Saturday, April 4, 2015
France is not at war, but from Macron’s rhetoric you would think otherwise
‘Dit beleid is absurd, tenzij het doel ervan is om het Westen volledig te vernietigen’
'This policy is absurd unless its aim is to completely destroy the West'Put the page in English via the language button at the top right
Kijk: David Icke legt in 60 seconden uit wat het World Economic Forum van plan is
Watch: David Icke explains in 60 seconds what the World Economic Forum is up toPut the page in English via the language button at the top right
David Icke is controlled opposition but he's right about this
Smirking & Smiling - Large Group of World Leaders Show Secret Society Hand Sign
WEF-marionet Trudeau: Als er niet aan de doelstelling van 90% naleving van 3x vaccins wordt voldaan, zullen dit najaar en deze winter in Canada beperkingen & mandaten worden opgelegd
BREAKING: WEF Puppet Trudeau Says Restrictions & Mandates Will Be Reimposed In Canada This Fall & Winter If A 90% 3x Vaccine Compliance Target Is Not Met
Het Economisch Wereldforum beveelt journalisten te “stoppen” met het onthullen van hun geheime agenda
World Economic Forum Orders Journalists To ‘Cease and Desist’ Exposing Their Secret Agenda
Ukraine should ‘leave Crimea alone’ – former Reagan adviser
Recht door zee: Rusland’s Sergej Lavrov waarschuwt dat de VS combattant dreigt te worden in Oekraïne oorlog
Straight-shooting: Russia's Sergey Lavrov warns US risks becoming combatant in Ukraine war
Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.
“Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”
France is not at war, but from Macron’s rhetoric you would think otherwise
ReplyDelete‘Dit beleid is absurd, tenzij het doel ervan is om het Westen volledig te vernietigen’
ReplyDelete'This policy is absurd unless its aim is to completely destroy the West'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Kijk: David Icke legt in 60 seconden uit wat het World Economic Forum van plan is
ReplyDeleteWatch: David Icke explains in 60 seconds what the World Economic Forum is up to
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
David Icke is controlled opposition but he's right about this
DeleteSmirking & Smiling - Large Group of World Leaders Show Secret Society Hand Sign
ReplyDeleteWEF-marionet Trudeau: Als er niet aan de doelstelling van 90% naleving van 3x vaccins wordt voldaan, zullen dit najaar en deze winter in Canada beperkingen & mandaten worden opgelegd
ReplyDeleteBREAKING: WEF Puppet Trudeau Says Restrictions & Mandates Will Be Reimposed In Canada This Fall & Winter If A 90% 3x Vaccine Compliance Target Is Not Met
DeleteHet Economisch Wereldforum beveelt journalisten te “stoppen” met het onthullen van hun geheime agenda
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum Orders Journalists To ‘Cease and Desist’ Exposing Their Secret Agenda
DeleteUkraine should ‘leave Crimea alone’ – former Reagan adviser
ReplyDeleteRecht door zee: Rusland’s Sergej Lavrov waarschuwt dat de VS combattant dreigt te worden in Oekraïne oorlog
ReplyDeleteStraight-shooting: Russia's Sergey Lavrov warns US risks becoming combatant in Ukraine war