Friday, 26 April 2024

JENSEN te gast bij Forum Inside | SPECIALE UITZENDING

 JENSEN as a guest at Forum Inside | SPECIAL BROADCAST


Regering Schoof    Government Schoof

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En opnieuw had Robert Jensen het over The Mark of the Beast - And again Robert Jensen talked about The Mark of the Beast


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.



  1. Replies

  2. Replies
    1. Van Meijeren is accused of disqualifying 'our independent media', this is his merciless response


  3. Biden is inderdaad dood en er werd wel meer niet besproken
    : dat alle boosaardige wegen leiden naar het Vaticaan = het vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse rijk dat de islam uitvond en later ook communisme via de Vaticaanse Jezuïeten, terwijl het Vaticaan zelf altijd fascistisch = duivels is.
    Het kleine Nederland werd ooit machtig dankzij de reformatie en de anti-katholieke strijd, maar daar is bijna niets meer van over en daarom heeft Nederland nu zelfs een katholieke 'koningin', een Argentijns vriendinnetje van Jorge Mario Bergoglio, ook wel bekend als Paus Franciscus, de vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse keizer en de grootste maffiabaas op aarde.

    15 hours ago (edited)
    Biden is dood en vervangen.
    Geen woord erover door deze politici.
    Zelfs niet door Gideon.
    Dit was een matig tot slechte aflevering met een irritante gast Rob Jensen.
    Er had veel meer ingezeten.
    Een gemiste kans, jammer.
    Weinig kritiek in de comments.
    Dat zegt mij dat de verstandige kijkers hier niet zijn en alleen de onverschillige kijker, die alles goed vind, het overblijvende restje is.

    1. Biden is indeed dead and there was more that was not discussed: that all evil roads lead to the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire that invented Islam and later communism through the Vatican Jesuits, while the Vatican itself is always fascist = devilish.
      The small Netherlands once became powerful thanks to the Reformation and the anti-Catholic struggle, but almost nothing is left of it and that is why the Netherlands now even has a Catholic 'queen', an Argentinian girlfriend of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, also known as Pope Francis , the Luciferian Roman Emperor in disguise and the biggest mafia boss on Earth.

      15 hours ago (edited)
      Biden is dead and replaced.
      Not a word about it from these politicians.
      Not even by Gideon.
      This was a mediocre to bad episode with annoying guest Rob Jensen.
      There could have been much more in it.
      A missed opportunity, too bad.
      Little criticism in the comments.
      That tells me that the sensible viewers are not here and only the indifferent viewer, who thinks everything is fine, is the remainder.

  4. Replies
    1. FVD asks questions about the war in Ukraine and the answers are astonishing

  5. Replies
    1. Revealed: These are the short lines between the government, terror fighter NCTV and the 'fact checkers'

  6. Replies
    1. Baudet gives Christian Union a history lesson: do you know what you are talking about?

  7. Replies
    1. State Secretary for Media Affairs Robert Jensen unveils far-reaching plans for public broadcasting

  8. Replies
    1. Do the media determine who is Prime Minister of the Netherlands? “Maybe you shouldn't reveal this, but this is how it goes.”

  9. Replies
    1. Raisa Blommestijn must appear before a MULTIPLE criminal chamber: 'Unprecedented that this happens in the Netherlands'

  10. Serieuze vraag: wat is er zo enorm kwetsend en schandelijk en walgelijk aan zeggen: “Als je moties van de Kamer moedwillig naast je neerlegt en de stem van het volk - zoals vertegenwoordigd in het Parlement - niet
    wil uitvoeren, dan moet je de D van D66 misschien maar vervangen door een 6”?

    Werkelijk, ik snap de ophef niet.

    In mijn studententijd hadden diverse leden van D66 waar ik mee bevriend was het geregeld over “D666”. Het getal van het beest, een wilde nacht, er kon van alles gebeuren…dat was de speelse ondertoon. Je had trouwens ook een dispuut in Amsterdam dat het getal 6 vereerde en dat een naam droeg die erg op “beest” leek. Tja.

    Op één van de grachten woonde op nummer 666 trouwens ook iemand die ik vaag kende, ook over dat ruime grachtenpand gingen voortdurend geintjes rond. Ik wil maar zeggen: als je partij - die in datzelfde Amsterdamse literair-journalistieke milieu als wat ik nu beschrijf is ontstaan - al 2 zessen in de naam heeft, dan is die kwinkslag écht al weleens vaker gemaakt. Stel je niet aan.

    Dus wat een overspannen gedoe allemaal. En Fleur Agema en Mona Keijzer die er helemaal in meegaan? Die geschokt zijn en afstand nemen en excuses eisen? Kom op zeg. Stelletje b-acteurs. Ik vond het een geestige uitsmijter van @GideonvMeijeren
    . En wat leven we toch in merkwaardige tijden.

    1. Serious question: what is so deeply hurtful and disgraceful and disgusting about saying: “If you deliberately ignore motions from the House and do not recognize the voice of the people - as represented in Parliament -
      want to perform, then maybe you should replace the D of D66 with a 6”?

      Really, I don't understand the fuss.

      During my student days, several members of D66 that I was friends with regularly talked about “D666”. The number of the beast, a wild night, anything could happen... that was the playful undertone. By the way, you also had a fraternity in Amsterdam that honored the number 6 and had a name that sounded very similar to “beast”. Well.

      By the way, someone I vaguely knew also lived on one of the canals at number 666, and jokes were constantly going around about that spacious canal house. I just want to say: if your party - which arose in the same Amsterdam literary-journalistic environment as what I am describing now - already has 2 sixes in its name, then that quip has really been made before. Don't pretend.

      So what a lot of overwrought stuff. And Fleur Agema and Mona Keijzer who completely go along with it? Who are shocked and distance themselves and demand an apology? Come on. Bunch of b-actors. I thought it was a witty remark from @GideonvMeijeren
      . And what remarkable times we live in.

  11. Een hoofdlijnenakkoord ligt na 6 maanden eindelijk op tafel. @thierrybaudet
    reflecteert op de kartelspelletjes die hebben plaatsgevonden en geeft zijn inhoudelijke analyse van de voorgenomen kabinetsplannen. #FVD

    1. An outline agreement is finally on the table after 6 months. @thierrybaudet
      reflects on the cartel games that have taken place and provides its substantive analysis of the proposed government plans. #FVD

  12. Replies
    1. Thierry Baudet attacked AGAIN: 'screaming madman' with extended object charges at FVD leader

    2. Man who hit Baudet hard on the head gets away with a warning: "Unbelievable, how is this possible?"

  13. Replies
    1. NPO director about attempted murder of Thierry Baudet: 'Don't squeak like that!'

  14. Replies
    1. Gideon van Meijeren shares impressive video: 'This touches you deep inside'

    2. De Nederlandse overheid is een DUIVELSE ENTITEIT die geweld gebruikt tegen VREEDZAME demonstranten terwijl Gideon oproept tot VREEDZAAM en LIEFDEVOL VERZET.

    3. The Dutch government is a DEVILISH ENTITY that uses violence against PEACEFUL protesters while Gideon calls for PEACEFUL and LOVING RESISTANCE.

  15. Replies
    1. LIVE: The lawsuit against Gideon van Meijeren | FVD

  16. Replies
    1. Bizarre moment during trial against Gideon van Meijeren: 'This is really absurd'

  17. Replies
    1. FVD is often accused of ties with Russia, but look what happens when the roles are reversed

  18. Replies
    1. Financial expert pleads for pension tribunal: 'It's bizarre what happens to our money'

  19. Replies
    1. Surprise at journalist's comment about FVD employee: 'What a smear campaign!'

  20. Replies
    1. Jack van Gelder lashes out at 'talking doll' Jesse Klaver: 'Very false little man'

  21. Replies
    1. Job Knoester about prime ministerial candidate Dick Schoof: 'His nickname was the laughing murderer'

  22. Replies
    1. Pension funds lose HUNDREDS of millions: 'This is really bizarre'

  23. Replies
    1. Surprised reactions after conviction of Gideon van Meijeren: 'Unprecedented injustice'

  24. Replies
    1. Gideon van Meijeren combative after verdict: 'I will not restrain'

  25. Replies
    1. Op1 off the tube: the most striking statements in a row (and a deeply sad moment)

  26. Replies
    1. D66 leader Rob Jetten calls prospective migration minister Faber a Nazi: 'He doesn't learn it, he never learns it'

  27. Replies
    1. Volkskrant article in which blonde is called Nazi causes irritation: 'This is unbelievable'

  28. Replies
    1. 'Remarkable': Public prosecutor in criminal case against Gideon van Meijeren 'rewarded by government'

  29. Replies
    1. Watch: Gideon van Meijeren shows what agenda really lies behind the alleged 'nitrogen problem'

  30. Replies
    1. PVV Minister of Asylum and Migration Faber is not allowed to use the word Repopulation by Omtzigt

    2. Replacement migration, omvolking,what's in the name!

  31. Replies
    1. Hold on tight: THIS is the level of intended climate minister Sophie Hermans (D66)

  32. Replies
    1. PVV attracts criticism by openly distancing itself from 'population': 'Bunch of cowardly traitors'

  33. Replies
    1. 'Bizarre': Wilders supports motion calling for a ban on discussing replacement migration in the House of Representatives

  34. Replies
    1. Surprise at WATER LOCK in the Netherlands: 'Completely ridiculous'

  35. Replies
    1. Wilders: Replacement migration is a Nazi conspiracy theory

  36. Replies
    1. “It's the RACISTs who want to wipe us out with mass migration, not the other way around!”

  37. Replies
    1. Thierry Baudet meets future Prime Minister Schoof, recap of MH17, future of Europe & Russia #78

  38. Replies
    1. Why the idea that white people were the only slave traders in history is ridiculous

  39. Replies
    1. Schoof arouses surprise: 'Seriously? Why is this one of the first things the Prime Minister does?'

  40. Replies
    1. Baudet is done with 'fuss' about replacement migration: 'It's nonsense, they're making a huge scene out of it'

  41. Replies
    1. Dick Schoof is already the worst Prime Minister the Netherlands has ever had.

  42. Replies
    1. Prime Minister Schoof surprises with statement about MH17: 'What am I hearing? Am I hearing that correctly?'

  43. Replies
    1. FVD wants to know from the cabinet: which journalists work as agents for Dutch intelligence services?

  44. Replies
    1. Yesilgöz takes a threatening tone towards Baudet: who can explain this 'absurd behavior'?


    2. Rosalie
      5 uren geleden

      Baudet heeft gelijk.

      Zou Yesilguz wel weten hoe abortus wordt uitgevoerd?
      Dan zou ze eens moeten kijken op
      Het is gruwelijk om te zien dat met een gekartelde schaar eerst de ledematen worden afgeknipt, en vervolgens het hoofdje wordt verbrijzeld.
      Over de pijn bij het ongeboren kind wordt niet gesproken.
      De zogenaamde verworvenheden hebben hiertoe geleid.
      Een volk dat zo omgaat met ongeborenen is ver afgedwaald en roept om wraak vanuit de hemel.
      Het getuigt ook nog eens van hoogmoed om te denken dat je kan beschikken over leven en dood.

      We leven in een tijd dat goed slecht genoemd wordt, en slecht goed genoemd wordt.

    3. Rosalie
      5 hours ago

      Baudet is right.

      Would Yesilguz even know how abortion is performed?
      Then she should take a look at
      It is gruesome to see that the limbs are first cut off with serrated scissors, and then the head is crushed.
      There is no mention of the pain in the unborn child.
      The so-called achievements have led to this.
      A people that treats the unborn in this way has gone far astray and is calling for vengeance from heaven.
      It also shows pride to think that you have control over life and death.

      We live in a time when good is called bad and bad is called good.

  45. Replies
    1. Images of Turkish fans after the Dutch victory cause a wave of indignation: 'One-way ticket to Turkey!'

  46. Replies
    1. “Replacement migration” is an ultra-right lie

  47. Replies
    1. Astonishment after Baarn says no to Dutch flag: 'Literally unprecedented'

  48. Replies
    1. Former MP Henk Krol: 'Europe is being conquered, we stand there and watch it'

  49. Replies
    1. Gideon van Meijeren is worried: it seems that the Deep State put Dick Schoof there

  50. Replies
    1. “A coup has been committed by the war party”

  51. Replies
    1. 'Fleeing abroad? Pay attention! This is going to change in 2025.”

  52. Replies
    1. How Gates and Soros indoctrinate Dutch schoolchildren: 'Reason enough for parliamentary questions'

  53. Replies
    1. Gideon van Meijeren is fed up with the lies: 'It's really outrageous to blame the farmers for this'

  54. Replies
    1. Former MP on plans pushed through by WEF: 'This is really very perverse'

  55. Replies
    1. Once again, Thierry Baudet was right: 'How many times does someone have to be proven right before the masses see it?'

  56. Replies
    1. Baudet on Nord Stream attack: 'They want to cover this up!'

  57. Replies
    1. These are corona measures that did not make it: 'What sadists'

  58. Replies
    1. Comparison of AfD with Nazis by Eva Jinek causes outrage: 'This is a bizarre way of portraying'

  59. Replies
    1. How many Dutch journalists work for the secret service? Cabinet gives remarkable answer

  60. Replies
    1. Pepijn van Houwelingen must appear before the multi-member criminal chamber on October 7: 'Absurd accusation'

  61. Replies
    1. Lareb director Agnes Kant: research into complaints after vaccination will not be a priority for the time being (and this is why)

    2. Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport = AFRAID..because they know they have committed a BIG crime…

  62. Replies
    1. ‘Hundreds’ of Dutch people died from hydroxychloroquine, media claimed. Now the study has BEEN WITHDRAWN

  63. Replies
    1. See here: Disturbing graph in major newspaper about mortality among vaccinated people

  64. Replies
    1. NSC wants research into persistent excess mortality: 'I hope the new minister will work on this'

  65. Replies
    1. Angry farmers cheated: 'All BBB promises are now being thrown out with the trash'

  66. Replies
    1. Doctors who were critical during corona now receive a negative 'note' and these are the serious consequences

  67. Replies
    1. This paper is included with the call for the corona vaccination in autumn 2024: 'Scandalous disinformation by the government'

  68. Replies
    1. Rotterdam District Court rules that Covid vaccines do not need to be suspended (and makes a notable comment)

  69. Replies
    1. 'Major calculation error': Nivel 'will make adjustments next week' to excess mortality report

  70. Replies
    1. CDA leader Bontenbal ridiculed people with side effects and would have liked to participate in violence during corona protests

  71. Replies
    1. ‘Now I’m really shocked’: RIVM and CBS have ‘actively sabotaged’ research into excess mortality and vaccinations for a long time

  72. Replies
    1. ‘Unprecedented’: ABP remains silent about this ‘unprecedented pension scandal’

  73. Replies
    1. At the beginning of 2022, RIVM published this shocking advisory report on vaccinating young people: 'Unforgivable'

  74. Replies
    1. Rob Jetten is really going too far in the House: 'This is really outrageous'

  75. Replies
    1. Rabobank ‘goes full North Korea’: ‘This is really starting to get dangerous’

  76. Replies
    1. Baudet wants a clean sweep through top civil servants: 'A little night of the long knives at the ministries would not be out of place'

    2. Het is duidelijk dat links zeer tevreden is met corrupte ambtenaren die gewoon mogen blijven zitten... It is clear that the left is very happy with corrupt officials who are allowed to remain in office...

  77. Replies
    1. disqualifies and cancels book without giving a single reason: 'This is really too bizarre for words'

    2. De duivel zit in de hoofden van miljoenen mensen en wereldwijd zelfs in miljarden mensen: satan komt echt niet zomaar aan de macht want miljarden mensen GEVEN hem die macht door in zijn (klimaat)leugens te geloven en zijn vele andere leugens zoals de 'oerknal', 'evolutie', 'dinosauriërs', de globe aarde, de 'vaccins', 'satellieten', 'kernwapens' en 'ruimtevaart' enz.

    3. The devil is in the minds of millions of people and even billions of people worldwide: Satan does not just come to power because billions of people GIVE him that power by believing in his (climate) lies and his many other lies such as the 'big bang', 'evolution', 'dinosaurs', the globe earth, the 'vaccines', 'satellites', 'nuclear weapons' and 'space travel' etc.

    4. Johan Vollenbroek is an example of the kind of demons that walk around in the Netherlands....

  78. Replies
    1. Health Minister Fleur Agema summoned to prevent WHO coup

  79. Replies
    1. Dam to Dam run canceled due to 'too many medical incidents'

    2. Van Prik tot Prik loop From Jab to Jab walk

  80. Replies
    1. It's official: CBS responds to hushed-up research into excess mortality and COVID-19 vaccinations

  81. Replies
    1. Watch: Jesse Klaver and the public laughed at Baudet, now they are being presented with the bill

  82. Vandaag draaide de Kamer de democratie de nek om.

    Wat er vandaag in de Kamer gebeurde is zeer, zeer verontrustend. @GideonvMeijeren
    wordt de mond gesnoerd op inhoudelijke gronden door de voorzitter die 'vreest dat het een bepaalde kant uitgaat,' vervolgens wordt hij door andere Kamerleden aangevallen omdat hij 'nazitermen' zou gebruiken, zoals omvolking. Een neutrale term, zo legt Van Meijeren uit, die gewoon in de Van Dale staat. En wat die domme koeien in de Kamer maar niet willen weten is dat de term Omvolking juist wordt gebruikt als kritiek op het gebruik van de term in de nazitijd. Het woord werd daarom door migratiecritici in Duitsland op cynische wijze gebruikt!
    De enige reactie van deze mensen is dat er niet over gepraat mag worden 'omdat het bepaalde mensen beledigt.'
    Dat proces in de Kamer is het einde van de democratie.

    1. Today, the House of Representatives killed democracy.

      What happened in the House of Representatives today is very, very disturbing. @GideonvMeijeren
      is silenced on substantive grounds by the chairwoman who 'fears that it is going in a certain direction', then he is attacked by other members of the House because he allegedly uses 'Nazi terms', such as 'replacement of population'. A neutral term, Van Meijeren explains, which is simply in the Van Dale dictionary. And what those stupid cows in the House of Representatives do not want to know is that the term 'replacement of population' is used precisely as criticism of the use of the term during the Nazi period. The word was therefore used cynically by migration critics in Germany!
      The only reaction of these people is that it should not be discussed 'because it offends certain people'.
      That process in the House of Representatives is the end of democracy.

  83. Replies
    1. Top researcher fired by Erasmus MC for criticizing COVID-19 vaccines 'completely acquitted'

  84. Replies
    1. Former minister lashes out: President Knot of De Nederlandsche Bank 'is a disaster'

  85. Replies
    1. Schoof and Maxima together with Gates at the UN: 'Who will call these people to order?'

  86. Replies
    1. Schoof continues to hand out hundreds of millions after slavery apology

  87. Replies
    1. Lawyer sounds the alarm: 'We live in scary times'

  88. Replies
    1. PVV minister's statement on climate goals causes surprise: 'Is this what the voter voted for?'

  89. Replies
    1. BBB agrees to decision on mega wind turbines that BBB supporters do not want

  90. Replies
    1. Baudet reveals what Dutch prime ministers have in common: 'The Dutch need to realize this at some point'


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”