Saturday, 30 December 2023

Israel sued by South Africa for ‘genocide’ in The Hague

‘Anti-white racism’: Farmers being targeted in South Africa


Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague

South Africa has asked the International Court of Justice to intervene in Gaza conflict 

Erdogan says Netanyahu literally ‘Hitler’



We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Three Months On, The New York Times FINALLY Reports on Weaponization of Mass Rape, Unimaginable Sexual Torture, Sexual Violence by Hamas on Oct. 7

    They suppressed the truth for months and promoted the brutal butchers and Islam, "no stronger retrograde force exists in the world." (Winston Churchill)

    "The first victim she said she saw was a young woman with copper-color hair, blood running down her back, pants pushed down to her knees. One man pulled her by the hair and made her bend over. Another penetrated her, Sapir said, and every time she flinched, he plunged a knife into her back. She said she then watched another woman “shredded into pieces.” While one terrorist raped her, she said, another pulled out a box cutter and sliced off her breast. “One continues to rape her, and the other throws her breast to someone else, and they play with it, throw it, and it falls on the road,” Sapir said. She said the men sliced her face and then the woman fell out of view. Around the same time, she said, she saw three other women raped and terrorists carrying the severed heads of three more women."

  2. **How the world got it all backward.**

    The lie: “Israel is committing genocide.”

    The truth: Hamas, that was elected by the Palestinian people and have 80% support in Gaza are a genocidal organization that would kill every Jew and then every “infidel” if it could.

    The lie: “Israel is an apartheid state where Arabs don’t have freedom.”

    The truth: Arabs have more freedom in Israel than in any Muslim country and play central roles in Israeli society. Jews, on the other hand, can’t enter Palestinian villages and towns unless of course they want to get lynched.

    The lie: “Israel is killing tens of thousands of innocent people in Gaza.”

    The truth: Israel has and continues to go to extraordinary lengths to minimize civilian deaths and the numbers the world likes to quote are actual Hamas propaganda. Hamas, on the other hand DID massacre 1,200 innocent people while making sure to get their kicks by raping and mutilating women and children.

    The lie: “Israel is attacking Gaza indiscriminately.”

    The truth: If that was the case, not one IDF soldier would have fallen because the Israeli Airforce would have flattened Gaza. Hamas rockets, on the other hand, are fired indiscriminately into Israeli towns every single day.

    The lie: “Israel is occupying Gaza.”

    The truth: There hasn’t been a single Jew in Gaza since 2005. Hamas, on the other hand, steals aid from Gazans and murders them freely in the streets. Gaza is indeed occupied. By Hamas.

    The lie: “Israel is guilty of war crimes.”

    The truth: The only crime Israel is guilty of is having too much compassion for the so-called innocent people in Gaza when in reality, there is overwhelming support in the streets of Gaza not only for October 7th, but also for 9/11. Hamas, on the other hand, fires rockets from populated areas into populated areas every day. Both of those acts are actual war crimes. And the list of their other war crimes is basically endless.

    The lie: “Israel is causing a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”

    The truth: Israel is the only country in the world that sends aid into an enemy state with the full knowledge that that aid is being stolen by the enemy. Israel sends in food, fuel, electricity, water, and countless other supplies. Hamas, on the other hand, steals all of it, has billionaire leaders, and uses the suffering in Gaza as a PR tactic. There is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza and we have Hamas to blame for that.

    The lie: “Israel has to cease fire for the war to end.”

    1. The truth: Israel has offered a cease fire as recently as this week knowing full well that Hamas would take advantage of it to transfer weapons and adjust their positions. Hamas rejected it. Israel didn’t want this war. Israel never started any war. This war was started by Hamas and it’ll end when Hamas is no more. A cease fire will happen when Hamas is no more and all the hostages are returned.

      The lie: “The Palestinian resistance is justified. They want a state.”

      The truth: The Palestinians were offered a state many times throughout the last 75 years. They rejected every offer. Their charter, and by “their”, I mean both the PA and Hamas, states clearly what they want. It’s not a state. It’s no Israel and dead Jews.

      The lie: “Israelis are white colonizers.”

      The truth: Israelis are not white, first of all. Second of all, go look at the map of Arab and Muslim countries. Then go look at Israel. The Jews have one country. One. The Arabs have over 20. Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel and there is endless archaeological evidence to prove that connection.

      The lie: “Israeli oppression of Palestinians is the cause of terror against Jews.”

      The truth: 1929, Hebron, Arabs massacred Jews. Why? There was no state of Israel yet. What were they resisting then?

      The lie: “Zionists are racists and after what the Nazis did to the Jews, they should be ashamed that they’re doing the same to the Palestinians.”

      The truth: The Arabs in the Middle East had a close connection to the Nazis and the IDF has discovered multiple copies of mein kampf in Gaza, including one in a kid’s room. The Palestinian ideology is actually literally identical to the Nazi ideology aka the more dead Jews, the better.

      The lie: “Israelis should go back to where they came from.”

      The truth: In the 40s in Europe, Nazis yelled at the Jews to “Get out of Europe and go to Palestine. Now they’re yelling to get out of Palestine and go back to Europe.” Besides, the Jews did go back to where they came from and that would be Israel. Ever think why they’re called Jews and how that sounds awfully similar to Judea? What a coincidence, huh?


    2. The lie: “Israel should support a two state solution.”

      The truth: There was a two state solution. In 1947. The UN gave the Jews a state and the Arabs a state. The Arabs said no. The Jews said yes. And the Arabs have rejected a two state solution countless times since. Because they want one state. An Arab state. Aka no Israel.

      The lie: “Gaza has always been an air prison and Israel never left it because they always had blockades around it.”

      The truth: Israel completely left Gaza in 2005 and handed it to the Palestinians. Zero blockades. One year later, the “innocent people in Gaza” elected Hamas, a blood thirsty terrorist organization and so Israel had to put up blockades. October 7th was the result of Hamas putting a little hole in that blockade and entering Israel.

      The lie: “Because of Israel, Gaza is one of the poorest places on earth.”

      The truth: Israel has consistently transferred goods and money to Gaza, which was then used to build terror tunnels, pay terrorists, and to make the heads of Hamas billionaires. The Palestinians have received more aid than almost anyone but all that aid was stolen by Hamas. Gaza is indeed poor, because of Hamas.

      Listen, I can go on and on for hours. The depth of deception surrounding this war is unprecedented and unparalleled.

      The biggest lie of all is that the world keeps repeating the numbers they are being fed by Hamas and literally, by quoting those numbers and gathering sympathy for the people of Gaza, are playing right into the hands of Hamas and encouraging more innocent deaths in Gaza. That’s what Hamas wants, more dead Palestinians, so that all the different propaganda channels will keep repeating those numbers and pressure Israel to cease fire.

      When Israel says no; all Hamas hears is “We haven’t killed enough innocent people in Gaza. We need to use more human shields and fire at Israel from more populated areas so more Palestinians die.”

      The lies being told about Israel are literally being drafted by Hamas and repeated by parliaments, journalists, influencers, and organizations worldwide.

      Stop the lies. You’re doing Hamas’ work every time you spread them.

      Did I miss any other lies the world likes to spread about Israel and this war?

  3. Israel responds to ICJ genocide claim
    The Foreign Ministry also accused South Africa of collaborating with Hamas

  4. Scottish nationalists accuse Israel of ‘ethnic cleansing’
    The UK should condemn the depopulation of Gaza “in the strongest possible manner,” Humza Yousaf has said

    1. YukonJack
      Humza Yousaf good Scottish name...LOL. Wow Scotland really is changing, well better them than us!

  5. Replies
    1. More than 25,000 people have so far been killed in Israel’s offensive, Palestinian health officials say

    2. TERRORIST Palestinian 'health' officials say...

  6. Replies
    1. ICC chief prosecutor Israel member of Muslim sect that believes all Jews should be exterminated

    2. Goed artikel, maar 'kernwapens' bestaan niet, en wie gelooft in HET evangelie, 1 Korinthiërs 15:1-4 zal aan al deze ellende ontsnappen middels de opname van Het Lichaam van Christus vóór de aanvang van de Tijd van Jakobs Benauwdheid, ofwel de Grote Verdrukking.

    3. Good article, but 'nuclear weapons' do not exist, and whoever believes in THE gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 will escape all this misery through the rapture of The Body of Christ before the beginning of the Time of Jacob's Trouble, or the Great Tribulation.

  7. Stopping Gaza conflict a ‘test for humanity’ – South African FM to RT
    Israel must not be allowed to “get away” with the “large-scale killing” it has been perpetrating, Naledi Pandor has said

    1. Here is a photo of this horribly hypocritical Naledi Pando from the country where whites are slaughtered with impunity...

    2. The Jew-murderers are given every opportunity on RT-Russia to say this: LEATHERNECKDAV
      Prosecution and execution of the Israelis! Get 'em God!

  8. Replies
    1. Read: Houthis must intensify fight for SATAN – Nelson Mandela’s grandson

    2. In 1997, during a visit to Gaza, Nelson Mandela expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people, stating that Africans’ freedom was “incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

    3. This stupid dead Freemason and Knight of Malta thought that 'Palestine' was African....

    4. Satanism really makes people dumber than dumb!

  9. Het pijnlijke nieuws uit de hoofdstad: "Femke Halsema zet streep door manifestatie tegen antisemitisme op Dam tijdens koopavond: ’Veiligheid niet te waarborgen’.":
    via @telegraaf
    The painful news from the capital: "Femke Halsema puts an end to the demonstration against anti-Semitism on Dam Square during shopping evening: 'Safety cannot be guaranteed'.":
    via @telegraaf


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”