Friday, 10 December 2021

Anna from Finland reacted to the song Mary, Did You Know - Voctave feat. Mark Lowry

My fifth experiment with Open Broadcaster Software®️ OBS - Correct volume

Dec 26, 2021
English subtitles are included and I finally got the sound right.
Original video: Finnish Vocal Coach Reacts: Voctave ft. Mark Lowry "Mary Did You Know" // Äänikoutsi reagoi (like and subscribe)
🎵 Original video of the song  Mary, Did You Know - Voctave feat. Mark Lowry:
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Pray for Anna Vaskelainen that she'll become our saved sister in JESUS!
"Mary, Did You Know?"
Mary, did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you.
Mary, did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy will calm the storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
When you kiss your little baby, you kiss the face of God.
Mary, did you know? Mary, did you know? Mary, did you know?..
Mary, did you know? Mary, did you know? Mary, did you know?..
The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again.
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb!
Mary, did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy would one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
That sleeping child you're holding is the great I am.
Mary, did you know? Mary, did you know? Mary, did you know?..
Mary, did you know?

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the remission of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Pekka Karppinen
    1 day ago (edited)
    Santa, Santa Claus, the old bearded old man
    , put Anna-elf and Petter in three shifts, and that's when the Christmas presents started to move! Big thumb about it. 🎅⛄👍
    Anna Vaskelainen
    1 day ago
    Ville Alakörkkö
    1 day ago
    Christmas came! I thought Anna could be trusted ☺
    Pekka Karppinen
    1 day ago
    @Ville Alakörkkö You are a knower of the eastern part of Melekonen - worth all the gold and myrrh. 👲👳👍
    Anna Vaskelainen
    1 day ago
    @Ville Alakörkkö 😏🤭
    Ville Alakörkkö
    1 day ago
    @Pekka Karppinen I am. I even know in advance that Anna will like this! Perhaps even a small sensation of sensation will be seen 😃 😃 thanked give. I can not wait!
    Pekka Karppinen
    1 day ago (edited)
    @Ville Alakörkkö Haha, that was hard to conclude. That's what you like about everything that has come up (and for a reason). 😢
    Anna Vaskelainen
    14 hours ago
    @Pekka Karppinen cute cute Pekka, showing emotions is beautiful! I can say that this song did sensitize me in record time 😂🥰🎵
    Ville Alakörkkö
    14 hours ago (edited)
    @Anna Vaskelainen they are those vocalave melodies and stems that hit the body with a whole new level
    Pekka Karppinen
    14 hours ago
    @Anna Vaskelainen Heheh, then in my essay I will tell you a little more about the subject. 😆📕
    Pekka Karppinen
    13 hours ago
    @Ville Alakörkkö Yep, and Mark's pleasantly warm and descriptive baritone. If only I could, I'd just sing it around.
    Ville Alakörkkö
    10 hours ago
    @Pekka Karppinen yeah itella will leave that long note for 18 seconds. There is nothing 🤷‍♂😆
    Pekka Karppinen
    10 hours ago (edited)
    @Ville Alakörkkö Hitsinpimpula! Again, I always get long, always! 😩

    Has Google translate translated this correctly?
    Pekka Karppinen
    Pekka Karppinen
    1 hour ago
    @Hans S Impressive work, but something is beyond their translation capabilites and something is totally missing. Quite good anyway. I give 7. 😆👍 Try next my final comment in Finnish below. Oh don't bother. I was just kidding! 😅👍
    Hans S

    1. Hans S
      1 hour ago
      @Pekka Karppinen 😁 Groeten uit Nederland! Greetings from the Netherlands, the country of Floor Jansen.
      Highlighted reply
      Pekka Karppinen
      Pekka Karppinen
      1 hour ago
      @Hans S If you don't mind, i consider Floor as a partly Finn, because she has lived here and represents proudly a Finnish band.
      Hans S
      Hans S
      1 hour ago
      @Pekka Karppinen We're all family since Adam and Eve and the reason that you speak Finnish and I speak Dutch and communicate in English is due to the Babylonian Confusion of Tongues which the secular science cannot explain, because it goes against the 'laws of evolution'.
      Nice to meet you and I'm a former atheist. 😏
      Pekka Karppinen
      Pekka Karppinen
      1 hour ago
      @Hans S So Merry Christmas, my friend. 🎅🎄🎆
      Hans S
      Hans S
      59 minutes ago
      @Pekka Karppinen I used to celebrate Christmas but I believe Jesus was born in September.
      It's much too cold now and even in Israel.
      So I say: have a great December! 🤩
      Pekka Karppinen
      Pekka Karppinen
      49 minutes ago
      @Hans S Haha, i think that they invented the Christmas to the darkest of the year on purpose, just to lighten our life in the middle of the darkest of the Winter.
      Hans S
      Hans S
      39 minutes ago
      @Pekka Karppinen On and beyond the equator they have a totally different season.
      It's a European 'thing'. 🦍


      Pekka Karppinen
      Pekka Karppinen
      1 day ago (edited)
      Joulupukki, Joulupukki, valkoparta vanha ukki, laittoi Anna-tontun ja Petterin kolmivuoroon, ja silloin alkoi joululahjat liikahtaa! Iso peukku siitä. 🎅⛄👍
      Anna Vaskelainen
      Anna Vaskelainen
      1 day ago
      Ville Alakörkkö
      Ville Alakörkkö
      1 day ago
      Joulu tuli aikaseen! Mie arvasin että annaan voi luottaa ☺️
      Pekka Karppinen
      Pekka Karppinen
      1 day ago
      @Ville Alakörkkö Melekonen itämaan tietäjä olet - kaiken kullan ja mirhamin arvoinen. 👲👳👍
      Anna Vaskelainen

    2. Anna Vaskelainen
      1 day ago
      @Ville Alakörkkö 😏🤭
      Ville Alakörkkö
      Ville Alakörkkö
      1 day ago
      @Pekka Karppinen olen. Tiiän jopa etukäteen että anna tulee tykkään tästä! Ehkä jopa pieni herkistymisen tunne tullaan näkemään 🤔 😃 kiitti anna. Odotan innolla!
      Pekka Karppinen
      Pekka Karppinen
      1 day ago (edited)
      @Ville Alakörkkö Haha, tuo se vasta oli vaikea päätellä. Sehän on tykänny kaikesta mitä eteen on tullu (ja syystä).😜😅 No tiijä siitä herkistymisestä, mutta minä takaan että herkistyn - onneksi ette tule sitä näkemään, se ei ole kaunista kun iso mies itkee. 😢
      Anna Vaskelainen
      Anna Vaskelainen
      16 hours ago
      @Pekka Karppinen höpö höpö Pekka, tunteiden näyttäminen on kaunista! Voin sanoa, että tämä biisi kyllä herkisti mut ihan ennätysajassa 😂🥰🎵
      Ville Alakörkkö
      Ville Alakörkkö
      16 hours ago (edited)
      @Anna Vaskelainen ne on nuo voctaven melodiat ja stemmat mitkä iskee kroppaan ihan uudella levelillä
      Pekka Karppinen
      Pekka Karppinen
      16 hours ago
      @Anna Vaskelainen Heheh, kerron sitten esseessäni aiheesta "hieman" lisää. 😆📕
      Pekka Karppinen
      Pekka Karppinen
      16 hours ago
      @Ville Alakörkkö Jep, ja Markin miellyttävän lämmin ja kuvaileva baritoni. Jos vain osaisin, laulaisin sen juuri noin.
      Ville Alakörkkö
      Ville Alakörkkö
      12 hours ago
      @Pekka Karppinen joo itelläki jää tuo pitkä nuotti 18 sekuntiin. Ei voi mitään 🤷‍♂️😆
      Pekka Karppinen
      Pekka Karppinen
      12 hours ago (edited)
      @Ville Alakörkkö Hitsinpimpula! Mulla taas menee aina pitkäksi, aina! 😩


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