Friday, October 2, 2020
Can You Hear Me Now? THE MARK OF THE BEAST 666
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Counterfeit Holy Spirit - 5G + the 'vaccine' = The Mark of the BEAST = LUCIFER + the POPE
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Voormalig VP Pfizer: “Duidelijk bewijs van fraude” in Pfizer-studie die 95% werkzaamheid claimde
ReplyDeleteThe Whore of Revelation 17 Identified: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled. Antichrist is Here!
CNBC video 2020: Bill Gates verwacht 700.000 slachtoffers van Corona-vaccinatie
ReplyDeleteCNBC video 2020: Bill Gates expects 700,000 victims of Corona vaccination
DeleteUK Health Security Agency data wijzen op aanstaande massale uitbraak AIDS onder gevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteOfficial UK Government data suggests Fully Vaccinated Brits will develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by the end of February 2022
DeleteMoet ik nóg een keer uitleggen waarom ik deze Covid injectiecampagne al ruim vóór de eerste shot werd gezet de stapsgewijze invoering van het in de Bijbel voorzegde ‘teken van het Beest’ heb genoemd? Nu we een D66 minister op Volksgezondheid krijgen hebben, kunnen we er rustig vanuit gaan dat dit ‘teken’ nog tijdens het vierde bewind van het regime Rutte verplicht zal worden gesteld.
Do I need to explain again why I called this Covid injection campaign well before the first shot was put in place the step-by-step introduction of the Bible's foretold 'Mark of the Beast'? Now that we have a D66 minister for Health, we can safely assume that this 'sign' will be made mandatory during the fourth reign of the Rutte regime.
Oud hoofd Britse OMT: Stop met massa vaccinaties en behandel Covid als gewone griep
ReplyDelete"Mass Vaccination Should End" - Former UK Task-Force Chair Says We Should "Treat COVID Like The Flu"
DeleteAustralia has recorded 12 times more Deaths in 10 months due to the Covid-19 Vaccines than Deaths due to all other Vaccines combined in 51 years
DeleteMilitaire documenten bevestigen dat Ivermectine bij alle Covid patiënten werkt
ReplyDeleteIvermectin 'Works Throughout All Phases' Of COVID According To Leaked Military Documents
DeleteDocuments Stored in TOP SECRET Folder at Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Prove Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Interferon "Curative" of COVID-19
DeleteWaanzin: Duitse politie dwingt burgers tot bloedafname om “vaccinatiebedriegers” op te sporen
ReplyDeleteMadness: German police forces citizens to blood sampling to track down “vaccination cheaters”
DeleteCovid infections and deaths skyrocket after the first vaccination dose
ReplyDelete13-year-old child in Brazil dies after being injected with Pfizer 'A beautiful girl dies from this miserable vaccine'
ReplyDeleteFather flees with 7-year-old daughter to prevent mother from giving child Covid vaccine
ReplyDeletePfizer has admitted his company's injections are worthless – so why are governments still paying for and imposing Pfizer's injections?
ReplyDeleteBooster flop: Medical establishment changes its mind – “This indicates there is something in the data that is of serious concern to authorities”
ReplyDeleteThe roles are reversed for our tyrants
ReplyDeleteHilarious! CDC hoot Walensky blames 'underlying diseases' for widespread death among fully vaccinated
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DeleteArticle for Americans: Is this our First World War?
ReplyDeletedr. Peter McCullough: The official COVID story has fallen to pieces
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DeleteActivation of 5G masts could kill people who have taken COVID-19 vaccines, analysts warn
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DeleteDisturbing news from Germany, Washington DC, and Washington State
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ReplyDeleteThe Meaning of 666