Thursday, 16 May 2024

‘No country should be punished for its sovereignty’ – Fico in quotes

 Slovak prime minister, Robert Fico speaks during a joint press conference after summit of the Visegrad Group (V4) in Prague.

How Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt, sees the world and what he says 

An assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico took place on Wednesday in the city of Handlova, where a government meeting was being held. The attacker fired up to five shots at the prime minister, who received gunshot wounds to the chest, abdomen, and arm. 

Fico's condition after the assassination attempt was critical, and the operation ended up being protracted due to damage to several organs. However, according to Slovak media reports, it was ultimately successful. The prime minister’s condition has stabilized, and he is now able to communicate with doctors.

Friday, 3 May 2024

Het einddoel: het merkteken van het beest - The end goal: the mark of the beast



Wat er de afgelopen vier jaar is gebeurd is supermisdadig en de daders lopen nog steeds vrij rond terwijl vrijheids en waarheidsstrijders werden opgesloten of erger en dit schreeuwt om gerechtigheid.
Terwijl Robert Jensen zegt dat niemand ons komt helpen, zeg ik dat dit wel zo is indien we geloven in JEZUS Christus wiens naam betekent JEZUS = IK BEN REDDING, Christus = de gezalfde (met de Heilige Geest).

What has happened in the past four years is super criminal and the perpetrators are still walking free while freedom and truth fighters have been locked up or worse and this cries out for justice.  While Robert Jensen says that no one comes to help us, I say that it will if we believe in JESUS Christ whose name means JESUS = I AM SALVATION, Christ = the anointed one (with the Holy Spirit).

Toppunt van satanism - Pinnacle of Satanism


'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”