Adolf Hitler visits Finland in 1942
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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'
“Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”

Artist name: Vera Bergkamp Demonratten '66 Demon Rats '66 Vera Bergkamp COC Gay Objectives - Demolition of the Netherlands - Cove...
Pre-rapture 'news' concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to Israel Pre-opname 'nieuws' aangaande de we...
‘De Europese Unie is bijna de verwezenlijking geworden van Hitlers Derde Rijk’
ReplyDelete'The European Union has almost become the realization of Hitler's Third Reich'
DeleteHonderden mensen demonstreren op de Dam tegen de overheid (volgens de NOS)
ReplyDeleteHundreds of people demonstrate on Dam Square against the government (according to NOS)
DeleteZo'n 6.000 mensen kwamen op de demonstratie af
DeleteAbout 6,000 people came to the demonstration
DeleteMan die hakenkruis droeg tijdens demonstratie opgepakt, OM start onderzoek
DeleteMan who wore swastika during demonstration arrested, OM starts investigation
DeleteThe swastika is in the context of a face, referring to Klaus Schwab's WEF
ReplyDeleteWeer een complottheorie gesneuveld: Duitsland kondigt zojuist komst van digitale identiteit aan
ReplyDeleteWeer een complottheorie gesneuveld: Duitsland kondigt zojuist komst van digitale identiteit aan
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Gideon van Meijeren op de Dam: ‘Mijn batterij is 100% opgeladen om strijd aan te gaan met globalistische landverraders’
ReplyDeleteGideon van Meijeren op de Dam: 'My battery is 100% charged to fight globalist traitors'
DeleteEU gaat nu bepalen wanneer bij u het licht aan mag: ‘Dit was toch een complottheorie? Toch?!’
ReplyDeleteEU will now determine when you can turn on the light: 'This was a conspiracy theory, wasn't it? However?!'
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Ursula wants to flatten her curves to save the world!
DeleteNa Frankrijk bereidt nu ook Nederland zich voor op de invoering van voedselbonnen
ReplyDeleteAfter France, the Netherlands is now also preparing for the introduction of food stamps
DeleteKijk: Regeringspartijen weigeren debat over explosieve stijging van de energierekening
DeleteWatch: Government parties refuse debate on explosive rise in energy bills
Shocking video: Dutch state mobsters use “grab and seize” tactics against farmers protesting Great Reset
ReplyDeleteGovernments are pulling the gloves off as the mass awakening to the World Economic Forum's food system "reset" continues.
Put the page in English via the language button at the top right
Schokkende video: Nederlandse staatsgangsters gebruiken “graai en grijp” tactiek tegen boeren die protesteren tegen Grote Reset
DeleteRutte stevig aangepakt: ‘De premier is het symbool aan het worden van de omgekeerde vlag, wegwezen’
ReplyDeleteRutte firmly addressed: 'The prime minister is becoming the symbol of the inverted flag, get out'
DeleteGGD en RIVM blokkeren onderzoek naar oversterfte: ‘Zorgelijk’
ReplyDeleteGGD and RIVM block research into excess mortality: 'worrying'
DeleteD66-voorzitter dreigt Forum voor Democratie in Tweede Kamer het woord te ontnemen: ‘Daar gaan we weer’
ReplyDeleteD66 chairman threatens to take the floor from the Forum for Democracy in the House of Representatives: 'Here we go again'
Delete‘Ons grootste rampscenario is dat wij aan het einde van deze winter 1 miljoen huishoudens moeten afsluiten’
ReplyDelete'Our biggest disaster scenario is that we have to close 1 million households by the end of this winter'
DeleteJaap van Dissel in het nauw na onthulling over dubieuze betaling: ‘Dit kan echt niet’
ReplyDeleteJaap van Dissel cornered after revelation about dubious payment: 'This really can't be'
DeletePepijn van Houwelingen stelt Kaag lastige vragen over sancties tegen Rusland: ‘Zo bizar is het’
ReplyDeletePepijn van Houwelingen asks Kaag difficult questions about sanctions against Russia: "It's that bizarre"
DeleteRutte en Kaag voeren oorlog namens Nederland en het Nazi-regime van Zelensky tegen Rusland
DeleteRutte and Kaag wage war on behalf of the Netherlands and the Nazi regime of Zelensky against Russia
DeleteIn de mist van de verwoestende oorlog in Oekraïne liggen 3 lagen verborgen, dit zijn ze
ReplyDeleteIn the fog of the devastating war in Ukraine, 3 layers are hidden, here they are
DeleteVVD in Oost-Groningen dreigt in elkaar te klappen: Partij van Rutte ‘verkeert in heel zwaar weer’
DeleteVVD in East Groningen threatens to collapse: Rutte's party 'is in very heavy weather'
Geld uit coronaherstelfonds gaat vooral naar energietransitie: ‘Schande dat regering hier ooit voor heeft getekend’
ReplyDeleteMoney from corona recovery fund mainly goes to energy transition: 'Shame that the government ever signed for this'
DeleteWalgelijke Kaag houdt FVD medeverantwoordelijk voor bedreigingen: ‘Ze kan beter aftreden’
ReplyDeleteDisgusting Kaag holds FVD jointly responsible for threats: "It is better to resign"
DeleteSchorsing Thierry Baudet van de baan, D66 woest
ReplyDeleteSuspension Thierry Baudet off the track, D66 ferocious
DeleteDirecteur van Lareb Agnes Kant zat ook in de Vaccinatiealliantie: ‘Zijn die rollen met elkaar te verenigen?’
ReplyDeleteLareb director Agnes Kant was also a member of the Vaccination Alliance: 'Can those roles be reconciled?'
DeleteVaccinazi ‘Hugo de Jonge gedroeg zich als een tiran die geen tegenspraak duldde’
ReplyDeleteVacciNazi 'Hugo de Jonge behaved like a tyrant who tolerated no objection'
DeletePieter Omtzigt waarschuwt voor ‘stille en ongekende ramp’
ReplyDeletePieter Omtzigt warns of 'silent and unprecedented disaster'
DeleteGas extraction in the Netherlands amounts to 19.1 billion cubic meters per year. Of this, 17.5 billion cubic meters per year is sold to foreign parties. In other words, 90 percent of all our gas production has already been sold abroad before it has been taken of off the ground this year, says MP Pieter Omtzigt .
DeleteHe discovered that the contracts are secret. "Why actually? As a parliamentarian, I want to be able to control what happens to our own minerals, especially now that there is great scarcity and poverty among Dutch families.”
The Dutch people only get 10% OF THEIR OWN GAS!!!
DeleteProf Capel legt uit waarom je ‘helemaal geen moer’ aan de nieuwe booster hebt: ‘Dit is de waanzin ten top’
ReplyDeleteProf Capel explains why the new booster is 'doing nothing at all': 'This is madness at its best'
DeleteMan opgepakt in Amsterdam voor bedreigen premier Rutte Volg alle links en weet meer.
ReplyDeleteMan arrested in Amsterdam for threatening Prime Minister Rutte Follow all links and know more.
DeleteNieuwe transgenderwet leidt tot protestmanifest en bekladde posters
ReplyDeleteNew transgender law leads to protest manifesto and defaced posters
DeleteIn Nederland mag je op je 18de pas stemmen, autorijden en alcoholhoudende dranken kopen, maar op je 16de mag je al officieel je gewenste geslacht laten veranderen zonder toestemming van de ouders/opvoeders.
ReplyDeleteIn the Netherlands, you are only allowed to vote, drive and buy alcoholic beverages when you are 18, but you can officially change your desired gender when you are 16 without permission from the parents/guardians.
DeleteDat is waar de nieuwe transgenderwet over gaat. Uiteraard heeft dit de zegen van satan die alles wat God normaal vindt abnormaal vindt.
DeleteThat's what the new transgender law is all about. Of course, this has the blessing of Satan who finds everything that God finds normal to be abnormal.
DeleteZaak tegen Rutte, Kaag, Hoekstra en Segers verplaatst naar 11 oktober, deurwaarder ‘geïntimideerd door politie’
ReplyDeleteCase against Rutte, Kaag, Hoekstra and Segers moved to October 11, bailiff 'intimidated by police'
DeleteHet leven van Mimi is verwoest na de spuit: ‘Voelt alsof er de hele dag glasscherven in je lichaam zitten’
ReplyDeleteMimi's life is ruined after the syringe: 'Feels like there are shards of glass in your body all day'
DeleteOmtzigt boos op coalitie: ‘Ik heb er geen zin in om met gevangenisstraffen te gaan dreigen’
ReplyDeleteOmtzigt angry with coalition: 'I don't feel like threatening prison terms'
Delete‘We moeten gewoon stoppen met het koninklijk huis, vooral in Nederland’
ReplyDelete'We just have to stop with the royal house, especially in the Netherlands'
DeleteArts over pupillen van Klaus Schwab: ‘Is het geen tijd voor een aanklacht wegens landverraad?’
ReplyDeleteDoctor on Klaus Schwab's pupils: 'Isn't it time for a treason charge?'
Delete80 procent van de coronapatiënten was gevaccineerd, blijkt uit cijfers van het RIVM
ReplyDelete80 percent of the corona patients were vaccinated, according to figures from the RIVM
DeleteOud-burgemeester: ‘Verdwenen kinderen worden gebruikt voor akelige rituelen’
ReplyDeleteFormer mayor: 'Disappeared children are used for nasty rituals'
DeleteCompleetdenkers Aflevering #20 Peter Vereecke
DeleteComplete Thinkers Episode #20 Peter Vereecke
DeletePeter Vereecke is a flat earther!
DeleteDe klap van de energiecrisis voor Europa is de verantwoordelijkheid van EU-politici
ReplyDeleteThe blow of the energy crisis for Europe is the responsibility of EU politicians
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‘Het wordt echt vreselijk in dit land en dat komt door Rutte en de zijnen’
ReplyDelete"It is really going to be terrible in this country and that is because of Rutte and his followers"
DeleteGerman inflation at highest level since Nazi-era
ReplyDeleteDe globalistische vrienden van Meloni: zo gevaarlijk is het Aspen Institute
ReplyDeleteMeloni's globalist friends: that's how dangerous the Aspen Institute is
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Europe ‘indefinitely deprived’ of key gas supply route – Gazprom
ReplyDeleteGermany ditches moral outrage towards Saudi Arabia for cheaper fuel
ReplyDeleteEU asylum system has failed – Austria
ReplyDeleteEU wil Russisch toiletpapier verbieden
ReplyDeleteEU wants to ban Russian toilet paper
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EVIL EU sounds alarm over dangerous infection
ReplyDeleteRussische politicus vergelijkt NAVO met nazi-Duitsland: ‘We worden geconfronteerd met het Vierde Europese Rijk’
ReplyDeleteRussian politician compares NATO to Nazi Germany: 'We are facing the Fourth European Empire'
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EU-ambtenaren krijgen grote salarisverhogingen – ondanks dat dit tegen het advies van de Commissie zelf ingaat
ReplyDeleteEU officials set to receive big wage hikes – despite the move going against the Commission's own advice
DeleteDuitsland’s mislukte experiment met “opgeslagen” aardgas en LNG
DeleteGermany´s failing ´stored´ nat-gas & LNG experiment
EU seeks to lower its dependency on China
ReplyDeleteDutch anarchists squat in Russian billionaire’s house
ReplyDeleteGermans to segregate war dead
ReplyDeleteGermans face over 50% energy price hike – media
ReplyDeleteIt's not Ursula von der Leyen's problem because she was born and raised in Brussels...
DeleteEU member will defend nuclear cooperation with Russia, foreign minister tells RT
ReplyDeleteGermany has no alternatives to Russian gas – MP
ReplyDeleteGerman finance ministry rejects call to solve military crisis – media
ReplyDeleteGermany ‘sleepwalking’ into new migration crisis – top MEP
ReplyDeleteScott Ritter: Merkel onthult het bedrog van het Westen
ReplyDeleteSCOTT RITTER: Merkel Reveals West’s Duplicity
DeleteAustria blocks two EU nations’ bids to join Schengen zone
ReplyDeleteThe EU is 'one big happy family'....
DeleteDuitse journalist: massale politieactie tegen rechtsextremisten in scène gezet en dit is waarom
ReplyDeleteGerman journalist: massive police action against right-wing extremists staged and here's why
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Germany should do business with Russia again – Scholz
ReplyDeleteAfter Moscow loses in Ukraine, the German chancellor explained
DeleteEuropese Unie gooit 1 miljard euro over de balk en de reden is ronduit bizar
ReplyDeleteEuropean Union is wasting 1 billion euros and the reason is downright bizarre
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Professor zet Europarlement op stelten: ‘Twee minuten waarheid, bittere waarheid’
ReplyDeleteProfessor upsets European Parliament: 'Two minutes of truth, bitter truth'
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Germany is now ‘total dictatorship’ – Dutch journalist to RT
ReplyDeleteDenmark sacrifices public holiday to pay NATO bill
ReplyDeleteWhile the new government has explained the decision, some Christians have taken issue with the actual holiday that is being excised from the calendar. Store Bededag (“Great Prayer Day”), observed on the Friday before the fourth Sunday after Easter, has been celebrated by Danes since 1686 and is traditionally a big day for confirmation ceremonies.
DeleteMacron defends World Cup trip
ReplyDeleteThe European Parliament’s ‘Qatar scandal’ is just the tip of a corruption iceberg
ReplyDeleteEU buying more Russian goods despite sanctions – Putin
ReplyDeleteTot 60 parlementsleden mogelijk betrokken bij EU-corruptieschandaal
ReplyDeleteUp to 60 MEPs May Be Involved in EU Corruption Scandal
DeleteDe bekende feiten over het corruptieschandaal in het EU-parlement
ReplyDeleteThe known facts about the corruption scandal in the EU parliament
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The EU is a crime syndicate on behalf of the Vatican and the devil
DeleteSelling a war: Report exposes how German media stirs up militancy in society and works to prevent negotiations with Russia
ReplyDeleteThe EU’s freeze of Russian media assets is a perversion of its own principles
ReplyDeletePoland seeks UN help in reparations case against Germany
ReplyDeleteNo need to ‘fight’ Russian language or culture – EU nation’s president
ReplyDeleteDuitse bondsminister van Economie geeft toe: Duitsland staat voor “economische ineenstorting”
ReplyDeleteGerman Federal Economy Minister Admits: Germany Facing “Economic Collapse”
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België: Smerig migrantenkraakpand produceert ziekten die in Europa al jaren niet meer voorkomen
ReplyDeleteVerheugde reacties op rechtszaak tegen EU-baas Von der Leyen: ‘Heel goed, prima!’
ReplyDeleteDelighted reactions to court case against EU boss Von der Leyen: 'Very good, fine!'
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Europese Commissie opgeroepen onmiddellijk te stoppen met deze aanval op de democratie in andere landen
ReplyDeleteEuropean Commission to immediately stop this attack on democracy in other countries
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EU country releases jailed Russian editor – media
ReplyDeleteMarat Kasem is reportedly out of Latvian jail but remains under house arrest
Nazi Poland used bogus charges to seize Russian funds – ambassador
ReplyDeleteNazi-Norway: Russia responds to diplomatic purge
ReplyDeleteAspiring EU state denied candidate status over Russia sanctions – politician
ReplyDeleteOnly imbeciles and criminals want to be part of the EU = the revived Luciferian Roman empire
DeleteVerspilling van geld of hoeveel een dag oorlog in Oekraïne kost
ReplyDeleteWaste of money or how much a day of war costs in Ukraine
DeleteEva Vlaardingerbroek haalt uit naar EU-baas Von der Leyen: ‘Jij bent een tiran’
ReplyDeleteEva Vlaardingerbroek lashes out at EU boss Von der Leyen: 'You are a tyrant'
DeleteUrsula is a tyrant on behalf of the POPE = the ANTICHRIST
DeleteMass grave of WWII victims of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators found – Warsaw
ReplyDeleteRussian officer, Finnish hero, Hitler’s ally: The fascinating story of Carl Mannerheim