Monday, 7 November 2022

The One Chart That Explains Everything


Look at the chart above. The chart explains everything.

It explains why Washington is so worried about China’s explosive growth. It explains why the US continues to hector China on the issues of Taiwan and the South China Sea. It explains why Washington sends congressional delegations to Taiwan in defiance of Beijing’s explicit requests. It explains why the Pentagon continues to send US warships through the Taiwan Strait and ship massive amounts of lethal weaponry to Taipei. It explains why Washington is creating anti-China coalitions in Asia that are aimed at encircling and provoking Beijing. It explains why the Biden administration is stepping up its trade war on China, imposing onerous economic sanctions on its businesses, and banning critical high-tech semi-conductors that are “are essential not just… for virtually every aspect of modern society, from electronic products and transport to the design and production of all manner of goods.” 


It explains why China has been singled-out in the US National Security Strategy (NSS) as “the only competitor with both the intent and, increasingly, the capability to reshape the international order.” It explains why Washington now regards China as its biggest and most formidable strategic adversary that must be isolated, demonized and defeated.

Read more.... 



Armageddon will happen 3½ years after the rapture, during the Time Of Jacob's Trouble, aka the Great Tribulation. 

It's NOT the same as 'Gog & Magog'! 


We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Sat24Dec
      since elon musk took over twitter, all the vips have been running away, who knows what child pornography perversions they exchanged with mobile phones, why are you running away? Because it is safer now than before? isn't that a contradiction? You are used to the ruffians of TV compliant living rooms

      look at xi jinping, he looks like he spit on a comb before running it through his hair, like the evening news anchors in 1959

      it is obvious that then transgender rebel monsters like Soros emerge who in reaction interpret everything to the contrary, Soros addresses the TV audience of 1970, he does not understand the internet audience because he does not understand the internet, he pays people who do it for him, for money

      you have to do exactly the opposite, address the TV audience, don't seduce them, don't have two different masks, transgender, one for each different audience, internet and TV

      and you still keep calling them 'vaccines', that s#°t passed off as vaccines, you're the ones who self-censor, nobody censors you

      the internet 'audience' is much more informed than the old lady with the black and white television 'on' in the kitchen while she prepared potatoes in 1970s, politics must begin to reason with the internet public, not to read the speech prepared for the tv at dinner time like in 1970, it's crazy to still call that stuff 'vaccines', we're not stupid, the internet has no borders, it's you politicians who consider your audience with the TV 'on' useful idiots, we are not the b/w tv audience in the 70's

      you understand that it's a world controlled by people like Soros who is almost a hundred years old and was a boy when there was still black and white TV and that's how he sees the world, in black and white

      who believes in television narrative anymore, it is hilarious how politicians around the world try to adapt reality to an era in which television has spread to homes all over the world, adapt the official narrative for a television audience, what they are doing with twitter, facebook, RT, adapting reality for a television audience, the truth is television and nothing else, consider the internet as a tv channel, even the television policy of China, Russia's ally, continues still passing them off as vaccines for a black and white television audience as in the 1970s, does not consider the internet audience at all, which is much more informed than the 1970s tv audience
      3 d

      Sat24Dec, What are you talking about? Both russia and China used inactive virus or weakened virus to produce vaccine against corona. It is a well known and documented method to produce effective vaccines and has been the standard process when producing vaccines for decades. The western companies instead relied on a new concept using mnra methods because it can be produced faster than the old standard procedure of using inactive or dead viruses to make the vaccine. The western mnra vaccine producers didn't care at all that they where using a new, untested method to procure their vaccines, as long as they could get out on the market first. But both China and russia did produce and offered vaccines based on inactive corona viruses, a well established method that we know are safe because we have used the same method in every vaccines produced the last decades or half century. The western vaccines are a completly new way of making vaccines and we have no data and know nothing about how this new mrna vaccine may affect people in the long term. Im still waiting for my country to offer a vaccine based on the old method with inactive virus, because there we already have the data collected over decades and we know that it is a working concept with low risk for negative effects in the long term.
      3 d
      1 reply
      Mark Golding
      Emotion drives intention and intention breaks the barrier of deceit and lies.

  2. Replies
    1. Adonis Cirillo
      The Chinese island of Taiwan was stolen by Japan in 1895 and was subsequently returned to China on 25 Oct, 1945 under the terms of the 1943 Cairo Conference and the 1945 Potsdam Declaration, signed by the USA, UK and China.

      Retrocession Day is the name given to the annual observance and a former public holiday in Taiwan to commemorate the end of Japanese rule of Taiwan and Penghu, and the claimed retrocession ("return") of Taiwan to the Republic of China on 25 Oct, 1945.

      The retreat (not declaration of independence) of the government of the Republic of China to Taiwan occurred 7 Dec, 1949. (In other words, Mainland China still owns the real-estate)

      'Fait Accompli' … it can not be undone.

    2. Adonis Cirillo
      Contrary to American Fake News …

      The Chinese island of Taiwan is NOT a 'sovereign state', and is NOT recognized by the UN as a 'sovereign state'.

      The Chinese island of Taiwan lies within the 'Exclusive Economic Zone' of China as defined by the UN. Under Laws of the 'Exclusive Economic Zone' , China can suspend any-and-all trade, in-and-around Taiwan, a legal NON-VIOLENT blockade.

      China and Taiwan have a long-standing One Nation / Two Government System with the agreed goal of Reunification, similar to Hong Kong.

      end of story


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”