70% of Palestinians Support Hamas (This is a video about YOU, not Hamas)
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Spotted: Yahya Sinwar running away and hiding in his underground terrorist tunnel network as Gazan civilians suffer above ground under the rule of Hamas terrorism.
ReplyDeleteThere is no tunnel deep enough for him to hide in.
Watch how Hamas terrorists beat Arab women in Gaza.
ReplyDeleteThey are the enemy of their own people.
BOOM: Palestinian terrorists transporting explosives on a motorcycle in Gaza - eliminated from the air
ReplyDeleteWOW: 20 Hamas-ISIS terrorists posing as medics busted in Gaza.
ReplyDeleteUsing hospitals for terror? Absolute war crime.
The "dead" come to life in Gaza. What a miracle. 🤡
ReplyDeleteAnd the Gaza Pallywood award goes to...
Israel blames Palestinians for Gaza aid convoy deaths
ReplyDeletePalestinian city honors US airman who set himself on fire – Guardian
ReplyDeleteFaiq Mabhouh, het hoofd van het Directoraat Operaties van de Binnenlandse Veiligheid van Hamas, is door de IDF geliquideerd in zijn hoofdkwartier in het Shifa-ziekenhuis.
ReplyDeleteHij is morsdood 💀
Ja, hij en Hamas opereerden zwaarbewapend vanuit een ziekenhuis
Faiq Mabhouh, the head of Hamas's Internal Security Operations Directorate, has been assassinated by the IDF at his headquarters in Shifa Hospital.
DeleteHe is absolutely dead 💀
Yes, he and Hamas operated heavily armed from a hospital
"a gift from Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Good work!"
ReplyDeleteShifa Hospital
A bunch of money and envelopes, pre-printed with this message
This is how the terrorist organizations pay their members and employees
A car loaded with terrorists was destroyed from the air in Jenin, northern Samaria.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't understand why Israel needs to invade Rafah, here's a reminder...
ReplyDeleteTake 2 minutes of your time and listen to these gentlemen what they saw when they entered a house😥💔
Some of the many medical instruments, in this category, found in Shifa hospital.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I could not help myself!
It's actually not funny at all to find such weapons in a hospital. And this is a small part!
The IDF report
Detection of weapons and arrests of about 350 suspects: the raid by IDF and Shin Bet forces on Shifa Hospital led by Division 162 and special forces
The combat teams of the 401st Brigade, the Dovdevan Unit and the 13th Fleet Troops, together with the Shin Bet forces, continued efforts to combat the terrorist organization Hamas in the Shifa Hospital area.
The armed forces continue their activities around the hospital and on the grounds as part of the effort to capture the terrorists hiding and operating in the hospital buildings and using the civilian population as human shields.
IDF and Shin Bet forces have so far arrested approximately 350 suspects in the area and found weapons scattered throughout the hospital, including: Kalashnikov rifles, machine guns, cartridges, mortars, grenades, RPGs and combat uniforms.
At the @IDF
operation, damage to civilians, patients and medical staff is avoided and an IDF medical team is present
I saw that @Danielhagari
is on site and expects a press conference this evening
NOS today has an item about the 90 terrorists who have been eliminated, but also the doubt that is sown by adding that it cannot be verified. We never hear this when numbers of deaths are shared by Hamas, or famine figures
DeleteHamas terrorist in his natural Habitat, stepping inside a terror tunnel like a coward, eliminated swiftly after.
ReplyDeleteThis terrorist stuck his head above ground level from a tunnel shaft. He was spotted and sent to his 72 virgins!
DeleteThat's what the devil sounds like. The horrific testimony of the terrorist who admits to raping a woman in a kibbutz on October 7.
ReplyDelete"I started undressing her and I did what I did. The devil took over me"
This is evil from the depths of hell.
Images from yesterday at El Aqsa mosque.
ReplyDeletePalestinians chant in favor of Hamas. How sacred is this place to them?!
What would it be like if they chanted this in Mecca? Would the Saudis tolerate this?
Someone was recently tackled very harshly for protesting there with a Palestinian flag and shouting slogans.
The only question on my mind is whether this is a harbinger...
All women held hostage by Hamas in Gaza are sexually abused on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteDeclares Mia Regev (released hostage)
This is what emergency responders discovered when they arrived at the Nova Festival.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget for a moment how this war started.
Iran sent Hamas $200 million to prop up the terror groups activities in Gaza.
ReplyDeleteIn 2020, a payment of $154 million was transferred from the Islamic Republic to Hamas.
An additional $68 million was transferred in 2021.
The massive money transfers have been revealed after IDF forces uncovered secret letters found in Gaza between Hamas’ Gaza Strip leader Yahya Sinwar, the mastermind of the Oct 7th attack, and a top Hamas leader, showing a table of payments made by Iran.
The money was transferred through Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps officials via Beirut, Lebanon and then sent to Gaza via shell companies, crypto and money transfers.
German-Israeli tattoo artist among three dead hostages recovered by Israel
ReplyDeleteDe Palestijnen en hun hulptroepen hebben een eigenaardige kijk op het dader-slachtoffer perspectief.
ReplyDeleteIn 2006 kregen ze Gaza "Land voor Vrede", en in plaats van een samenleving op te bouwen waar mensen veilig en in maximale welvaart kunnen leven, misbruiken ze de miljarden internationale hulpfondsen ( ook heel veel miljoenen vanuit Nederland) uit ongelovige landen voor een uitgekiend tunnelsysteem, om 18 jaar later een Holocaust onder Joden te plegen.
1500 mensen worden op één dag op beestachtige wijze vermoord en honderden worden ontvoerd.
Gastarbeiders uit Thailand en Afrika worden wreed geëxecuteerd, terwijl veel wordt gefilmd met GoPro camera's.
Eind oktober 2023 kiest Israël voor een grondoffensief en begint Hamas uit te roeien.
Omdat de terreurgroep laf is, verschuilen ze zich in woonwijken en betrekken ze bewust de inwoners van Gaza bij het moorddadige conflict.
De Palestijnen en hun hulptroepen daarbuiten zien alleen wat Israël doet, maar ze vergeten dat Hamas de inwoners van Gaza misbruikt voor hun apocalyptische eindtijdverlangens tegen de gehate Joden.
Elk Arabisch kind en elke Arabische vrouw die sterft in Gaza is te wijten aan de beestachtige Hamas en degenen die deze islamitische eindtijdsekte in 2006 aan de macht hebben geholpen en jarenlang hebben gefinancierd!
The Palestinians and their auxiliaries have a peculiar view of the perpetrator-victim perspective.
DeleteIn 2006 they received Gaza "Land for Peace", and instead of building a society where people can live safely and in maximum prosperity, they misuse the billions of international aid funds (also many millions from the Netherlands) from unbelieving countries for a sophisticated tunnel system, only to commit a Holocaust among Jews 18 years later.
1500 people are brutally murdered in one day and hundreds are kidnapped.
Guest workers from Thailand and Africa are brutally executed, while much is filmed with GoPro cameras.
At the end of October 2023, Israel opts for a ground offensive and begins to eradicate Hamas.
Because the terrorist group is cowardly, they hide in residential areas and deliberately involve the residents of Gaza in the murderous conflict.
The Palestinians and their auxiliaries outside only see what Israel is doing, but they forget that Hamas is abusing the people of Gaza for their apocalyptic end-time desires against the hated Jews.
Every Arab child and woman who dies in Gaza is due to the beastly Hamas and those who helped this Islamic end-times sect come to power in 2006 and financed it for years!
Hamas names new leader
ReplyDeleteYahya Sinwar looks like Nosferatu
DeleteIsrael has never and never will target innocent people. Not in Gaza, not in Syria, not in Lebanon, not in Iran, not anywhere.
ReplyDeleteNot only does Israel never target innocent people, Israel does more to avoid innocent deaths than any army ever. And don’t forget that Israel’s enemies do the exact opposite, they try to maximize innocent dates.
Why would they do that? Precisely for the reason you’re seeing today. The lies. The propaganda.
Israel eliminated tens of terrorists today who were hiding in a school.
There was no massacre.
You’re being fed blatant lies. Not white lies. Lies. Zero truth.
The reports you’re reading are based on casualty numbers provided by the rapists, murderers, and pedophiles who call themselves Hamas.
Turns out if a person will murder and rape, they’ll also lie.
Use your brain before spreading blood libels provided by terrorists.
This is what Hamas does with its own children. This is Hamas’ new “political” leader, Sinwar.
Israel is the most moral army in history and Hamas is the most barbaric terrorist organization in history, right alongside ISIS and the Nazis.
That’s the real truth. The rest is propaganda.
If you don’t want to stand up for Israel and debunk the lies, that’s your choice. But don’t be part of the problem. Don’t act as a Hamas puppet by amplifying their lies.
If you don’t want to defend Israel, then just sit this one out.
Israel be fine without you. But you won’t be fine without Israel because Israel is currently providing a buffer between radical Islam and your front door.
You’re welcome.
A great achievement for Yahya Sinwar:
ReplyDeleteHe managed to bring about the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah!
🧵1/ The children of Gaza & WB - revealing the Islamist palestinism death cult and UNTWA’s role in their use and abuse:
ReplyDelete👉🏻To understand Israel in this war- you have to truly understand what we’re fighting.
It took us 75 years, repeated monstrous terrorist attacks, that manipulated every ounce of our morality, countless monstrous statements by its leaders and one #October7th genocide attempt- for the majority of Israelis to understand that the group that defines itself as "Palestinian" is led by a palestinism death cult (with many leaders that were born in other Arab countries- like Egypt, Syria, Jordan etc. and with IRGC agenda and support) that sanctifies death for the sake of Allah - suicide and murder by and of children and all others are holy and for the sake of God (as opposed to death is a necessary evil for the protection of life and the values of freedom)
It took us 75 years to realize that this death cult is maintained by international organizations that call themselves "guardians of human rights and international law" and have many polite and whitewashed expressions in the language of the West (colonialism, oppression, occupation, apartheid, river and sea) with the purpose of justifying, advocating for and covering up of an extremist religious sectarian ideology - a criminal and corrupt palestinism-Islamist ideology - which sanctifies the blood of children for the purposes of the sect and in the name of "God (Allah)", that glorifies the murder of innocents because they are "Jews" or “the west” whom it defines in serial brainwashing as subhumans, pigs and monkeys - that must be destroyed in order to please Allah "from the river to the sea" and then also - to destroy the control of "the West" heretics.
In this cruel and unimaginably tragic picture of reality - the children are both messengers of murder, victims who grew up to sanctify their deaths and also a product of propaganda to continue the blindness of the West and its use against itself and to continue this unbearable control and exploitation of children, in the name of the death of said children.
Placing the children at the heart of the violence of this death cult and this cruel cynical use of them - poses new and impossible moral dilemmas that obviously serve the death cult that has never had zero care or interest in morality.
It took us 75 years to wake up from the "two state solution" propaganda fraud and that awakening was painful.
It took us 75 years to realize- that while we in Israel were singing and educating for peace, working for peace and trying to reach out for humanity in every way - the death cult loyalists across the border on the other side were dreaming, singing and teaching about the blood of Jews and the war of exterminating the Jews, they were training militarily from birth to die for Allah in the holy war in which they will kill as many Jews as possible and die for “Palestine”.
Even since we left Gaza in 2005 and long before that from the PA territories in the West Bank - there were (are) groups in Israel and in the world that still talk about Israeli "occupation" as if it were Gaza and the West Bank - but there (in Gaza and WB) they talk about “the occupation of Palestine from water to water" "from the river to the sea" - Including Acre, Haifa, Tel Aviv. Meaning, “liberation from occupation" means the complete destruction of Israel, a complete genocide and ethnic cleansing of its people. For them it was for 75 years: Arab Palestine (although it never existed).
This thread will show the methods of this death cult that is now pushing for more power and support through “self determination” - of a criminal cruel organization that is hijacking a people with UN help and support.
The first clip is from the movie: “UNRWA AT WAR” - full movie is here:
ReplyDeleteThe IDF is the greatest force for good since the Allied forces defeated the Nazis.
The world is a better place this morning.
Israël: Hamas-leider Yahya Sinwar gedood bij aanval in de Gazastrook
ReplyDeleteIsrael: Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar killed in attack in Gaza Strip
DeleteIDF releases VIDEO of ‘Sinwar’s last moments’
ReplyDeleteYahya Sinwar is very dead
ReplyDeleteJihadists, Islamists, pro-Palestinians and Hamas supporters are offended, outraged and even cry "Islamophobia" over these remarks by the fearless Australian TV host Erin Molan.
ReplyDeletePlease listen to her, follow her (@Erin_Molan
) and retweet this thread🙏
IDF Soldier Reveals SHOCKING Story Of ELIMINATING Sinwar
ReplyDelete'Poor Palestinians': one moment they are 'victims of genocide' and the next they are well-fed and planning another October 7-style mass murder of the Jewish people...
ReplyDeleteThey recover very fast…
Delete⚠️BREAKING: It's been revealed that ex-hostages Romi Gonen, Emily Damari, and Doron Steinbrecher were held by Hamas in United Nations 🇺🇳 shelters in Gaza, which were meant for civilians.
ReplyDeleteThe UN helps Hamas hold Israeli hostages.
Hamas: From the river to the sea we'll shoot you in your knee!
ReplyDeleteallah is SATAN! It is said that @POTUS
ReplyDeletewill be sitting for a viewing of the raw footage from October 7 for the first time. Personally I’ve always said that the footage should have been released for everyone to watch and understand just how severe and barbaric it was.
So for everyone here on X, I’m going to post this slightly shorter version of 21 minutes which will show you what happened on that day and allow you to understand exactly who our neighbors really are.
For context, about half of those who took part in the rapes and torture and brutal massacres and the kidnapping were Gazan civilians, including Gazan children. Hamas, PIJ and UNRWA led the atrocities, but thousands of Gazan civilians took part willingly, and then tens if not hundreds of thousands celebrated it.
I urge you all to watch however hard it may be to view it. It’s the only way you can fully understand what we deal with every day of the past many decades at the hands of Islamic terrorists.
🎥 courtesy of @beholdisrael