Thursday, 25 January 2024

Fake Biden was once again spouting nonsense

Real Joe Biden with his son Hunter Biden





This was the real Biden


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Americans admit they are out of control – Inform ship operators to avoid the Red Sea region

  2. Replies
    1. Darkness
      When Joe Biden was INAUGURATED by a JESUIT Priest in 2020, we knew then that the world was in big TROUBLE.
      1 hr

      What a piece. It is almost as if we are watching a movie. We even have the reversed gas deal. Joe Biden and his family were always CRIMINALS. We knew it from day ONE.

  3. US troops told to prepare for war in Gaza – media
    Washington maintains that there are no plans to put American boots on the ground

  4. Replies
    1. Fake Biden is the Jesuits, 'Obama' and the Vatican and Satan

  5. Replies
    1. It's all part of the Jesuits' plan to destabilize the West and make it ripe for the Antichrist.

  6. Replies
    1. New study: Trump 'almost certainly' won the 2020 election

  7. Replies
    1. Economist: We are on the verge of a catastrophe

  8. Replies
    1. Peace101
      NO! It's not age. It is competency.
      I would argue that its not age but competency that should be the issue. Those touting "age" as a requirement simply buy into the old myth that, after about 65, everyone enters an inevitable and inescapable downhill slide into sickness and death. Yet I know of many in their 70's and 80's -- even 90's! -- out running marathons, downhill skiing and running major organizations. But, at the same time, I know many who, after 60 started that downhill slide and never made it to even 70.

      A big part of the problem is what we falsely call "Age Related Diseases" (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, dementia...) which implies that they are caused by aging. They are not. Each is a separate disease and each is MOSTLY impacted by lifestyle: Diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction.

      That said, it leaves the question of which is capable of leading the nation to peace and prosperity? For a number of reasons (both health and common sense), the answer is: Neither.
      3 m

      Elfein Twentyfives
      really? real biden had been dead for 4 years now...what we have is 4 actors playing the role...just compare the vids and pics
      4 m

      Max 777
      Aweee, don't they make a cute couple
      6 m

      Love the 2016 pic of those two bow wows
      6 m

      Comments from the useful idiot!

  9. Biden must be removed – state attorney general
    West Virginia’s Patrick Morrisey has urged Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment and declare the president unfit for office

  10. Replies
    1. TBTB
      The U.S. is upset because it lost its most valuable asset in Russia. Navalny was working with the CIA to overthrow Putin. With the death of this traitor, the Americans lost another battle against Putin!
      48 s

      OMG My reply to Lindsey Graham's comment is IMO, equally applicable to Bozo🤡 Biden!
      Where's his rant about the murdered US journalist Gonzalo Lira - Murdered by Azov Battalion in Ukraine ?
      Zip Zero Zilch Nil Null Nada 😠"
      2 m

      The world should sanction the United States because Biden killed Epstein! 😐🤌
      3 m

      Anon Anon
      He should be sanctioning Pfizer instead IMO.
      3 m

      Cleo Pisano
      Putin should sanction biden over the nazis kiev murder of Gonzalo Lira
      4 m

      Lloyd Hart
      The sanctions the US is applying on Russia are impoverishing and isolating America while Russia becomes fat with profits from it's many friends. You would think someone might take a hint and join the crowd blazing a trail to Russian trade and education. America's test scores are in the basement.
      4 m

      Global Wrench
      The never ending orchestrated theater of the war machine.
      4 m

      A jesuit failed to insurrect Russia, so US must do something to try achieve what his unpatriotic life could not. Those who betray their country will be disappointed...
      5 m

    2. Smitty_Werbenjagermanjensen
      Biden should be worried about the 10's of thousands of Palistinians he is helping murder.
      6 m

      More sanctions? How is that possible?
      6 m

      ABDave, It's not. These are the delusional unfiltered ramblings of a senile old man. Without the slightest bit of conscience of his surroundings, the situation around him, much less around the world. He can't find his own way out of a stage. How can he possibly be aware of the escalating potential for disaster around the worse geopolitical crisis in modern history? One dwarfing the Cuban missile crisis? In such a crisis, the US have a polarized indoctrinated population, and a senile puppet as a president. And Russia will just not allow Ukraine or NATO to prevail. Tough luck on that. That's where we are now. Slowly escalating to WW3. It's already debatable if we are in WW3 already. WW3 doesn't need to follow the WW1 or WW2 pattern of great instant global deflagrations of massive scope and scale.
      2 m
      1 reply
      Scott Morisson
      If Biden knows anything at all, and that is debatable then he knows full well that Navalny was murdered by the CIA because he was no longer useful.
      6 m

      How come Biden doesn't give a damn about the murder of an American citizen, Gonzalo Lira, in the hands of the Ukrainian, in Ukraine, but he is so obsessed about the death of a Russian criminal in a Russian jail?

      Answer: The life of a CIA operative (even if he is Russian) is far more important to the US than the life of an ordinary US citizen.
      11 m

      Navalny did not want to get safe Russian Covid "Sputnik" vaccine, and instead got 4 or 5 vaccinations by Pfizer. It was his own or his family choice, with clear consequencies. But Putin gets blamed anyway.
      12 m

      Boy, for a grieving widow, Yulia sure gets around. Munich one day, San Francisco the next. Quite the jet-setter.
      13 m

      kropotkinsf, It's amazing how her agenda was so well organized right? And the way the western politicians agendas were so conveniently aligned to receive her. Wonderful logistics.
      5 m
      1 reply
      That's probably why Putin got into a supersonic bomber out of anger? Waiting for personal sanctions from Biden!
      13 m

      What sanctions are left? Defence industry? Its 100% in house, if you exclude ancient GE washing machines, bwah haahah...
      13 m

      cia did it
      14 m

      Biden has not done anything to punish those who tortured and murdered Gonzalo Lira, a US citizen! Yet, he throws more sanctions against Russia, without any evidence. It is arrogant and calculating! Regardless, Russia has beat all sanctions and crushed the U.S. proxy army in Ukraine.

  11. Replies
    1. pbagration
      Democrat voters are just as senile as Robinette Biden himself.

  12. Replies
    1. Boostered Joe 'you won't get corona after vaccination' Biden has corona: 'Explain this'

  13. Replies
    1. Most Americans are under a spell and they don't see that 'Biden' is fake and the real Biden is DEAD....


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”