Vote for Donald Trump if you like Klaus Schwab...and the Pope...
Believe this if you don't want to burn forever in the lake of fire together with Satan:
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
It’s so heartbreaking seeing how many are deceived and twisting scripture to make it look like daddy Warp Speed is their savior. Everything is scripted and both sides work for the same evil masters, which are of the synagogue of satan.
ReplyDeleteBREAKING! Here's the moment a bullet ripped through Trump's ear.
ReplyDeleteVery VERY Angry Omni
Fake. (I fell for it at first as well.)
And with that, the long awaited and unequivocal proof that this was not staged. This is bringer by the way 👋 This is very interesting to see.
Chris Garcia
Clayton, I expect better out of you my man. This ain’t it. 👊
Danny Throast
I thought that person pointing was not a finger at first
Clearly, a piece of glass. Round glass, but still glass.😜
Hallowed Be Thy Game
Jesus 👀
Sorry but wrong ear.
just another hack
Terrifying and amazing.
J⚡H the Denier
Its AI and a mirror image. Sorry its fake
Niet één, niet twee, maar DRIE Trump-schutters? ‘Het narratief dat Crooks alleen handelde is 100% aantoonbaar vals’
ReplyDeleteNot one, not two, but THREE Trump shooters? 'The narrative that Crooks acted alone is 100% demonstrably false'
DeleteTrump says he ‘took a bullet for democracy’.....
ReplyDeleteHet verhaal wordt steeds vreemder: wie is deze mysterieuze man in pak op het dak bij de Trump-schutter?
ReplyDeleteThe story is getting stranger and stranger: who is this mysterious man in a suit on the roof of the Trump shooter?
DeleteZoon van George Soros fel bekritiseerd om steun voor Kamala Harris: ‘Jullie zijn de uitzuigers van de samenleving’
ReplyDeleteSon of George Soros harshly criticized for support for Kamala Harris: 'You are the leeches of society'
DeleteRedacted - Trump assassination attempt
ReplyDeleteTrump-schutter had geregeld contact met iemand die gebouw bij FBI-kantoor bezocht: ‘Met de dag wordt het verdachter’
ReplyDeleteTrump shooter had regular contact with someone who visited the FBI office building: 'It becomes more suspicious by the day'
DeleteAnalysis of the Trump Shooting - 07/19/2024
Delete“It’s one big club.”
ReplyDeleteTrump is just as much a part of the “swamp” as anyone. He has been specially prepared and groomed to be a tool of the Jesuits his entire life. He was trained by Jesuits himself at Fordham, his children were trained by Jesuits at Georgetown.
Trump’s sister Maryanne Trump Barry donated $4 million to the Catholic Fairfield University to fund scholarships and endow the university's Center for Ignatian Spirituality. She is “a strong advocate of Jesuit education.”
His running mate, Bonesman JD Vance, was funded by another Trump associate, oligarch sodomite Peter Thiel. Thiel founded PayPal w/ elon musk CIA front company Palantir. Thiel bought the masonic-looking mansion of…
Jesuit-trained former Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. He became the neighbor of another Bonesman, former Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin. Thiel has Jesuit connections- the Thule society & Georgetown University through the Wallenbergs to name a couple. Trump…
is an admirer of “The Sun King,” Louis XIV who revoked the Edict of Nantes at the order of his master, Jesuit Pere La Chaise and proceeded to torture, rape & massacre the Protestants of France. Trump patterned the 66th floor of Trump tower after Louis XIV’s Versailles…
palace with $100m worth of gold. Trump has been groomed to perform his role for the Jesuit Superior General and further destroy the last bastion of WASP civilization. We have been watch theater for the past 8 years surrounding trump.
DeleteCredit: Eric Jon Phelps for audio…
and Louis XIV excerpt from “Vatican Assassins” and @SergeantLevitt
Deletefor several photos used.
Full audio:
Volgens Tulsi Gabbard moeten we op Donald Trump stemmen....Tulsi is een HINDOE
ReplyDeleteAccording to Tulsi Gabbard we should vote for Donald Trump....Tulsi is a HINDU
DeleteIsrael must end war in Gaza – Trump
ReplyDeleteThe US Republican presidential candidate is set to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday
FBI-directeur suggereert dat Trump niet door een kogel is geraakt
ReplyDeleteFBI Director Suggests Trump Wasn’t Hit By A Bullet
DeletePeople can’t say that this is a doctored or old photo. This is a brand new photo of Donald Trump with Benjamin Netanyahu, and Donald Trump’s ear looks perfectly fine not even a scratch.
ReplyDeleteSo yes, this is more evidence that shows the assassination attempt was all staged.
Trump: in Amerika is zojuist een ‘fascistische coup’ gepleegd
ReplyDeleteTrump: America Just Had a 'Fascist Coup'
DeleteTrump: Biden Was Ousted In A “Fascist Coup”
DeleteAnd so Trump is the savior...
DeleteI stitched together this image of @realDonaldTrump
ReplyDeleteshooting suspect Maxwell Yearick dead on the roof of American Glass Research from multiple unredacted frames of the @ChuckGrassley
bodycam footage. Thomas Crooks doesn't have a tattoo on his arm. Crooks was never on that roof.
Klokkenluider Secret Service waarschuwt voor nieuwe aanslag op Trump: ‘De volgende moordpoging over 30 dagen?’
ReplyDeleteSecret Service whistleblower warns of new assassination attempt on Trump: 'Next assassination attempt in 30 days?'
DeleteNext FAKE assassination attempt in 30 days?
DeleteThe Trump Assassination Attempt was a "FALSE FLAG".
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump’s Parents…
ReplyDeleteI have so many question
Delete🇺🇸 Meanwhile in New Jersey, US
ReplyDeleteSurfer is put in choke hold by cops for not displaying his ‘surf badge’
Are the lunatics in charge of America really policing the sea now?
"What HAPPENED to the body of Trump's assassin? Who authorized this?" Redacted w Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteRFK Jr. neemt geen blad meer voor de mond: ‘Democratische Partij is de partij van oorlog, censuur en corruptie geworden’
ReplyDeleteRFK Jr. No Longer Minces His Words: ‘Democratic Party Has Become the Party of War, Censorship and Corruption’
DeleteRFK Jr. blames Biden for Ukraine conflict
ReplyDeleteKijk hoe onze media een uitspraak van Trump volledig uit zijn verband rukken: ‘Dit hier is gewoon bedrog, schandelijk’
ReplyDeleteWatch how our media takes a statement from Trump completely out of context: 'This is just a scam, disgraceful'
DeletePutin has offended me – Trump
ReplyDeleteTrump/Harris Debate - Live Coverage with Commentary
ReplyDelete‘Dog-eating immigrants,’ clashes over Ukraine, and economic blame game: Key takeaways from the Harris-Trump debate
ReplyDeleteUS must get out of Ukraine – Trump
ReplyDeleteTrump is a servant of the Catholic church
ReplyDeleteAttacking Moscow is asking for the destruction of Washington, but besides, 'nuclear weapons' don't even exist and ALL the so-called nuclear powers on Earth LIE about it, just as they LIE about 'space travel' and the 'pandemic' and more....
ReplyDeleteVoormalige gezant van het Vaticaan noemt Kamala Harris ‘duivels monster’ en ‘dienaar van Satan’
ReplyDeleteFormer Vatican envoy calls Kamala Harris 'devilish monster' and 'servant of Satan'
DeleteAnd he calls on people to vote for Trump, but he is just as much a servant of the devilish Vatican...
DeleteWhy Did Trump, Rogan Refuse to Touch COVID Vaxx in Three-Hour Interview?
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones
FULL SPEECH: Donald J. Trump Delivers Powerful Victory Speech After Winning 2024 Presidential Election & Securing 2nd Term As POTUS 47
Watch & Share The Live Feed Of Our Election Coverage Here:
Trump was happily lying about defeating ISIS in record time, which is a lie because the Russians did, and he also bragged about Elon Musk's rockets supposedly being able to go into 'space'....when 'space' doesn't exist....
DeleteVerheugde reacties op overwinning Trump: ‘Benieuwd hoeveel celebrity’s de VS nu gaan verlaten’
ReplyDeleteJoyful reactions to Trump's victory: 'Curious how many celebrities will now leave the US'
Delete10x: Wat betekent de overwinning van Trump voor de wereld?
ReplyDelete10x: What does Trump's victory mean for the world?
DeleteKomt er onder Trump een commissie die de veiligheid van vaccinaties gaat onderzoeken? Dit gebeurde er de vorige keer
ReplyDeleteWill Trump Create a Commission to Investigate Vaccine Safety? Here's What Happened Last Time
DeleteTrump kondigt plan aan om Deep State te ontmantelen: ‘Er slapen een heleboel mensen slecht’
ReplyDeleteTrump seeking ‘major changes’ to US foreign policy – Bloomberg
ReplyDeleteMusk makes Ukraine conflict prediction
ReplyDeleteTrump: we moeten de klimaathoaxers voor eens en voor altijd verslaan
ReplyDeleteTrump: We Must Defeat Climate Hoaxers Once and for All
DeleteDonald Trump: ik trek de VS terug uit de corrupte WHO en haal streep door pandemieverdrag
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump: I'm Withdrawing US From Corrupt WHO, Scrapping Pandemic Treaty
DeleteZelensky must accept ‘Crimea is gone’ – Trump ally
ReplyDeleteWat je moet weten over de vrouw die zojuist door Trump is gekozen als Chief of Staff
ReplyDeleteWhat You Need to Know About the Woman Trump Just Picked as Chief of Staff
DeleteA senior Dutch official has admitted that COVID-19 was a “military operation,” with the Netherlands reportedly following NATO directives throughout the pandemic.
ReplyDeleteDutch Health Minister Fleur Agema stated in parliament that the country’s pandemic response aligned with “NATO obligations.”
This video is from 2020, when Mike Pompeo referred to COVID-19, saying, “We’re in a live exercise here to get it right,” as Trump is quietly heard responding, “Should have let us know.”
‘Trump moet zich voorbereiden op totale oorlog tegen de Deep State’
ReplyDeleteTrump wil korte metten maken met de gendergekte en het verminken van kinderen: ‘Geweldig’
ReplyDeleteTrump wants to put an end to gender madness and child mutilation: 'Great'
DeleteDear Trump supporters, if you have no clue who this figure getting cozy next to Trump is, you have a lot of catching up to do! Don't say we didn't warn you!
ReplyDeleteGefronste wenkbrauwen bij eerste benoemingen Trump: ‘Een absolute ramp’
ReplyDeleteRaised eyebrows at Trump's first appointments: 'An absolute disaster'
DeleteTrump is de Wilders van de VS Trump is the Wilders of the US
DeleteTulsi Gabbard, the new Director of National Intelligence, was honored to be selected as a Young Global Leader of the WEF in 2015 and was also a member of the CFR. She’s another globalist puppet.
ReplyDeleteDit zei Trumps nieuwe directeur van de Nationale Inlichtingendiensten over de Amerikaanse biolabs in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteThis is what Trump's new director of National Intelligence said about US biolabs in Ukraine
DeleteTulsi Gabbard on WEF Young Global Leaders: The TRUTH About Her World Economic Forum Ties – Ask Dr. Drew
DeleteZoon Trump: militair-industrieel complex wil Derde Wereldoorlog voordat mijn vader president is
ReplyDeleteTrump's Son: Military-Industrial Complex Wants World War III Before My Dad Is President
DeleteTrump is sitting in the photo with his hands down in an occult pyramid shape and next to him is someone who is clearly not Biden, but an actor in a mask playing Biden, and Trump pretends not to know this and that he is dealing with the real Biden....
Delete⏰ Wake up! All you
ReplyDeleteborn again believers.
From: The End
Times Reveal
Donald Trump’s
Spiritual Team🪽
•Paula White
•Normand Vincent Peale (33°)
•Kenneth Copeland
•Eitan Yardeni
His current spiritual advisor, “Paula Michelle Purr” who now goes by the name of Paula White CAIN is a literal demon.
She DEMANDED all “Satanic
Pregnancies” be miscarried.
A Pastor calling for miscarriages —how interesting.
She has been publicly endorsed by the Church of Satan…
Jerusalem Post:
Paula White:
“Christians must learn from Jews, not convert them”.
Rev. Paula White CAIN speaks with participants at Young Women's Leadership Summit 202.
“I believe President Trump was God's answer to so many prayers, she said, and he was and is appointed by God to lead America.”
Donald Trump’s fav pastor growing up, Normand Vincent Peale, was a a 33rd degree Freemason and a false teacher.
Norman Vincent Peale popularized “positive thinking,” blending Christian Science ideas with psychology and biblical language. His teachings emphasized that thoughts are causative—able to shape health, destiny, and success.
He advocated “imaging,” a practice of visualizing goals until they manifest, paired with faith and gratitude for outcomes before they occur.
As a minister, Peale denied core Christian doctrines. He described God as “vitality” and “energy” rather than a personal being and claimed, “It’s not necessary to be born again… Christ is one of the ways.”
Critics like theologian John Krumm observed that Peale shifted focus from God’s sovereignty to self-centered ambition. While some, like Billy Graham, praised him, Peale’s message replaced the gospel with self-help, undermining biblical truth.
The core of all luciferian systems, the carrot of liberation, self realization and godhood. The very first lies ever told.
What do you know about Donald Trump’s Kabbalah teacher, Eitan Yardeni? How does studying this craft shape or influence one’s claim to Christianity?
Remember when Trump dodged the question of repentance—why avoid it with such fervour? (See video)
And then there’s Kenneth Copeland, a televangelist whose extravagant lifestyle and distorted doctrines speak for themselves.
So, what does this web of advisors reveal about Trump’s faith and the “Christianity” he claims to represent?
For believers, does this align with the gospel of Jesus Christ—or does it undermine it entirely?
For non-believers: If this is the Christianity Trump embodies, does it make the faith seem authentic—or just another tool for power and control?
Dr. Mehmet Oz, the new head of CMS, is a WEF member who promoted the plandemic, supported COVID vaccines, trans surgeries for children, and human microchips.
ReplyDeleteWoede over benoeming van ‘dokter van de natie’ door Trump: ‘Waar vindt hij die mensen toch!?’
ReplyDeleteAnger over Trump's appointment of 'nation's doctor': 'Where does he find these people!?'
DeleteTürkiye behind Syria regime change – Trump
ReplyDeleteVergelijk Trumps plan om Groenland en Canada in te lijven eens met deze Nieuwe Wereldorde-kaart uit 1942
ReplyDeleteCompare Trump's plan to annex Greenland and Canada to this New World Order map from 1942
DeleteCatholic clergy will lead the opening and closing prayers at Trump’s inauguration on January 20.
ReplyDeleteThe jesuits and jews run the show....
Bill Gates ‘onder de indruk’ en ‘enthousiast’ na 3 uur durende ontmoeting met Trump: dit bespraken ze
ReplyDeleteBill Gates ‘impressed’ and ‘excited’ after 3-hour meeting with Trump: this is what they discussed
DeleteThe 60th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony
ReplyDeleteTrump wants to colonize Mars together with Musk...that's not even possible because planets are wandering stars and lights in the firmament and not fixed objects on which you can land....
DeleteSo, second day in and Trump is already pushing an mRNA cancer vaccine.
ReplyDeleteWith what we just went through over the past 5 years, how could ANYONE go line up and get this?
I also pray everyone knows what mRNA does.
DNA manipulation and warfare.
“It will be like it was in the days of Noah”
Keep your eyes on Jesus and keep your body away from anything they offer.
The stage is being set for the mark, and the masses are being normalized to this technology.
Things are moving quick 😅
Things are really ramping up!
Trump announced Stargate Project, an AI company that intends to invest $500 billion over the next four years building a new AI infrastructure in the U.S.
DeleteThe initial equity funders in Stargate are Oracle, SoftBank, OpenAI and MGX.
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison says AI technology will soon be able to design personalized mRNA vaccines to combat cancer.
After meeting with Bill Gates, Trump transition team sidelines 2 key figures disclosing vaccine truth
Delete“Stefanie Spear and Aaron Siri, known for telling the truth about vaccine side effects and failures, were reportedly removed from their advisory roles due to their controversial views (on vaccines).”
DeletePlease tell me this isn’t true.
Trump steunt omvangrijk mRNA-vaccinatieproject en dat valt niet in goede aarde: dit is hij van plan
ReplyDeleteTrump backs massive mRNA vaccine project and it's not going down well: here's what he plans to do
DeleteTrump said he is considering rejoining the world health organization.
You knew he was a snake before you let him in...
‘Het lijkt erop dat één van de grootste politieke (deep state) terreurorganisaties afgelopen weekend is weggevaagd’
ReplyDelete“It appears that one of the largest political (deep state) terrorist organizations was wiped out last weekend”
DeleteKijk: Trumps nieuwe energieminister legt in 2 minuten de klimaatzwendel bloot
ReplyDeleteWatch: Trump's New Energy Secretary Exposes Climate Scam in 2 Minutes
DeleteTrump says that US aid to Ukraine will continue.....
ReplyDeleteOf course it will....
Kijk: Pfizer-baas Albert Bourla onder luid boegeroep verwelkomd in het Witte Huis
ReplyDeleteWatch: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Welcomed to White House amid Loud Boos
DeleteUkraine conflict was ‘provoked’ – Trump adviser
ReplyDeleteEfficiëntie-departement DOGE stopt betaling van 52 miljoen dollar aan World Economic Forum
ReplyDeleteEfficiency Department DOGE Stops $52 Million Payment to World Economic Forum
DeleteKijk: Zelensky krijgt in Witte Huis de volle laag van Trump en Vance
ReplyDeleteWatch: Zelensky gets the full brunt of Trump and Vance in the White House
DeleteSo that people forget about the very important Epstein files...
DeleteWhite House wants apology from Zelensky – Fox