Monday, 13 December 2021



Tuesday, December 9, 2014


'Merry Christmas' means: 'GLAD that JESUS is DEAD'



Published on Dec 7, 2014
What does Merry-Christ-Mass mean. Let us see what the Vatican Has to say about this. Truth provided.

Jeremiah 10:2-4 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

The Real Origin of Christmas
"The real origin of Christmas goes back to ancient
Babylon. It is bound up in the organized apostasy
with which Satan has gripped a deceived world these
many centuries! In Egypt, it was always believed that
the son of Iris (Egyptian name for "Queen of Heaven")
was born December 25th. Semiramis also bore the title
"Queen of Heaven" - and she was Nimrod's mother.
Paganism celebrated this famous birthday over most
of the known world for centuries before the birth
of Christ."

-The Plain Truth About Christmas
by David J. Stewart | December 24th, 2005
"Christmas as a pagan holiday traces back
thousands of years before to a man named Nimrod,
founder of ancient pagan Babylon."
-Christmas Unwrapped
From the History Channel
by Alan Mansager

"December 25 was highly honored and recognized
by Nimrod's supporters...Many centuries later
this pagan custom was "Christianized" as being
the birthday of Christ."
-The True Origin of Christmas and Other Holidays
Who Was Really Born On December 25?
The Gilead Institute of America
"Lent, Easter and Christmas are of Babylonian origin."
2000 B.C. TO DATE
by Edward Stevens (1895-1966)

"December 25th was celebrated as
Nimrod's birthday. Generally, all mankind
is fast asleep, dreaming this old Babylonian dream."
-The Story Of Nimrod,
As It Relates To Christmas And Easter
by Wilhelm J Wolfaardt

A Deception of Satan
"Jesus Christ was NOT born on December 25.
But December 25th can be traced back to Genesis
and a man named Nimrod. Nimrod was the founder
of a great false religious system that began in
ancient Babylon that has always opposed the truths
of God. It's time we face facts! This world is deceived,
just as God prophesied it would be (Rev. 12:9).
Satan is the power behind this deception.
Satan has successfully pawned off the old customs
of the Babylonian mystery religion as being pleasing
to Jesus Christ."
- Why Christmas is (Not) So Important to God
By Carl Hilliker and Mark Jenkins December 2002
article in; The Trumpet

"December 25th - not only was Mithra, the sun-god of
Mithraism, said to be born at this time of the year,
but Osiris, Horus, Hercules, Bacchus, Adonis, Jupiter,
Tammuz, and other sun-gods were also supposedly born
at what is today called the "Christmas" season, the winter solstice!
- Doane, p.474;
- "The Two Babylons; Alexander Hislop, p.93.
"The "winter solstice (December) was the time at which all the
sun-gods "from Osiris to Jupiter" and Mithra had celebrated
their (birthdays) - the celebration being adorned with
the pine tree of Adonis, the holly of Saturn, and the
mistletoe (of the pagan Druids).....tapers(candles) represented
the kindling of the newborn sun-god's fire..."
-Man and His Gods, p.201.
"Subtly...the old gods had entered their churches...
And they live still in the festivals of Christianity."
-(Testament: The Bible and History, Romer, 1988, pp. 230-31)

About Christmas

I don't agree with everything on this page such as being against the flat earth truth and how to write the name of JESUS Christ and the name of God.  

Friday, December 25, 2015


NAZI America: The Truth About The so called ANTICHRIST - Hitler's grandson

Watch this video first to know what this picture is saying:

The Truth About Obama

Published on Dec 1, 2016
Dr. Pidgeon has deep knowledge of Obama that he was willing to share with me. I hope you enjoy this interview.

Realize that this interview with Stephen Pidgeon was made shortly after the 2016 US-Presidential (s)elections.

Stephen Pideon reveals a lot about 'Obama' and about other things, and he's a believer in Yeshua=JESUS, and he calls God 'YAH' which is not wrong, but 'YAH' is the same as JESUS!
He thinks (or perhaps thought) Donald Trump is a 'good guy', but interviewer Jana (wife of Steven BenNun) is suspicious, due to her background as a citizen of a former communist country, and rightly so!
Note: Stephen Pidgeon is not (yet) awakened concerning the flat earth truth.

Some details of what Stephen Pidgeon reveals:

Malcolm X, aka Malcolm Little, who became a convert into the Nation of Islam, and the leader of nation of Islam, changed his name into  el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz.
He had a teenage girlfriend, Jo Ann Newman, who gave birth to a son in 1959, called Bari Malic Chabazz, which is Obama's true identity.
The person Barack Hussein Obama jr. DOES NOT EXIST!
Bari Malic Chabazz (Obama) was escorrted out of the country in 1965, after his father, Malcolm X had been brutally assasinated.

Ann Dunham was obama's mother's half sister, who took him in.

In 1994 he had himself declared legally dead, so Bari Malik Chabbazz doesn't exist anymore.

This is what could happen after the rapture:
Obama is the Mahdi and the Pope is Isa who will be killed, but who will rise from death as SATAN INCARNATE!

Examine the following to know who's the boss of this world:

And realize this, concerning 'Obama':

How the Vatican created Islam

Then investigate with me the following:

Update: Why Was the Criminal Record of Bari Shabazz Altered Nine Years After His Alleged Death… 


Deriving from this search: Bari Malik Shabazz

Obama’s Real Name Bari Shabazz

[PDF] Bari Malik Shabazz - The Complete Obama Timeline

THE LITTLEST BLACK PANTHER: Bari M. Shabazz a.k.a. Barack Obama (and related videos)

 Something similar seemed to have happened to Bari Malik Shabazz (Obama) as to BILL HICKS ('Alex Jones') who also 'died' in 1994 and who's a CIA shill, and CIA is CATHOLICS In ACTION, disguised as Central Intelligence Agency.

Keep this in mind: ALL evil roads lead to the VATICAN and SATAN!

Obama’s real mother: Forget what you have already been told


'Jo Ann Newman', Obama's real mother and oldest daughter of Adolf Hitler 

'Jo ann Newman', Hitler's older daughter and mother of 'Obama'

America Held Hostage

Truth Unite Continues Discussing Obama Identity Fraud With Martha Trowbridge

Obama’s Nazi Heart: Grandpa Adolf Hitler, Mom, And The Stealth Rebirth Of The Third Reich



It All Begins With Baby Girl Braun-Hitler….

Meanwhile in Europe:  Angela Hitler

NAZI-America: Adolf Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997!

OBAMA is STILL in charge of the US on behalf of the POPE and SATAN!

Have a lot of 'fun' while investigating this....

The Pope is the DEVIL in the FLESH=ANTICHRIST

This video also tells you HOW TO GET SAVED!


It's ALL about JESUS Christ, God, manifested in the flesh!

Are you saved according to this?

The Gospel that SAVES!

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 1599 Geneva Bible 

1 Moreover brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you, which ye have also received, and wherein ye continue,

2 And whereby ye ARE saved, if ye keep in memory, after what manner I preached it unto you, except ye have believed in vain.

3 For first of all, I delivered unto you that which I received, how* that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,

4 And that he was buried, and that he arose the third day, according to the Scriptures

*through the shed BLOOD of JESUS!



  1. Nimrod was the 'sun-god' of Babylon and Tammuz was allegedly his son, according to his mother, Semiramis, the 'Queen of Heaven' of Babylon.

    The Roman Catholic church of Satan changed Tammuz, the 'son of the sun-god' into the Catholic 'jesus' and Semiramis into the Catholic 'mary', the 'Queen of Heaven'.

    Every Pope fulfills the role of Nimrod, the 'sun-god', hence the Monstrance is a sun with in it the 'moon-god(dess) Semiramis.

    Mystery Babylon The Great - The Truth About The Roman Catholic SEMIRAMIS='mary' CULT

    The symbol of the satanic Jesuits is the SUN:

    The favorite day of the Roman Catholic church of Satan is of course the SUNday, and it's officially the MARK of that evil church, because Satan is very proud of the fact that he changed God's day of rest into the SUNday, and most believers in JESUS also respect that and he's LAUGHING.


    Follower of the Way • 2 hours ago

    December the 25th is Nimrods birthday. Need we say any more


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”