Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Adolf Hitler; stooge of pope Pius XII and controlled by Heinrich Himmler
Now with his protege in charge, Pacelli pushed for the Nazi Party to accelerate its transformation. Soon after being appointed Führer, Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski provided Jesuit priests to Adolf Hitler in 1921 to establish a paramilitary wing to the NSDAP to be known as the Sturmabteilung (SA) also known as Storm Troopers first headed by Ernst Röhm.
Heinrich Himmler: executioner of pope Pius XII
1 comment:

Monday, July 9, 2012
Was Hitler an Illuminati Agent?
By Henry Makow Ph.D
Greg Hallett's book "Hitler Was A British Agent" depicts war as a ghoulish illusion conjured by occult magicians in order to degrade and eventually enslave humanity in world government.
Hallett's claim that Hitler was a "British" agent is based on the testimony of a shadowy network of retired intelligence agents. While he fails to provide documentary proof, Hallett does offer persuasive circumstantial evidence.
For example, Adolph Hitler was in England in 1912-1913, a fact supported by his sister-in-law's book: "The Memoirs of Bridget Hitler"(1979). Many historians including Hitler biographer John Toland have ignored this startling information. (If Hallett is right, historians like Toland are guilty of sanitizing Hitler and actually making him more credible than he was.)
Hallett says Hitler spent February to November 1912 being brainwashed and trained at the British Military Psych-Ops War School at Tavistock in Devon and in Ireland. "War machines need war and [that means they need] funded, trained and supported double agents to be their patsies, their puppets and their puppet enemies," Hallett writes (38).
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The World was Lied to about Hitler's Death
Then, the Soviet Union made a series of contradictory statements or lies concerning Hitler's death. Stalin announced to Truman during lunch in Potsdam on July 17, that Hitler did not commit suicide but had probably escaped. After that, the Russians released photographs of what they claimed to be Hitler's corpse on a dingy floor.
La Verdad sobre Hitler en la Argentina
(The Truth about Hitler in Argentina)
'Hitler overleefde de Tweede Wereldoorlog'
Hitler in Argentina
Adolf Hitler's First Antisemitic Writing September 16, 1919
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell - The Nazi International
Angela Merkel, Hitler's daughter
NAZI-America: Adolf Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997!
Monday, September 21, 2020
EYEWITNESS TO HISTORY: Meet Aubrey Temples, The WWII Soldier And POW Who Saw Adolf Hitler Get On A Plane And Escape Germany On April 30th, 1945
As the son of a father of German Dutch ethnicity who served in the Air Force during WWII, I grew up being fascinated by the stories and accounts of the Second World War. Having German ancestry, I was equally fascinated with the exploits of that personification of evil, Adolf Hitler, and the rise of Nazi Germany.
Laatste lijfwacht Hitler overleden
Ook deze lijfwacht is zijn hele leven gefopt geweest door het Vaticaan, want terwijl Adolf Hitler en Eva Braun 'm al waren gesmeerd na hun zogenaamde zelfmoord, hebben ze twee anderen in hun plaats gelegd die op Adolf en Eva leken en die zijn later verbrand, waardoor de bewijzen van het bedrog werden vernietigd.
Adolf Hitler en Eva Braun waren toen (samen met andere nazi's, en georganiseerd door het SATANISCHE Vaticaan) al onderweg naar Zuid-Amerika.Hitler busts among Nazi relics found in secret room in Argentina (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Operation Paperclip The Vatican/Jesuit Puppet: Flat Earth Research
Hitler didn't commit suicide: he fled to South-America and later even to the US, with other top-Nazis, aided by the Vatican.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
NAZI-America: Adolf Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997!
Duluth Georgia Dr Pidgeon
Nikola Tesla - Deathbed Confessions, Photos Support Claims That George H. Scherf(f), Jr Was The 41st U.S. President George Bush
1st source:
From the April 2007 Idaho Observer:
Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president
2nd source:
Nikola Tesla - Deathbed Confessions, Photos Support Claims That George H. Scherf(f), Jr Was The 41st U.S. President George Bush
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
Adolf Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997!
Angela Hitler
Dr. Stephen Pidgeon
NAZI America: The Truth About The so called ANTICHRIST - Hitler's grandson
Israeli News Live Leviticus 17:11 in Dutch (SV1750) 11 Want de ziel van het vlees is in het bloed; daarom heb Ik het u op het altaar gegeven, om over uw zielen verzoening te doen; want het is het bloed, dat voor de ziel verzoening zal doen.
11 For the soul of the flesh is in the blood; Therefore I gave it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; For it is the blood that will make atonement for the soul.30:31 look at the name Scherff
Hans S
Hans S4 hours ago
Darwin was a puppet of the JESUITS+Ryan Lowe Maybe he was on special medication, not available to the public and the devil can work miracles too.
I already believed he survived the war and escaped to south America, 'thanks' to the Vatican and that he lived at least until the '70's, and to be honest, this is new information to me, but everything's possible in this crazy world.+Gyongyi Czifrik And 'Obama' is Hitler's grandson: NAZI America: The Truth About The so called ANTICHRIST
All on behalf of the Vatican and Satan.Pope Francis black eye
Prince Philip black eye
George Bush pretzel
McCain black eye
Harry Reid black eye
John Kerry black eye
I'm not sure whether it has something to do with a satanic ritual, but they're all CREEPS and this CREEP is a GERMAN NAZI and Nazis are servants of the Pope and the Vatican:
More: George Herbert Scherff Rothschilds are servants of the Vatican and the POPE=Roman Emperor
ReplyDelete Belasco He was a GERMAN NAZI!
Hans S
Know more about his REAL IDENTITY: NAZI-America: Adolf Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997! - NAZI-America: Adolf Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997!
NAZI-America: Adolf Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997!
NAZI-America: Adolf Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997!
Irene Belasco's profile photo
Irene Belasco
+R&R R&R hopefully Trump and Melania Will go to the funeral
Irene Belasco's profile photo
Irene Belasco
+Hans S I sure didn’t like him very muchDisinformation regarding Otto Scorzeny: SS Commandos - Ardennes 1944
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
The truth is that ALL EVIL ROADS lead to the Vatican=the disguised LUCIFERIAN Roman Empire and the Pope is the disguised LUCIFERIAN Roman EMPEROR and the ANTICHRIST.
The ONLY escape is to get saved by The Gospel that SAVES FOREVER from burning forever in the lake of fire, and having been saved through this GOSPEL also makes one RAPTURE-READY!
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 1599 Geneva Bible
1 Moreover brethren, I declare unto you THE GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which ye have also received, and wherein ye continue,
2 And whereby ye ARE saved, IF ye keep in memory, after what manner I preached it unto you, except ye have believed in vain.
3 For first of all, I delivered unto you that which I received, how^ that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,
4 And that he was buried, and that he arose the third day, according to the Scriptures
^through the shed BLOOD of JESUS!
Romans 5:9 1599 Geneva Bible
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
Ephesians 1:7 Geneva Bible
By whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins, according to his rich grace
Ephesians 2:8-9 1599 Geneva Bible
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God,
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast himself.
Ephesians 1:13 1599 Geneva Bible
13 In whom also ye have trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, even the Gospel of your salvation, wherein also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise
2 Corinthians 1:22 1599 Geneva Bible
Who hath also sealed us, and hath given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.
John 3:16 1599 Geneva Bible
16 For God so loveth the world, that he hath given his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Matthew 25:46 1599 Geneva Bible
46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal.
'these' are the those who refused to believe in JESUS and 'the righteous' are those who are saved by God's undeserved gift of grace through faith alone in the blood of JESUS that was shed for the remission of our sins and His resurrection from the dead, and they are also the righteous of the Old Testament and of the coming Time of Jacob's Trouble, aka the great tribulation.
Israel's Kingdom Gospel and Our Grace Gospel
Nilson Costa
Nilson Costa
3 months ago
She lost me on the "war on terror"!
Never saw this woman go deep enough to the origin of any topic.
1 month ago
Todd Olson
Todd Olson
1 month ago
@LOUD VOICE, I believe she picks her words very carefully as not to bring her own demise by those that kill at will.
1 month ago
@Todd Olson These 'draconians' always fool us with peace advancement safety and kindness..They always choose the best person who introduce some sick agenda.
Stomp the Dragon
Stomp the Dragon
1 month ago
@Todd Olson I agree. She is careful. She reports what is declassified. She doesnt give her opinion. She gives both sides of the narrative and lets the reader decide.
The Foreign Ministry assessed the adoption in the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly of the resolution on the fight against the glorification of Nazism
13 November 2021, 18:00
The Russian Foreign Ministry reported that on November 12, in New York, at a meeting of the Third Committee of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, on the initiative of Russia, a resolution was adopted “Combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to the escalation of modern forms of racism, racial discrimination , xenophobia and related intolerance ”.
The Foreign Ministry assessed the adoption in the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly of the resolution on the fight against the glorification of Nazism
It is noted that 58 states, including Russia, have become co-authors of the project.
According to the ministry, 121 states voted for the resolution, two delegations (the United States and Ukraine) opposed it, 53 countries abstained from voting.
“We hope that the approval of this resolution will send a clear and clear signal to those countries in which it is long overdue to take the most decisive measures to counter the increasing attempts to glorify Nazism, including Waffen-SS veterans and various collaborators,” the message says.
The Foreign Ministry noted that "it is extremely perplexing and regrettable that the United States and Ukraine again voted against this document, while the delegations of the EU member states abstained from voting on the draft resolution supported by the overwhelming majority of the UN member states."
EU weigert in te stemmen met VN resolutie die verheerlijking Nazisme en racisme veroordeelt
ReplyDeleteEU refuses to agree to UN resolution condemning glorification of Nazism and racism
DeleteDe 5 tekenen dat je GEEN “Omicron” hebt… je hebt een verkoudheid & een PCR test
ReplyDeleteThe 5 signs you DON’T have “Omicron”…you have a cold & a PCR test The government are creating a “new wave” just in time for Christmas, and they’re using the same trick they used last time.
Delete2021 top artikelen – Studies in het meest gevaccineerde land Israël tonen aan dat het vaccin 40 keer meer mensen doodde dan de Covid zelf en 260 keer meer bij jongeren
ReplyDelete2021 top articles – Studies in the most vaccinated country Israel show the vaccine killed 40 times more people than the Covid itself and 260 times more in young people
DeleteCovid-waanzinnige leidster van Nieuw-Zeeland Jacinda Ardern kondigt aan dat seksorgieën van 25 personen nu “veilig” kunnen worden hervat
ReplyDeleteCovid-crazed Leader of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern announces that 25-person sex orgies can now resume “safely”
DeletePaniekzaaiers zijn van plan levens te verwoesten met een virusvariant
ReplyDeletePanic Mongers Plan to Destroy Lives With Variant Virus
Delete“En toen ze voor mij kwamen was er niemand meer om voor mij op te komen… je weet hoe dat gaat”
ReplyDelete“And when they came for me there was no one left to stand up for me… you know how it goes”
DeleteDr Vernon Coleman's Wednesday Review - Episode Six
DeleteStudie in “The Lancet”: meerderheid van geïnfecteerden en doden in Duitsland, VK, VS, Israël zijn volledig gevaccineerd
ReplyDeleteStudy in “The Lancet”: Majority of Infected and Dead in Germany, UK, US, Israel Are Fully Vaccinated
DeleteNY Times: Merck’s anti-Corona pil kan kanker en onvruchtbaarheid veroorzaken
ReplyDeleteNY Times: Merck's Anti-Corona Pill Could Cause Cancer and Infertility
DeleteWetenschappelijke studie: Het werkelijke aantal doden door COVID-vaccins in de VS is 400.000
ReplyDeleteColumbia study: True U.S. COVID vaccine death count is 400,000
DeleteDr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Een toespraak om bergen te verzetten gericht op artsen, advocaten en iedereen met een ziel
ReplyDeleteDr. Sucharit Bhakdi: A speech to move mountains aimed at physicians, lawyers and anyone with a soul
DeleteNew Zealand: church leaders to be jabbed or a $15k fine!
ReplyDeleteZiekenhuis krabbelt terug, laat patiënt Ivermectine krijgen in plaats van $10K per dag aan boetes te betalen
ReplyDeleteHospital backs down, allows patient to receive ivermectin rather than pay $10K a day in fines
DeleteNiet met mijn zoon!
ReplyDeleteNot with my son!
DeleteCOVID-19 FRAUD: LOCKDOWN REJECTED Business Owners Kick Out Sheriff and Health Inspector GET OUT !
ReplyDeleteA group of business owners kicked out the local sheriff (Buffalo New York) and the health inspector.
DeleteThese criminal nazis attempted to force the good business owners to wear masks but the business owners were not accepting it.
This has to happen in every county, every state, every city, every province, every country around this world.
This medical tyranny only stops when we say it stops.
Now is the time to step up and say NO !
The science and common sense are clear: Wearing masks makes you sick and stupid.
FIRSTLY, wearing a mask to protect yourself against a virus is like using a chain-link fence to shield yourself from mosquitoes. The primary method viruses infect people are through aerosol particles which are approx. 2.5 micrometers in diameter. The thickness of human hair is by comparison 30 times larger (70 micrometers to 2.5 micrometers). It is idiotic to use a mask to protect yourself against a virus by wearing a mask , it simply does not work. One note on surgical masks: Surgeons/nurses wear masks in an entirely different manner. They wear masks to protect against saliva dropping out of their mouth into the patients cut-open body. Surgical masks do not protect the patient from viruses via aerosol particles only saliva.
SECOND, wearing a mask reduces the amount of oxygen inhaled into the lungs and eventually into the bloodstream while also increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in your body. The combined effects of these two changes reduces the amount of oxygen that goes into the brain. What is the ultimate result? You suffer a reduction in mental cognitive function. In layman terms you become stupidier.
THIRD, wearing a mask reduces your immune systems effectiveness at fighting diseases and infections via increases in cortisol levels (stress hormone) in the blood. In other words, masks make you MORE susceptible to disease not less. You are more likely to get COVID-19 if you wear a mask than if you do not. That is an exmaple of Satanic Globalist Marxist Democratic logic for you right there.
FOURTH, most masks are made from materials that when inhaled are likely to cause increased risk of lung cancer and other respiratory related diseases. Wear a mask, get cancer, get lung disease.
FIFTH, almost no medical studies have been done on the long term use of masks on people particularly children. Why don't we have medical studies to cite that show masks are safe? First, they must be proven to be safe in order to demand their mass use.
SIXTH, wearing a mask cannot be a directive since it goes against the Charter of Rights and Freedom (Canada) and Constitution of the United States. No politician, no bureaucrat , no judge can order a Canadian (nor American) citizen to wear a mask for any reason. No one can tell you how to breathe the fresh air. That is a gift from GOD, our Creator. The Charter (and Constitution) forbids anyone from telling us how to breathe. More to the point, today these cretins are telling us to wear a facial mask, tomorrow it will be a hazmat suit, where and when does it end?
FINALLY, wearing a mask is an effective FEAR-creation tool that reminds the wearer to always live in fear, never be calm , never be relaxed, to always wonder about impending disease and death. This is a psychic payload delivery mechanism to instill and maintain fear in the entire population. Wearing a mask is Anti-Human, Anti-Life.
Tijd om aan deze waanzin een eind te maken
ReplyDeleteTime to bring this madness to an end
DeleteDrie profvoetballers verlaten in één weekend de wedstrijd vroegtijdig met melding van pijn op borst
ReplyDeleteThree professional football players leave the game early in one weekend after reporting chest pain
DeleteBritse begrafenisondernemer: Er is een toename van 600% in trombotische sterfgevallen dit jaar – “Het bloed verandert in lijm”
ReplyDeleteUK Funeral Director: There’s Been a 600% Increase in Thrombotic Deaths This Year
Delete2021 top artikelen – Tragedie in Spanje: 761 ouderen stierven in één week in verpleeghuizen, de meesten van hen na te zijn gevaccineerd
ReplyDelete2021 top articles – Tragedy in Spain: 761 elderly people died in one week in nursing homes, most of them after being vaccinated
DeleteFabrikanten van Covid-vaccins bezorgd dat asielzoekers hen kunnen aanklagen na bijwerkingen
ReplyDeleteCovid Vaccine Manufacturers Worried Refugees Could Sue Them Following Adverse Reactions
DeleteWaarom worden zoveel mensen blind na het Covid-19 Vaccin?
ReplyDeleteWhy are so many people going Blind after getting the Covid-19 Vaccine?
DeleteSomething Awfully Strange is Going on Around Here!
ReplyDeleteHet Jaar van de Nieuwe Normaal Fascist
ReplyDeleteThe Year of the New Normal Fascist
DeleteDr. Vladimir Zelenko over C-19 vaccins: “Het wordt moord met voorbedachten rade in de eerste graad genoemd, genocide en misdaad tegen de mensheid”
ReplyDeleteDr. Vladimir Zelenko calls COVID-19 vaccines the worst crime in human history – Brighteon.TV
Delete2022 wordt het jaar van afrekening voor de EU met diepe staatsschuldencrisis
ReplyDelete2022 will be the year of reckoning for the EU with deep sovereign debt crisis
DeleteThe Sovereign Debt Crisis Arrives
DeleteHet Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – De volkerenmoord op de volkeren van Europa
ReplyDeleteEuroparlementariër waarschuwt: ‘De Europese Unie is volledig aan het ontsporen’
ReplyDeleteMEP warns: 'The European Union is completely derailing'
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
According to the commissioner, Musk must comply with new rules against free speech that the European Commission is introducing following an agreement with the European Parliament last week.
DeleteOnthuld: Het geheime rapport dat laat zien hoe de nazi’s een Vierde Rijk planden … in de EU
ReplyDeleteRevealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich the EU
DeleteMissing info: the Nazis were and ARE puppets of the VATICAN, the disguised LUCIFERIAN ROMAN EMPIRE
DeleteZelensky ‘will end up like Hitler’ – ex-Russian president
ReplyDeleteHeinrich Himmler: Aryan Superman? Reichsführer's Quest for Athletic Honour
ReplyDeleteHeinrich Himmler: executioner of pope Pius XII
DeleteJoseph Biden: Roman Catholic CRIMINAL on behalf of Pope Francis, the disguised Luciferian Roman emperor.