Monday, 12 September 2022


Of course this is no longer available on satanic Google-YouTube, but I found this alternative on Bitchute
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Watch: This cardiologist criticized the corona policy and was then put in an asylum

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  2. Replies
    1. 'I died after Moderna's booster shot, this is my story'

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  3. Replies
    1. French general pays tribute to the AntiVaxxers: “They seem normal, but they are superheroes”

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  4. Replies
    1. It is a worldwide phenomenon: 'Government readily pays for 'corona deaths', also in the Netherlands'

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  5. Replies
    1. ALERT: The EU is preparing a new mass vaccination campaign

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  6. Replies
    1. Sep 10, 2020
      Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A Billion USD Bribe to Impose Covid-19 Lockdown

      Now we see another dimension to the German push to remove Belarus President Lukashenko!

      Armstrong Economics –

      Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in August 2020 via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:

      • impose “extreme lockdown on his people”
      • force them to wear face masks
      • impose very strict curfews
      • impose a police state
      • crash the economy

      Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko refused the offer and stated that he could not accept such an offer and would put his people above the needs of the IMF and World Bank. This fact can be verified using most search engines.
      Now IMF and World Bank are bailing out failing airlines with billions of dollars, and in exchange, they are forcing airline CEOs to implement very strict policies such as forced face mask covers on everyone, including small children, whose health will suffer as a result of these policies.
      And if it is true for Belarus, then it is true for the rest of the world. The IMF and World Bank want to crash every major economy with the intent of buying over every nation’s infrastructure at cents on the dollar

  7. Replies
    1. Research into cell phone radiation stopped after very disturbing results

  8. Replies
    1. Why this lawsuit against the rollout of 5G is important


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”