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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'
“Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”

Artist name: Vera Bergkamp Demonratten '66 Demon Rats '66 Vera Bergkamp COC Gay Objectives - Demolition of the Netherlands - Cove...
Pre-rapture 'news' concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to Israel Pre-opname 'nieuws' aangaande de we...
ReplyDelete‘Premier Boris Johnson saboteerde vredesdeal tussen Oekraïne en Rusland’
Prime Minister Boris Johnson sabotaged Ukraine-Russia peace deal
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De Russisch-Oekraïense oorlog: Een terugblik van zes maanden
ReplyDeleteThe Russo-Ukrainian War: A Six Month Retrospective
DeleteBewijs van massaslachting van Russische krijgsgevangenen door Oekraïense militairen in Readovka’s gedetailleerde analyse (Video)
ReplyDeleteEvidence of Ukrainian militants' mass slaughter of Russian captives in Readovka's detailed analysis
DeleteDe Grote Reset: Megabedrijven voegen in alle stilte en op bedrieglijke wijze insecten aan ons voedsel toe
ReplyDeleteThe Great Reset: Megacompanies Are Quietly, Deceitfully Adding Bugs to Our Foods
DeleteOekraïne doet aan damage control na mislukte tegenaanval
ReplyDeleteUkraine Does Damage Control As counter Attack Falters
DeleteActual Footage: Ukrainian Soldiers WAVE WHITE FLAG on Battlefield
DeleteIn video: DPR volksmilitie over Oekraïens offensief in Snegirevka, regio Kherson
ReplyDeleteIn Video: DPR People’s Militia On Ukrainian Offensive In Snegirevka, Kherson Region
DeleteBetter for Ukraine to ‘negotiate now’ – retired US general
ReplyDeleteGermany acting like ‘enemy’ of Russia – Medvedev
ReplyDeleteWest and Russia will eventually strike a deal – Kremlin
ReplyDeleteMoscow reveals focus of possible talks with Kiev
ReplyDeleteRusland waarschuwt VS tegen zenden van lange-afstandswapens naar Oekraïne, zegt gebruik van kernwapens toe
ReplyDeleteRussia warns US against sending long-range arms to Ukraine, vows use of nukes
DeleteNATO struggling to supply winter uniforms to Ukraine – Der Spiegel
ReplyDeleteKiev urges Crimeans to prepare shelters
ReplyDeleteEnforcing Russian oil price cap is problematic — Washington Post
ReplyDeleteNazi-Kiev threatens pro-Russia Ukrainians with jail terms
ReplyDeleteThe first language of WEF-puppet Zelensky is.....Russian
DeleteHet Oekraïense “tegenoffensief” was voorbestemd om te mislukken – vandaag is het zover
ReplyDeleteThe Ukrainian 'Counteroffensive' Was Destined To Fail - Today It Did So
DeleteRussian T-90M Proryv main battle tank towing a captured Dutch-made YPR-765 IFV somewhere in Ukraine.
DeleteGood to see what the Russians do with the gifts to Nazi-Ukraine of Nazi-Netherlands
DeleteEU arms stocks drastically depleted – Borrell
ReplyDeleteReacties uit de hele wereld – “80 % aanbidt de prik, ze is de nieuwe redder, als je slecht praat over de heilige prik of niet gevaccineerd bent, dan ben je het mikpunt van laster en afkeer”
ReplyDeleteComments from around the world – “80% adore the jab, she is the new savior, if you talk badly about the holy jab or are not vaccinated, you are the target of slander and loathing”
DeleteEurope has itself to blame for gas crisis – Erdogan
ReplyDeleteDonkere tijden: In heel Europa en de VS stort de industrie en de infrastructuur met de dag in
ReplyDeleteDARK TIMES: Industry and infrastructure collapsing by the day across Europe and the USA
DeleteRusland speelt zijn zoveelste troef uit: Stopt de gasstroom naar Europa “tot de sancties opgeheven zijn”
ReplyDeleteRussia Drops The Hammer, Halts Gas Flows to Europe Through Main Pipeline 'Until Sanctions Lifted'
DeleteIn video: Reden van de zware verliezen van de Oekraïense strijdkrachten in de regio Kherson
ReplyDeleteIn Video: Reason Of Heavy Losses Of Ukrainian Forces In Kherson Region
DeleteZwitserland zet de trend: Wie zijn verwarming te hoog zet, wordt in de gevangenis gegooid
ReplyDeleteSwitzerland sets the trend: Anyone who sets their heating too high will be thrown in jail
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If people catch a cold across the board, they will declare another Corona pandemic.
DeleteUN team issues report on shelled nuclear site
ReplyDelete‘One freak after another’ – ex-Russian president on UK leaders
ReplyDeleteUkraine bombs nuclear plant, resulting in power cuts – reports
ReplyDeleteDe IAEA geeft haar “non-rapport” over de kerncentrale ZNPP vrij
ReplyDeleteThe IAEA releases its “non-report” on the ZNPP nuclear power plant
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Pentagon sent GPS-guided rounds to Ukraine – media
ReplyDeleteIndia is under pressure, with the West and Ukraine trying to force New Delhi to toe their line on Russia – will they succeed?
ReplyDeleteNATO chief warns Ukraine may ‘cease to exist’
ReplyDeleteBrussel ligt op zijn gat: Tien EU-landen verwerpen voorstel over prijsplafond voor Russisch gas
ReplyDeleteBrussels is on its ass: Ten EU countries reject proposal on price cap for Russian gas
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De “juiste” houding tegenover de oorlog in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteAntiwar Criticism and the Formation of Collective Opinion
DeleteUkraine cuts itself off from Zaporozhye nuclear power supply – local authorities
ReplyDeleteUS threatens to sanction buyers of Russian oil
ReplyDeleteWestern media continues to ignore Ukraine's public 'kill list' aimed at those who question the Kiev regime
ReplyDeleteSpain will train troops from Ukraine – media
ReplyDeleteGerman foreign minister visits Kiev
ReplyDeleteZelensky lauds ‘liberation’ of Ukraine amid Kharkov offensive
ReplyDeleteIs Oekraïne Rusland aan het overmeesteren?
ReplyDeleteIs Ukraine Steamrolling Russia?
DeleteCharkov: Wat is de oorzaak van de laatste militaire dynamiek en wat kan er nog komen?
ReplyDeleteKharkov: What’s Driving The Latest Military Dynamics & What Might Come Next?
DeleteOekraïens “tegenoffensief” is een valstrik: En het Zelensky-regime is er ingetrapt
ReplyDeleteUkrainian “counteroffensive” is a trap: And the Zelensky regime fell for it
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Russian military explains partial withdrawal
ReplyDeleteRussian troops withdraw from several settlements in Ukraine – media
DeleteExposed: The vast pro-Ukrainian 'bot army' designed to influence Western policy makers
ReplyDeleteUkrainian police promise 'reckoning' for civilians
ReplyDeleteUkraine releases information on draft dodgers
ReplyDeleteNYT reveals US and Ukrainian cooperation to fight Russia
ReplyDeleteUkraine lost thousands of soldiers in counteroffensive – Moscow
ReplyDeleteChechen leader speaks out about Russian 'regrouping'
ReplyDeleteUS ‘teetering on brink’ of being a party to Ukraine conflict – Lavrov
ReplyDeleteUS taking Putin’s nuclear weapons comments seriously – White House
DeleteTories want Boris Johnson back – poll
ReplyDeletePossible reason why Boris Johnson did not seek PM’s job again revealed
ReplyDeleteGermany wanted Ukraine to ‘fold’ to Russia – Johnson
ReplyDeleteJohnson points to West’s 'mistake' in Ukraine
ReplyDeleteJohnson lied about Putin missile ‘threat’ – Kremlin
ReplyDelete‘I am the Fuhrer,’ ex-UK PM told adviser – media
ReplyDeleteA new book reveals fresh details about the often turbulent reign of Boris Johnson
Kijk: Oud-premier Boris Johnson onthaalt nazi’s van het Azov-bataljon als ‘helden’ in Londen
ReplyDeleteWatch: Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson welcomes Nazis from the Azov Battalion as 'heroes' in London