There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic
Viral Facts - Virale feiten
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Er was nooit een “nieuw Corona-virus”, er was nooit een pandemie
ReplyDeleteThere was never a “new Corona virus”, there was never a pandemic
DeleteNaaldloze vaccins zijn er… medische gifstoffen kunnen nu via echografie worden toegediend
ReplyDeleteNeedleless vaccines are here… medical poisons can now be delivered via ultrasound
DeleteCOVID-vaccins integreren in menselijk DNA, zo blijkt uit onderzoek
ReplyDeleteCOVID Vaccines Integrate Into Human DNA, Study Finds
DeleteHoe doen de Jabbies het dit jaar?
ReplyDeleteHow are the Jabbies doing this year?
DeleteNot so good.
DeleteAngstaanjagende waarheid: Er worden mRNA-vaccins gemaakt die rechtstreeks in de longen kunnen worden toegediend via de lucht
ReplyDeleteFRIGHTENING TRUTH: Airborne mRNA Vaccines are being created that can be delivered straight into the Lungs without the need for Injection
DeleteI don't believe they will use this because it could also affect some of the 'elite'.
DeleteFDA mag vaccinatiegegevens verbergen die aantonen hoe schadelijk vaccinatie is voor de menselijke gezondheid
ReplyDeleteThe FDA Can Now Withhold COVID Vaccine Safety Records. Again, We Ask – Are The FDA, With Their Ties to Bill Gates, Fit For Purpose?
DeleteHet laatste interview met overleden patholoog Arne Burkhardt, over het grote gevaar van mRNA-vaccins
ReplyDeleteThe last interview with deceased pathologist Arne Burkhardt, about the great danger of mRNA vaccines
DeleteHe gave a press conference about his amazing results, which was almost immediately deleted by YouTube.
DeleteLet that sink...
ReplyDeleteKunnen de covidprikken het DNA in je lichaam veranderen? Dit zegt een arts erover
ReplyDeleteCan the Covid shots change the DNA in your body? This is what a doctor says about it
DeleteDr. Kevin Stillwagon: Stop nu met vaccineren, of we gaan echte problemen tegemoet
ReplyDeleteDr. Kevin Stillwagon: Stop vaccinating now or we’re headed for real trouble
ReplyDelete‘Genoeg is genoeg!’ Arts legt uit: dit is waarom de WHO in duizend stukken moet worden geslagen
ReplyDelete'Enough is enough!' Doctor explains: this is why the WHO must be smashed into a thousand pieces
DeleteGeneratie dom
ReplyDeleteGeneration Stupid
DeletePlotseling en onverwacht
ReplyDeleteSuddenly & Unexpectedly
DeleteWHO-klokkenluidster waarschuwt: “Ze willen een eeuwigdurende pandemie creëren” – Johns Hopkins University heeft een pandemieplan gepubliceerd voor SPARS 2025-2028
ReplyDeleteWHO whistleblower warns: “They want to create a perpetual pandemic” – Johns Hopkins University has published a pandemic plan for SPARS 2025-2028
DeleteEen studie waarin wordt opgeroepen om niet-gevaccineerde mensen te weren van openbare locaties, is geschreven door een adviseur van Pfizer
ReplyDeleteStudy calling for unvaccinated people to be barred from public venues was authored by Pfizer adviser
DeleteTopcardioloog: Vax-pushers zijn ‘medeplichtig aan misdaden tegen de menselijkheid’
ReplyDeleteTop Cardiologist: Vax-Pushers Are ‘Complicit in Crimes Against Humanity’
DeletePersoneel Pfizer spreekt over prik: deze berichten zijn nog nooit eerder ergens gepubliceerd
ReplyDeletePfizer staff talks about the injection: these messages have never been published anywhere before
DeleteZwijgen van de verdoemden
ReplyDeleteSilence of the Damned
Delete‘Experts’ waarschuwen: Nieuwe coronavariant zal leiden tot ‘pandemie van hartfalen’
ReplyDelete'Experts' warn: New corona variant will lead to 'pandemic of heart failure'
Delete‘Experts’ Say New COVID Strain Will Cause Global ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’
DeleteMeerderheid Amerikanen nu bezorgd over veiligheid COVID-19 vaccin
ReplyDeleteMajority of Americans Worried about COVID-19 Vaccine Safety
DeletePathologen verbijsterd over explosieve toename sterfte door onbekende oorzaak
ReplyDeletePathologists baffled by explosive increase in mortality from unknown causes
DeleteRussisch leger verklaart dat Covid-pandemie strategische operatie was om de mensheid onder controle te houden
ReplyDeleteRussian Military Declares Covid Pandemic Was Strategic Operation To Control Humanity
DeleteAnd of course the 'Zionists' were blamed again and not the Jesuits
DeleteEx-vicepresident Pfizer Mike Yeadon draagt indringend gedicht voor: ‘Laat ze hier niet mee wegkomen’
ReplyDeleteEx-Vice President Pfizer Mike Yeadon recites compelling poem: 'Don't let them get away with this'
DeleteCardioloog onthult schokkende oversterftecijfers uit Groot-Brittannië
ReplyDeleteCardiologist reveals shocking excess mortality figures from Great Britain
Delete‘Schokkende’ studie linkt covidprik aan autisme
ReplyDelete'Shocking' study links Covid shot to autism
DeleteWereld moet klaar zijn voor ‘ziekte X’, waarschuwt WHO-baas
ReplyDeleteWorld must be ready for 'disease X', warns WHO boss
DeleteBoem! Waar de Duitse en Amerikaanse media nu wel over durven te vertellen, maar ‘onze’ NOS nog niet
ReplyDeleteBoom! What the German and American media now dare to talk about, but 'our' NOS does not yet
DeleteZwitsers voormalig regeringslid: pandemie was ‘massahysterie’
ReplyDeleteSwiss former government member: pandemic was 'mass hysteria'
DeleteE-mail onthult waarom autoriteiten geen waarschuwing afgaven over covidvaccins en myocarditis
ReplyDeleteEmail reveals why authorities didn't issue warning about Covid vaccines and myocarditis
DeleteDe schokkende getuigenissen van de coronaverpleegkundigen
ReplyDeleteThe shocking testimony of the Covid-19 nurses
DeleteOveral in het Westen, ook Nederland, sterven mensen massaal: ‘Verschrikkelijke situatie, overheden geven niet thuis’
ReplyDeleteEverywhere in the West, including the Netherlands, people are dying en masse: 'Terrible situation, governments do not care'
DeleteWHO: Wie zich niet houdt aan NWO zal gedood worden door ‘Ziekte X’
ReplyDeleteWHO: Those Failing to Comply with NWO Will Be Killed by ‘Disease X’
DeleteCovid-vaccins zijn officieel het dodelijkste medicijn in de geschiedenis en niemand mag erover praten
ReplyDeleteCovid Vaccines Are Officially Deadliest Drug In History and Nobody Is Allowed to Talk About It
DeleteDe spanning loopt op terwijl wraak dreigt voor de fanatiekelingen van de Vax Brigade
ReplyDeleteThe Plot Thickens as Comeuppance Looms for the Unhinged Zealots of the Vax Brigade
DeleteHet Amerikaanse leger controleert in het geheim de Australische gezondheidsinstellingen en de uitrol van het COVID-vaccin
ReplyDeleteUS military was secretly behind Australia’s COVID Vaccine rollout: report
DeleteStatisticus doet onderzoek naar corona en griep, en komt tot opmerkelijke conclusie
ReplyDeleteStatistician conducts research into corona and flu and comes to a remarkable conclusion
DeleteUitvaartondernemer: dit zal de geschiedenis ingaan als misdaad van Bijbelse proporties
ReplyDeleteFuneral director: this will go down in history as a crime of Biblical proportions
DeleteNew disease
DeleteSome comments:
20 hours ago
Here in Germany the unvaccinated were called nazis. Unbelievable were we went trough. Me and my husband didn't take the jab, we had to do this pcr test every single day to go to work. And for many month we weren't allowed to visit a cafe or restaurant, cinema, hairdresser and so on. We were treated like shit. What a terrible time this has been. Unfortunately our daughters took the jab, I pray for them.
21 hours ago
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending "Wish you were here!" postcards from the Titanic.
17 hours ago
I am a Nurse Practitioner and I support you 150%. I did not take any vaccines and I never will...I am 68. Praying for you.
1 day ago
I warned people about this in 2021, i broke down in tears when my mum said she was going to get the jab, i managed to persuade both my parents to eventually decline.
20 hours ago
A crime of Nuremberg proportions.
2 days ago
I have been a nurse for over 40 years and left 3 years ago as I wouldn't take the jab. I am horrified to hear these stories (which I have been hearing since the jab roll out). I am disgusted with my profession and those doctors that refuse to speak out.
Nigel Farage ontploft live op tv: ‘Ik wil weten waarom we voorgelogen zijn over de covidvaccins’
ReplyDeleteNigel Farage explodes live on TV: 'I want to know why we were lied to about the Covid vaccines'
DeleteVóór de NEPpandemie van 2020 stierven tientallen topmicrobiologen onder mysterieuze omstandigheden
ReplyDeleteBefore the 2020 FAKE pandemic, dozens of top microbiologists died under mysterious circumstances
DeleteIn Frankrijk is kritiek op mRNA-injecties voortaan strafbaar: tot 3 jaar cel en 45.000 euro boete
ReplyDeleteIn France, criticism of mRNA injections is now punishable: up to 3 years in prison and a 45,000 euro fine
DeleteFDA-directeur lachend en giebelend: we waren niet voorbereid op lawine aan bijwerkingen
ReplyDeleteFDA director laughing and giggling: we weren't prepared for an avalanche of side effects
Delete‘Schok!’ Boegbeeld corona-aanpak pleegt zelfmoord
ReplyDelete'Shock!' Figurehead of the corona approach commits suicide
DeleteVerloskundige: op sommige dagen hebben we meer dode dan levende baby’s
ReplyDeleteMidwife: Some days we have more dead than living babies
DeleteSlachtoffers van vaccinatieschade krijgen nu EUTHANASIE aangeboden
ReplyDeleteVictims of vaccine damage are now offered EUTHANASIA
DeleteRode Kruis: dit is de enige manier om bloed te krijgen dat ‘niet gevaccineerd is’
ReplyDeleteRed Cross: this is the only way to get blood that is 'not vaccinated'
DeleteZe wilden deze informatie over de prik verborgen houden, maar dat is niet gelukt
ReplyDeleteThey wanted to keep this information about the shot hidden, but that did not work
DeleteThe CDC is not an independent agency
Delete‘Complotdenkers’ krijgen weer gelijk: wat je moet weten over de grootste coronavaccinstudie tot nu toe
ReplyDelete'Conspiracy theorists' are proven right again: what you need to know about the largest corona vaccine study to date
DeleteVaccineerders in Nieuw-Zeeland vrezen voor hun leven nu het publiek in opstand komt tegen ‘pandemische genocide’
ReplyDeleteVaccinators in New Zealand Fear for Their Lives As Public Rise Up Against ‘Pandemic Genocide’
DeleteRegering vertelde artsen om patiënten te DODEN vlak voor eerste COVID lockdown: “Ik keek toe terwijl dit gebeurde”
ReplyDeleteGovernment told doctors to KILL patients just before first COVID lockdown: “I watched while this happened”
DeleteAustralië: de vaccinatieplicht tegen Covid was illegaal
ReplyDeleteAustralia: Covid vaccination requirement was illegal
DeleteHannes Mitterer
DeleteFebruary 27, 2024 at 4:07 pmReply
Read the verdict!
Only applies to the 86 plaintiffs.
De Britse regering onthult haar plan om overtollige sterfgevallen te BEGRAVEN
ReplyDeleteUK Government Reveals Its Plan to BURY Excess Deaths
DeleteOverheid onthult plan om oversterfte te begraven
ReplyDeleteGovernment unveils plan to bury excess mortality
DeleteWe hebben een probleem: oversterfte onder KINDEREN schiet omhoog
ReplyDeleteWe have a problem: excess mortality among CHILDREN is skyrocketing
DeleteBritish MP Andrew Bridgen writes on X that it is due to the injection. “When all is said and done, this will go down as the greatest crime ever committed against humanity.”
DeleteAlle 148 pagina’s van ‘vrijgegeven’ studie over myocarditis na covidvaccin volledig zwartgelakt: ‘Pure farce’
ReplyDeleteAll 148 pages of 'released' study on myocarditis after Covid vaccine completely blackened: 'Pure farce'
DeleteVideo: Emotionele persconferentie over verwoestende tol van experimentele covidvaccins in Zuid-Korea
ReplyDeleteVideo: Emotional press conference on devastating toll of experimental Covid vaccines in South Korea
DeleteWhat makes it hard to understand for a vaccinated person is why some have serious side effects and others do not--here is my explanation.
ReplyDeleteSpaanse onderzoekers ontdekken weer iets nieuws in Pfizer-prik: WAT IS DIT?
ReplyDeleteSpanish researchers discover something new in the Pfizer shot: WHAT IS THIS?
DeleteAmish Officially Declared ‘World’s Healthiest Children’ After Rejecting Big Pharma Vaccines
ReplyDeleteOpgepast: Japanse onderzoekers waarschuwen voor gevaar van bloedtransfusies met gevaccineerd bloed
ReplyDeleteCaution: Japanese researchers warn of the danger of blood transfusions with vaccinated blood
DeleteOverheid verliest oorlog tegen ivermectine: ‘Een overwinning voor iedere arts en patiënt’
ReplyDeleteGovernment loses war against ivermectin: 'A victory for every doctor and patient'
DeleteGeert Vanden Bossche heeft slecht nieuws voor de gevaccineerden en voorspelt ‘enorme tsunami’
ReplyDeleteGeert Vanden Bossche has bad news for the vaccinated and predicts 'huge tsunami'
DeleteFarmawaakhond oordeelt dat Pfizer de kluit heeft belazerd
ReplyDeletePharma watchdog judges that Pfizer has screwed up
DeleteWHO waarschuwt voor ‘nieuwe variant’ van vogelgriep die ‘is overgesprongen’ op mensen en ‘grote impact’ kan hebben
ReplyDeleteWHO warns of 'new variant' of bird flu that 'has jumped' to humans and could have 'major impact'
DeleteHoe zijn GENETISCH GEMODIFICEERDE MENSEN en iedereen die Covid mRNA-injecties kreeg vergelijkbaar met gewassen met DNA-mutatie zoals genetisch gemodificeerde maïs en genetisch gemodificeerde soja?
ReplyDeleteHow are GENETICALLY MODIFIED HUMANS and everyone who got Covid mRNA injections similar to DNA-mutated crops like GM corn and GM soy?
DeleteKijk: Arts onthult tijdens hoorzitting hoe Pfizer vaccintests manipuleerde door overlijdens weg te moffelen
ReplyDeleteWatch: Doctor reveals during hearing how Pfizer manipulated vaccine tests by concealing deaths
DeleteEn het zijn geen vaccins maar biowapens! And they are not vaccines but bioweapons!
DeleteZiekenhuizen vermoordden Covid-patiënten en hoe meer ze vermoordden, hoe meer geld ze kregen
ReplyDeleteHospitals were killing Covid patients and the more they killed, the more money they got
DeleteCOVID Was a Hospital Holocaust, and the Ventilators Are the New Gas Chambers
DeleteKaroline (24) moest zich verplicht laten vaccineren: na DRIE hartaanvallen en een tia werd ze aan haar lot overgelaten
ReplyDeleteKaroline (24) had to be vaccinated: after THREE heart attacks and a TIA she was left to her own devices
DeleteDe opkomst van datingsites exclusief voor ongevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteThe rise of dating sites exclusively for the unvaccinated – COVID Ongevaccineerde Dating Voor Niet-gevaccineerde Mannen & Vrouwen
DeleteThis should be a wake up call to all parents/grandparents regarding vaccines.
ReplyDeleteActeur luidt alarmklok: ‘Jouw bezit is niet meer jouw bezit, we moeten in opstand komen’
ReplyDeleteActor sounds the alarm: 'Your property is no longer your property, we must revolt'
DeleteThe Great Taking - Documentary
DeleteVogelgriepsimulatie op stapel: insiders zijn zich rot geschrokken van deze aankondiging
ReplyDeleteBird flu simulation in the pipeline: Insiders are shocked by this announcement
Delete‘De kans dat je een hersentrombose krijgt na COVID-vaccin is 1126 keer groter dan na griepvaccin’
ReplyDelete'The chance of getting a cerebral thrombosis after COVID vaccine is 1126 times greater than after flu vaccine'