Thursday 10 October 2024

Monday 30 September 2024

WEF clown John Kerry hates free speech

 Free speech makes US ‘hard to govern’ – John Kerry 

The US Constitution is a barrier to ending “disinformation,” claims the former Obama administration official 
John Kerry, who's pro-abortion and who promotes the man-made climate change hoax, is a Roman Catholic and a servant of the Papacy

Find out which organization controls the World Economic Forum...


Saturday 21 September 2024

He shouted "Allahu Akbar" - Knife-wielding man attacks passers-by in Holland! One dead

He shouted "Allahu Akbar" Knife-wielding man attacks passers-by in Holland! One dead


Verbazing alom na terreuraanslag Erasmusbrug: ‘Werkelijk ongelofelijk hoe dit wordt goedgepraat en gebagatelliseerd’

General astonishment after terrorist attack on Erasmus Bridge: 'It is truly unbelievable how this is being condoned and trivialized'

Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

“Het is werkelijk ongelofelijk hoe islamitisch terrorisme wordt ontkend, goedgepraat en gebagatelliseerd,”

“It is truly unbelievable how Islamic terrorism is denied, justified and trivialized,”

 Hoe is dit mogelijk? How is this possible?


Thursday 8 August 2024

Hitler planned to nuke USSR – archives

The attack was set for June 1945, according to transcripts of interrogations of a senior Nazi official, declassified by the FSB 


Monday 15 July 2024

MH17: de duivelse leugens van de NOS - MH17: the devilish lies of the NOS

Klik op de afbeelding om naar de smerige leugens van de NOS te kunnen kijken

Click on the image to be able to watch the dirty lies of the NOS

De NOS, dat totaal in dienst staat van NAZI-AMERICA en het duivelse Vaticaan, werkt in deze PROPAGANDA toe naar het beschuldigen van Rusland en Poetin, terwijl het westen zelf schuldig is aan dit drama!

The NOS, which is completely at the service of NAZI-AMERICA and the devilish Vatican, is working towards accusing Russia and Putin in this PROPAGANDA, while the West itself is guilty of this drama!

Deel 2 van deze duivelse leugenpropaganda....

Part 2 of this devilish lie propaganda....

Deel 3 van deze duivelse leugenpropaganda.... 

Part 3 of this devilish lie propaganda....

Oekraïne schoot de MH17 uit de lucht met vliegtuig zoals deze:

Ukraine shot MH17 out of the sky with a plane like this:

Su-25 van de Oekraïense luchtmacht
Su-25 of the Ukrainian Air Force

Friday 12 July 2024


"It's nice to be a traitor"
Wilders visits President Zelensky: "A good conversation" 
Bent u nog een beetje blij met het 'extreem-rechtse' kabinet?
Are you still happy with the 'extreme right' cabinet?

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Luke 21 is for after the rapture How to Get Saved   You're now looking at a picture of the ONLY NORMAL person in existence   ...