Pope Francis has once again touted the abortion-tainted COVID vaccines, reissuing his condemnation of those who refused to take the shot.
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis has issued fresh condemnation of critics of the abortion-tainted COVID-19 injections, saying that opposition to the shots “distressed” him since “being against the antidote is an almost suicidal act of denial.”
Speaking as part of his newly released memoirs, in a series of interviews conducted by journalist Fabio Marchese Ragona, Pope Francis highlighted his thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 era, including the abortion-tainted COVID jabs and his warm welcome of them.
The pontiff rebuked those who did not receive an injection, or who voiced opposition to them publicly, saying:
Pleased to meet you, Hope you guess my name
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Overheid probeert deze dappere coronadokter de mond te snoeren middels showproces
ReplyDeleteThe government is trying to silence this brave corona doctor through a show trial
Delete“You won't find children with ADD, with autoimmune diseases, with PANDAS, PANS, with epilepsy. You just don't find these chronic diseases among the Amish.”
ReplyDeleteGeboosterde journalist die ‘wappies’ de maat nam krijgt ‘gigantische tumor’ en sterft
ReplyDeleteBoosted journalist who condemned 'wappies' gets 'gigantic tumor' and dies
Delete'Wappie' is the Dutch swear word used by opponents of people with common sense who are against the 'vaccines' and who do not believe that there has been a pandemic.
DeleteKijk: ondertussen zakt de ene na de andere voetballer in elkaar op het veld
ReplyDeleteWatch: in the meantime, one football player after another collapses on the field
DeleteSucharit Bhakdi waarschuwt voor vaccinatieplannen WHO: ‘Dit programma bedreigt de mensheid’
ReplyDeleteSucharit Bhakdi warns about WHO vaccination plans: 'This program threatens humanity'
DeleteArtsen slaan alarm over ‘mysterieuze’ kankerepidemie: zo erg is het
ReplyDeleteDoctors sound the alarm about 'mysterious' cancer epidemic: it is that bad
DeletePope Francis Declares ‘God Hates Antivaxxers’
ReplyDeleteDit is de echte reden waarom vaccinmakers vrijgesteld zijn van aansprakelijkheid
ReplyDeleteThis is the real reason why vaccine makers are exempt from liability
DeleteDuistere drijfveer achter WEF-agenda onthuld in 2 minuten
ReplyDeleteDark motivation behind WEF agenda revealed in 2 minutes
DeleteNun gives a grave warning regarding the depopulation agenda, and of the evil globalists behind it all.
ReplyDelete"Pope Francis wants to kill... Its all over the Vatican"
DeleteArts deelt zeer zorgwekkende cijfers over de prik
ReplyDeleteDoctor shares very worrying figures about the jab
DeleteDuitse regering geeft toe dat er geen pandemie was
ReplyDeleteGerman Gov’t Admits There Was No Pandemic
DeleteNieuw rapport over kankersterfte onthult verontrustende trend: ‘Dit is een probleem’
ReplyDeleteNew report on cancer mortality reveals disturbing trend: 'This is a problem'
DeleteDit zei de bisschop die gisteren werd neergestoken in Australische kerk over covidvaccins en lockdowns
ReplyDeleteThis is what the bishop who was stabbed in an Australian church yesterday said about Covid vaccines and lockdowns
DeletePro-vaccin arts realiseert zich dat ze is geïnjecteerd met gif – Video
ReplyDeletePro-vaccine doctor realizes she has been injected with poison – Video
DeleteLevensverzekeraar betaalt niet uit nadat man sterft door covidvaccin en dit is de opmerkelijke reden
ReplyDeleteLife insurer does not pay out after man dies from Covid vaccine and this is the remarkable reason
DeleteThe Brutal Fate of Nazi Leaders Captured after WW2
DeleteIt is very simple: claim that a worldwide dangerous pandemic is taking place, while it is simply the annual flu, but take the flu out of the statistics and claim that the deaths of the flu, mostly old people with underlying ailments, have fallen due to a new and dangerous and 'mysterious' virus and that drastic measures are needed such as wearing masks, maintaining distance from others, keeping citizens at home through 'lockdowns' and, above all, make it clear that those who go against this are 'dangerous', and especially when the 'savior vaccines' are available that will put an end to the misery, but the people who refuse to take the 'vaccines' are 'dangerous' people and behold: in no time citizens have been turned into Nazis who are willing to prosecute the people who see through the lie of the fake pandemic and who are against the 'vaccines', because they know that in most cases these 'vaccines' are dangerous, and that the measures in combination with the rollout of the 'vaccines' such as a digital 'passport' that gives access to certain shops and commercial establishments, if one is 'vaccinated', will ultimately result in the implementation of the 'mark of the beast, described in Revelation 13 of the Bible.
The majority will participate in this and take a tough stance towards the minority of 'unvaccinated individuals'.
Hartverscheurend: Apotheker met vaccinatieschade barst in tranen uit tijdens hoorzitting
ReplyDeleteHeartbreaking: Pharmacist with vaccine damage bursts into tears during hearing
Delete🚨🌎🇳🇿 Bird Flu Australia
ReplyDeleteAnother alleged outbreak at a Sydney Farm means up to another 100,000 chickens will be exterminated - this puts Australia at MORE than 1 Million chicken culled now.
They’re attacking farmers
They’re attacking food sources
They’re going to try & vaccinate you all again
Onderzoekers analyseren oversterfte in 125 landen, dit zijn de duizelingwekkende conclusies
ReplyDeleteResearchers analyze excess mortality in 125 countries, these are the staggering conclusions
DeleteZe willen nu de politie inzetten tegen ‘anti-vaxxers’
ReplyDeleteThey now want to deploy the police against 'anti-vaxxers'
DeleteKijk: Voormalig NIH-directeur geconfronteerd: ‘Hoe voelt het om meer mensen te hebben gedood dan Hitler?’
ReplyDeleteWatch: Former NIH Director Confronted: ‘How Does It Feel to Have Killed More People Than Hitler?’
DeleteVerpleegkundige die stekker eruit wilde trekken bij ongevaccineerden plotseling overleden
ReplyDeleteNurse who wanted to pull the plug on unvaccinated people suddenly dies
DeleteOntstellende analyse: We zitten inmiddels op 15 miljoen sterfgevallen en 60 miljoen invaliden
ReplyDeleteAlarming analysis: We are now at 15 million deaths and 60 million disabled
DeleteAantal spoedopnames fors gestegen na 2021: ‘Bijna niet meer behapbaar’
ReplyDeleteNumber of emergency admissions increased significantly after 2021: 'Almost unmanageable'
DeleteFilmpje: ‘Het ziekenhuis vermoordde mijn man en telde hem als CORONADODE’
ReplyDeleteVideo: 'The hospital killed my husband and counted him as a CORONA DEATH'
DeleteCanada begint met het EUTHANASEREN van mensen met vaccinatieschade
ReplyDeleteCanada begins EUTHANASING people with vaccine damage
DeleteFilmpje: Uitvaartondernemer legt uit waarom gevaccineerden steeds vaker ziek worden
ReplyDeleteVideo: Funeral director explains why vaccinated people are increasingly becoming ill
DeleteVerbazingwekkend: dit item over turbokanker werd zojuist uitgezonden op tv
ReplyDeleteAmazing: This item about turbo cancer just aired on TV
DeleteIn de MSM wordt nu de vraag gesteld: kregen jonge hardlopers plotse hartstilstand door COVID-vaccin?
ReplyDeleteThe question now being asked in the MSM is: Did young runners suffer sudden cardiac arrest from the COVID vaccine?
DeleteHier zijn alle COVID-19-vaccins vanaf nu VERBODEN
ReplyDeleteHere are all COVID-19 vaccines BANNED from now on
DeleteArts doet noodkreet: ‘Gevaccineerden zijn GEMUTEERD’
ReplyDeleteDoctor issues emergency call: 'Vaccinated people have MUTATED'
DeleteOorlog tegen de mensheid in beeld: ‘De vijand heeft zich verenigd. Als we niet samenwerken, zullen we vergaan’
ReplyDeleteWar on Humanity in Pictures: ‘The enemy has united. If we do not work together, we will perish’
ReplyDeleteKijk: Dr. John Campbell analyseert Nederlandse studie over COVID-19-vaccins en oversterfte
Hier haalde 98 procent van de inwoners de prik en kampen ze nu met een hartaanval-epidemie
ReplyDeleteHere, 98 percent of residents got the shot and are now struggling with a heart attack epidemic
DeleteExplosieve WhatsApp-berichten over coronaprikken vrijgegeven: ‘Ik ben des duivels’
ReplyDeleteExplosive WhatsApp messages about corona vaccinations released: 'I am furious'
DeleteKijk: Professor barst in tranen uit als hij vertelt over het kwaad dat gevaccineerden is aangedaan
ReplyDeleteWatch: Professor Bursts Into Tears As He Talks About Evil Done To Vaccinated People
DeleteVerontrustende patronen gevonden in databank van EMA: ‘Ik stel alleen vast dat het gebeurt, en op grote schaal’
ReplyDeleteDisturbing patterns found in EMA database: ‘I just note that it is happening, and on a large scale’
DeleteNieuw rapport laat geen spaan heel van coronapolitiek: ‘En weer krijgen de complotdenkers en wappies gelijk’
ReplyDeleteNew report leaves corona politics in tatters: 'And once again the conspiracy theorists and crackpots are proven right'
DeleteRechter: FDA moet 1 miljoen (!) pagina’s documenten over COVID-19-vaccin van Pfizer vrijgeven
ReplyDeleteJudge: FDA must release 1 million (!) pages of documents on Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine
DeleteArts: zelfs 2-jarigen krijgen hartaanvallen als gevolg van de experimentele prikken
ReplyDeleteDoctor: Even 2-year-olds are having heart attacks from the experimental shots
DeleteWerd de krijgswet hierom afgekondigd? ‘Het lijkt erop dat er een extinction-level event plaatsvindt in Zuid-Korea’
ReplyDeleteWas martial law declared because of this? ‘It looks like an extinction-level event is happening in South Korea’
DeleteComplotdenkers hadden weer gelijk: alarmerende studie levert bewijs voor ‘shedding’
ReplyDeleteConspiracy theorists were right again: Alarming study provides evidence of 'shedding'
DeleteEn daar is de uitbraak van ‘Ziekte X’
ReplyDeleteAnd there is the outbreak of 'Disease X'
ReplyDeleteDuizenden artsen tekenen petitie om COVID-19-vaccins op te schorten vanwege afschuwelijke bijwerkingen
Thousands of doctors sign petition to suspend COVID-19 vaccines over horrific side effects
DeleteAchtergehouden Pfizer-rapport laat zien: hartaandoeningen VERERGEREN mettertijd
ReplyDeleteWithheld Pfizer Report Shows Heart Disease WORSE Over Time
Delete"The Pfizer [jabs] are all full of SV40. SV40 was what, in my day, we put into mice to make them grow tumors...And we are putting this into humans...These people behind Moderna and Pfizer are just pure, pure evil, and they must be held to account."
ReplyDeleteAngus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at St George’s, University of London, describes for Charles Kovess (@CharlesKovess
) et al. during a recent discussion with Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International how Pfizer's COVID injections are "full of SV40," which is what is "put into mice to make them grow tumors." Dalgleish, an outspoken critic of the COVID injections, says that "[the] people behind Moderna and Pfizer are just pure, pure evil, and they must be held to account."
"It's obvious talking to everybody and all the presentations I've been to....[that] they're [the COVID injections] all completely contaminated. They're just not fit for purpose," Dalgleish says. "The Pfizers are all full of SV40 [and] SV40 was what, in my day, we put into mice to make them grow tumors so we could pour chemotherapy into them to see if it worked for the tumors. And we are putting this into humans for a disease that hasn't killed anybody for at least two years. It is beyond belief, and that's really what I cannot understand."
(For reference, the SV40 promoter is a strong regulatory region from the Simian Virus 40 that drives high levels of gene expression in mammalian cells when used in genetic constructs. Note that according to a Children's Health Defense article from June 2023, "SV40 has been linked to cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas, and cancers of the brain and bone." The same article noted that "In 2002, The Lancet published evidence linking polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 to Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. According to the authors, the vaccine may be responsible for up to 50% of the 55,000 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases diagnosed each year.")
Dalgleish goes on to say:
"Today, I got sent something from Australia...It was...the [Australian] Prime Minister doing a deal with Moderna for messenger RNA vaccines for the next 10 years that...will buy $2 billion Australian dollars of these vaccines over the next 10 years, and they will target all sorts of diseases, and they will be given to children... How much were they bribed to do that? Because I must say, if I was given a billion dollars to do this and it meant it going into children, I would walk away; even if it was $10 billion. To me, it's beyond belief that you would even consider it. These people behind Moderna and Pfizer are just pure, pure evil, and they must be held to account."
Arts roept bij ministerie van Volksgezondheid door microfoon: ‘Jullie hebben 500.000 mensen vermoord!’
ReplyDeleteDoctor shouts into microphone at Ministry of Health: 'You have killed 500,000 people!'
DeleteArts trekt aan de bel: bloed van gevaccineerden verandert in ‘zombiebloed’
ReplyDeleteDoctor sounds the alarm: blood of vaccinated people turns into 'zombie blood'
DeleteEnorme juridische overwinning voor arts die covidvaccins ‘misdaad van de eeuw’ noemde en werd geschorst
ReplyDeleteHuge legal victory for doctor who called COVID vaccines 'crime of the century' and was suspended
Delete28-jarige nieuwslezeres sterft plotseling en onverwacht aan hersenaneurysma
ReplyDelete28-year-old newsreader dies suddenly and unexpectedly from brain aneurysm
DeleteNoodtoestand afgekondigd vanwege vogelgriep: in dit biolab in Cherson werd geëxperimenteerd met dodelijke varianten
ReplyDeleteState of emergency declared over bird flu: this biolab in Kherson was experimenting with deadly variants
DeleteThe real reason Sweden didn't do LOCKDOWNS? ... Because it wasn't in NATO in 2020!!🤯🤯🤯
ReplyDeleteThe Five Eyes invoked intelligence and military defense treaties to force NATO countries to go along with the scamdemic response!! 🤯🤯🤯
Debbie Lerman, a 2023 Brownstone (@brownstoneinst
) Fellow and retired science writer, describes for FLCCC (@Honest_Medicine
) Senior Fellow Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas
) why Sweden didn't go along with the COVID "lockdowns" in 2020—one simple reason: It wasn't a NATO member.
"Every country in the Western world pretty much did the same thing except for Sweden [in 2020]," Lerman says. "Now when I asked myself...for all these years, 'Why did Sweden not do it? Was it just because Anders Tegnell and all those people in Sweden were so smart?' Well, here's a possible answer:
"It turns out that the way the WHO was actually run—so the WHO and the other global governing bodies, the UN, of which the WHO is a part, and their consulting bodies like WEF, the World Economic Forum—it's not a governance body, but it is like a consulting body to the world governing bodies. They were running the pandemic response. So, basically, they were the ones giving the instructions. Now why would everybody follow? Why would all the countries follow what the WHO says? Because they invoked intelligence and military mutual defense treaties.
"So the Five Eyes countries, which is the United States, the U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, so all the anglosphere except for South Africa, they have a mutual intelligence agreement, and there was a lot of involvement of the intelligence agencies supporting each other mutually in those countries. All of those countries also had heavy military involvement in the response, and the same is true for all NATO countries. Which country in Europe was not in NATO during COVID? Sweden.
ReplyDelete"Fauci was not in charge...He was the public relations face of the policy...The government entity that was in charge of the COVID policy was the National Security Council...and now they're applying the biodefense framework to the entire world." (1/5)
Debbie Lerman, a 2023 Brownstone (@brownstoneinst
) Fellow and retired science writer, describes for FLCCC (@Honest_Medicine
) Senior Fellow Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas
) how former NIAID head Anthony Fauci **was not in any way in charge of COVID policy.** Instead, Lerman notes that the National Security Council was in charge of COVID policy. While Lerman notes that Fauci is indeed "a terrible person" who should be "on trial," she says that "that's [not] where we should be focusing all of our attention."
"The biodefense global public–partnership includes all of the public health agencies and stuff on a national level, but they're not the ones who are in charge," Lerman says. "So they're the ones who are just enacting the policy, and that's where everybody has to be really, really clear: Fauci was not in charge. Please get that out of your mind. We can prosecute him. We can blame him for a lot of things. [But] he didn't make the policy. He didn't come up with the policy, and he didn't enforce the policy. He was the public relations face of the policy. He's a terrible person. [And I] would be happy if he were on trial, but I don't think that's where we should be focusing all of our attention."
Lerman goes on to discuss Deborah Birx, who was also on the COVID "Task Force."
"Deborah Birx...she came [in as] the representative of the national security state...[And] what I discovered through my research is that the government entity that was in charge of the COVID policy was the National Security Council."
"And so I just went where my research took me, and, unfortunately, that's where it took me," Lerman adds. "And so I had to go there. And so the National Security Council is defined as the leaders of the military and intelligence arms of government that are advising the President on national security. That's the definition. Now that was the definition before COVID. They changed it. So you have to look at the Wayback Machine to find that definition."
Lerman goes on to say:
"Now the way they define it is, yes, it's the intelligence and military, but...it's also pandemics, disasters—anything that requires national coordination now is going to be coordinated through the National Security Council. That's scary because...they have expanded the definition of what the National Security Council is supposed to do, and in doing that, they've incorporated public health into what they call a biosecurity framework...[and] the one that they came up with is based on a biodefense response to outbreaks, which is lockdown until vaccine.
"What that was supposed to be for, it was supposed to be for when there was an anthrax attack, let's say, on a subway system in a big city—you could lock down that city, make sure that it didn't spread further, get rushed treatment to the people in the affected area. It would be a very limited geographic and temporal event...So, like, they would rush the countermeasures. They had EUA, which is emergency use authorization, which in that situation was important because you rush the treatment to the people in that area even if you don't know that it's definitely going to be effective. It's such a big emergency, biowarfare, bioterrorism—you gotta rush it to the people. There might be some collateral damage. We're in a military situation here. Right? So in a military situation, collateral damage is a whole different consideration than in a civilian framework of public health.
"So the civilian framework of public health disappeared. It just got swallowed up by the biodefense framework. And now they're applying the biodefense framework to the entire world, which is a utterly and completely counter to medicine science and public health."
Vrijgegeven e-mails: Ze hebben al die tijd geweten dat DNA in mRNA-vaccins in het genoom kan integreren
ReplyDeleteReleased Emails: They've Known All Along That DNA in mRNA Vaccines Can Integrate into the Genome
DeleteNieuw bewijs suggereert dat genetisch materiaal in COVID-prikken kan integreren in menselijk DNA
ReplyDeleteNew evidence suggests genetic material in COVID shots can integrate into human DNA
DeleteDappere begrafenisondernemer spreekt zich uit over dramatische stijging sterfte onder jonge mensen en turbokankers
ReplyDeleteBrave funeral director speaks out about dramatic rise in deaths among young people and turbo cancers
DeleteCardioloog: dit is de enige 100 procent veilige en effectieve manier om de volgende criminele plandemie te voorkomen
ReplyDeleteCardiologist: This is the only 100 percent safe and effective way to prevent the next criminal plandemic
DeleteArts over toenemende aantal patiënten met vaccinatieschade: ‘We kunnen niets voor deze mensen doen’
ReplyDeleteDoctor on increasing number of patients with vaccine damage: 'We can't do anything for these people
DeleteGeert Vanden Bossche waarschuwt: als het balletje hier uit rolt, gaan we naar een fase die we nog nooit beleefd hebben
ReplyDeleteGeert Vanden Bossche warns: if the ball rolls out of here, we will enter a phase that we have never experienced before
DeleteReeks onthullende studies: COVID-19-‘vaccins’ beschadigen de hersenen en VERWOESTEN mentale gezondheid
ReplyDeleteSeries of revealing studies: COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are damaging the brain and destroying mental health
DeleteSchokkend: Pfizer en Moderna ‘masseerden’ sterfgevallen weg, zelfs van kind jonger dan 5
ReplyDeleteShocking: Pfizer and Moderna ‘massaged’ away deaths, even in children under 5
DeleteHet leven van Ona veranderde in een hel door de prik: ‘Elke dag is erger dan de vorige’
ReplyDeleteOna's life turned into hell because of the jab: 'Every day is worse than the last'
Delete‘Er is iets heel erg mis’: Ambulancemedewerker vertelt wat er nu WERKELIJK aan de hand is
ReplyDelete‘Something is very wrong’: Ambulance worker explains what is REALLY going on
DeleteWest-Australië is de smoking gun: kijk wat er na de uitrol van de prik gebeurde
ReplyDeleteWestern Australia is the smoking gun: See what happened after the jab rollout
DeleteYale-wetenschappers linken covidvaccins aan alarmerend nieuw syndroom dat leidt tot veranderingen in het lichaam
ReplyDeleteYale scientists link COVID vaccines to alarming new syndrome that leads to changes in the body
DeleteGeëxcommuniceerde aartsbisschop komt met ernstige waarschuwing over ernstig zieke paus Franciscus
ReplyDeleteExcommunicated Archbishop Issues Stern Warning About Seriously Ill Pope Francis
DeleteFoute analyse: de Paus is niet dienaar van de Nieuwe Wereldorde maar de BAAS want elke Paus is de vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse keizer en ANTICHRIST!
DeleteWrong analysis: the Pope is not a servant of the New World Order but the BOSS because every Pope is the disguised Luciferian Roman Emperor and ANTICHRIST!
DeleteZorgelijk: gevaccineerden hebben uitgeput immuunsysteem en blijven JAREN na de prik nog spike-eiwit maken
ReplyDeleteWorrying: Vaccinated people have exhausted immune systems and continue to produce spike protein YEARS after the shot
DeleteKijk: arts legt in 1 minuut uit waarom Big Pharma ‘DOODSBANG’ is voor vitamine D
ReplyDeleteWatch: doctor explains in 1 minute why Big Pharma is 'TERRIFIED' of vitamin D
DeleteWe will never forget the lives they took from us.
ReplyDeleteThe COVID vaccine campaign was a deadly scam and we demand justice.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has admitted that people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” are at risk of suffering from a deadly blood clot for up to 15 years after they received their last injection.
ReplyDeleteThe shocking admission was revealed in a new peer-reviewed study published in the prestigious International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science.
Covid-19 was a scam and was the single biggest transfer of wealth to the super rich elite.
ReplyDelete(1/19) ⚠️🧵 Covid Was a Premeditated Hoax: A Thread
ReplyDeleteWith the next fake pandemic looming, let’s revisit how the last one was premeditated.
Here’s a chronological breakdown of the most glaring signs of foreknowledge.
Even the most informed will find new info here.👇
Gezondheidswerker trekt aan de bel: ‘Baby’s van 2 weken krijgen nieuw vaccin met mRNA-technologie’
ReplyDeleteHealth worker sounds the alarm: '2-week-old babies to receive new vaccine with mRNA technology'
DeleteZo’n 400 MILJOEN mensen hebben ‘long covid’ (lees: prikschade): ‘Kan leiden tot aanzienlijk verhoogd risico op sterfte’
ReplyDeleteAbout 400 MILLION people have 'long covid' (read: jab injury): 'Can lead to significantly increased risk of death'