The Aquarian LUCIFERIAN Agenda / New Age Doctor Network Part 2 / Hugo Talks
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Be SAVED by God-the Lord JESUS Christ and see everything clearly:
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God’s lake of fire, because that’s a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the
Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our
sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1
Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you’re not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and
make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
ALL evil roads lead to the COUNTERFEIT of the Body of Christ, the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, which is the disguise of the LUCIFERIAN-BABYLONIAN ROMAN EMPIRE, aka the VATICAN and its JESUITS!
True or's an interesting story
They Are Laughing At You / Hugo Talks
Witchcraft and The World Economic Forum / Hugo Talks
ReplyDeleteTrue or's an interesting story
Sterke stijging van het sterftecijfer door alle oorzaken in het derde en vierde kwartaal van 2021 in Cyprus!
ReplyDeleteSharp increases in all-cause mortality in Q3 and Q4 of 2021 in Cyprus!
DeleteNee, ik wil uw prik niet. Hier is waarom
ReplyDeleteNo, I Don’t Want Your Shot. Here's Why. (UPDATED: May 4/22)
DeleteWetenschappelijke Studie bevestigt dat Pfizer’s COVID Vaccin het menselijk DNA verandert
ReplyDeleteScientific Study confirms Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine alters Human DNA
DeleteDe psychologie van de nabootsingsbesmetting tijdens de pandemie
ReplyDeleteMass Formation, Mimetic Contagion, and Scapegoating
DeleteTrump is er geweest
ReplyDeleteTrump Is Toast
DeleteNoodkreet Reiner Füllmich: ‘We mogen het niet zover laten komen’
ReplyDeleteReiner Füllmich's cry for help: "We must not let it get this far". - Reiner Füllmich is also on 'team Trump'
DeleteTogether ➡ Elevate ➡ LUCIS TRUST / Hugo Talks
ReplyDeleteArtsen die concludeerden dat coronavaccin veilig is voor zwangere vrouwen betaald door Pfizer: ‘Schokkend’
ReplyDeleteDoctors who concluded corona vaccine is safe for pregnant women paid by Pfizer: 'Shocking'
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Aantal gevallen van ernstige bijwerkingen na coronavaccinatie 40 keer hoger dan eerder gemeld
ReplyDeleteNumber of cases of serious adverse reactions after corona vaccination 40 times higher than previously reported
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Alarmerende toename aantal ambulance-inzetten tijdens prikcampagne: ‘Daders moeten worden berecht’
ReplyDeleteAlarming increase in ambulance deployments during jab campaign: 'Perpetrators must be brought to justice'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
They Are Laughing At You / Hugo Talks
ReplyDeleteBill Gates zegt openlijk wat artsen niet hardop mochten zeggen van de overheid
ReplyDeleteBill Gates says openly what doctors were not allowed to say out loud by the government (video)
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Vaccin shedding eindelijk bewezen!
ReplyDeleteVaccine Shedding Finally Proven!
DeleteThe extinction of species, Bill Gates, and the US military
ReplyDeleteRussian Orthodox Church scolds Pope Francis after 'Putin's altar boy' remark
ReplyDeleteWitchcraft and The World Economic Forum / Hugo Talks
ReplyDeleteDansen met Janssen? VS gezondheidsautoriteit FDA vaardigt gedeeltelijk verbod uit op Johnson & Johnson injectie wegens dodelijke bloedproppen
ReplyDeleteUS health authority FDA issues partial ban on Johnson & Johnson injection due to deadly blood clots
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Tucker Carlson: We “stevenen af op een van de grootste rampen in onze geschiedenis” met Oekraïne-beleid (Nederlands transcript)
ReplyDeleteTucker Carlson: U.S. is ‘speeding toward one of the great disasters in our history’ with Ukraine policy
DeleteUitvaartcentra ‘geschokt’ over sterftegolf: ‘Dit is een nationale crisis’
ReplyDeleteFuneral Homes Are 'Shocked' By How Well Business Is Going, Even With COVID Winding Down
DeleteEuroparlementariër waarschuwt: ‘Aankomende herfst komen lockdowns en bijbehorende ellende weer terug’
ReplyDeleteMEP warns: 'Next autumn, lockdowns and associated misery will return'
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Er zijn eindelijk cijfers over de veiligheid van coronavaccins: ‘Het is verschrikkelijk, ronduit verschrikkelijk’
ReplyDeleteFigures on corona vaccine safety are finally out: 'It's terrible, downright terrible'
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Uit nieuwe gegevens van de Britse regering blijkt dat de COVID-vaccins meer mensen doden dan ze redden
DeleteNew UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save
DeleteDe WHO zegt nu dat er driemaal zoveel mensen aan “covid” gestorven zijn dan eerder gemeld, maar het waren duidelijk de prikken
ReplyDeleteWHO now says three times more people died from “covid” than previously reported, but clearly it was the jabs
DeleteFrank Harrington dreef de spot met ongevaccineerden: Agressieve na-injectiekanker vastgesteld, overlijdt drie weken later
DeleteFrank Harrington Jr: 44-year-old father of four diagnosed with aggressive post-injection brain cancer, dies three weeks later
Maak kennis met de COVIDIANEN SEKTE: Een apocalyptische medisch-extremistische groep tirannen wier fanatieke volgelingen deelnemen aan genocide door vaccinatie
ReplyDeleteMeet the BRANCH COVIDIANS: An apocalyptic medical-extremist group of tyrants whose avid followers participate in genocide by vaccination
DeleteI object to the comparison with the 'Branch Davidians' and the comparison of David Koresh with Anthony Fauci
DeleteUnited States Gov. murdered their own - Waco Texas
Geneesmiddelenautoriteiten geloven dat verzwakte virussen in AstraZeneca & Janssen COVID-19 vaccins de schuld zijn van de toename van dodelijke Hepatitis bij kinderen
ReplyDeleteWHO Warns COVID Jabs Are to Blame for Rise in Deadly Hepatitis among Children
DeleteWij moeten een manier vinden om te verhinderen dat Bill Gates de volgende pandemie verhindert
ReplyDeleteWe Must Find a Way to Prevent Bill Gates from Preventing the Next Pandemic
DeleteOnthulling van de Methode
ReplyDeleteRevelation of the Method
DeleteAustralische senator laaiend: ‘Hoe denken jullie hier in vredesnaam mee weg te komen?’
ReplyDeleteAustralian senator livid: 'How on earth do you think you can get away with this?'
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Trump spoort niet: MAGA-menigte niet onder de indruk als Trump vriendschap verkondigt met Johnson & Johnson erfgenaam tijdens rally
ReplyDeleteOut of Touch: MAGA Crowd Unimpressed as Trump Touts Friendship With Johnson & Johnson Heir At Rally
DeleteVaccineren van de schapen: COVID-19 is het grootste Asch Conformiteitsexperiment dat ooit is uitgevoerd
ReplyDeleteVAXXING THE SHEEPLE: COVID-19 is the largest Asch Conformity Experiment ever conducted
DeleteThis Is EXACTLY What They Want! / Hugo Talks
ReplyDeleteMarion Koopmans over tienjarenplan WHO: ‘Bereid je voor de komende 10 jaar, er gaat een grote crisis komen’
ReplyDeleteMarion Koopmans on WHO 10-year plan: 'Prepare for the next 10 years, there's going to be a big crisis'
DeleteFranse journalist: ‘Heel zorgwekkend dat Ab Osterhaus samenwerkt met Bill Gates’
ReplyDeleteFrench journalist: 'Very worrying that Ab Osterhaus is collaborating with Bill Gates'
DeleteOud-vicepresident Pfizer: pleitbezorgers coronavaccin ‘schuldig aan misdaden tegen de menselijkheid’
ReplyDeleteFormer Pfizer vice president: corona vaccine advocates 'guilty of crimes against humanity'
DeleteDeze verpleegkundige neemt het op tegen de NWO en pleit voor een tweede Neurenberg-tribunaal
ReplyDeleteThis nurse takes on the NWO and advocates for a second Nuremberg Tribunal
DeleteWhen it comes to Monkepox can we please get off the fear train - Dr. Jane Ruby.
ReplyDeleteSchokkend rapport wijst erop dat COVID-19 vaccins wereldwijd miljoenen doden hebben veroorzaakt
ReplyDeleteShocking report suggests COVID-19 vaccines have caused millions of deaths worldwide
DeleteEncouraging update from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, after false allegations
ReplyDeleteOp hangen ze New Age filosofieën aan en ik heb vastgesteld op Frontnieuws ook.
ReplyDeleteOn they adhere to New Age philosophies and I have established on Frontnieuws as well.
Delete"Vaccine" Trump warns of 561-year prison term
ReplyDeleteWat valt jou op aan de timing van de aanklachten tegen Trump?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you notice about the timing of the charges against Trump?
DeleteThat it looks like they are making Trump a martyr...