Monday, 31 October 2022

‘Inflation came from nowhere’ – Lagarde

In an interview with Irish state broadcaster RTE on Friday, Lagarde said: “We do it because we are fighting inflation” that had “pretty much come about from nowhere.” She pointed to a speedier-than-expected economic rebound from the pandemic as a cause alongside “the energy crisis caused by Mr. Putin who has decided in an unjustifiable way to invade another country.” 

The ECB chief added: “That’s what he [Putin] is trying to do, cause chaos and destroy as much of Europe as he can. This energy crisis is causing massive inflation which we have to defeat.”

She went on to say that “Anybody who is behaving in that way has to be driven by evil forces,” and that the “sick” Russian president is a “terrifying person.”

Discussing her previous meetings with the Russian leader, Lagarde described him as an “unbelievably super-briefed person” with “flashing, freezing eyes.”


After expressing her view, Lagarde however stressed that she’s “just a central banker,” and “shouldn’t be saying all these things.”




Monday, November 4, 2019

Convicted CRIMINAL, Christine Lagarde: "We Should Be Happier To Have A Job Than To Have Savings"

Any hopes that the replacement of Mario Draghi, who on Halloween left the ECB more polarized than ever, as the core European nations revolted against the Italian's profligately loose monetary policy in an unprecedented public demonstration of discord within the European Central Bank...

... with the ECB's new head, former IMF Director and convicted criminal, Christine Lagarde would result in some easing of tensions, were promptly crushed when Lagarde picked up where Draghi left off, calling on Germany and the Netherlands to use their budget surpluses to fund investments that would help stimulate the economy, in a sharp rebuke that will not win the former French finance minister any friends in fiscally conservative Germany.


Christine Lagarde



Christine Lagarde – WOMAN of ACTION


Monday, July 9, 2012

Banker Coup: Goldman Sachs Takes Over Europe

EU flag is Mary's flag 


The European Union - New Tower of Babel


We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.



  1. Comments below this article:
    Charles Butcher
    Someone who's the Head of the ECB and say's such a ", STUPID" thing isn't there because of he brains and certainly not for her looks,,,,sooooo ask yourself WHY. Crookery, cheating,lying what else.
    5 hr

    Who is she trying to kid?
    8 hr

    Richard7, This inflation did not come from "nowhere!" It's been building up ever since the 2007 (ending in 2008) financial crisis, which never really ended. And why is that? It is because the European Central Bank and the Fed simply just kept on printing the money, which they conveniently named as "Quantative Easing," which was/is a merely licence to print money by any other name. And, then it soon became business as usual towards the end of 2008. No one was prosecuted - not one senior banker or CEO, for the trauma they caused to millions around the world, for the crisis that was sparked off by the "predatory" lending of targeting low-income home buyers, excessive risk-taking by global financial institutions, and the bursting of the United States housing bubble that culminated in a "perfect storm." Colossal "Hush money" fines were eventually paid out, and all the bankers financial problems + possible jail time magically went away! This new crisis has been a "perfect storm" brewing up ever since then - Russia is not to blame for this - rather the US is - not only because of the sanctions foisted against Russia, by the Biden admin, which have spectacularly backfired. Nor the COVID-19 pandemic to blame for it. Rather the intransigence of the Fed and the European banks in dealing with the root cause(s) of the economic problems the world is now faced with are! Which Putin commented on at the Valdai Discussion Club recently!

  2. Replies
    1. Red Star
      A big, fat lie! However, let see how warm the European will be during this and coming winters!
      17 hr

      Tomoe Gozen
      We have substituted nothing. When Russia decides to stop we all are in big s..t
      18 hr

      Yes, but at what cost? Econimic suicide! Unbelievable!

  3. Replies
    1. ECB boss Christine Lagarde makes remarkable admission about digital euro

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  4. Replies
    1. 'European dictatorship rumbles on': digital identity is pushed down our throats without debate

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  5. Replies
    1. In total, Western governments have frozen about $300 billion in Russian central bank assets since the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, and seized more than $80 billion worth of assets belonging to Russian citizens and businesses. While addressing the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin described these actions as “medieval.”

    2. “Many businessmen were stunned to see that their accounts in the West were frozen. It never crossed anyone’s mind. This is robbery. They closed them, took them away and won’t even explain why. It’s shocking. It’s like the Middle Ages,” the Russian president said.

    3. The EU is the revived Luciferian Roman empire the kingdom of the ANTICHRIST

  6. Replies
    1. "If the ECB president can spew this kind of disgusting crap, it's about time to shut down the whole institution."

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  7. Replies
    1. 25 years of the Euro: Christine Lagarde announces that the ECB is preparing to roll out a CBDC

  8. Trump a ‘threat’ to Europe – ECB chief
    The former US president’s potential return to the White House in 2025 is a source of concern, according to Christine Lagarde

  9. Replies
    1. Surprise over Mario Draghi’s exorbitant EU debt plans: ‘Have Brussels gone completely mad?’

  10. “Dit is niet gezond voor de Europese lidstaten……”

    De straf die haar werd opgelegd in 2016 was:
    •Een boete van 15.000 euro vermeerderd met
    •Eén jaar gevangenisstraf
    •Een strafblad als Frans staatsburger

    Zowel de boete als de gevangenis bleef haar echter bespaard door twee machtige partijen: de minister van Financiën van de VS en de – tevens in de VS gevestigde – directie van het IMF. Ook werd door deze partijen afgedwongen dat het strafblad van Lagarde zou verdwijnen uit Franse registers, aldus The Guardian.

    We zagen het eerder bij die andere machtigste vrouw van Europa – Ursula von der Leyen – die een aantal strafbare feiten op haar cv had, maar geen strafblad of een veroordeling kreeg en tevens een pion van de VS bleek. Twee dames die beiden het lot van Europa bepalen terwijl ze aan de leiband van de VS lopen.
    “This is not healthy for the European member states…”

    The sentence imposed on her in 2016 was:
    •A fine of 15,000 euros plus
    •One year imprisonment
    •A criminal record as a French citizen

    However, she was spared both the fine and prison by two powerful parties: the US Treasury Secretary and the IMF board of directors, which is also based in the US. These parties also forced Lagarde's criminal record to be removed from French registers, according to The Guardian.

    We saw it before with that other most powerful woman in Europe – Ursula von der Leyen – who had a number of criminal offences on her resume, but no criminal record or conviction and also turned out to be a pawn of the US. Two ladies who both determine the fate of Europe while walking on a leash of the US.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”