And now Putin is the new monster:
Christopher Story - EU Corruption Part 1/3 (and about Nazi-America)
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Nazi-Netherlands is also involved...
ReplyDeleteUS, EU, UK and Canada announce new restrictions against Russia
ReplyDeleteRussian MoD: Ukrainian Nationalists Deploy Heavy Weapons in Residential Districts
ReplyDeleteAll Russian Banks Under Sanctions Will Be Excluded From SWIFT, German Gov't Says
ReplyDeleteUS Drones Were Likely in the Air During Ukrainian Attack on Russian Ships, MoD Says
ReplyDeleteChina speaks out against sanctions over Ukraine
ReplyDeleteZelensky invites foreigners to fight for Ukraine
ReplyDeleteCIA agent Zelensky wants to make things WORSE
DeleteIn Russia they don't like transgenders and according to the 'west' that's wrong.
ReplyDeleteFor decades the 'west' has been corrupting Ukraine from the inside out.
The satanic west want to turn ALL of Russia into 'Ukraine' and CORRUPT it from the inside out and turn it into SODOM AND GOMORRAH.
Plus: Russia doesn't apply the mRNA 'vaccines' of the criminal western Big Pharma companies, but real 'old fashioned' vaccines.
So Russia needs to be 'punished' because it's out of line of the Vatican controlled NWO.
MSM War Propaganda: Video of “Russian Mobile Crematoria” Used to “Hide Evidence of Victims on the Battlefield” Comes from 2013 Advert
ReplyDeleteWar Propaganda: Video of 'Russian Mobile Crematoriums' Used to 'Hide Evidence' is From 2013 Ad
DeleteNATO member Turkey is getting involved:Turkey restricts Russian Navy access
ReplyDeleteRussian military confirms casualties in Ukraine operation
ReplyDeletePoetin voert een halfslachtige oorlog en dat is te zien
ReplyDeletePutin Is Waging a Halfway War and It’s Showing
DeleteHeeft de NAVO zojuist de oorlog verklaard aan Rusland?
ReplyDeleteDid NATO Just Declare War on Russia?
DeleteMSM oorlogspropaganda: “Snake Island” verhaal valt in duigen nadat video toont dat Oekraïense soldaten levend in krijgsgevangenschap zijn
ReplyDeleteWar Propaganda: 'Snake Island' Story Falls Apart After Video 'Shows Soldiers Detained Alive'
DeleteDag 3 in Oekraïne – Westerse PSYOPs in volle gang
ReplyDeleteDay 3 – Western PSYOPs in full overdrive
Delete8:00 AM EST Zondag – Rusland zet kernwapens in “Speciale Gevechtsmodus” – Dit is nu een “DEFCON” Situatie
ReplyDelete8:00 AM EST Sunday - Russia Puts Nukes into "Special Combat Mode" - This is now a "DEFCON" Situation -- CHINA Calls U.S. "The Real Danger in the World"
DeleteAgressie van de V.S. en de NAVO tegen Rusland eindelijk tegengegaan
ReplyDeleteU.S., NATO-Backed Aggression Towards Russia Finally Checked
DeleteUkraine calls on WHO to stop cooperating with Russia
ReplyDeleteWho wants to cooperate with an organization that promotes the suicide jabs?
DeleteRussia doesn't use the mRNA 'vaccines'.
Journalist vanuit Oekraïne: ‘Luister niet naar de mainstream media’
ReplyDeleteJournalist from Ukraine: 'Don't listen to the mainstream media'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Hoe de westerse media al jaren zwijgen over de oorlog in Donbass en neonazisme in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteHow the Western media has been silent for years about the war in Donbass and neo-Nazis in Ukraine
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Because the EU is all about freedom of speech and expression: EU to ban RT and Sputnik
ReplyDeleteUkraine vows not to surrender
ReplyDeleteRussia blocks foreign investments from leaving the country
ReplyDeleteFight breaks out on Ukrainian TV over FAKE Russian invasion