Friday, 12 August 2022

Front News Updates

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New images from Ukraine show destructive power of Russian TOS-1A missile launcher (Video)

On August 11, TV Zvezda released footage documenting the destructive power of Russia's TOS-1A thermobaric missile system. The images show...

Senior US Marine Corps officer expresses admiration for “revolutionary” way Russia has waged its war in Ukraine

Ordinary people in the West who read and listen to the mainstream media have been presented with a series of narratives about the war in Ukraine. Evidently...

The Five Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

Thirty-five years ago, the Italian economic historian Carlo Maria Cipolla published a 60-page essay on the basic laws of stupidity, for him…

Groundbreaking ruling: Italian court orders analysis of Covid “vaccines” to determine whether they are “harmful” (Video)

"We have asked to find out how mRNA vaccines work, as we are dealing exclusively with mRNA vaccines here and are investigating whether the enzymes in...

1 in 25 clients was treated for side effects of Covid vaccines in 2021, says Germany's largest health insurer

1 in 25 people will have received medical treatment for the side effects of covid vaccinations by 2021, Germany's largest public health insurance company,...

Ukrainian human trafficking circle with newborns exposed

A Czech media portal has uncovered even more mafia structures linked to Ukraine. In this case, it concerns human trafficking of newborns and outright…

Zelensky calls off Kherson counteroffensive: Announcement was “psychological warfare”

In view of the canceled counter-offensive in the Kherson region, Zelensky is now trying to save face. According to the presidential office, the preparation was…

WEF Adviser Yuval Harari: “We just don't need the vast majority of people in the world today”

Yuval Noah Harari, historian, futurist, and advisor to the World Economic Forum (WEF), has stated, "We have simply...

New York Times: Zelensky loses US support

New York Times foreign affairs columnist Thomas L. Friedman looked at the US's current relationship with Ukraine and in…

Interesting Special Military Operation Z update from Andrei

A reader recently asked me why I haven't posted maps of the military situation in Ukraine, and that's a fair question,...

dr. Coleman: Then the madness never stops?

Idiotic doctors are now apparently surprised that diarrhea is a common symptom in the vaccinated who have not yet died....

Why do so many "fully vaccinated" people get COVID a second time? Because “long covid” is code for vaccine injury

The business-controlled media is warning that people everywhere are "catching" the coronavirus (Covid-19) a second or even a third time - even if…

Transhumanist utopia closer to realization: virus-sized transistors that can circulate in cells

A Harvard University chemistry professor and colleagues have developed a virus-sized biocompatible transistor that could be used to…

Government Documents Prove the “Cost of Living Crisis” Is Being Implemented by Design to Advance the WEF's Great Reset

The media is constantly reminding you of rising fuel prices to get you from A to B, the horrendous cost of gas and electricity...

“Rutte is Klaus Schwab's lap dog, worse than Trudeau”

Dutch farmers are probably the best and most efficient farmers in the world. Hardly any Dutch person seems to be aware of what is extraordinary...

Nearly 1 in 6 US adults “fully vaccinated” for covid now suffer from serious health problems

Recently, John Zogby Strategies conducted a poll showing that more than 15 percent of all American adults who are "vaccinated" against the…

11-Year-Old Girl Calls Out Klaus Schwab and His Globalist Scammers

In a video sure to give everyone hope, an 11-year-old girl complains to Klaus Schwab and the plans of the World Economic Forum (WEF)…

You are 25X more likely to be injured and 20X more likely to die if you take the COVID shot

When you combine this result with the negative efficacy of the vaccines, the COVID jabs are completely nonsensical. No one should take them. We could...

Official Government Reports Confirm We Are Witnessing Depopulation Due To COVID Vaccination

Official statistics show that hundreds of thousands more people die every week around the world than expected. The reason? Official government data strongly suggests...

Zelensky's New Demand for Europe: Lock the Russians in Their Country

New Kiev instructions for EU states: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky demands that Europe ban all Russian citizens from entering their own...

TERRIBLE! A doctor in America warns about the possible transfer of the spike protein from vaccinated to unvaccinated!

A Romanian doctor who works in America, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, warns against shedding - the transfer of the spike protein from vaccinated to unvaccinated...

No concession: Farmers end useless talks “for the gallery”

Thousands of farmers in the Netherlands have been demonstrating against the government since the end of July. The government had made decisions that about a third of the farmers...

No, I don't want your shot. Here's Why (Update)

I would like to draw your attention to the essential absurdity of this undertaking, and I hope you will see it too: a for-profit company brings…

Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, and the Global Culture War

The war in Ukraine isn't really about Ukraine - it's not about the country's untouchable borders that Russia would…

Amnesty 'sorry, not sorry' for revelation that Ukraine is violating international law

Amnesty stands by the report that the Ukrainian armed forces are deployed in residential areas. In fact, Ukrainian troops are using civilians as human shields Amnesty International...

There is every indication that a ruthless, violent and administrative suppression of popular unrest is under consideration

What happens when people wake up to the Totalitarian-Lite deception masquerading as freedom and individualism (let alone democracy)? Well, this...

Pharmacist admits on video “We don't want to scare the parents”

This is the "excuse" they give for not educating parents about the risks of the covid injections. This is horrible to...

Three reasons why the land should be taken from the Dutch farmers

There are several reasons for the loss of land from Dutch farmers. Here's what American writer and photographer Michael Yon says in...

Forced to see the crime in progress before your eyes

The events that have occurred since 2020 have forced me more than ever to take an overview of the place where the...

Saudi ambassador collapses and dies instantly in front of the public

Another dead man in plain sight. These deaths are common after the "safe and effective" COVID-19 vaccines are rolled out. Reality: You raise...

Why do people get sick in record numbers and die suddenly?

Excessive all-cause mortality in New Zealand is at an all-time high. Every day about 100 people die in New Zealand (5 million inhabitants). In...

Former Greenpeace chairman warns: "The world elite have a suicide pact to reduce the world's population" They have "a death wish" and are carrying it on all of us...

We have all heard the stories of overpopulation and the looming crisis that it could bring. Many stories say...

1 in 246 vaccinated has died within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination in England according to UK government

The UK government has announced that 1 in 246 people vaccinated against Covid-19 in England will have received within 60 days of receiving…

The world elites normalize pedophilia

Governments around the world, under the control of the World Economic Forum, are waging war on our children. The Young Global Leaders...
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Kiev's Madness Facing the Russian Siege: Scorched Earth, Terror, Radioactive Suicide

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  2. The latest GREAT RESET related news via

    Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

    The latest GREAT RESET related news via

    Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

    These are not Christian sites, so eat the fish and leave the bones.

  3. Replies
    1. Reasons for the withdrawal of Russian troops in the Kharkiv region revealed

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  4. Replies
    1. Russian army reports more than 4,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed in five days

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”