Monday, 1 August 2022

The disgusting meddling behavior of the Vatican controlled US and EU regarding former Yugoslavia

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The disgusting meddling behavior of the Vatican controlled US and EU regarding former Yugoslavia


  1. Replies
    1. NATO’s attack 20 years ago, which was launched “without declaring war and without any permission from the UN Security Council, was a transformative act which has changed the world ever since,” Marko Gasic, commenter on international affairs, said.

  2. Replies
    1. American deep state=Jesuits and Vatican

  3. KOSOVO: How Serbia bravely and brilliantly fought NATO and why is the “independence” of Europe’s top narcoterrorist, human-organ trafficking, sex slavery “state” finally crumbling

    1. On behalf of the Jesuits, the Vatican, the Pope and Satan...

  4. Replies
    1. On behalf of the SATANIC VATICAN

    2. ”Now, America’s Kosovo brings you, Adolf Hitler, himself. ”

    3. The USA is the MOST DISGUSTING nation that ever existed: MAFIA state on behalf of the Vatican

    4. Savage has met with President Trump on numerous occasions and was formally invited to the White House to meet with the President and Vice President Mike Pence. He had not been in Washington D.C. for three decades prior to this visit.

    5. Trump is a SCUMBAG who serves the Vatican and the Jesuits

    6. EVERY US president is a Vatican controlled SCUMBAG

    7. Madeleine Albright, Richard Holbrooke, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton were not the first to sponsor a Greater Muslim Bosnia and a Greater Muslim Kosovo. Heinrich Himmler exploited this policy before them.

  5. 22. March 1942: 6000 Serbs killed in Stari Brod: When brave girls and mothers with children in their arms leapt into the Drina (WARNING: EXTREMELY DISTRESSING VIDEOS AND IMAGES)

  6. Replies
    1. Roman Catholic Church has been directly involved in genocide against Serbs in Croatia

    2. And all world leaders shake hands with the leader of this church=DEATH CULT

  7. Replies
    1. This is what happens if you make deals with the devil himself....the US is NAZI-America controlled by the Vatican

  8. Replies
    1. What Trump’s cabal of criminals perfectly understood when they invited Vucic to Washington was, that Vucic would absolutely be required (a small matter of domestic politics) to say “No” to the constitutionally prohibited explicit recognition of Kosovo as an independent state. [2]

      After the Americans placing precisely that (recognition of Kosovo as an independent state) in the initial draft, the ‘bait and switch’ was delivered; Vucic got the ‘Point 10’ or explicit recognition of Kosovo independence removed, only to be provided a document with thinly concealed recognition of Kosovo as an independent state or (that is to say) a document with multiple cases of implicit recognition of Kosovo independence. Then, our ill-advised King Vucic was so relieved at Point 10 having been removed, he signed it. His Vizier failed him.

  9. Serbia-Kosovo ‘normalization of relations’ plan: Will Belgrade give in to Western demands & shift toward ‘mutual recognition’?




How an attack on a Serb wedding party eventually led to Bosnia’s civil war



  1. Replies
    1. So now Serbia can join the pedophile EU after pedophile Clinton bombed them into submission on behalf the pedophile Vatican and insane Satan the devil

  2. Replies
    1. In the comments:

      George_Williams"Hill told AP, adding that “further alignment with Russia is a step in the wrong direction and contrary to Serbia’s stated European aspirations."
      So the US is in control of the EU? So who would have guessed that?

  3. Replies
    1. Viktor Orban refused Bill Clinton’s 1999 request to wage war on his neighbor

  4. Replies
    1. This move proves the US is ruling Kosovo and is also causing the problems

  5. Replies
    1. Kosovo: Religion 95.6% Islam. Islam was created by the Vatican and 'Allah' is SATAN

  6. Replies
    1. Baykar had also sold a number of Bayraktar drones to Ukraine, despite Tรผrkiye’s official neutrality in the conflict with Russia. On a prank call in October, one Ukrainian official described them as “first and foremost a PR project” and said “they were all shot down within a week.”

  7. Replies
    1. the US, the UK, France, Germany and Italy

  8. Replies
    1. Patriarch Porfirije compared the incident to trying to prevent the Pope ”from entering the Vatican”

    2. They don't see that the Luciferian-Jesuit Pope Francis is behind this and that he Vatican created Islam.

    3. The US is the Land of LUCIFER

    4. The EU flag is the 'Mary' flag and 'Mary' is LUCIFER

    5. The mRNA 'vaccines' are LUCIFERIAN leading to the implementation of the Mark of the BEAST

  9. Replies
    1. “They say I must sanction Russia. Well, thanks a lot for interfering in our internal affairs like that,” Vucic said, sarcastically.

      Addressing the claim by a German newspaper that only a firm EU could “tame” him, and that only such a “tame” Serbia could join the bloc, Vucic told reporters a family anecdote.

      “I took my daughter to the circus some 15 years ago,” he said. “I saw elephants and tigers there. But I’ve never seen a wolf in the circus, big or little. Let that be a lesson to them,” added the president, whose surname translates to ‘little wolf’.

  10. Replies
    1. KFOR refrained from pointing out a specific clause in the resolution that would justify its decision, “since they have no right to refuse that request,” the president insisted.

    2. In other words: NATO has no right to tell Serbia what to do.

  11. Replies
    1. Z...arathustra
      What kind of pressure? Kosovo invading Serbia? If not that, which cannot happen without NATO, what? If NATO invades, Russia will step in - and, who knows, China, Iran, North Korea. Vucic, don't play games...

  12. Replies
    1. The Muslims started this war, controlled by the US and the US is controlled by the satanic Vatican

  13. Replies
    1. opinions
      The Serbian president is not to be trusted until he cuts the wish to join the EU.

  14. Replies
    1. During the Second World War the Catholic Croats and the Muslims mass murdered the Jews and Serbs in cooperation with Nazi-Germany

    2. The EU is a project of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH of SATAN* and so is the US
      *the disguised LUCIFERIAN ROMAN EMPIRE

  15. Serbia rejects Ukraine arms deliveries claim
    Belgrade continues to deny lethal aid to both Moscow and Kiev, the defense minister has stated

    1. simca
      These " mother lovers" wil try to leak, say do anything to turn Serbia agains their best brother Russia! Serbs are not stupid! They remember who murdered them, who bombed them, who poisoned the with uranium ammos, the west the NATO and the USA with Clinton and the cia! 90% of Serbians will always support Russia! and 100% of them hates NATO &FUSA!
      19 m

      Serbia will not betray Russia. This is an attempt at divide and conquer. And the sleazy people here are making allegations they can’t prove. Typical disingenuous disinformation. Learn to lie better, fools.

  16. Serbia makes bid for better US ties
    Belgrade’s ambassador to Washington says the two countries share “compatible values”

    1. FSBRU
      Another bought politician. Shameful.

  17. Serb leader comments on prospects of ‘sovereign state’
    Republika Srpska will become a separate nation through peaceful means only, Milorad Dodik has said

  18. Replies
    1. Watch: Top tennis player Novak Djokovic tells how NATO bombed his childhood home in 1999

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  19. Serbia warned of ‘color revolution’ – Vucic
    President Aleksandar Vucic claimed intelligence sources tipped him off to foreign-funded revolutionaries lurking among protesters

  20. Replies
    1. The Roman empire is all about SEX SEX SEX

  21. Replies
    1. Lloyd Hart
      America has enabled so many nazis, it's hard to keep track. Who are these nazi idiots in Kosovo? Nato nazis, that's who!
      2 m

      Let me explain - cemetary owner and manager is the Serbian Orthodox Church. Foreign embassy allowed itself a freedom to reorganize the cemetary and decide where monument should be placed, without asking the owner, just because (in their opinion) their photo session would look better. Now, imagine me going to any country to rearange military cemetary. I would be arrested and imprisoned in no time. Their statement for justifying their act is an insult to any inteligent person.
      16 m

      Mark M
      The article should read "WW1 monument moved over a meter." However I don't see how nato monument has anything to do there, since this happened during WW1 and nato wasn't created until 1949... unless they buried nato terrorists there in the same cemetery during the 1999 nato terrorist attack on Serbia.

  22. Replies
    1. Albanians are flocking to the EU in droves now that the visa requirement for the rogue state of Kosovo has been abolished

  23. Serbia reacts to UN ‘genocide’ vote
    Most of humanity was against the Srebrenica resolution, the Serbian president has said

  24. Replies
    1. This video is not unbiased and the choice of a war game as a sponsor for this video is misplaced.
      The video started well with an explanation of the separation of the Western and Eastern Roman Empire, but did not explain that this meant that Nazi Germany belonged to the Western Roman Empire and Serbia to the Eastern Roman Empire.

      The terrible massacres that took place, especially among the Jews and Serbs, during the occupation by Nazi Germany formed the seeds of hatred for the later civil war in the 1990s.
      NATO is an instrument of the Western Roman Empire, led by the Vatican, which previously also supported Hitler and Mussolini and Franco.
      The US has completely wrongly interfered in the conflict, taking advantage of the then military and economic weakness of Russia, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
      The first country to recognize Catholic Croatia was Germany under Helmut Kohl.
      The same powers and forces that are now interfering with Ukraine were then active concerning the former Yugoslavia.
      It is all controlled from the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire!
      The creator of this video comes from a country that is part of the resurrected Roman Empire, the EU: the Netherlands.
      The Netherlands played a very bad role, especially in Sebrenica.
      A Dutch pilot shot down a Serbian Mig-29 while the Netherlands was NOT at war with Serbia....but the Netherlands was ILLEGALLY at war with Serbia as a member of FASCIST NATO!!!

  25. ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฆ‼️End of Bosnia and Herzegovina: The verdict against the current President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, has launched the expected process.‼️

    An illegal, unlawful and arbitrary verdict has been announced in Sarajevo in the proceedings against the President of Republika Srpska. The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, was sentenced to one year in prison and a six-year ban on political activity, in a first-instance verdict! ๐Ÿ‘‡


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

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