Saturday, 4 December 2021

WHO "THEY" ARE & WHY THEY LIE Part 1: The Sun god connections


Dec 4, 2021
The most common questions asked are "why would they lie" and "who are they" so I thought I'd piece together some of the many connections throughout history. This isn't going to answer the questions entirely due to time constraints, but I will be back with more answers to the "who" "why" and what else they're hiding. 

As for whether the Book of Jubilees should be in the Bible, we must first recognize the fact that God is the One at work in the Scriptures, and if He wanted the Book of Jubilees as a part of Scripture, no man (or Satan) could have prevented it. Hundreds and hundreds of years of Christian (and Jewish) scholars have labored to ensure that the Holy Scriptures remain true and untainted. Part of the problem with the Book of Jubilees is that so little remains of original writings that there is no way to determine if the book as it now exists is the same book that was originally written. This is one huge reason that the Book of Jubilees fails the standards of the canon of Scripture.
The 'book of Enoch' is not Biblical.
About the 'book of Enoch': Genesis 6
JESUS is not dead and His earth is flat!
The flat or founded earth truth doesn't get you saved so let this truth lead you to THE TRUTH = JESUS Christ.

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
JESUS is not dead and His earth is flat and 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is the Gospel of our salvation and the true church of Satan is the Roman Catholic church.


  1. Replies

    1. As for whether the Book of Jubilees should be in the Bible
      , we must first recognize the fact that God is the One at work in the Scriptures, and if He wanted the Book of Jubilees as a part of Scripture, no man (or Satan) could have prevented it. Hundreds and hundreds of years of Christian (and Jewish) scholars have labored to ensure that the Holy Scriptures remain true and untainted. Part of the problem with the Book of Jubilees is that so little remains of original writings that there is no way to determine if the book as it now exists is the same book that was originally written. This is one huge reason that the Book of Jubilees fails the standards of the canon of Scripture.


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  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”