Saturday, October 23, 2021
This is how green technology works - Laudato Si - The Gospel of Satan

Laudato si' (the NONSENSE of Satan and his Vatican)
Nightwish - Laudato Si (Floor Jansen)
Nightwish - Laudato Si Ad Astra (from "Shoemaker") | EXTENDED VERSION HQ | Human. :||: Nature
The flat earth truth:
Flat Earth ~ A$$ Kickerz
The plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages.
All vaccinations carried out prior to the rapture^^ are not the mark of the beast but preparations, and they are also intended to determine who does and who does not want to be vaccinated, but the 'tests' are already dangerous because the test cotton swabs contain nanoparticles and this can already be considered a 'vaccine' and those tests are also harmful to the upper nasal cavity, near the brain.
The 'vaccinations' also contain substances with which they want to sterilize and reduce the world population as part of the depopulation program and for this purpose there is graphene (hydr)oxide in the 'vaccines' that work like very destructive mini razor blades in the bloodstreams of the victims.
The fear is kept high by the high number of 'infections' that have been 'detected' by the totally unsuitable PCR test.
Many people who became ill from the current 'vaccines' were immediately listed as' victims of COVID-19' and that's exactly what they aim to keep people anxious and many people have already died shortly after they were 'vaccinated'.
Through current vaccinations, they also ensure that people who refuse will be isolated in order to force them to participate.
And those who absolutely don't want to be vaccinated can so easily be filtered out, characterized as a 'danger to humanity' and 'cleaned up'.
Also, the pre-rapture vaccinations are meant to ridicule people who claim that the current vaccinations are "the mark of the beast."
As explained above, it is true that current vaccinations are NOT YET the mark because they have a preparatory and different purpose.
The current purpose of the 'vaccinations' is 1) depopulation and 2) the 'vaccination' passport and 3) total control in preparation for what will happen next.
Now read what the real mark disguised as a 'vaccine' is all about:
They plan to 'vaccinate' us in the context of the 'great reset' so that we're (supposedly) resistant to the Corona (crown)-virus, and that will be done in such a way by substances that enter our body that are changing our DNA (so that we turn into willing biological robots) and other substances that interact with the 5G system that they're now rapidly establishing worldwide DURING THE LOCKDOWN, and that is why we're already learning to be 1½ meters or 6 feet apart from each other, or else that system won't be able to accurately track and monitor us, and establish evidence of 'vaccination', which will be a type of tattoo that will be applied to our bodies through tiny needles, containing that 'vaccine', and that is according to Revelation 13:16-18 which is about the mark of the beast, and that says whoever does not have that mark, that evidence of 'vaccination', will not be able to buy and sell and thus won't be able to enter the supermarket or other shops or shop online ... and thus will starve because by then the food banks will also cooperate with that system. Then all the 'vaccine' refusers will be arrested and given one more choice to be 'vaccinated', and whoever will refuse will be beheaded with a modern guillotine, and the 'vaccinated' will even applaud it because it will be said that these people stand in the way of 'progress' and the 'great solutions' of the leader of the world government, who will prove to be antichrist=instead of Christ, such as against human-induced climate change and the global redistribution of prosperity through the principle of communism, invented by the Jesuits of the Vatican, and the 'threat of an 'alien' invasion. That Vatican is the disguised Roman Empire with its true god Lucifer, and the Pope is the disguised Luciferian Roman emperor and all 'great' world leaders serve him, which is demonstrably, because Biden and Putin, Merkel, the British queen, Macron etc. know WHO he is, but they don't tell their subjects, and that the Pope is the real ruler on earth. The Pope is the 'Crown' = Corona! He will lead everyone to Lucifer worship, as he does himself.
But those who are saved by the Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4* don't have to worry, because the Lord JESUS is going to take them away to where He is before the revelation of the Antichrist and the implementation of the Mark of the Beast.
PS: the MASK TERROR is the prelude to the MARK of the Beast....Incidentally, those masks are very harmful to health.
PS 2: the needles of the 'vaccine' are made so SMALL that they fit in a kind of BAND-AID and insert 'the vaccine' PAINLESS! "The final vaccine" is for those who are left behind. A 'quantum dot tattoo'.
That mark will be applied without injection in (optionally ) the right hand or forehead, and one will be able to do it themselves, for it will be presented as that quantum dot tattoo in the attractive and deceptive shape of a round little band-aid that barely will hurt and which can be removed after some time, because then that 'vaccine' is already under the skin and in the body by means of those small needles, after which the 'Luciferase' will do its job and will make the 'vaccinee' the property of 'the beast' and the devil.
With a special lamp it can be checked whether one has actually been marked, because soon after that tattoo has been applied it will no longer be visible with the naked eye, which many people will find very attractive.
The patent number of 'Luciferase' contains the numbers 666!
They continue to frighten people against diseases that one should be vaccinated against, such as the monkeypox virus, but the principle remains the same: to condition people so that they will eventually take 'the last vaccine', which will be the Mark of the Beast described above.
*Just believe that God became man in JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the remission of our sins, was buried and rose from the dead after three days.
If you believe this you're not only saved^ but also sealed with the Holy Spirit=JESUS in spiritual capacity and then you're rapture-ready.
^Saved from the Lake of Fire = God's eternal wrath upon sin and His created beings who hate Him or who are indifferent to Him.
^^The rapture is the Apostle Paul's revelation of the sudden removal of the members of the 'Body of Christ', which is all people worldwide who believe in the right gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Bible texts related to the rapture are: 1 Thessalonians 2:19, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:9, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, 1 Corinthians 15:50-52, Philippians 3:20-21, Titus 2:13.
People who believe we're living on a spinning ball in 'space' agree with this video.
I'm not condemning anybody because I used to believe in this unbiblical nonsense too in the past.
And since October 1, 2016 I believe in this:
@TJ Jones Yes, I'm a gentile and what's your point? Can you show me just one undoctered photo of the earth as a ball in 'space'?
Hans S
Hans S
7 hours ago
JESUS is not dead and His earth is flat!
Highlighted reply
TJ Jones
TJ Jones
2 hours ago
you are a paganDr. Peter McCullough: Het Covidvirus is nog NOOIT geïsoleerd en er is nog NOOIT aangetoond dat het ziekte veroorzaakt… de hele pandemie is gebaseerd op een valse wetenschappelijke mythe
Shoemaker's operatic end at #Pinkpop with @Nightwish
ReplyDeleteLaudato si: Reference to Laudato si' (Praise Be to You), the second encyclical of Pope Francis. The encyclical has the subtitle "on care for our common home". In it, the pope critiques consumerism and irresponsible development, laments environmental degradation and global warming, and calls all people of the world to take "swift and unified global action.". Source:
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ReplyDeleteMember of Parliament and mayor about skyrocketing energy prices: 'This is a scam'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Mainstream media aan het gepeupel: “Wees een klimaatheld, dood uzelf”
ReplyDeleteCorporate Media to Peasants: 'Be a Climate Hero, Kill Yourself'
DeleteCanadian ‘climate ministry’ will have arms storage and detention rooms – media
ReplyDeleteSHTF! Canada to Begin Arresting FARMERS... IMMEDIATELY! Prepare NOW!
ReplyDeleteCanada bouwt ONDERVRAGINGSKAMERS met wapenarsenalen om mensen te arresteren en te vervolgen voor “klimaatmisdaden”
ReplyDeleteCanada building INTERROGATION ROOMS with weapons armories to arrest and prosecute people for “climate crimes”
DeleteU zult nog veel hongerdood zien!!!
ReplyDeleteYou will see a lot of starvation!!!
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
De winter komt eraan: Bent u bereid tot armoede te vervallen voor Vladimir Zelensky en zijn regering?
ReplyDeleteWinter is coming: Prague’s 70,000-strong protest shows what’s in store for Europe
DeleteBritse politie bereidt zich voor op “ineenstorting van de openbare orde” als gevolg van de kosten van levensonderhoudcrisis
ReplyDeleteUK Police Prepare For “Breakdown in Public Order” Caused by Cost of Living Crisis
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ReplyDeleteEurope experiences hottest summer in recorded history
ReplyDeleteLAND GRAB in Australia and the Netherlands
ReplyDeleteGreta Thunberg backs German plan to keep nuke plant running
ReplyDeleteWanneer een elektrisch voertuig een aanrijding krijgt, zelfs bij een klein ongeval, vernietigen verzekeringsmaatschappijen de hele auto omdat de batterij moet worden weggegooid
ReplyDeleteWhen an electric vehicle crashes, even in a minor accident, insurance companies junk the entire car because its battery has to be tossed
Delete3 redenen waarom er iets sinisters aan de hand is met de grote drang naar elektrische voertuigen
ReplyDelete3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With the Big Push for Electric Vehicles
DeleteGood article but the earth is not a 'planet'
DeleteDo you think oil is naturally produced by the earth?
ReplyDeleteYes, the earth produces coal, oil and gas!
DeleteSo they are NOT 'fossil fuels'
DeleteIRONISCH? Tesla bouwt ’s werelds grootste superchargerstation, maar het wordt aangedreven door een dieselcentrale
ReplyDeleteIRONIC? Tesla is building the world’s largest supercharger station, but it’s powered by a diesel power plant
DeleteFrench electric police vans are being powered by diesel generators. 🤡
ReplyDeleteYet more evidence of the utterly ludicrous and pointless nature of Net Zero.
If you're going to use diesel to power them, why not just use diesel powered police vans?