Sunday, 5 December 2021

Flat earth brought me back to Jesus - Testimony

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Flat earth brought me back to Jesus - Testimony

Flat earth brought me back to Jesus - Testimony

JESUS used the flat earth TRUTH to bring her back to HIM and it had a lot do to with this info:

Government Documents Admit Flat Earth

(links will be restored in the future)
 Teal Summers
Published on May 5, 2017
My spiritual journey...which hasn't ended yet :)

patrick jane - Flat Earth Forums
Very uplifting Teal, thank you.

Victoria Rose
Just watch your story with my mom and sister. You have so much knowledge it's awesome. I also loved what you said about suffering, very encouraging. ❤️ God bless truth seekers!!!!

George Maritz
I enjoyed this video, thank you for sharing

Origenes Live
Like your video

stephany vasquez
be careful of the universal religion that is coming do not accept it ok watch for the signs

Hans S
People who ARE saved according to the RIGHT GOSPEL, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, don't have to worry. CATHOLIC means UNIVERSAL. The Roman Catholic church-death cult is the true church of Satan and the counterfeit of the Body of Christ. This is the second video I watched that convinced me of the flat earth truth on October 1, 2016: Flat Earth: Exposing the Jesuit Agenda!

Roberto Luongo
The Bible Verse on Wernher von Braun's Tombstone (NAZI/NASA Scientist) ... Quote. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalm 19:1.

Very interesting...perhaps all your experiences have prepared you for a great ministry.

Neil Wani
I am a Christian and I believe God created the world. But I have no idea what you are saying about a flat Earth. I am sure at first the Earth was flat the land was one continent. And how the continents fit together prove all this. But at the 2nd coming, the Earth will again be transformed to a paradise after all the mountains and islands are destroyed at the 7th bowl judgment. But as for now, this is the way God made it. The sun shines in the day and gives life to all the world. And in the night, the light form the sun reflects off the moon and the light shines in the darkness. And stars each have their own intensity. But in the New Jerusalem in the future, there is no need for the sun and moon. And the saints will shine as the stars. Rev 21 23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Daniel 12 3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

Hans S
Neil Wani Please watch this video: Biblical Flat Earth: Jesus will REPLACE the Sun and Moon...
Ivan Jozef
Me too. The FE awakening brought me to higher spiritual thinking. Knowledge of the dome and firmement has warmed my heart. I already knew God lived, but the heliocentric lied, clouded my understanding. What a blessing this epiphany has been. Its from God. Personal revelation is divine. Just found this channel. She's in tune.
Dhruv Patel
Trust me your son is already saved, we all are. We just have to keep the faith, not stray away from the Lords words. God bless.
Mark Harrison
Most depressing title ever

Hans S
Satan agrees with you!
32:15 - 32:30 Thank you Teal .. God bless you and your family.

god bless you,, look into bravo and rerum for reversing autism please,, god bless

hannah anderson
Hello Eve, miss you around, I don't understand why you think "some" conspiracies aren't true, but jump on the FE bandwagon conspiracy train. I'm not surprised you went back to your "roots" of fundamentalism, it's where you came from, but the FE, this I can't figure out. Cheers.
Teal Summers
You don't have to figure it out.

hannah anderson
No that's correct I don't, but still miss you anyway. Wish you the best Eve.

Hans S
Teal Summers So your name is Eve? Great!

This is all very confusing to me. But what isn't confusing is that this lady is very attractive.šŸ‘ŒšŸ”„
Hans S
Even sex addicts can be saved: How to get to Heaven... guaranteed!!!

God Bless U

LOVE,FAITH & TRUST...stay strong!!!

Joalan Pinto
Wow, you have some of the nicest pair of eyes I have ever seen. So beautiful!
Teal Summers
Thank you. God gave them to me lol. I must admit that the green tint you see is not the actual color, they are contacts. My natural color is brown.
Lui Tao
She is indeed very beautiful. I agree, her eyes are magnificent!

cmre22233 the world is flat ? the bible says otherwise .
Teal Summers
Um, no it doesn't. First of all the descriptive term "circle" can apply to both a flat disk and ball. Secondly there is a Hebrew word used for ball in scripture. If God wanted to convey that it was ball shape why wouldn't the writer use that same Hebrew word?
Teal Summers
Compare the number of verses your site used compared to the site I provided. The site I provided has far more scriptures that give the precise structure of God's creation. The verses your site uses in no way disproves flat earth nor the verses on the site I provided. They harmonize with it.

ok then . i know the world is round . planes fly around the globe every day . iv been on a plane .you can see the world is round from the window . i went on a cruise you can see from the world is round from the sun deck . you dont need to complicate the bible to see truth. it says what it says . over thinking the truth leads to a false truth . such as believing all end times prophecy is fulfilled i went down that journey because of you . it was hard to shake off .
Teal Summers
The term "round" can also apply to a disk or ball. Planes can fly in circles as well. "iv been on a plane .you can see the world is round from the window" Others would disagree with you. "I went down that journey because of you" Because of me? I was on a journey myself, never claimed to be a teacher, nor did I ever tell ppl to listen to me. Your duty is to be as the Berean and verify the messages you hear. If you went down the full preterist position it's no one else's fault but your own.

true on that . it was my fault . i just wanna see you grow in God and never go back to the atheist view , it truly hurt me when you left the faith . and then Tanya . God bless you glad to see you back .
Teal Summers
Thanks, I'm glad to be back.

John Smith
Here Sister some verses to comfort you: John 9 1As Jesus was passing by, He saw a man blind from birth. 2His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened that the works of God would be displayed in him. 4While it is daytime, we must do the work of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work. 5While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” 6When Jesus had said this, He spat on the ground, made some mud, and applied it to the man’s eyes. 7Then He told him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which means Sent). So the man went and washed, and came back seeing. ......... 39Then Jesus declared, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind may see and those who see may become blind.” 40Some of the Pharisees who were with Him heard this, and they asked Him, “Are we blind too?” 41“If you were blind,” Jesus replied, “you would not be guilty of sin. But since you claim you can see, your guilt remains.” Matt 24:12-14 12Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. 13But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. 14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come 1 Peter 5:10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Your son will be restored and God has given you this promise in His Word Matt 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?

kathy dudley
Great video Teal! You are a very beautiful, loving person and your children are lucky to have you as their Mom to guide them. Even though God was one of the first thoughts I had when finding flat earth, I still wasn't convinced until I really delved into the satanism running rampant in our world. I had to look under the ugliest rocks to see evil and to know there HAS to be an opposite force for GOOD. Luckily, I ran into Victoria and Paula who have helped tremendously in finding God. The next thing I noticed was the HUGE disinformation christians run up against still amazes me how blind I was to all this before. Look forward to seeing more videos from you!

Teal Summers
Thank you Kathy! God's lessons are amazing aren't they?

You have such a happy face, I am so grateful for your return to the Lord. This is a beautiful video of truth, love and journey of ones open mind, heart and soul. I love you, thank you for your courage Eve.

Flat Earth And Other Hot Potatoes
Hi Teal! It was lovely meeting you/being on a hangout with you May 4th. It takes courage to speak out as you have and that's admirable. It's easy to see you're a loving mother and want to do your best to be a good person and pursue truth. I subscribed to your channel. 
Hans S
JESUS is not dead and the earth is flat so that every eye can see Him when He'll return. The flat earth TRUTH isn't about ETERNAL salvation! The gospel of GRACE is: DELIBERATELY rejecting the FLAT EARTH TRUTH, is deliberately LYING to JESUS, while being on the side of the JESUITS and SATAN! Flat Earth: Jesuits & the Global Conspiracy! JESUS is not dead and the earth is flat

Excellent video Teal! Thank you and praise Jesus for your wonderful testimony. You made me want to fight that little bit harder to find my Lord.
Hans S
Let JESUS find YOU: How to get to Heaven... guaranteed!!!

You should make a testimony about how you came to be saved. Glad to hear you trust scripture.

Teal Summers
This is my testimony. Are you under the impression that when I realized God's word was indeed truth that I didn't accept the work and gospel of Christ? Are you wanting me to say that I prayed aloud for Christ to come into my heart and felt a change? I didn't pray that. I didn't need to, when I was convinced His word was true I believed.
Teal - Maybe I need to re-watch it, but I thought this video was about how you got brought back to Jesus. I was asking about how you came to him in the first place. Was that in this video?

Teal Summers
I was 3 or 4 when I asked Jesus into my heart in a family prayer my family had that night. I remember it like it was yesterday. The look on my mother's face is still sketched in my mind. She was glowing with joy.
Wow. At age 4 you understood you were a sinner in need of redemption, and repented and trusted Christ. You must have been one smart child.

Teal Summers
You think the gospel is complicated? Actually it takes the heart like a child to believe the gospel. Luke 18:17 Truly I tell you, if anyone does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child, he will never enter it."
No. At age 4 I doubt I would have understood such things, but I guess the Spirit makes us understand, so age is irrelevant. If God wants a 5 day old infant to repent and believe the gospel then he will enable them to do so.

Hans S
Teal Summers Amen! JESUS loves CHILDREN and this is what He really looks LIKE

Derek Nelson
A line, a circle, completion. Lol. I have often felt a desire to make videos, however I rarely do, because I lose that feeling, for I will wonder to myself is anybody even listening to me? I forget that God is always listening to me, what does it matter if no other people are? I trust he will encourage you to the fullest hope he has for you. In Jesus Christ name sister. :)

That was very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Too bad I got banned from flat out elected, I guess God changed his mind about using that as an avenue to convert me.
When did you get banned, you will be unbanned if you are sincerely interested in the message we deliver
Teal Summers
Conversion doesn't always happen over night, nor are you always aware of the seeds planted.
Does he know God does not want everyone, this is why only through Christ can one enter? I as well explains the gates and walls right lol

@MG42pillbox Well i guess God does not want me, but it would be nice if you guys un-banned me since I am sincerely interested in listening to you guys talk about those topics and i really do enjoy interacting with you on the live chat and I don't think i was that out of line in your live chat to deserve a ban, nor would I ever make a sock account to sneak into a place I'm not wanted, so ultimately it's up to you.
Hans S
ares106 JESUS who happens to be GOD and the creator of the flat earth and everything wants you! Watch this video and get saved: How to get to Heaven... guaranteed!!!

The Watchmaker

Published on Feb 10, 2017

Hans S
Please forgive me that I made so many comments, but I hardly meet fellow former ATHEISTS who LOVE JESUS and who believe in the flat earth truth, AND the gospel of GRACE, so you're quite special to me. Nice to meet you sister!

Unfortunately Teal believes in the Annihilationism-LIE

Hans S
I'm a former atheist and I believe annihilationism is a lie. Why? Because I believe we're all meant to be like the angels, and angels are supernatural beings that can't be destroyed but that can be detained. Where? In the lake of fire, which is of course a supernatural fire.

Teal Summers
God can destroy anything He chooses and creates.

Hans S
No, He can't. Why else do you believe He needed to create a lake of fire in the first place? Because God CANNOT destroy Satan, because he's a supernatural creature. Thanks for commenting btw. and please take into consideration that I'm Dutch.

Teal Summers
@Hans S God knew the beginning from the end. Just because something is supernatural does not equate to it being indestructible. Scripture says fear Him who can kill BOTH body and SOUL in hell. It is GOD that is the giver of life. Provide scripture as proof of your claims please.

Hans S
Teal Summers Why do you think Satan is so angry at God=JESUS? Because he can't be saved. JESUS didn't shed His blood for angels: only for human sinners. If you click on this you'll see a picture which I made to confront atheists: What atheists don't want to know.... Matthew 10:28 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) And fear ye not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him, which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28 World English Bible (WEB) 28 Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. What is DEATH? Death is a SEPARATION from God, and He created it as a FORCE between Him and this dimension, ruled by His adversary=satan. Matthew 25:46 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) 46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal. EVERLASTING PAIN. PS: I believe the Geneva Bible is better than the KJV.

Hans S
@ Teal Something else: since when are you a flat earther? I'm a flat earther since October 1, 2016 Oh, here's the answer: Flat earth brought me back to Jesus

Hans S
9:34 'I started to research the flat earth'...'the flat earth model is actually a clock'
Hans S
4:10 CIA, Central Intelligence Agency..and that's also a DECEPTION, because I just call them CATHOLICS IN ACTION. ALL evil roads lead to the CATHOLIC 'church' (DEATH CULT) and the Vatican=the Luciferian Roman Empire, the JESUITS and Satan.The Satanic Power Tree CIA

Rapture cidal
Could you give me a link leading to whatever all this is about flat earth? I heard about it, but everything I found looking it up wasn't convincing to me or really worth watching or reading. So maybe if you got something leading to a video or explanation I would greatly appreciate it. However on the otherside, for me it has never really mattered if the earth was a globe or flat. I mostly just dismiss all that has become popular in any culture and just listen to the Bible. But I would like to hear this, so please if you don't mind hook me up with the link?

Teal Summers
If you have attempted to research it and was not convinced I don't think anything I provide you with will convince you either. Research can't be done with a link or even multiple. It was not youtube videos that convinced, but, rather the actual information that validated what I had watched on youtube. For example, NASA has at LEAST 15 different aerodynamics papers stating that aerodynamics is based on a flat, stationary, non-rotating, earth. There is much evidence however the evidence that should be the MOST convincing to a believer is the scripture itself. The heliocentric model completely contradicts scripture. For example, Joshua ten tells of a time where God stopped the sun over a city. If the sun was ninety three million miles away, can fit one million earths inside it, and the earth is the one that orbits around the sun while rotating a thousand miles an hour, like current science claims suggest then God would have to shrink the sun, bring it closer to the earth, stop the earth from spinning a thousand miles per hour and stop it from orbiting around the sun, and instead cause the sun to move above the earth, THEN stop the sun over a city.
Teal Summers
Even Paul recognized a difference between the heavenly bodies vs the earth. 1 Corinthians 15:40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
Teal Summers
reread my first response. I don't have the time to do the research for others.
Hans S
Exactly! All flat earthers did their own research before they were convinced.

Hi! Awesome! Welcome back!
Teal Summers
Thank you! :)
G Man
i consider teal being a theist again a miracle....God is good
Hans S
Yes, it is! I'm a former atheist, so I'm sure it's a miracle.

Nice testimony :) And spot on from 7:00 on when you talk about the satanic elite and how atheists deny the obvious satanic conspiracies, because if they admit that is true then they'll have to admit satan is real, and if they admit satan is real then they'll have to admit God is real, and if they admit God is real then they'll have to admit their sinful ways and change their lifestyle, but since they dont want to do that (John 3:19) then they suppress the truth (Rom 1:18) and choose to be deliberately ignorant (2 Pet 3:5). It's like sticking your head in the sand when a herd of rhinos is coming your way...

Teal Summers
Actually, I think it's more of a way for them to protect themselves cause atheists can suggest that satanists are real without suggesting satan is real, just as they can say Christians exist but it doesn't mean the Christian God exists. Now, I think they are wrong about this, but they could claim this. So, I think it's more of them just not wanting to face the horrific reality of these things and I will also say that if they know scripture well, it will make them question, like I did, if scripture is indeed true considering it talks about satan temporarily being the god of this world, offering the kingdoms to Christ, ect. So, it may be part of the reason they avoid it, but, those who are atheist that don't know much of scripture I would say do so because it's uncomfortable for them to acknowledge.

Yeah, i see what youre saying. But in the end all these elements combine to make them decide to live in self denial...

Really interesting, I'm curious do you think there was something happening in your life last year that could have precipitated the change in position? I haven't heard of someone going through so much re-evaluation in such a quick time. Sounds like an intellectual rollercoaster.

Teal Summers
Well, I thought I had already stated that the anthropology course which showed the important role religion has on culture was what started the wheels spinning. If you're looking for an emotional reason there is none.
Teal Summers
Maybe I didn't mention the Anthropology course in this video. Perhaps it was in my other video OR I forgot to bring it up.
Cool, thanks for answering and making the video!
Hans S
Teal Summers You talked about Anthropology in this video: Flat earth brought me back to Jesus

God bless stay on the positive path.


  1. +MrSitemaster2 So what?
    During the time of Noah God drowned about 6 billion satanic idiots who were not interested in Him.

    Not all people want to be saved.
    Well, then they can go to hell.
    Hans S's profile photo
    Hans S
    +Morning Star It's clear that the flat earth system is to difficult for you to understand.
    Footage of our Beautiful Flat Earth (22 Miles Up)


    MrSitemaster2's profile photo
    +Hans S And I bet you wonder why people don't believe what's in the Bible...
    Morning Star's profile photo
    Morning Star
    Yo mean your flat head makes you believe in Jesus.

  2. Replies
    1. Teal Summers

      Very well said!

      Have you already thought about Matthew 25:46 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) 46 And these shall go into
      everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal ?
      I speak for myself: God-the Lord JESUS Christ saved me from having to burn forever in His lake of fire thanks to His undeserved GIFT of Grace through (my) faith alone in His forgiving blood and and His resurrection from the dead.
      This is what I believe: after the Final Judgement we will FORGET about all condemned angels and humans and they will be ANNIHILATED from our MEMORY, because there's only HAPPINESS on the New Earth and in the New Jerusalem.


      Brother Dave
      Brother Dave12 hours ago (edited)
      I respect how dispensationists have the correct Gospel but they go into error of their own by claiming OT people were saved by works and NT by grace. everyone in the entire bible was saved by grace and faith never of works
      Teal Summers
      Teal Summers12 hours ago
      All people throughout all time are saved by grace and the finished work of Christ. Let me ask you a question. Did your faith save you?
      Teal Summers
      Teal Summers11 hours ago (edited)
      Your faith did not die on the cross, nor was your faith buried, nor rose again paying your way of salvation. Your faith doesn't save you it is only the REQUIREMENT to RECEIVE what did save you, Jesus finished work. When you accept Jesus finished work you are saved and sealed. You can not go around and brag "because I met God's requirements and had faith alone in Jesus' finished work alone I saved myself" No, salvation is of the Lord, always has been always will be, we are saved by what Jesus accomplished not because of our choice to trust that. In other words if I have a gift for Nancy and all she has to do is reach out and take it she can't then brag and say "oh because I reached out and took the gift that means I earned it and paid for it." That simply isn't true. Requirements to receive salvation does not equate to salvation itself. God being the author of salvation can give mankind the requirements He so chooses that man must meet in order to receive salvation. People who can't grasp this and insist that there is no faith PLUS works requirement outside of the age of grace have to make scripture outside of Paul's epistles state things they do not, even changing the very words of Christ. Who told His followers to keep the law (matt 23:1-3, and told them to keep the commandments for eternal life Matt 19:16-17 as well as stating the same in many other passages such as where He told the circumcision that if they did not care for one another they'd go into everlasting punishment)
      patrick jane - Flat Earth Forums
      patrick jane - Flat Earth Forums30 minutes ago
      @Teal Summers exactly

  3. +Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.
    Isaiah 40:22 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

    22 He sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers, he stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out, as a tent to dwell in.
    Hans S's profile photo
    Hans S
    +The truth Shall make you free Covenants are for the Jews.
    She's a follower of Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles on behalf of JESUS.
    Either we are SAVED or we're not.
    'Hey, if you wanna go to heaven, this is the way!' - Paul's Message


    +Hans S And I bet you wonder why people don't believe what's in the Bible...
    Morning Star's profile photo
    Morning Star
    Yo mean your flat head makes you believe in Jesus.
    Hide this comment
    Hans S's profile photo
    Hans S
    +MrSitemaster2 So what?
    During the time of Noah God drowned about 6 billion satanic idiots who were not interested in Him.
    Not all people want to be saved.
    Well, then they can go to hell.
    Hans S's profile photo
    Hans S
    +Morning Star It's clear that the flat earth system is to difficult for you to understand.
    Footage of our Beautiful Flat Earth (22 Miles Up)
    Footage of our Beautiful Flat Earth (22 Miles Up)
    MrSitemaster2's profile photo
    +Hans S The God(s) of the Gilgamesh flood also pulled this drown the planet trick, and I don't believe in them either.
    Morning Star's profile photo
    Morning Star
    +Hans S
    You can clearly see the curvature in the thumb, you silly moron.
    Hide this comment
    Hans S's profile photo
    Hans S
    +Morning Star You're the first who called me names for no reason.... and...bub bye!
    Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.'s profile photo
    Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.
    Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the CIRCLE circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers;
    ĐƤvĆÆđ's profile photo
    believing a lie may bring closer to your perception of him, but believing a lie does not bring you closer to who Christ really is. .

    If Christ told you now repent or else fall to Hell, would you love him or would you curse and mock him as a false prophet?
    The truth Shall make you free's profile photo
    The truth Shall make you free
    Funny.. she has no Covenant with God.

  4. What convinced her was this: Government Documents Admit Flat Earth


    Karl Marx
    Yeah, your flat EEG curves proves it.
    MrSitemaster2's profile photo
    +Hans S Don't be ridiculous it's BS like this that's killing Christianity...
    Hans S's profile photo
    Hans S
    +MrSitemaster2 Thank God she's an ex-atheist like me!
    MrSitemaster2's profile photo
    +Hans S Like you, if she believes in a flat earth, then she's not intelligent enough to be an atheist.
    Ricrab's profile photo
    does nurse know she has got out of her padded room ?
    Hans S's profile photo
    Hans S
    +MrSitemaster2 Only fools are atheists.
    Ricrab's profile photo
    +Hans S Nursey is looking for you.
    MrSitemaster2's profile photo
    +Hans S Only fools believe in a flat Earth.
    ray salmon's profile photo
    ray salmon
    that is not how you come back to Jesus

    read john 10
    Star Game's profile photo
    Star Game
    Hahahahahahahaha what a missionary propaganda

    1. +Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.Israel's Kingdom Gospel and Our Grace Gospel


      Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.'s profile photo
      Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.
      +Hans S the covenants are for the children of Abraham and Paul says in Galations 3:29 those in Christ ARE the children of Abraham. the antichrists are not in christ.

    2. +The truth Shall make you free You talk to me without a face and without a name and you start to talk to me with the abbreviation 'LOL'.

      Whom are you MOCKING?

      Listen, I'm a former ATHEIST and my late dad was an ATHEIST and my late mom was a non-practicing CATHOLIC.

      Before JESUS saved me I didn't want anything to do with 'Christians' and 'Christianity', 'churches' and the Bible and with God Himself, because IF He existed then He was BOTH satan and God: GODDEVIL and RESPONSIBLE for this MESS.

      Well I was RIGHT in ONE aspect, because He is RESPONSIBLE for this whole 'project creation' and He took FULL RESPONSIBILITY for HIS creation when He shed His BLOOD for our SINS=transgressions of His GOOD LAWS.

      I was WRONG that I thought He was also the DEVIL, because Satan=adversary is the former GOOD SERVANT ANGEL 'Morning Star' or 'Light Bearer' which is LUCIFER in Latin.

      He's now ONLY Satan and devil=slanderer, liar, deceiver, accuser and he's going to burn in the (supernatural) lake of fire, and that's why he's so incredibly ANGRY at God, because JESUS didn't shed His precious and sinless BLOOD for the (fallen) angels, but only for human sinners.

      Like so many people you MIX what is meant for God's chosen people the 'Jews'

      (this became a general name for descendants of the 12 sons of Jacob=Israel and the Catholic NAZIS didn't care from which tribe a Jew was: they were all BURNED ALIVE in the Roman Catholic NAZI OVENS, even if they were half Jewish, after they were NUMBED by Zyklon-B gas, and the JESUIT PRIEST Joseph 'Stalin' did it without subtlety: he let them be thrown into large pits, with branches on top of them and then gasoline was poured over them and subsequently they were burned alive. The '2nd world war' was a well planned INQUISITION by the Roman Catholic DEATH CULT=the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire, and not only Jews were murdered by the MILLIONS but also MILLIONS of PROTESTANTS and ORTHODOX believers in JESUS)

      and what is ONLY meant for the members of the Body of Christ.

      ONLY Romans through Philemon is meant for the members of the Body of Christ concerning SALVATION, PROPHECY and DOCTRINE:


      You assert that the descendants of the slaves from Africa that live in the USA are the JEWS.

      I live in the NETHERLANDS and in my country there are also many descendants of slaves from Africa and they mostly come from the former Dutch colony Suriname

      Let's be clear on this: the slave trade was SATANIC and both Europeans and people from Africa were responsible for this CRIME.

      The HEBREWS have also been SLAVES for 400 years in Egypt and this was also SATANIC, but the God of the Bible who happens to be JESUS, allowed it to happen, because it had a purpose, because He used it to show the entire world WHO He is: I AM THAT I AM=YHWH=I AM SALVATION=YAH is Salvation=JESUS (Yeshua in Hebrew).

    3. MOST of the 'JEWS' descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel=Jacob still don't know WHO their God is.

      Can you PROVE that you descend from on of the tribes of Israel?

      Then about the COLOR of the SKIN and hairdo of JESUS and what He looked like:
      JESUS is GOD in the FLESH and the CREATOR and He's responsible for the creation of the MANY ethnicities we have on earth, and also for the MANY languages we speak.

      My mother tongue is DUTCH, which is a Germanic language, related to the Germanic language English.

      My normal skin color is pale, but during the summer and due to the sunlight my skin turns more into brown.
      God=JESUS is the creator of that.
      He also created peoples that live close to the EQUATOR and their skin if brown or even DARK brown and their hair is mostly dark and black and in Africa mostly curly, BUT there are EXCEPTIONS, because there are also Africans with BLUE EYES and with almost straight hair.
      There are MANY different peoples living in Africa, just as there are MANY different peoples living in Europe: the Dutch or NOT French, for example and vice versa.

      Please watch the videos by my brown brother in Christ JESUS below.


      Hans S's profile photo
      Hans S
      +The truth Shall make you free I believe that Adam and Eve's skin color was a MIXTURE of ALL skin colors God created and the same goes for His hair.
      I believe that JESUS looked a lot like the peoples that live in the Middle East, and remember that Abraham came from UR which is now in Iraq.

      JESUS loves CHILDREN and this is what He really looks LIKE


      Hans S
      +Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.Israel's Kingdom Gospel and Our Grace Gospel

      Israel's Kingdom Gospel and Our Grace Gospel
      Israel's Kingdom Gospel and Our Grace Gospel
      The truth Shall make you free's profile photo

    4. The truth Shall make you free
      +Hans S

      LOL. More ignorance. First off, are you not aware that the Gentiles were Northern Kingdom Israelites that the Apostle Paul was retrieving?

      Matthew 4:15
      [15]The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the GENTILES;

      Hosea 8:8
      [8] ISRAEL is swallowed up: now shall they be among the GENTILES as a vessel wherein is no pleasure.

      the most high God divorced the northern kingdom Israelites.

      Jeremiah 3:8
      [8]And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding ISRAEL committed adultery I HAD PUT HER AWAY, and GIVEN her a bill of DIVORCE; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.

      for the sin of idolatry.

      Hosea 4:17
      [17] EPHRAIM is joined to IDOLS: let him alone.

      The entire Northern Kingdom Israel went into idolatry.

      1 Kings 12:28
      [28]Whereupon the king took counsel, and made TWO CALVES OF GOLD, and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O ISRAEL, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

      after the most high God divided the kingdom's in two.

      1 Kings 11:31
      [31]And he said to Jeroboam, Take thee TEN PIECES: for thus saith the LORD, the God of ISRAEL, BEHOLD, I WILL REND THE KINGDOM OUT OF THE HAND OF SOLOMON, and will give TEN TRIBES to thee:

      1 Kings 11:35
      [35]But I will take the kingdom out of his son's hand, AND WILL GIVE IT UNTO THEE, EVEN TEN TRIBES.

      They were no longer considered his children and removed from the Covenant.

      Hosea 1:9
      [9]Then said God, Call his name Loammi: for ye are NOT MY PEOPLE, and I will not be your God.

      They were sent into slavery under the Assyrians.

      Isaiah 7:8
      [8]For the head of Syria is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin; and within threescore and five years shall EPHRAIM be broken, that it be NOT A PEOPLE.

      if you are not God's people: you are a gentile. SMH �� The natural Gentile has no inheritance in this book.

      Romans 9:4-5
      [4]Who are ISRAELITES; to whom PERTAINETH the ADOPTION, and the GLORY, and the COVENANTS, and the giving of the LAW, and the SERVICE of God, and the PROMISES;
      [5]Whose are the FATHERS, and of WHOM AS CONCERNING THE FLESH CHRIST CAME, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.

      The Gentiles that Paul was sent to help retrieve are Israelites by the seed. Meaning their bloodline.

      Romans 11:1
      [1]I say then, Hath God cast away HIS PEOPLE? God forbid. For I also am an ISRAELITE, of the SEED of ABRAHAM, of the TRIBE of BENJAMIN.

      These are known as the lost sheep of the House of Israel. That is who Christ was sent for.

      Matthew 15:24
      [24]But he answered and said, I am NOT SENT BUT unto the LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL.

      2ndly you cannot be a follower of Christ without a Covenant with the most high God. Christ is not running this thing the most high God is.

      John 7:16
      [16]Jesus answered them, and said, My DOCTRINE is NOT mine, BUT HIS THAT SENT ME.

      Gentiles and their false doctrines are very foolish. ��

      Acts 7:54
      [54]When they heard these THINGS, they were CUT �� to the �� HEART, and they gnashed on him with their TEETH ��.

    5. +The truth Shall make you free It's totally unacceptable what you say and you come across as a 'know it all' and as an autistic cult member.
      You suffer from a GOD-COMPLEX, which MOST people on earth do since the fall of our ANCESTORS Adam and Eve.

      Get saved by the Gospel of JESUS through Paul that SAVES FOREVER from burning forever in the lake of fire!


      The truth Shall make you free

      +Hans S

      I didn't speak to you about anything. The word of God did. And of course you rejected it. Because you're not of God.

      John 8:47
      [47]He that is of God HEARETH God's WORDS: ye therefore hear them NOT, because ye are NOT of God.

      All of your emotions concerning the matter are worthless. This book was not written for you because you have no Covenant with God.

    6. +The truth Shall make you free You're an ETHNOPHOBIC person with a SUPERIORITY COMPLEX.

      Yes, only the WORD OF GOD is the TRUTH, and JESUS is the TRUTH and the WORD of GOD, and He's my MAKER and SAVIOR and BEST FRIEND, so what are you trying to tell me?

      That you know everything better than me?

      How old are you?

      I'm 59 years old.

      If you think you are a JEW then you should EMIGRATE to Israel!


      Hans S
      +The truth Shall make you free It's totally unacceptable what you say and you come across as a 'know it all' and as an autistic cult member.
      You suffer from a GOD-COMPLEX, which MOST people on earth do since the fall of our ANCESTORS Adam and Eve.

      Get saved by the Gospel of JESUS through Paul that SAVES FOREVER from burning forever in the lake of fire!
      How to receive eternal salvation. Know that JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY OF ...
      How to receive eternal salvation. Know that JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY OF ...
      The truth Shall make you free's profile photo
      The truth Shall make you free
      +Hans S doesn't matter what you believe. It matters what the word of God says.

      John 3:34
      [34]For he whom God hath sent SPEAKETH THE WORDS OF GOD: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.

      The first so-called white man born on Earth was Esau.

      Genesis 25:25
      [25]And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.

      The name Esau in the original Hebrew means wasted away was he. He was red because you could see the blood flow through his skin. (Hence the slang redneck) He was born without melanin. This was the same Mark that was put upon Cain.

      Genesis 4:15
      [15]And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD SET A MARK UPON CAIN, lest any finding him should kill him.

      Melanin removed from your skin was a curse that God gave people when he became angry with them.

      Numbers 12:10
      [10]And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became LEPROUS, WHITE AS SNOW: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was LEPROUS.

      It is known as leprosy in the Holy Bible. Before the birth of Esau everyone had melanin in their skin.

      Genesis 2:7
      [7]And the LORD God formed man of the DUST OF THE GROUND, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

      What color is the dirt? Brown! All of the prophets prior to northern kingdom mixing with the other nations

      Hosea 7:8-9
      [8]Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned.
      [9]Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not.

      Had melanin skin.

      Job 30:30
      [30]My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.

      Song of Solomon 1:5
      [5]I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.

      Jeremiah 14:2
      [2]Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up.


      2 Kings 5:27
      [27]The LEPROSY therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee, and unto thy SEED for ever. And he went out from his presence a LEPER as WHITE AS SNOW.

    7. +The truth Shall make you free 'Lord JESUS Christ, there's someone here on the internet, who LIES about his true identity, who calles himself 'The truth Shall make you free ' and who asserts I'm not of God=YOU...ONLY the DEVIL says such things.....I pray for this COWARDLY person that you open his heart and mind for the truth and that you show him how to get saved, and I believe I already gave him the right info, amen'.


      The truth Shall make you free
      +Hans S

      And now I'm done talking to you because you're not of God and it is a waste of the knowledge to share it with you because you can't hear it.

      Matthew 15:26
      [26]But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

    8. +The truth Shall make you free As I told you before you MIX what is meant for the JEWS with what is meant for the members of the Body of Christ and that's the WRONG GOSPEL.


      The truth Shall make you free
      +Hans S

      By the way teaching the word of God boldly does not mean I have a superiority complex. It means that I believe in the word of God.

      Ephesians 6:19-20
      [19]And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
      [20]For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

      though it is true according to the word of God that the nation of Israel is above all people upon the face of the Earth.

      Deuteronomy 7:6
      [6]For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath CHOSEN thee to be a special people unto himself, ABOVE ALL PEOPLE THAT ARE UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

      why are we above all people on the face of the Earth? We Are All made physically the same. But the children of Israel were given the law which is the Breath of Life. That is why we are above the Heathen Nations.

      Romans 3:1-2
      [1]What advantage then hath the JEW? or what profit is there of circumcision?
      [2]MUCH EVERY WAY: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the ORACLES OF GOD.

    9. +The truth Shall make you free Yes, I'm glad YOUR god is not MY GOD!
      Hans S's profile photo
      Hans S
      +Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. The Lord JESUS Christ had dark hair on earth during about 33 years, and NOW He has WHITE hair FOREVER.
      You don't have to tell Him from where HIS WORD originates, and yes it wasn't China or India, but Egypt and other parts of Africa play an important role in the Bible.
      The Bible originates from God's chosen people the JEWS.
      ALL Bible books were written by members of the Jewish people.
      God's Apostle Paul and others are responsible for the spreading of the Gospel and the Bible among many peoples in the Middle East, Asia Minor and all peoples around the Mediterranean and throughout the Roman Empire.
      Then the Roman Empire of Satan started with its COUNTERFEIT of the Body of Christ with the aim of trying to DESTROY the TRUE GOSPEL and its adherents, and it came up with its own CORRUPTED versions of God's Word.
      But still God's TRUE WORD seemed to be unstoppable and so the Roman Empire, which had MORPHED into the ROMAN CATHOLIC ('universal') CHURCH, with its BLASPHEMOUS 'PAPA'=the POPE='Father' and 'Vicar of Christ'=the IN PLACE of Christ', invented a HORRIFIC RELIGION, called ISLAM in the 7th century AD.

      In the meantime most of Europe became ROMAN CATHOLIC, but always there were groups of people which kept believing in the TRUE FAITH, though they were constantly persecuted by ROME.

      Thanks to the European invention of PRINTING books, it now became possible to spread (parts of) the Bible even better, much to the anger of the Pope and Satan!

      God used Martin Luther in Germany to start the REFORMATION and the PROTESTant attack on the Roman Catholic DEATH CULT of Satan, with its ANTICHRIST, the Pope, and the BEST English effort was the GENEVA BIBLE and it STILL IS!

      It was even printed in LARGE QUANTITIES in my country the Netherlands, and from my country the Pilgrim Fathers sailed to the NEW WORLD, which later became the USA.
      Their Bible was the GENEVA BIBLE 1560 and later versions, and NOT the KJV.

      The KJV was the very subtle COUNTERFEIT of the Geneva Bible!

      In the meantime the VATICAN=the disguised ROMAN EMPIRE had already established itself in MOST of the America's and ALSO in NORTH America, in the states VIRGINia and MARYland with its Capitol ROME, that quickly was renamed into WASHINGTON D.C. in order to DECEIVE.

      From Washington D.C. the NEW country the USA would SLOWLY but GRADUALLY become influenced by Roman Catholicism and this process was considered to be a SUCCESS when POPE FRANCIS, the JESUIT ANTICHRIST, visited the USA in 2015!

      ALL US-presidents have been (secretly) servants of ROME according to the principle of the THREE CITY STATES:

      The Vatican=the disguised Roman Empire is responsible for the SLAVE TRADE, and because the Vatican invented Islam, it was responsible for the DEMISE of the Christian FAITH in most of (north) Africa: Once upon a time in the early 7th century...

    10. We're now living in the DISPENSATION of GRACE and what you said from the OLD Testament concerning LOVE between (for example) a brown African person and a pale European person, with the result that they have offspring, is not forbidden.

      There are also Israelis with a pale skin and a brown skin, and Israelis from all over the world.
      Unfortunately there is also ETHNOPHOBIA in Israel, because due to the FALL, people have become LIKE animals, but God is the creator of ALL ETHNICITIES, and after the SECOND COMING of JESUS Christ ALL PEOPLES and TRIBES on earth will live in PEACE and LOVE with each other.
      This PROVES that SATAN is the one who's stirring up HATRED between different ethnicities.
      I purposely don't use the word 'racism', because THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE, the HUMAN RACE, in all its GOD-MADE DIVERSITIES.

      God-the Lord JESUS is JUST AS HAPPY with a person in (for example) INDIA who loves Him as a person who loves Him in any other part of the world.

      YES, it's TRUE that God doesn't want PEOPLES to MIX on a large scale, and He even doesn't want EUROPEAN PEOPLES to MIX, though they all have a PALE SKIN, and SATAN, the JESUITS and the VATICAN WORLD ORDER are responsible for TRYING to DISTORT God's ORDER!

      That's one of the reasons behind the creation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, because it's the BLUEPRINT for the (attempted) creation of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD, which will end into ARMAGEDDON=the LAST and FOURTH WORLD WAR until the 2nd coming of JESUS Christ.
      The THIRD WORLD WAR will happen shortly AFTER the Pre-Jacob's Trouble-RAPTURE, aka the pre-TRIBULATION-rapture.

      Are you RAPTURE READY and are you SAVED according to the RIGHT and ONLY GOSPEL by PAUL on behalf of the LORD JESUS Christ?

      How to Get Saved


      The truth Shall make you free
      +Hans S

      and also I reject all your prayers. Because you're not of God and you're not praying to the most high God of Israel. The most high God does not deal with the heathen.

      Joel 2:27
      [27]And ye shall know that I am in the midst of ISRAEL, and that I am the LORD your God, and NONE ELSE: and MY PEOPLE shall never be ashamed.

      Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.'s profile photo
      Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.
      +Hans S 1 Samuel 17:42 - And when [Goliath] the Philistine looked about, and saw [future king] David, he disdained him:
      for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.

      fair countenance = fair complexion (Webster 1828 Dictionary) BLACK is not fair complexion

    11. Ruddy = having a healthy reddish color, a ruddy complexion
      ie rosy red blush as the Irish are ruddy.

      David was a relative of Jesus and look in Revelation 1 as Jesus had white head and white hair...hmmm

      Bible book Song of Solomon 5:10 - My beloved is WHITE white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.

      Bible book Lamentations 4:7 - Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were WHITER whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:

      Revelation 1:14 - His [Jesus] head and his hairs were WHITE white like wool, as WHITE white as snow;
      and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass,

      [Brass is made of copper which is REDDISH GOLDEN BROWN, not black] as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. The world hates white Christians esp.

      Adam the first white man
      so were the Hebrews white?

      Can any dark race can blush and show blood in the face....?

      Why the unlimited 3rd world immigration into the USA and Europe?

      Who printed the Bibles and built all the churches?

      Africa? NO
      Asia? NO

      Europe and the USA = Yes

      Bible book hated of interracial marriages Ezra 9:2 - For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so that the holy [HOLY SEED] seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been chief in this trespass.

      IF there is a HOLY SEED then there needs to be an UNHOLY SEED...

    12. +Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. Yes, 'Rome' through the VATICAN owns the ENTIRE WORLD!
      The Satanic Power Tree
      If you examine this scheme you'll see that some Jews are also part of the plan, but SATAN and the PAPACY are in charge!


      Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.
      rome does not own the EU and US media.
      want to know what the so called Jews really believe? - What is Kabbalah? - A basic introduction to the Kabbalah

    13. +Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. Bible identifies the Catholic Church as the synagogue of Satan

    14. +Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. Yes, the ROMAN EMPIRE MURDERED JESUS!


      Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.
      ADL is a Jewish group
      Next you will tell me the Bible is wrong and the vatican killed Jesus. - The Vatican’s Strong Defense of The Jews

    15. +Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. Yes, 'the Jews'=the JEWISH LEADERSHIP cooperated with the SATANIC Roman Empire and they STILL DO, and they wanted JESUS to be KILLED, but TECHNICALLY the Roman Empire was and is RESPONSIBLE for His death, because Israel was OCCUPIED by the Roman Empire.

      Currently the Israeli leadership closely cooperates with the Vatican and with its MAIN PRODUCT the USA.

      You must make a DISTINCTION between 'he Jews' that wanted JESUS to be annihilated and the Jews that LOVED Him, because the first congregations of believers in JESUS Christ were ALL JEWS, and ALL Apostles were JEWS and ALL writers of the Bible were JEWS.


      Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.
      +Hans S Paul in 1 Thess 2:14, 16 - For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, EVEN AS THEY HAVE OF THE JEWS: WHO BOTH KILLED THE LORD JESUS, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and THEY PLEASE NOT GOD, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: FOR THE WRATH IS COME UPON THEM TO THE UTTERMOST.

      John 5:16 - And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day.

      Jhn 5:18 - Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.

      John 7:1 - After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.

      Act 9:23 - And after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him

      Act 23:12 - And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.

      Act 26:21 - For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me.

      Mat 23:15 - Jesus speaks: Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees (Jews) , hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

      Q: Did Jesus take the Kingdom of God from the Jews?

      A: Mat 21:43 - Therefore say I (Jesus speaking to the Jews) unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

    16. +Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. Jews who believed in YESHUA-JESUS remained to be JEWS!

      The term 'Christian' was invented by OUTSIDERS and by UNBELIEVERS! - Should we call ourselves a Christian?

      Pilate 'washed his hands in innocence' and HE ordered that JESUS would be CRUCIFIED and NO ONE ELSE!

      He was in charge on behalf of the Roman Empire, which later became the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH-DEATH CULT.
      Should we call ourselves a Christian?
      Should we call ourselves a Christian?
      Hans S's profile photo
      Hans S
      +The truth Shall make you free I'm fed up with your lies!

      You are NOT a JEW and you HATE the real JEWS!


      Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.
      +Hans S John 19:12 And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend: whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar.

      Pilate (Rome) wanted to release Jesus, it was the Jews who wanted Jesus dead. Jews who believed ceased being Jews and became Christians.
      The truth Shall make you free's profile photo
      The truth Shall make you free
      +Hans S

      you don't know the Bible and you don't know history. The people that you think are the Jews they're not the Jews. They're edomites pretending to be the Jews.

      Revelation 2:9
      [9]I know thy works, and tribulation, and POVERTY, (but thou art rich) and I know the BLASPHEMY of them which say they are JEWS, and are NOT, BUT are the SYNAGOGUE of SATAN.


    18. +Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. And do you think this kind of knowledge will JUSTIFY you and do you think this will SAVE you from having to burn forever in the lake of fire?
      Romans 3:10-18 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      10 As it is written, There is none righteous no not one.

      11 There is none that understandeth: there is none that seeketh God.

      12 They have all gone out of the way: they have been made altogether unprofitable: there is none that doeth good, no not one.

      13 Their throat is an open sepulcher: they have used their tongues to deceit: the poison of asps is under their lips.

      14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.

      15 Their feet are swift to shed blood.

      16 Destruction and calamity are in their ways:

      17 And the [a]way of peace they have not known.

      18 The fear of God is not before their eyes.

      Footnotes: [a]
      a. Romans 3:17 An innocent and peaceable life.

      Get saved by the Gospel of JESUS through Paul that SAVES FOREVER from burning forever in the lake of fire!

      Salvation for those who already know the Bible, but who are still unsure about their salvation


      Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th.
      Rabbis suck baby penis at circumcision and some get herpes from it. See link. - New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'

      Cause a Rabbi putting a babies penis in his mouth is "normal"...
      This is not NEWS cause guess who owns the KOSHER media?

  5. Replies
    1. Great testimony!

      Glory to JESUS
      , the maker of the flat earth and of everything and the one who shed His blood for the remission of our sins and who rose from the dead!
      And this is the gospel of our salvation:

      1 Corinthians 15:1-4 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      1 Moreover brethren,
      I declare unto you THE GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which ye have
      also received, and wherein ye continue,

      2 And whereby ye ARE saved, IF ye keep in memory, after what manner I preached it unto you, except ye have believed in vain.

      3 For first of all, I delivered unto you that which I received, how^ that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,

      4 And that he was buried, and that he arose the third day, according to the Scriptures

      ^through the shed BLOOD of JESUS!

      Ephesians 2:8-9 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      8 For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God,

      9 Not of works, lest any man should boast himself.

      Ephesians 1:13 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      In whom also ye have trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth,
      even the Gospel of your salvation, wherein also after that ye believed,
      ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise

      John 3:16 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      For God so loveth the world, that he hath given his only begotten Son,
      that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting

    2. @TJ Jones

      Before I started to investigate this flat
      earth issue in late September 2016 I didn't know much about this subject and I was biased, like so many people, and I thought this whole
      flat earth idea was ludicrous, though I already believed in the geo-centric model since 2013.
      People who REALLY want to know about the flat earth get their questions answered, and I speak from experience.
      I can show you pictures of how God's OWN people, the Jews, looked at this concept thousands
      of years ago, and they clearly show the FLAT EARTH and not a BALL in space,
      which is HUGE to us, but an INSIGNIFICANT DOT in a so called VAST and expanding
      'universe', according to the adherents of the globe earth and the 'solar system'.
      God did not create an insignificant dot to live on for us in a vast 'expanding universe', but an UNIQUE and STATIONARY reality He called EARTH, and He created it THREE ENTIRE DAYS before He created the sun, the moon and the stars!
      This alone proves from the Bible that the solar system concept is a BIG FAT LIE!
      Or do you really believe that God created the earth as a SPINNING BALL when AT first there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and then THREE DAYS LATER He made the earth go AROUND the sun and made the moon go AROUND the earth, and then He placed this so called solar system in a so called GALAXY called the MILKY WAY, which is part of BIGGER systems of GALAXIES?
      This goes directly AGAINST the WORD OF GOD!

      JESUS is not dead and the earth is flat and this is the gospel of our salvation: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.


      Yes, bible is true, FE is not. Believing the true shape of Earth is not a requirement for salvation.
      Escaping Darkness
      Escaping Darkness21 hours ago
      If the bible is true, which I believe it is 100% because flatearth revelation. Then the earth is in deed flat. The bible states in genesis the earth was already here before the sun. And over 200 more versus that support flat earth, look up Hebrew cosmology. If the earth isnt flat then the bible is wrong. Flat Earth isn't my salvation. Flat Earth made me realize the bible is true. If you 100% believe the scripture but say the earth isnt flat, then you don't 100% believe the bible
      Daniel Pratt Reshaping Our World
      Daniel Pratt Reshaping Our World21 hours ago (edited)
      Please reread GENESIS. You cannot love God, And call him a liar. Wake up. The choice and the judgement are yours and yours alone. Recognize his greatness and glorify him through recognition of his creation as he instructed. Or dont.
      Daniel Pratt Reshaping Our World
      Daniel Pratt Reshaping Our World20 hours ago
      Unless you care to explain to us where the ENDS OF A SPHERE ARE....MAYBE? Stop lying to yourself and others. Or dont.

      “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” (Psalm 19:1-4)

  6. My pleasure!


    Good Morning
    42 minutes ago
    Thank you very much for this upload Hans.




  1. The dispensation of grace in which we now live is revealed in Romans through Philemon, our Apostle Paul's letters to the Gentiles, with Acts being the book of transition between the two dispensations.

    Source: The Seven Churches of Revelation
    Matthew McGee

    Only later I discovered brother Robert Breaker and I've learned a lot from this younger brother (I'm almost 62 and he's 46), but as I told you I don't agree with everything he teaches.

    But both Matthew McGee and Robert Breaker and other Grace Gospel teachers like Les Feldick have taught me to follow our apostle Paul on behalf of the Lord JESUS Christ.

    And so I have ALWAYS the best possible teacher with me, and that's Paul....on BEHALF of JESUS!



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    GOING-2-GLORY Hans S • 2 hours ago • edited

    Hi HansšŸ˜Š. Matthew McGee has a great article on the chronology of Paul's epistles!

    What's great about it is he worked this up in his own studying the Bible. It is not from a so called Bible Scholar but just sharing of a BELIEVER of his own studies. This is marvelous in how God is BUILDING us up!šŸ¤—

    Eph.4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

    13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
    14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;


  2. Thanks for sharing! Praying for ALL MEN! šŸ™šŸ‘‘šŸ”„


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    Hans S GOING-2-GLORY • 2 hours ago • edited

    That's why I like Matthew McGee's teachings so much and I told him so some time ago through email and he appreciated that very much.
    He's not a well known teacher and as far as I know he doesn't ask for money, and that's what I also like about him.
    Salvation is FOR FREE and share it with others FOR FREE!
    Our JESUS is with us, sister! ;)

    PS: this is also a great site to learn from:



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    GOING-2-GLORY Hans S • 2 hours ago • edited

    Yes Lord Jesus is alway with us šŸ˜šŸ’ŖšŸ¤— Matthew McGee seems very humble. Don Samdahl is an awesome brother in Christ

    Learned very much there early on. Though we rightly divide a bit differently ...I love his contending for the gospel today and his willingness to try to help others. He is a dear brother! šŸ’“

    We all in the Lord's Body learn from one another.

    Ephesians 3:9 KJV — And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ...



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    Hans S GOING-2-GLORY • an hour ago • edited

    And best of all: I don't mind they don't agree with me on the shape of the earth.
    I still hope you will look into it.
    My former best (internet) friend was almost 81 when she passed away due to cancer.
    It came as a big surprise because I thought she would at least become 85, but the Lord had other plans with her and it happened last year in August.
    But the good news is that she doesn't have to experience this nasty world anymore and she was born in 1939 and she experienced the Nazi-occupation of the Netherlands as a child and what's happening now is THE SAME and from the same source: Satan and his Vatican.

  3. But what I want to tell you is this: she was a former atheist like me, and that's why we could get along so well, because most believers in the Lord JESUS come from a Christian-religious background, which we both didn't have.
    When I had become an adherent of the round and flat earth with a dome shaped firmament, she didn't yet agree with me, though she never treated me any different than before, when I still believed the earth is a globe.
    One day I told her to consider WATER and that it always seeks its own level at the surface, no matter how big or small a body of water is, so a glass of water or an OCEAN.

    She was highly educated and with Greek and Latin at high school and she thought about it and after some time she wrote me an email, telling me 'Yes, Hans the earth is flat'.



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    GOING-2-GLORY Hans S • an hour ago

    šŸ˜Š. I've consider water! That's true! Honestly am so into the "FAR ABOVE, heavenly places" right now, have lost interest in most other subject matter.

    Have you ever noticed in Ephesians that God the Father is addressed as ...

    Ephesians 3:14 KJV — For this cause I bow my knees unto THE FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST,

    When I considered the "fathers" written very much about in the early ministry of Paul to the Jew First... Those are the "fathers of Israel".
    Abraham is a father of Israel. But when we get to Ephesians (after Acts is concluded) , THE SALVATION OF GOD has been SENT to Gentiles! (Acts 28:28)... we have those who were IN TIME PAST ...without God, without Christ...WITHOUT HOPE. This is God's mind on the nations He gave up clear back in Genesis at Babel! WE HAVE NO FATHERS! When i understood this i was ASTOUNDED. So...for US...we have no fathers that bring us to Christ! But only JESUS CHRIST!šŸ˜šŸ”„šŸ’Æ God's vesel to the nations has been cast away till He comes. Thus we have only ONE by whom we have ACCESS TO GOD'S THRONE!

    there are our 7 ONES... Eph.4:

    3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
    4 There is ONE BODY, and One Spirit, even as ye are called in ONE HOPE OF YOUR CALLING;
    6 ONE GOD AND FATHER of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.


  4. So for us, God SAVES US INTO and BY His Son! He wrought this HIMSELF in the cross and blood and work of the cross! In Christ's burial and resurrection! In His Acsension! So I have concluded...

    God is THE FATHER of our Lord Jesus because He( Jesus Christ) is the only way for a sinner of the Nations to get to God! Am just blown away by this. šŸ¤—šŸ’•šŸ™Œ
    Does this make sense to you? Haha haha!šŸ˜‚


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    Hans S GOING-2-GLORY • 44 minutes ago • edited

    Yes, it makes sense to me.

    God is our FATHER and He's JESUS!

    He's the 'Ancient of Days' but on earth He appeared as a relatively young man.

    His hair is WHITE as SNOW!'

    And regarding 'FAR ABOVE':

    Since I believe in this, I believe as that child again I used to be who attended a protestant kindergarten, thanks to his non-practicing (former) Catholic mother, and despite his (former) atheist father, and who for one school season believed in the Lord JESUS-God the Bible creation, thanks to a pretty teacher who could read so well aloud from the children's Bible.

    I really got saved AFTER I was HUMBLED by the knowledge about the true shape of the earth.

    It also happened in another way to this sister in the Lord JESUS and give her a chance to allow her to share with you her testimony:

    Teal Summers
    Published on May 5, 2017



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    GOING-2-GLORY • 37 minutes ago


  5. Yes, but that happened before and on a MUCH GRANDER scale because there were about 6 BILLION people on earth before and during the Flood and ONLY EIGHT people got rescued after God had waited ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY YEARS to see if they would REPENT= CHANGE THEIR MIND.
    Genesis 6:1-8
    King James Version

    6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

    2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

    3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

    4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

    6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

    7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

    8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

    Genesis 6:1-8
    1599 Geneva Bible

    6 3 God threateneth to bring the flood. 5 Man altogether corrupt. 6 God repenteth that he made him. 18 Noah and his are preserved in the Ark, which he was commanded to make.

    1 So when men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and there were daughters born unto them,

    2 Then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took them wives of all that they liked.

    3 Therefore the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, because he is but flesh, and his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

    4 There were giants in the earth in those days: yea, and after that the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they had borne them children, these were mighty men, which in old time were men of renown.

    5 When the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and all the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually,

    6 Then it repented the Lord, that he had made man in the earth, and he was sorry in his heart.

    7 Therefore the Lord said, I will destroy from the earth the man, whom I have created, from man to beast, to the creeping thing, and to the fowl of the heaven: for I repent that I have made them.

    8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

    PS: those 'sons of God' were NOT fallen angels.


    Follower of the Way • 18 minutes ago

    The sad thing about all this are the majority of the worlds citizens are asleep or encouraging the war against the people! All due to elf and safety!

  6. Globe earthers believe what unsaved secular 'scientists' say so they have a problem with the Bible.
    Believing that the earth is a spinning ball in space that orbits a much bigger sun and which is a tiny part of a much bigger galaxy and this galaxy is only a tiny part of a much bigger and vast and expanding universe, is unbiblical.
    God created heaven and earth and three days long there were no sun and moon and stars, and planets are also mentioned in the Bible, and Biblical flat earthers know they are wandering stars, because they move independently from the other stars, so they are in fact also stars, but because they move differently they are called planets.

    Calling the earth a 'planet' is totally unbiblical and ridiculous.

    God describes the earth as His footstool.
    The Bible makes it clear that the earth is standing on a least four pillars.
    God can't use an earth as His footstool if it's a spinning ball in space, and a tiny speck of dust compared to the so called vast and expanding universe.
    Water always seeks its own level and it can't bend around a spinning ball in space.
    Pilots who know the earth is flat can keep their job, but if they dare to talk about what they believe in they get fired.
    The Bible makes it clear that the firmament is dome shaped and made from glass.
    Before the Flood there was only one huge continent, surrounded by one ocean and the firmament kept the water in, because back then Antarctica didn't yet exist which is now the ice ring surrounding the round and flat earth.

    Believe whatever you want and this subject is totally not about salvation.
    I believe what I want and I used to be a globe earther most of my life until I first discovered that the moon landings were fake, that satellites don't exist, that heliocentrism is a lie and then a few years later I discovered the flat earth truth.


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