How Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt, sees the world and what he says
An assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico took place on Wednesday in the city of Handlova, where a government meeting was being held. The attacker fired up to five shots at the prime minister, who received gunshot wounds to the chest, abdomen, and arm.
Fico's condition after the assassination attempt was critical, and the operation ended up being protracted due to damage to several organs. However, according to Slovak media reports, it was ultimately successful. The prime minister’s condition has stabilized, and he is now able to communicate with doctors.
The shooter has been arrested. He turned out to be 71-year-old Slovak writer Juraj Cintula, who was also an activist of the liberal party Progressive Slovakia. Before opening fire, the assailant shouted at Fico: “Robo, come here.”
The attack on Robert Fico failed because he is still alive and sane.
Obviously Satan was behind this, because he controls the entire earth from his supernatural and invisible world.
Satan used Juraj Cintula to kill Robert Fico, but it failed.
Robert Fico, together with Victor Orbán, is one of the few European leaders who dares to go against the devilish Roman Empire, although he doesn't yet see it himself, because if he did, he would want to leave the devilish EU even today.
The same EU works closely with the US and together they are controlled by the Vatican on behalf of Satan the devil.
The purpose of the wars in Ukraine and Israel is to manipulate Russia in such a way that the prophecy about 'Gog and Magog', Ezekiel 38/39, will be fulfilled and that Russia will thus be neutralized, after which a world government can be established , because the fall of Russia will also neutralize China, and to a lesser extent India.
This cannot be fulfilled until after the rapture of The Body of Christ because all unfulfilled prophecies pertain to Israel, for during this dispensation of grace there are ZERO prophecies being fulfilled except one: the prophecy of the rapture of the worldwide Body of Christ.
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Dit zei neergeschoten Slowaakse premier Fico enkele maanden geleden over de WHO en Big Pharma
ReplyDeleteThis is what shot Slovak Prime Minister Fico said a few months ago about the WHO and Big Pharma
DeleteAanslag overleefd: Slowaakse premier is niet alleen tegen oorlog en WHO, maar ook tegen de islam
ReplyDeleteSurvived attack: Slovak Prime Minister is not only against war and WHO, but also against Islam
DeleteFico shooter protested suspension of Ukraine military aid – Slovak interior minister
ReplyDeleteFico’s condition ‘no longer life-threatening’ – Slovak deputy PM
ReplyDeleteSlowaakse premier Fico neergeschoten ‘na bezoek van WHO-baas Tedros’, toeval?
ReplyDeleteSlovak Prime Minister Fico shot 'after visit by WHO boss Tedros', coincidence?
DeleteKijk: ‘Absoluut legendarische speech’ van premier Fico: hij geeft de NAVO, EU en Soros er flink van langs
ReplyDeleteWatch: 'Absolutely legendary speech' by Prime Minister Fico: he gives NATO, EU and Soros a hard beating
DeleteJournalist loopt door Parijs en schrikt zich rot: ‘schokkend, onherkenbaar’
ReplyDeleteJournalist walks through Paris and is shocked: 'shocking, unrecognizable'
DeletePartij van Marine Le Pen haalt met afstand de meeste stemmen, maar verliest toch: ‘De vloed wordt gesaboteerd’
ReplyDeleteMarine Le Pen's party gets by far the most votes, but still loses: 'The flood is being sabotaged'
DeleteSlowaaks onderzoek naar de Covid-crisis afgerond: Er was geen pandemie
ReplyDeleteSlovak investigation into the Covid crisis completed: There was no pandemic
DeleteSecond NATO member publicly opposes Ukrainian membership
ReplyDeleteSlowakije zal niet instemmen met NAVO-lidmaatschap Oekraïne: ‘Garantie voor Derde Wereldoorlog’
ReplyDeleteSlovakia will not agree to Ukraine's NATO membership: 'Guarantee for World War III'
DeleteThe pursuit of a united Europe is SATANISM!
ReplyDeleteCordon sanitaire voorkomt dat PVV-Europarlementariër vicevoorzitter wordt: ‘Democratie à la Brussel’
ReplyDeleteCordon sanitary prevents PVV MEP from becoming vice-chairman: 'Democracy à la Brussels'
DeleteDe Europese Unie wil bepalen wat de waarheid is en wat burgers nog mogen zeggen
ReplyDeleteThe European Union wants to determine what the truth is and what citizens are still allowed to say
DeleteRobert Fico: zolang ik premier ben, zal Oekraïne NOOIT lid worden van de NAVO
ReplyDeleteRobert Fico: As long as I am Prime Minister, Ukraine will NEVER join NATO
DeleteEuroparlementariër houdt tirade: ‘Dit is niet het huis van de democratie, dit is het huis van de demonische hypocrisie’
ReplyDeleteMEP rants: ‘This is not the house of democracy, this is the house of demonic hypocrisy’
DeleteDemocratie is dood: in Europa is een coup gaande tegen rechtse bewegingen
ReplyDeleteDemocracy is dead: a coup against right-wing movements is underway in Europe
Delete‘Elk totalitair systeem gaat eerst failliet en dan op oorlogspad, zo ook de Europese Unie’
ReplyDelete'Every totalitarian system first goes bankrupt and then goes to war, and so does the European Union'
DeleteUKRAINE: Zelensky has reportedly offered at least one NATO leader half a billion euros in exchange for his support of NATO membership for Ukraine. How many other NATO leaders have been compromised? Where is Zelensky getting all of the extra cash?
ReplyDeletePresident Zelensky probeerde premier van Slowakije om te kopen voor 500 miljoen en dit was zijn reactie
ReplyDeletePresident Zelensky tried to bribe Slovakia's prime minister for 500 million and this was his response
DeleteEU state threatens Ukraine with power cuts
ReplyDeleteSlovakia promised to retaliate if Kiev stops transporting Russian gas
Kijk: Ex-EU-commissaris zinspeelt op ongeldigverklaring verkiezingen in Duitsland, net zoals in Roemenië
ReplyDeleteWatch: Ex-EU commissioner hints at invalidating elections in Germany, just like in Romania
DeleteThousands protest in NATO state against coup d’etat
ReplyDeleteRomania’s constitutional court last month annulled its presidential election results after an independent candidate’s first-round win
Romania's silent coup. EU/NATO tries to stop Georgescu
ReplyDelete‘Alles komt uit’: Rechter die verkiezingen in Roemenië ongeldig verklaarde is onderdeel van Soros-netwerk
ReplyDelete‘Everything will come out’: Judge who declared Romanian elections invalid is part of Soros network
DeleteBewondering voor donderspeech Amerikaanse vicepresident: ‘Pijnlijk voor Europese ‘leiders’, maar zonder meer terecht’
ReplyDeleteAdmiration for thunderous speech of US vice president: 'Painful for European 'leaders', but certainly justified'
Delete"I’m very unhappy that now the EU has turned from a peace project into a war project"
ReplyDeleteOne of the last remaining independent Europpean leaders, Slovakian PM Robert Fico
NATO-skeptic Romanian presidential candidate arrested (VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteCalin Georgescu will be released, but under severe restrictions designed to silence him completely.
- Barred from appearing on mass media
- Forbidden from creating social media accounts
This is nothing short of state censorship—a blatant move to crush dissent and silence a political voice that challenges the establishment.
Source: Daily Romania, @CG_Romania
ReplyDeleteAfter canceling the election he won, Romania’s government is now throwing a laundry list of politically motivated charges at Calin Georgescu to block him from running again.
The accusations? “Attempted incitement against the constitutional order” (coup), “spreading false information,” “false statements on campaign funding,” and even links to “fascist, xenophobic, and antisemitic organizations.”
This is the same playbook used against opposition leaders worldwide: criminalize political speech, weaponize bureaucracy, and label dissidents as extremists.
With his supporters’ homes raided and the EU openly backing the crackdown, this isn’t just an attack on Georgescu—it’s an attack on democracy itself.
Kijk: rechtmatige president van Roemenië OPGEPAKT en AANGEKLAAGD: ‘Waar is de democratie nu?’
ReplyDeleteWatch: Romania’s Rightful President ARRESTED and CHARGED: ‘Where is Democracy Now?’
DeleteMass protests in Bucharest Romania against the arrest of Calin Georgescu the anti -globalization candidate.
ReplyDeleteOndertussen vindt in de Roemeense 🇷🇴 hoofdstad Boekarest een massaal bezocht protest plaats om steun te betuigen aan Călin Georgescu.
DeleteDe NL'se reguliere media doen geen verslag, want het protest past niet in hun narratief.
📽️ Via @HungaryBased
Meanwhile, in the Romanian 🇷🇴 capital Bucharest, a massive protest is taking place to show support for Călin Georgescu.
The Dutch mainstream media is not reporting because the protest does not fit their narrative.
📽️ Via @HungaryBased
🇸🇰 BREAKING: Slovakia PM Robert Fico has released a statement announcing Slovakia will NOT support Ukraine financially or militarily to enable it to continue the War.
ReplyDeleteHe also demands an immediate ceasefire and says Ukraine will never be able to win the War.
This is HUGE! 🔥🔥
Roemenen eisen hun land terug: Tienduizenden aanhangers van rechtmatige president Georgescu de straat op
ReplyDeleteRomanians demand their country back: Tens of thousands of supporters of rightful President Georgescu take to the streets
DeleteEU state says ‘huge amount’ of Ukraine aid ‘lost’
ReplyDeleteSlovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has pledged to raise the issue of corruption at a meeting in Brussels