires a law enforcement email to access.

The US government worked hand in glove with social media platforms to censor online “misinformation” – such as the factually true Hunter Biden laptop story – The Intercept revealed on Monday, citing internal Department of Homeland Security documents obtained through leaks and public records requests. 


Moreover, the DHS plans to continue censoring opinions about Covid-19, “racial justice,” and US support for Ukraine going forward.



  1. The CIA FBI NSA are tools of the SATANIC VATICAN

  2. Replies
    1. These warning signs remind us that the most cryptic source of all spying in the world is not China, but the US. Since the Second World War, the US has, in conjunction with Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, maintained a worldwide spying regime known as the ‘Five Eyes’ which, in the age of mass communications, has been designed so that each government can bypass its own privacy laws and judicial restraints in order to spy on each other’s citizens, while supplying information within the group. In doing so, they have created a number of communication interception and surveillance programs, as revealed by Snowden, such as PRISM, ECHELON, XKEYSCORE, etc.

  3. Musk says Twitter secrets ‘blew’ his mind
    The social network’s boss says the US government had “full access” to everything

  4. Replies
    1. While the scrapped policy supposedly covered all past US elections, YouTube had appeared to focus its censorship on content questioning the 2020 results, ignoring or even promoting content that suggested the 2016 outcome was the result of Russian interference, especially if it came from establishment media outlets.

    2. Alphabet-Google-YouTube (Blogger too) is controlled by Satan

  5. Replies
    1. Count_Cash
      Google is just a tool for the western elite - its not a search engine, its a propaganda engine!

  6. Replies
    1. He's not my brother in Christ JESUS (yet) but he became a truth seeker and he's now married with children and that's why Satan is targeting him because of his popularity.

    2. Take note: the Antichrist (the Pope) is always UNMARRIED without a normal family

  7. Replies
    1. J.B Hennessey
      I left Facebook a long time ago when I was suspended for saying, "a man is not and can never be a woman". I was given a 30 day suspension and knew from that the place is gone to hell and I never went back.

    2. smoke and mirrors
      It's called CIA book,, there, I fixed it for you

      Political Dexterity
      The Cabal's CIA figurine Suckerberg, AKA father of Fakebook, never understood the MK Ultra social control apparatus. Now, Meta flops with its private data spying/lurking Apps Threads and WhatsApp. Don't worry Sucker, CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. will keep financing your crap to collect more and more data of morons.

      МАКЕДОНИЈА, I remember an interview with a high ranking CIA man that was on television years ago. He gloated about how easy it was to spy on people, get their political opinions, etc. over these Facebook type systems.

      Zuckerbeggy is just the STOOGE the CIA & NSA used because they created FaceBook for their surveillance. It went to his head just like Elensky and they think they have an original thought. 🤡

  8. Replies
    1. This new European law 'makes the internet really dangerous'

  9. Replies
    1. SinCity-II
      Just shows how gullible those Americans are.
      1 hr

      SinCity-II, Not only gullible but stupid. American people sat on the jury and convicted an innocent man.

  10. Replies
    1. Why you should destroy your smartphone now

    2. Ik vernietig mijn smartphone niet omdat mijn duivelse ING bank me heeft verplicht om via hun app mijn bankzaken te regelen, wat ik daarvoor via mijn PC kon doen, maar die mogelijkheid heeft die duivelse bank van me afgenomen.
      Ik gebuik mijn smartphone niet als telefoon.
      Ja, ze gaan inderdaad het gebruik van 'ouderwetse' Nokia's onmogelijk maken.
      Ze doen maar...
      Het merkteken van het beest is overigens NIET in geimplanteerde microchip maar de quantum dot tattoo dat als een 'vaccin' zal worden gepresenteerd.
      En dat merkteken kan slechts geïmplementeerd worden NA de opname van Het Lichaam van Christus, want dat staat beschreven in Openbaring 13 en het HELE boek Openbaringen gaat NIET over Het Lichaam van Christus, want dat is tegen die tijd opgenomen ten hemel.
      Alles wat daarna gebeurt heeft vooral met Israël te maken.

    3. I don't destroy my smartphone because my devilish ING bank has forced me to arrange my banking affairs via their app, which I could previously do via my PC, but that devilish bank has taken that option away from me.
      I don't use my smartphone as a phone.
      Yes, they are indeed going to make the use of 'old-fashioned' Nokias impossible.
      They just do...
      The mark of the beast is NOT an implanted microchip but the quantum dot tattoo that will be presented as a 'vaccine'.
      And that mark can only be implemented AFTER the rapture of The Body of Christ, because that is described in Revelation 13 and the ENTIRE book of Revelations is NOT about The Body of Christ, because it is taken up into heaven at that time.
      Everything that happens after that mainly has to do with Israel.

  11. Video platform blocks Brazil
    Rumble has refused the South American country’s demands to censor creators

  12. Replies
    1. Lolaus
      Apple iphones are spy gadgets; gadgets that allows the US Govt to spy, surveill and track you. Same like Facebook, Whatsapp, Google, Microsoft and CISCO's electronic parts and equipment. All serve the OMNISCIENT NSA and CIA in spying on EVERYONE.

      HUAWEI represents a tangible threat to this worldwide SPYING System of the US; hence Washington's FANATICAL attempt to destroy HUAWEI.

      Washington complains CHINA is a DARK SPOT for them insofar as SPYING is concerned and this DARK SPOT is expected to grow larger as Apple loses its market share in CHINA and Worldwide; same as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Whatsapp, CISCO, Dell, HP, and even Lenovo (if it doesn't switch to Harmony OS that is).

      "Demented" Joe has done a great job. Apple is a train headed for a collapsed bridge over a canyon. Barclay is just waving a red flag. Incredible how one man could dismantle the American Empire's spying apparatus single-handedly. I would have never believe it.

      Love ya, Joe.

  13. Replies
    1. Ex-government official reveals who is behind the arrest of Telegram CEO Durov (no, it's not France)

  14. Replies
    1. Facebook boss Zuckerberg's letter about corona censorship causes a stir: 'What damage this man has caused'

  15. Replies
    1. Hillary Clinton warns: 'We'll lose total control' if social media stops censoring

  16. Replies
    1. This Green Left-PvdA MP calls for censorship now that Meta is stopping 'fact checks': 'The masks are really falling off, you know'

  17. Replies
    1. These are the major financiers of the 'fact checkers' that Mark Zuckerberg is now quitting

  18. Russian platform overtakes YouTube – media
    VK Video has surpassed the US-based service in terms of daily audience in the country, TASS reports


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”