Albert Bourla is quadruple vaccinated with his own company’s jab
Watch this video from 20:54
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Spanish Flu did not kill 50.000.000. Vaccines did
Sunday, April 19, 2020
The Deception of Virology & Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Crown-Corona The Deeper Meaning - Masks are KILLERS!
The plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
The NWO is run by Satan and he always uses 'divide and conquer' and 'order out of chaos' and 'action, reaction, 'solution'' as his principles.
ReplyDeleteDuring the previous 'great reset' called the 'first and second world wars' all big players were on the same side and especially during the 'second world war' because Hitler was Roman Catholic and Jesuit trained and 'Stalin' was a Jesuit priest and Roosevelt and Truman and Churchill were all 33rd Freemasons = Luciferians which the Jesuits also are.
In the past I made comments below the articles on RT-Russia and back then they also used Disqus as a comment platform, but when I started to tell people about the Jesuits and that the Russians also lie about many things like the non-existence of 'nukes', the fake 'space programs' and that communism was invented by the Jesuits I got banned.
Hitler didn't commit suicide: as a reward for his services to the Vatican-Jesuit-Luciferian NWO he was able to escape to South America and live a very long time.
Many Nazis went either to the US or the (former) Soviet Union after the war if they could use them, and one well known Nazi is Werner Von Braun.
Of course the British also made use of them, but indirectly through the US.
Take for example Klaus Schwab: he's the son of a high ranking Nazi and he's the driving force behind the 'great reset' and the jabs and the 'corona pass', because the end game is the Mark of the Beast and it's all organized by the Jesuits of the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire and Satan himself, though he rather likes to be called by his former name 'Lucifer' = light bearer.
He HATES the name 'Satan' (in Hebrew) because that's what God called him after his rebellion, meaning simply 'adversary'.
If one wants to understand the world one needs to understand the tactics of Satan.
He's just a person like you and me, but he's a (fallen) angel with divine powers and he never has to eat, drink and sleep and go to the bathroom, just like God, and he's very intelligent, but due to his anger against God, who is NOT able to forgive him and the other fallen angels, because the Lord JESUS only shed His blood for the forgiveness of humans and (fallen) angels don't have bodies of flesh and blood but supernatural bodies, he's also a FOOL because when one is that PROUD like him and at the same so full of HATRED against God and humans (he hates animals too) he's in fact INSANE.
He knows the Bible VERY WELL and the prophetic word, and he knows the end of the story and yet he tries to change the outcome and to outsmart God-the Lord JESUS Christ.
We know he will FAIL!
He always chooses humans who are like him, male of female, and that are the current 'smart' and proud leaders of the NWO.
Biden isn't that smart but we all know that 'Obama' is his handler on behalf of the Vatican and Satan.
Putin was part of the WEF of Klaus Schwab and now he SEEMS to be against it and he has at least visited the JESUIT Pope three times.
DeleteZelensky is a Jew just like George Soros and Henry Kissinger and he will be rewarded for his services to the Vatican NWO and he's a disciple of the WEF.
The Jesuits and Satan always use smart and evil Jews like Harari to make people think 'the Jews' are behind all evil, while they remain in the shadows.
The SECULAR STATE of Israel is totally controlled by the Vatican, hence two third of the population has been jabbed.
But what does GOD say?
Zechariah 13:8-9
King James Version
8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.
9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as
silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call
on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they
shall say, The Lord is my God.
Hans • 7 hours ago
Graphene Oxide & Luciferase confirmed in most of the current vaccines * Duplicates replaced
Click on this link:
This video shows that Putin is on the side of the NWO even though it doesn't seem to be.
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tiptopsaidhe Hans • 5 hours ago
But, so is Zelensky. So, the NWO is fighting itself? Isn't that what we hope for?
ReplyDeleteEr is iets vreemds aan de hand met het oversterftecijfer
Something strange is going on with the excess mortality rate
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Deze begrafenisondernemer heeft 50 procent meer uitvaarten: ‘We maken ons grote zorgen’
ReplyDeleteThis undertaker has 50 percent more funerals: 'We are very concerned'
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'We've Been So Busy': Australian Funeral Director Reports That Business Is up by FIFTY PERCENT
DeleteReiner Füllmich over achterliggende agenda: ‘Deze mensen proberen ons letterlijk te vermoorden’
ReplyDeleteReiner Füllmich about the underlying agenda: 'These people are literally trying to kill us'
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The endgame is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13
DeleteDe COVID-19 prik is een biowapen, bedoeld om het Westen te ontvolken
ReplyDeleteNaomi Wolf: COVID jab is a ‘bioweapon’ aimed at depopulating the West
DeleteHet “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome ” is de meest voorkomende doodsoorzaak: “Dit is nog nooit eerder gebeurd”
ReplyDeleteSudden Adult Death Syndrome is the most common cause of death: “This has never happened before”
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Uitvinder mRNA-vaccintechnologie legt uit welke rol de CIA speelde bij de ontwikkeling van mRNA-vaccins
ReplyDeleteInventor of mRNA vaccine technology explains the role the CIA played in developing mRNA vaccines
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De onderneming die COVID-19 heet, is oude mensen, het vermoorden van oude mensen
ReplyDeleteThe business called COVID-19 is old people, killing old people
DeleteDe Covid-pandemie was volstrekt onnodig. Er waren geneeswijzen voorhanden. De medische wereld is verantwoordelijk voor de moorden op grote en groeiende aantallen mensen
ReplyDeleteThe Covid Pandemic Was Entirely Unnecessary. Cures were available. The medical profession is responsible for the murders of huge and growing numbers of people
DeleteExclusief: Bewijs dat Israël ernstige veiligheidsproblemen met de COVID-vaccins ontdekte en die vervolgens opzettelijk in de doofpot stopte
ReplyDeleteExclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up
DeleteWAARSCHUWING: Als u een COVID-vaccin of -booster hebt gehad, kan dit artikel u stress en bezorgdheid veroorzaken
ReplyDeleteWARNING: If You’ve Had A COVID Vaccine Or Booster, This Article May Cause You Stress And Anxiety - New Studies Confirm The Vaxxes Are Killing And Injuring People In Frightening Numbers
DeleteCanadezen moeten zich nu om de 90 dagen laten vaccineren
ReplyDeleteNACI now suggests Canadians consider a COVID-19 booster every 90 days
DeleteVaccinzeloot Justin Bieber annuleert wereldtournee wegens fysieke en mentale problemen door gezichtsverlammingsangst
ReplyDeleteVaccine zealot Justin Bieber cancels world tour due to physical and mental problems from facial paralysis anxiety
DeleteMOET U ZIEN: “Denkt u dat dit eerlijk is?” – Moderna CEO en AstraZeneca functionaris onthullen schokkende geheimen van COVID-vaccins nadat Roemeens parlementslid Cristian Terheș hen ondervraagd heeft
ReplyDeleteMUST WATCH: ‘Do You Think This is Fair?’ – Moderna CEO and AstraZeneca Official Reveal Shocking Secrets to COVID Vaccines After Romanian MEP Cristian Terheș Grills Them
DeleteChinezen zonder PCR-test slapen op straat: hun wordt de toegang tot hun woningen geweigerd
ReplyDeleteChinese without a PCR test sleep on the street: they are refused entry to their homes
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Begrafenisondernemer: 50-70 procent van de lichamen bevat mysterieuze rubberachtige stolsels
DeleteFuneral director: 50-70 percent of bodies contain mysterious rubbery clots
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Corona-adviseur Biden: ‘God heeft ons twee armen gegeven, één voor de griepprik en de andere voor de coronaprik’
ReplyDeleteCorona advisor Biden: 'God has given us two arms, one for the flu shot and the other for the corona shot'
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Kijk: Journalist maakt ‘afspraak’ om nieuwe boosterprik te halen en wordt keihard voorgelogen
ReplyDeleteWatch: Journalist makes an 'appointment' to get a new booster shot and is lied to hard
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Waarom artsen zich niet uitspreken
ReplyDeleteWhy doctors aren't speaking out
DeleteCOVID-19 vaccin gevaarlijk? Wat is het eigenlijk dat wij zien en de schapen niet?
ReplyDeleteCOVID-19 vaccine dangerous? What is it that we see that the sheep don't?
DeleteArtsen uit 34 landen roepen sterftegolf door coronavaccins uit tot internationale medische crisis
ReplyDeleteDoctors from 34 countries declare death wave from corona vaccines an international medical crisis
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COVID-19 injecties kunnen dodelijke huidreacties veroorzaken
ReplyDeleteCovid Injections Can Cause Lethal Skin Reactions
DeleteEU gedwongen Europees onderzoek te starten naar 700% tot 1600% toename van sterfgevallen onder kinderen sinds EMA COVID-vaccin voor kinderen heeft goedgekeurd
ReplyDeleteEU forced to begin Europe-wide Investigation into 700% to 1600% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA approved COVID Vaccine for Kids thanks to Exclusive Investigation carried out by The Exposé
DeleteVolledig geprikte tiener krijgt hartaanval, ‘verbijsterde’ artsen vinden 2 bloedproppen en verstopte slagader
ReplyDeleteFully Jabbed Teen Suffers Heart Attack, ‘Baffled’ Doctors Find 2 Blood Clots and Blocked Artery
DeleteBritse regering zet de uitrol van het COVID-19 vaccin voor kinderen van 5 tot 11 jaar stop na een stijging van 22% van het aantal sterfgevallen in deze leeftijdsgroep sinds de NHS met de inenting is begonnen
ReplyDeleteUK Gov. pauses COVID Vaccine roll-out to 5 to 11-year-old Children after 22% increase in Deaths among age group since NHS began to Vaccinate them
DeleteDe moeder van Stephanie haalde de boosterprik en viel dood neer in de wachtruimte
ReplyDeleteStephanie's mom got the booster shot and fell dead in the waiting area
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Deze ic-verpleegkundige zorgde voor kinderen die myocarditis kregen na de coronaprik, en werd ontslagen
ReplyDeleteThis IC nurse cared for children who got myocarditis after the corona jab, and was fired
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32-jarige hardloper overlijdt plotseling aan hartaanval bij finishlijn (VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteIndia: 32-Year-Old Runner Dies Suddenly of a Heart Attack Near Finish Line (VIDEO)
DeleteBoeing-piloot sterft plotseling tijdens vlucht, copiloot moet noodlanding maken
ReplyDeleteBoeing pilot suddenly dies during flight, copilot has to make emergency landing
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Bij steeds meer gevaccineerde mensen worden getransplanteerde organen plotseling afgestoten
ReplyDeleteTransplanted organs are suddenly rejected in more and more vaccinated people
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Door Rockefeller Foundation gefinancierde club moet kritiek over coronaprik in de kiem smoren
ReplyDeleteSurprise, Surprise: Rockefeller-Funded Foundation Seeks to Silence Critics of the COVID Jab
DeletewArts roept op tot onderzoek naar 32 gevaccineerde collega-artsen die plotseling zijn overleden: ‘Dit is ongekend’
ReplyDeleteDoctor calls for research into 32 vaccinated fellow doctors who died suddenly: 'This is unprecedented'
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Parlementslid eist verklaring voor daling geboortecijfer in landen met hoge vaccinatiegraad
ReplyDeleteMember of Parliament demands explanation for drop in birth rate in countries with high vaccination coverage
DeleteDe Gates Foundation onderzoekt hoe de bevolking ertoe kan worden gebracht “toekomstige” COVID-vaccins te accepteren
ReplyDeleteThe Gates Foundation is Researching How to Manipulate You Into Taking ‘Future’ COVID Vaccines
DeleteHoe de injecties zullen worden gebruikt om degenen die nog niet zijn ontvolkt tot in het graf te controleren
ReplyDeleteHow the Jabs Will Be Used to Control Those Who Haven't Already Been Depopulated Into the Grave
DeletePfizer CEO gets Covid for second time in six weeks
ReplyDeleteAlbert Bourla is quadruple vaccinated with his own company’s jab
DeleteEuropa lijdt onder huiveringwekkende stijging van 755% oversterfte onder kinderen sinds EMA het COVID-vaccin voor kinderen heeft goedgekeurd
ReplyDeleteEurope suffers horrifying 755% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA approved COVID Vaccine for Kids
DeleteBill Gates Developing Vaccine That Spreads ‘Like a Virus’ To Vaccinate People Without Consent
ReplyDeleteWetenschappers treffen mRNA uit coronavaccins aan in moedermelk: ‘Dit is een ramp voor baby’s’
ReplyDeleteScientists find mRNA from corona vaccines in breast milk: 'This is a disaster for babies'
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‘Deze vaccinatiecampagne wordt het grootste medische schandaal van deze eeuw’
ReplyDelete'This vaccination campaign will be the biggest medical scandal of this century'
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Freeman interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra
DeleteAmerikaanse Rode Kruis betrapt op mengen van gevaccineerd met ongevaccineerd bloed
ReplyDeleteMassale onverwachte sterfgevallen: Artsennetwerk roept justitie op om op te treden
ReplyDeleteMassive unexpected deaths: Doctors network calls on justice to act
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De oversterfte in Europa blijft stijgen, IJsland zit al op plus 55 procent!
ReplyDeleteExcess mortality in Europe continues to rise, Iceland is already at plus 55 percent!
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Kijk: Actrice krijgt gezichtsverlamming na Covid-prik – zegt dat ze het weer zou doen!
ReplyDeleteWatch: Actress Suffers Facial Paralysis After Covid Jab – Says She’d Do It Again!
DeleteHet aanwakkeren van haat tegen ongevaccineerden was al gepland voordat de COVID-19 vaccins gelanceerd werden
ReplyDeleteFostering hatred against the unvaccinated was already planned before the COVID-19 vaccines were launched
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VACCIN HOLOCAUST: Honderdduizenden “volledig gevaccineerden” sterven WEKELIJKS, zo blijkt uit officiële overheidsrapporten
ReplyDeleteVACCINE HOLOCAUST: Hundreds of thousands of “fully vaccinated” people are dying WEEKLY, official government reports indicate
DeleteGezonde verpleegster (20) overlijdt dag na coronavaccin aan hartstilstand: ‘WAAROM?’
ReplyDeleteHealthy nurse (20) dies of cardiac arrest day after corona vaccine: 'WHY?'
DeleteWhy? Because she took the suicide shot
Kijk: Groep politieagenten en ex-soldaten sluit vaccinatiecentrum en roept anderen op hetzelfde te doen
ReplyDeleteWatch: Group of police officers and ex-soldiers close vaccination center and urge others to do the same
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Stervende pasgeborene met “witte longen” van gevaccineerde moeder
ReplyDeleteVaccinated Mother's Dying Newborn with "White Lungs"
DeleteNieuw paper bevestigt dat de COVID-vaccins hersencellen en hartcellen doden, wat tot de dood leidt
ReplyDeleteNew paper confirms the COVID vaccines kill brain cells and heart cells leading to death
DeleteDeskundigen schatten dat er al 20 miljoen doden zijn door COVID-vaccinatie & meer dan 2 miljard gewonden
ReplyDeleteExperts estimate 20 million are already dead due to COVID Vaccination & over 2 billion injured
DeleteKijk: Hongaars parlementslid linkt dramatische daling geboortecijfer aan massavaccinatie tegen corona
ReplyDeleteHungarian MP Links Drastic Fall in Birth Rates to Mass 'Vaccinations' Against Covid
DeleteDr. Coleman: Vraag me niet om de artsen toe te juichen die zich nu pas uitspreken over de covid-19 injecties
ReplyDeleteDon’t ask me to cheer the doctors belatedly speaking out about the covid-19 jabs
DeleteNieuwste laatste resultaat van COVID-19 vaccinatie? De mysterieuze neerwaartse spiraal (Video’s)
ReplyDeleteNewest latest result of COVID-19 vaccination? The Mysterious Downward Spiral (Videos)
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''The Graphene Oxide Demon'' effect strikes a Vaxxed driver - Watch the horror unfold
In Australië is een ‘extreme nieuwe wet’ van kracht
ReplyDeleteAustralia has an 'extreme new law' in force
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Arts: grafeenoxide geeft dezelfde klachten als corona
ReplyDeleteDoctor: graphene oxide gives the same complaints as corona
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Vooraanstaand cardioloog: iedereen die betrokken is bij dit syndicaat moet voor het coronatribunaal worden gebracht
ReplyDeleteLeading cardiologist: everyone involved in this syndicate must be brought before the corona tribunal
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Nuremberg 2: "Everyone Involved in This Syndicate Should Be Called to Justice"
DeleteDeskundige zegt dat Covid-vaccins wereldwijd 700 miljoen mensen zullen doden
ReplyDeleteExpert Claims Covid Vaccines Will Kill 700 million People Around the World
DeleteBritish shock figures: 9 out of 10 Corona deaths vaccinated multiple times
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She was tough and she was strong. Against the Covid Jab she did not last long. Dead at 30 she is
ReplyDeleteAustralië heeft het probleem van vaccinaarzeling opgelost: Zij bieden een gratis begrafenis-cadeaubon bij uw vaccin
ReplyDeleteAustralia has solved the vaccine hesitancy problem: they offer a free funeral gift card with your vaccine
DeletePatent op eiwitten met luciferase ‘zou overal alarmbellen moeten doen rinkelen’
ReplyDeletePatent on proteins with luciferase 'should ring alarm bells everywhere'
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Minister van Volksgezondheid van Florida waarschuwt voor de gevaren van mRNA-coronavaccins
ReplyDeleteFlorida Health Secretary warns of dangers of mRNA coronavirus vaccines
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Britse schokcijfers: 9 van de 10 Corona-doden meerdere keren gevaccineerd
ReplyDeleteBritish shock figures: 9 out of 10 Corona deaths vaccinated multiple times
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Bodybuilder (63) overleden: ‘Degenen die denken dat het vaccin mensen doodt, kunnen mij gebruiken als test’
ReplyDeleteBodybuilder (63) died: 'Those who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test'
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Het blijkt dat de GEVACCINEERDEN een wereldwijde bedreiging voor zichzelf zijn
ReplyDeleteTurns out that VAXXERS are a global menace to themselves