Arab countries took in 5.5 million Syrian refugees. Ask yourself, why isn't any Arab country willing to take even one Palestinian “refugee”? Why has Egypt spent billions of dollars building a 7-layer wall with Gaza?
What do these Arab states know about Palestinians?
Trump just gave a green light to Israel to open the gates of hell upon Hamas if all the hostages are not returned by Saturday.
ReplyDeleteWill Israel take it?
Familie van gijzelaar Eliya Cohen krijgt te horen dat hij geketend wordt vastgehouden, met weinig voedsel of daglicht
ReplyDeleteFamily of hostage Eliya Cohen told he is being held in chains, with little food or daylight
Muslims were outraged by this speech in EU’s parliament.
ReplyDeleteThe speaker? None other than the son of Hamas’s founder—a man who left Islam, converted to Christianity, and risked his life as an elite Israeli intelligence spy to save countless lives in Israel.
Son of Hamas founder stunned the EU Parliament
A must watch!
Son of Hamas founder stunned the EU Parliament!
Mosab Hassan Yousef destroys both the Palestinian narrative and the false image of Islam during his speech in EU’s Parliament.
This is the speech the members of the European parliament never expected to hear!
Please retweet and follow me if you stand with Israel!
They don’t care about you and the West and your opinions. It’s all about us!
ReplyDeleteNever forget: 'allah' is SATAN the DEVIL!
DeleteHe HATES the Jews because they are God's chosen people that would produce the MESSIAH.
The Messiah WILL come and he will DESTROY Satan's world order!
⚠️BREAKING: Hamas officially rejects Trump's deadline to release all hostages by Saturday at 12 o'clock.
ReplyDeleteBreaking news on the Australian nurses who threatened to kill Israelis and boasted about already having done so…
ReplyDeleteSahar Shehadeh is a palestinian student in Canada. She openly says that she supports Hamas and hopes that Hamas commits Oct. 7th “Again and again and again"
ReplyDeleteThis is what pro-Palestinians believe, this one just said the quiet part out loud.
Satan has a pretty face....
ReplyDeleteEen Thaise gegijzelde kreeg bewust een stoot met een Kalasjnikov, waarbij al zijn tanden eruit geslagen werden door Hamas.
Israël heeft zijn tanden hersteld en zal alle Thaise arbeiders die na hun 'bevrijding' - uit de hel van de Nazistrook -, terugkeerden, loon betalen... 'palestijnse' nazi's zijn de vijanden van de hele mensheid.
In Nederland vertoeven identieke aanhangers van deze Hamas nazi's. Zij protesteren... zijn voor de vernietiging van de staat Israël en willen een volgende Holocaust. Ik tel niet alle afslachtingen mee van Joden, maar weet ze dondersgoed.
Het zijn de schapen die meelopen, die altijd al een haat tegen Joden hadden... EN ZIJ WORDEN ALLEMAAL DOOR MIJ EN MIJN TEAM GEDOCUMENTEERD.
Bijzonder is, dat zij zich 'vertrouwd' voelen en berichten plaatsen hier op X. Ik laat hen in die waan. Daarom heb ik een tipje van de sluier opgelicht, zodat zij weten, dat een klein groepje Joden zich niet meer de les laten lezen, door wie dan ook. Wij vechten terug.
Nu Joden terugvechten tegen deze JODENHAAT in Nederland en België, zie ik stompzinnige berichten bij mijn meldingen. Niet altijd... omdat het mij geen flikker interesseert. En ja... ik heb al heel lang met dit TUIG te maken gehad sinds de jaren '80 van de vorige eeuw. Maar het waren hoofdzakelijk (gewapende) moslims.
Zeven oktober 2023 werd het mij duidelijk. Ik zag ineens allerlei mensen uit hun holen, hun kieren en gaten kruipen... antisemieten, die ik niet eerder had gezien. Het was (en is), "in" om Joden te haten. Een kopie van de jaren '30 van de vorige eeuw. Het waren dus latente (geheime, onwaarneembare) sluimerende antisemieten, die zich nimmer openbaar maakten.
Zoveel... dat je als Jood in Nederland bij jezelf dacht "die ook?" En het zijn er niet duizendenden, nee het zijn er miljoenen.
Die ben ik gaan bijhouden met een team van mensen, immers ik laat deze JODENHATERS niet zomaar gaan. Zij worden op de eerste plaats bewaard voor mijn nageslacht. En nee... ik ben geen CIDI persoon of medewerker. Het CIDI zijn slappelingen, dat zijn mensen die zich naar de gaskamers laten sturen. Ik werk ook niet voor de Israëlische regering of welke instantie dan ook.
MIJN MENSEN ZIJN TOTAAL ANDERS. En het werd tijd om terug te vechten tegen al die mensen, die (zoals geschreven), uit hun holen, kieren en gaten tevoorschijn kwamen. Mensen waarvan ik niet had gedacht, dat zij achter afslachtingen van burgers zouden staan, die Hamas cum suis verheerlijken. Mensen zonder moraal.
Kijk beste mensen, u mag van mij alle kritiek hebben op de staat Israël. Dat is het punt niet. Het gaat mij om het wederom vernederen van Joden in Europa. Veel van jullie lieten het allemaal gebeuren... en kom niet met "mijn grootvader zus of zo", jullie zijn een nieuwe generatie die Joden het leven zuur maken. Jullie (die zich aangesproken voelen), zijn de Sturmabteilung op social media.
Jullie zijn de nieuwe neo-nazi's, die (nog niet) met een Kalasjnikov de tanden uit de bek slaan van Joden of Israëliërs. Maar wat niet is, kan nog komen. Dat jullie je eigen graf graven... daar heb ik al veel te veel over geschreven.
Ik kan uren en uren schrijven, over de JODENHAAT, die hier in het land heerst. Ook oude bloedsprookjes worden weer gebruikt. Al de bedreigingen naar mij toe. Mensen die overwegen "aangifte" te doen naar Rafael Dahan. Ik wens hen allen heel veel succes toe. Neem die stap, doe aangifte... blijf vechten voor Hamas en ander terroristisch gespuis. Oh... excuses, het zijn uiteraard 'vrijheidsstrijders' in jullie ogen.
Het is geen 40-45 meer, "deal with it." Jullie behoren (die zich aangesproken voelen), tot een Sander van Hoorn. Totdat de bekende druppel... #Video ⬇️
Respect moet je verdienen en ik heb geen enkel respect voor jullie. Mijn nageslacht... ja ja, zij zullen precies weten wie en wie niet achter de afslachtingen van 7 oktober 2023 stonden en staan. En daarom staat een groot deel van jullie in een database. Net zoals jullie in de database staan van jullie internet provider, jullie social media account of jullie zorgverzekering staan. Moet ik doorgaan, in welke database jullie allemaal staan?
Veilig aan de andere kant van de grens en in Israël staan... en dit soort bagger wordt jullie huiskamers ingesmeten!
"Maar moet je eens voorstellen, dat je Hamas bent in Gaza. Dan is die gijzelaar het laatste wat je hebt als drukmiddel op Israël. Als je die uit handen geeft, en daarna de oorlog door laat gaan en er geen uitzicht komt op een 'palestijnse' staat, ja... geen enkele Hamasleider - of dat nou een vredelievend iemand is -, of een "strijder" kan daarmee akkoord gaan."
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"In een tijd van universeel bedrog is het vertellen van de waarheid een revolutionaire daad." ~ George Orwell
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#Jodenhaat #Antisemitisme #Nederland #België #RafaelDahan
DeleteA Thai hostage was deliberately hit with a Kalashnikov, knocking out all of his teeth by Hamas.
Israel has recovered its teeth and will pay wages to all Thai workers who returned after their 'liberation' - from the hell of the Nazi Strip -, ... 'Palestinian' Nazis are the enemies of all humanity.
In the Netherlands there are identical followers of these Hamas Nazis. They protest... are for the destruction of the state of Israel and want another Holocaust. I do not count all the massacres of Jews, but I know them very well.
They are the sheep who follow along, who have always had a hatred for Jews... AND THEY ARE ALL DOCUMENTED BY ME AND MY TEAM.
What is special is that they feel 'trusted' and post messages here on X. I let them believe that. That is why I have lifted a corner of the veil, so that they know that a small group of Jews will no longer be lectured by anyone. We are fighting back.
Now that Jews are fighting back against this JEW HATRED in the Netherlands and Belgium, I see stupid messages in my notifications. Not always... because I don't give a damn. And yes... I have been dealing with this SCUM for a long time since the 80s of the last century. But they were mainly (armed) Muslims.
On October 7, 2023, it became clear to me. I suddenly saw all kinds of people crawling out of their holes, their cracks and holes... anti-Semites, whom I had not seen before. It was (and is), "in" to hate Jews. A copy of the 1930s of the last century. So they were latent (secret, unobservable) dormant anti-Semites, who never made themselves public.
So many... that as a Jew in the Netherlands you thought to yourself "them too?" And there are not thousands, no, there are millions.
I started keeping track of them with a team of people, because I am not going to let these JEW HATERS go. They are being preserved for my descendants in the first place. And no... I am not a CIDI person or employee. The CIDI are weaklings, they are people who let themselves be sent to the gas chambers. I also do not work for the Israeli government or any other agency.
MY PEOPLE ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT. And it was time to fight back against all those people, who (as written), came out of their holes, cracks and holes. People who I had not thought, would stand behind the massacres of civilians, who glorify Hamas cum suis. People without morals.
Look people, you can criticize the state of Israel as much as you want. That is not the point. I am talking about the further humiliation of Jews in Europe. Many of you let it all happen... and don't come with "my grandfather this or that", you are a new generation that makes life difficult for Jews. You (who feel addressed) are the Sturmabteilung on social media.
You are the new neo-Nazis, who (not yet) knock the teeth out of the mouths of Jews or Israelis with a Kalashnikov. But what is not, can still come. That you dig your own grave... I have already written far too much about that.
I can write for hours and hours about the JEWOTHORED that is prevalent in this country. Old blood libels are also being used again. All the threats against me. People who are considering "reporting" Rafael Dahan. I wish them all the best. Take that step, report it... keep fighting for Hamas and other terrorist scum. Oh... apologies, they are of course "freedom fighters" in your eyes.
It's not 40-45 anymore, "deal with it." You belong (who feel addressed), to a Sander van Hoorn. Until the famous drop... #Video ⬇️
Respect must be earned and I have no respect for you. My descendants... yes yes, they will know exactly who and who did not stand behind the massacres of October 7, 2023. And that is why a large part of you are in a database. Just like you are in the database of your internet provider, your social media account or your health insurance. Do I have to continue, in which database you are all?
Safely across the border and in Israel... and this kind of crap is thrown into your living rooms!
"But imagine that you are Hamas in Gaza. Then that hostage is the last thing you have as leverage on Israel. If you give that up, and then let the war continue and there is no prospect of a 'Palestinian' state, yes... no Hamas leader - whether a peace-loving person -, or a 'fighter' can agree to that."
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“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ~ George Orwell
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#Jodenhaat #Antisemitisme #Nederland #België #RafaelDahan
Palestinians gathered to celebrate the death of a Jewish baby, a Jewish 4 year old, their mother, and an elderly man.
ReplyDeleteThey even brought a hookah
New Israeli Defense Forces findings reveal a shocking truth about the October 7th massacre—70% of the attackers were Palestinian civilians, not just Hamas
ReplyDeleteJewish women 80 years apart holding their children tight in the face of raw evil. I thought we said Never Again? Did we mean it or not?
ReplyDelete1/2 The Bibas babies murders are not some one off accident on how and why they were barbarically murdered. The lessons have been taught before on how such depravity can seep into a society time and time again.
DeleteIn the modern era we saw this in Nazi Germany, and apparently the world has once again not learned from the historical warnings of antiSemitism, hence its repeat on October 7th.
In Daniel Goldhagen’s chilling book Hitler’s Willing Executioners, a book so disturbing that I could not actually finish it, he destroys the myth that ordinary Germans played no role in the Holocaust. In a society that was taught that Jews were “unalterable evil and dangerous” and that Jews were like vermin and not human. There is no wonder that ordinary Germans performed unimaginable crimes. “Goldhagen takes us into the killing fields where Germans voluntarily hunted Jews like animals, tortured them wantonly, and then posed cheerfully for snapshots with their victims.” @penguinrandom
. Goldhagen talks about how Hitler created “eliminationist anti-Semitism” in the 1930’s in order to rid the world of the Jews. Through propaganda, education, literature, media, and brainwashing, it should not surprise anyone that ordinary Germans did the most unspeakable things.
NOW BRING THIS TO October 7th. Over the past several decades organizations like Hamas, @UNWRA
, Arab nations, and so many others have participated in a campaign of inconceivable hate against Israel and Jews. All one needs to do is read the Hamas Charter, read the textbooks of @UNWRA
Deleteschools , follow the educators, and look at the Arab streets vile cartoons that continue to plague its media, art and literature today. (For reference in how long this has been going on this is an article from 20 years ago).
For the past 80 years, there has been a systematic campaign that Jews and Israelis are worse than animals, that they are thieves and criminals, that they are evil and not human, that they should be killed, and that Israel should be destroyed. This level of indoctrination and agitprop is so similar to the scenario that led to the rise of antisemitism in Germany and Europe during the 1930s and thus the Shoah/Holocaust in the 1940s.
Just as I quoted Penguin Randomhouse’s description of Golghagen’s book above, let me rephrase how it would look today. What I saw on the Hamas video filmed on October 7th (and beyond since), “takes us into the killing fields where Palestinian civilians and members of Hamas voluntarily hunted Jews like animals, tortured them wantonly, and then posed cheerfully for snapshots and selfies with their victims.”
I have seen and heard the outright glee these terrorists showed. Literal videos of each of those things noted above, filmed by Hamas itself. But listen, just listen to the terrorist who calls his parents to gloat that he killed 10 Jews with his bare hands (sound familiar?) and is praised by his mother.
Which brings me back to the Bibas babies murders. When a society is taught for decades that your neighbor’s are less than human, that they are like the cockroaches under your feet, there should be zero wonder that the sickness in their minds allows them to place their hands on the neck of a baby and squeeze the life out of him. They did not look at them as babies, they looked at them as something far less than human.
There needs to be a major reckoning within Gaza and its population, that in order to be a part of the modern world you must change like the Germans and Japnanesse did. This includes accepting @Israel
’s right to exist (for them, not for us as we already know it does) and the erasure of its continuous self-inflicted wound that will not heal until they accept that they are no longer refugees and that there is no “right of return” to Israel.
Until then do not be surprised to hear the stories like Liri Albag the former hostage…
2/2 …when she says to her father, “Remember that, there are two million terrorists there (Gaza). I was sitting with an 8-year-old boy and 4-year-old boy, who would spit at the mention of Jews. Do you understand what that means? Does anyone understand what that means?” Yes Liri, I understand. May the memories of Ariel and Kfir, their mother Shiri, and all others killed since October 7th be for a blessing and revolution.
Delete#AmYisraelChai @Israel
Bibas brothers didn't “die in captivity”. Palestinians choked them to death with bare hands, and then mutilated their bodies.
ReplyDeleteShame on you @AP!
Flashback: after watching the footage of the October 7th massacre by Hamas terrorists in Israel, Marco Rubio confronted Anti-Israel activists and told them to shove it...
ReplyDeleteDo you agree with every single word he said? Yes or No?
CBN News has just exposed how the biggest media channels in the western world including CNN and BBC help Hamas in its war against Israel.
ReplyDeleteMost media outlets in Europe and America, are not only the enemies of Israel, but the enemies of everything Israel stands for including western values, democracy and freedom. These corrupt institutions exploited their power to broadcast Hamas propaganda all over the world. They helped Hamas hide its war crimes and encouraged the terrorists in Gaza to keep killing their own people and use them in the coordinated propaganda campaign against Israel.
Please share this report to warn everyone not to trust any of the globalist organisation and media outlets which served as tools at the hands of Hamas terrorists!
Here is an example of what the media does not show you about the Palestinian Muslims.
ReplyDeleteThis mother wants her children to blow themselves up and kill Jews for Allah.
Please share this post and follow me @LizaRosen0000
and @YossiBenYakar
if you stand with Israel!
Flashback: Palestinian mother, speaking on Arab TV, brags about the huge responsibility of Palestinian women as good Muslim mothers who produce as many children as possible just to sacrifice their souls for Allah (god of Islam). As you can see in this interview, she explains their desire to shed blood as an Islamic act of worship. According to her, the Palestinians use their own children as human bombs to kill Jews.
DeleteShe justified this practice of child sacrifice with Islamic teachings about the benefits and rewards Muslims get upon their death for providing Allah (god of Islam) with human sacrifices. The Palestinian Muslims believe that suicide bombers enter paradise upon their death, where Allah provides every single one of them 72 virgin slaves to use for eternity.
This disturbing glorification of turning children into human sacrifices for Allah (god of Islam) must be exposed and stopped.
Share if you believe this sick ideology has no place in In the twenty-first century!
Hostages Were Chained, Starved, Kept in Pitch Black; Some Return Almost Unresponsive
ReplyDelete“Didn’t see daylight at all.”
Israel cannot wait any longer.
They were a beautiful family.
ReplyDeleteHamas executed them in the most horrific way.
This is for Shiri, Kfir and Ariel.
Israel delays Palestinian prisoner release over ‘humiliating’ hostage ceremonies
ReplyDeleteUSAID Stole $2 Billion from US Taxpayers for Gaza “Famine” Hoax
ReplyDelete"There was no famine in Gaza… according to famine review groups’ own data
New pictures of Gaza supermarket disprove fake famine. That and the obese Gazan population.
Peabody, MA: Jewish parents were outraged when they walked into their children's daycare classroom today and discovered a display of "Palestine" that completely erased Israel from existence.
ReplyDeleteFamine? Genocide? Pleasant music and good shawarma at the new restaurant in the a-Rimal neighborhood in western Gaza City.
ReplyDeleteListen to Hamas leader Fathi Hammad himself, admitting that the so-called “Palestinians” are simply Arabs who migrated to the Land of Israel from neighboring regions.
ReplyDeleteThis is a must watch.
He openly states that every Palestinian has roots either in Egypt or Saudi Arabia—completely debunking the myth that they are an indigenous people with ancient ties to the land.
My speech at the UN Human Rights Council about their recent report on Israel on behalf of the @UNWatch
I ask the UN, the Arab League, and everyone who had waving the Palestinian flag since October 7:
Where is the flag of Yemen?
In my country, half a million people have died in the last 10 years.
The biggest famine and humanitarian crisis in modern history.
Why does no one care when half a million Yemenis die?
What about Sudan? In less than two years, more than 150,000 people have been killed.
Where is the Sudanese flag?
What about Syria?
Half a million people were killed.
Where is the Syrian flag?
High Commissioner, why is it that when Arabs kill millions of Arabs, no one bats an eye?
Where is the outrage?
Where are the protests?
High Commissioner, may I ask why your report mentions Israel 188 times — yet fails to mention the Islamic Republic in Iran even once?
How can you speak about the conflict while ignoring the party who armed, trained, and funded the terror proxies — Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis — who have been bombing Israel thousands of times?
Why don’t you mention that the Houthis in Yemen have spent millions of dollars firing missiles at Israel, instead of feeding my starving people?
And why is Qatar sitting here as a member of the Human Rights Council when they host the Hamas terror leaders in luxury hotels?
Their response?
Muslim JEW KILLERS with Hamas flags took to the streets of Brooklyn, NYC, to warn Jews that they better leave or else: “We Don’t Want No Zionists Here!”
ReplyDeleteBurgemeester van Zanen vindt het prima dat precies 1 jaar na de massale slachtpartij in Israël door #Hamas vanuit #Gaza wordt gedemonstreerd tegen #Israël op Den Haag CS. Den Haag CS is een veiligheidsrisicogebied.
ReplyDeleteBij de Al Aqsa Flood werden meer dan 1200 mensen afgeslacht, verminkt, levend verbrand, gemarteld, verkracht en gegijzeld.
Mayor van Zanen thinks it is fine that exactly 1 year after the mass slaughter in Israel, #Hamas from #Gaza is demonstrating against #Israël at The Hague CS. The Hague CS is a security risk area.
In the Al Aqsa Flood, more than 1,200 people were slaughtered, mutilated, burned alive, tortured, raped and taken hostage.
Big Ben clock tower incident ends as man comes down