Monday, December 21, 2020
Uriah Heep - Wake Up (Set Your Sights) 1970 - The GREAT RESET 2020 WORLD WAR AGAINST EVERYONE
The links point to my forbidden blog, because the truth is forbidden in this devilish world!
I'm not going to fix those links because that's too much work.
This thread is a reminder of what we have been through and what is still going on, because the 'pandemic' may be over, but everything that has resulted from it is still going on and will remain so until the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13.
Many videos have been removed by the devilish Google-YouTube
Vietnam Why Did We Go? The shocking Story of the Catholic Church's Role in Starting the Vietnam War
'Politicians must have been bribed to push through this Great Reset' - We're dealing with VERY EVIL MASS MURDERERS on behalf of SATAN THE DEVIL!
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Mysterieuze, kunstzinnige protestmars in Nederland | Guerilla Mask Force - Mysterious, artistic protest march in the Netherlands | Guerilla Mask Force
Politie is niet blij met Guerilla Mask Force in Amersfoort - 19/12/20 - Police are not happy with Guerilla Mask Force in Amersfoort - 19/12/20
Guerilla Mask Force - Amsterdam - 20/12/20 Arrestaties zonder reden - Guerilla Mask Force - Amsterdam - 12/20/20 Arrests without cause by MASKED COPS
AH houdt Michel Vitaliti vast voor het niet dragen van een mondkapje - 19/12/20 - AH supermarket holds Michel Vitaliti for not wearing a face mask - 12/19/20 All supermarkets are CORONA TERROR ORGANISATIONS
CORONA TERROR: Willem Engel door de Politie Aangehouden gebaseerd op NIKS - Willem Engel Arrested by the Police based on NOTHING
Willem Engel over wat er gebeurde bij demonstratie Heksenweitje in Hilversum - 19/12/20
Willem Engel about what happened at the Witches meadow demonstration in Hilversum - 19/12/20
STOP de LOCKDOWN - 19/12/20 - Maastricht deel 2 - door Allan - STOP de LOCKDOWN - 19/12/20 - Maastricht part 2 - by Allan
Dutch police SATANISTS in action in the Netherlands because of the MASK TERROR rules on behalf of SATAN and the ROTTEN POPE OF ROME!
NAZI-BRITAIN, London: 150 Freedom fighters arrested by British MASKED Corona TERRORISTS dressed as riot police
In focus:
Worldwide the police have rebelled and they no longer accept it: 'down with freedom and long live the dictatorship!'
This is how NAZI-GERMANY treats citizens who believe their government LIES about 'Corona'
One minute you thought you were living in a civilized country and then this happened ...
Victoria police filmed handcuffing PREGNANT beachgoer as state authorities consider extending lockdown rules
ROMAN CATHOLIC Spain: Cop Kneels on 14-Year-Old Boy For Refusing to Wear a Mask
MANIAC COP drags MASKED hysterical Aussie woman from car in dramatic altercation with police at lockdown checkpoint
The goal is to turn us all into CORONA ZOMBIES as they are with CORONA ZOMBIE Pope Francis at the forefront!
AUSTRALIA’S SHAME: Melbourne police bodyslam reporter Avi Yemini covering pandemic lockdown protest
The government is achieving great successes in combating the life-threatening Corona virus!
The EVIL ROMAN EMPIRE IN ACTION: Anti-lockdown protests met with heavy police presence in Melbourne
NAZI Police SCUMBAG harasses PAYING train passenger for refusing to be MUZZLED by Britain's DEVILISH government
How DICTATOR Merkel managed the anti-COVID-19-TERROR demonstration in Berlin
NAZI-Australia: Australians have lost their minds over COVID-19
Supermarket must close: "Police have become the enemy of society" Supermarkt moet sluiten: "Politie is de vijand van de samenleving geworden"
POLITIE HOOLIGANS The Dutch government uses police provocateurs
P O L I T I E S T A A T - 5 - M E I - 2 0 2 0 - POLICE STATE - MAY 5 - 2020
This is what MARTIAL LAW in the Netherlands looks like
Direkt vom Rosa Luxemburg Platz Demo gegen Einschränkung der Grundrechte - Directly from Rosa Luxemburg Platz demo against restriction of basic rights
Of course there are MANY examples of this WORLD WAR against EVERYONE world wide and this is just a selection.
Jesus Is Coming!!! The APPOINTED Time Is Upon Us!!!
Can You See in 2020? About 666 5G Lucifer The Vaccine The Mask-Mark of the Beast Depopulation Guillotines and the RAPTURE
Oh yeah
Wake up, set your sights
For never shall we fail
Stand up for your rights
And justice will prevail
You're listening through endless nights
And decision is your goal
So wake up, set your sights
For the time is right for your role
Yeah for your role, yeah, yeah
Wake up, wake up, wake up
Set your sights
Never, never, never
Shall we fail
Stand up, stand up, stand up
For your rights
Justice, justice, justice
Will prevail
There in the morning flying over the hills
While many are yawning they are crushed by our wills
Never have I witnessed people in fear
Not like today, not in many a year
Go kill another, there are more close behind
"No" screams a mother, "are you of your mind?"
Though they are shattered they just don't seem to yield
Bodies are scattered in all part of the field
Oh no, did I tell you what would happen if you tried
"Oh God stop this killing," said a young man
Before he died
Wake up, set your sights
For never shall we fail
Stand up for your rights
And justice will prevail
In Focus...The Mark of the Beast and the Blessed Hope
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Oversterfte in de 20 meest gevaccineerde hoogontwikkelde landen verdrievoudigt bijna!
ReplyDeleteExcess mortality in the 20 most vaccinated highly developed countries almost triples!
DeleteIn Groot-Brittannië zakt het verhaal over de coronaprikken in elkaar: ‘Zelden zo’n welkome krantenkop gezien’
ReplyDeleteIn Great Britain, the story about the corona shots is collapsing: 'Rarely seen such a welcome newspaper headline'
DeletePremier Trudeau haalt zijn zoveelste booster: zien jullie een naald?
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Trudeau gets his umpteenth booster: do you see a needle?
DeleteVerloskundige signaleert alarmerende trend: ‘Ik heb dit nog nooit eerder gezien’
ReplyDeleteMidwife identifies alarming trend: 'I've never seen this before'
DeleteWerden soldaten al in 2014 ‘gevaccineerd’ tegen COVID-19? Dit document suggereert van wel
ReplyDeleteWere soldiers already 'vaccinated' against COVID-19 in 2014? This paper suggests so
DeleteGore leugenaars van het Amerikaanse leger en de CIA Filthy liars from the US military and the CIA
DeleteTopfunctionarissen van de FDA kregen dik betaalde banen bij Big Pharma nadat ze Covid Shots hadden goedgekeurd
ReplyDeleteTop FDA Officials Took High-Paying Big Pharma Jobs after Approving Covid Shots
DeletePiloot waarschuwt voor een ramp in de luchtvaartindustrie als gevolg van COVID-19-vaccins
ReplyDeletePilot warns of airline industry disaster due to Covid vaccines
DeleteWAUW! Nieuwe rekruteringsposter van het Amerikaanse leger: “COVID-vaccin NIET VEREIST”
ReplyDeleteWHOA! New U.S. Army Recruitment Poster: "COVID Vaccine NOT REQUIRED"
Delete"Join the army and we'll inject you with that shit later."
DeleteArts heeft slecht nieuws voor mensen die recent gevaccineerd zijn
ReplyDeleteDoctor has bad news for people who have recently been vaccinated
DeleteEen bericht van Reiner Fuellmich
ReplyDeleteA Message From Reiner Fuellmich
DeleteHis partner Dr. Elsa Schieder
DeleteUpdate for Reiner - no news. BUT you can now DONATE to his legal and living expenses.
DeleteUK PM wanted to ‘just let people die’ – ex-adviser
ReplyDelete'Covid-19' was just the FLU and lockdowns were BS
DeleteKijk en huiver: hel brak los nadat deze arts gevallen van vaccinatieschade meldde
ReplyDeleteWatch and shudder: all hell broke loose after this doctor reported cases of vaccine injury
DeleteNieuw rapport: Jonge mensen sterven aan kanker in ongekend tempo, gegevens van de Britse overheid
ReplyDeleteNew Report: Young People Dying of Cancer at ‘Explosive’ Rates, UK Government Data Show
DeleteDeze Maleisische arts wil even iets kwijt over het zogenaamde ‘vaccin’
ReplyDeleteThis Malaysian doctor wants to say something about the so-called 'vaccine'
DeleteDeze man kreeg een wel heel vreemd telefoontje nadat zijn 16-jarige zoon was gestorven door de prik
ReplyDeleteThis man received quite a very strange phone call after his 16-year-old son died from the injection
DeleteCongresswoman MTG Holds Hearing on Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines with Special Witnesses
DeleteVerrassende ontwikkelingen: Filipijns Huis van Afgevaardigden start onderzoek naar schrikbarende oversterfte
ReplyDeleteSurprising developments: Philippine House of Representatives starts investigation into shocking excess mortality
DeleteModerna voerde een geheime operatie uit om online critici van vaccins uit te schakelen, blijkt uit rapport
ReplyDeleteModerna Ran Covert Operation to Shut Down Online Vaccine Critics, Report Reveals
DeleteModerna is directly part of the US military industrial complex
DeleteThe vaxx is a bio weapon.
DeleteCanada begint vlees te vervangen door insecten voor publieke consumptie
ReplyDeleteCanada Begins Replacing Meat with Insects for Public Consumption
DeleteTerwijl de communist Trudeau zelf kwaliteitsvlees blijft eten...While the communist Trudeau himself continues to eat quality meat...
DeleteDe patiënten van deze arts herstellen op wonderbaarlijke wijze na de prik, maar dat mag je niet weten
ReplyDeleteThis doctor's patients recover miraculously after the injection, but you are not allowed to know that
DeleteWordt WHO pandemie simulatie al realiteit met uitbraak ‘mysterieuze longziekte’ in China?
ReplyDeleteIs WHO pandemic simulation already becoming reality with outbreak of 'mysterious lung disease' in China?
DeleteFirst human case of new illness found in UK
DeleteArtsen waarschuwen miljoenen patiënten voor “levenslang botverlies” één jaar na inenting
ReplyDeleteDoctors Warn Millions Of Patients Experiencing ‘Lifetime of Bone Loss’ One Year After Jab
DeleteProf. vertelt met tranen in zijn ogen wat de wereld nog te wachten staat
ReplyDeleteProf. tells with tears in his eyes what still awaits the world
DeleteDeze film vertelt het hartverscheurende verhaal van kinderen die zijn gestorven na coronavaccinatie
ReplyDeleteThis film tells the heartbreaking story of children who died after corona vaccination
DeleteShot Dead The Movie
DeleteRead the comments.
DeleteNobody talked about the Lord JESUS Christ and nobody said a thing about the end game, the implementation of the Mark of the Beast.
Many people who think they are 'awake' aren't awake at all.
Some said this is a fight against evil, but they don't give that evil a name: Satan, and they don't say Satan can only be defeated by the Lord JESUS Christ.
Janet Ossebaard (Fall Cabal) al weken vermist, gevreesd wordt voor zelfmoord
ReplyDeleteJanet Ossebaard (Fall Cabal) has been missing for weeks, feared suicide
DeleteProf. Homburg ontmantelt de misleidingen van de vermeende corona-‘pandemie’ in de Bondsdag
ReplyDeleteProf. Homburg dismantles the deceptions of the alleged corona 'pandemic' in the Bundestag
Delete‘Dit is een bom onder het vaccinatieprogramma, maar hij gaat niet af’
ReplyDelete'This is a bomb under the vaccination program, but it won't go off'
Delete11.000 politici en leden van elite kregen vrijstelling voor coronavaccin: ‘Dit is onthutsend’
ReplyDelete11,000 politicians and members of the elite received an exemption for the corona vaccine: 'This is staggering'
DeleteUriah Heep - I'll Keep On Trying (Official Audio)
ReplyDeleteYou came to me with all of your lies
DeleteAnd I was taking in so well
It took me quite a time to see the disguise
You made it very hard to tell
Now I hear you are again but you're begging in vain
'Cause I really don't want to know
Aaah! Aaah!
You came to me with a little bit of charm
You had me down on my knees
I didn't really think there was any harm
But all you ever did was tease
You took all the love that I ever had to give
There was nothing left to show
Well I remember everything, everything around me
The long dark winter 'til the breath of spring
Came close enough to drown me
So I'm gonna keep on trying
'Til I feel like dying
And I lay down and pass away
But that won't happen 'til tomorrow
And by then I can borrow another day
So I'm gonna keep on trying, yeah
You came to me with a little bit of charm
You had me down on my knees
I didn't really think there was any harm
But all you ever did was tease
You took all the love that I ever had to give
Well there was nothing left to show
If this song is addressed to Satan then it is good
DeleteThe same applies to this song: Deep Purple - Demon's Eye
DeleteNew lyrics:
DeleteI don't mind just what you say.
I never heard you, satan, never heard you anyway.
I don't care what you do
just so long as it ain't me and you.
Sly, sly, sly like a demon's eye.
Everything's good, I said, everything's fine.
You don't know, don't know it's the end of your time.
How does it feel to be turned away?
I've known it, satan, almost every day.
Sly, sly, sly like a demon's eye.
I don't need you anymore,
I don't want you, satan, hanging round my door.
You slip and slide round my brain.
You think you're so clever, yeah, but you know you're insane.
Sly, sly, sly like a demon's eye.
Of course you can only sing this if your are SAVED by the LORD JESUS Christ!
DeleteBecause satan is not afraid of you without HIM!
DeleteDON'T try to Shake The Devil if you're NOT SAVED!!!!
ReplyDeleteTommy Bolin knows all about it, because he died of an overdose of heroin when he was only 25...
DeleteDo NOT fight satan with his own satanic forces!
DeleteFight him in the POWER and MIGHT of the LORD JESUS Christ!
DeleteAnd then this RAT will flee! Flight Of The Rat
DeleteSatan is NOT impressed by you if you are have strong jab with his POISON turns you into DEAD MEAT
DeleteSatan kan KILL YOU in a SPLIT SECOND....but NOT if you RELY on the LORD JESUS Christ!
DeletePeople gonna rock people gonna roll, gonna go to JESUS to save my soul
DeleteSatan is a BLOODSUCKER
DeleteAnd sinners who belong to him are like him...
DeleteWhat's it gonna be?: heaven or hell...the choice is yours alone...Child in Time
DeleteLuitenant slaat alarm over dramatische stijging: 973 procent meer gevallen van hartfalen
ReplyDeleteLieutenant sounds the alarm about dramatic increase: 973 percent more cases of heart failure
DeleteU.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973% (VIDEO)
DeleteThe satanic LIARS said the coronavirus was the culprit
DeleteDit is ‘m dan: de moeder aller onthullingen over de massale sterfte
ReplyDeleteHere you have it: the mother of all revelations about mass death
DeleteM.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations)
DeleteUS state takes Pfizer to court over Covid-19 shot
ReplyDeleteThe pharmaceutical giant misled the public about the vaccine’s effectiveness and sought to silence critics, the Texas lawsuit claims
Databasebeheerder die onthulde hoeveel mensen stierven na Pfizer-prik opgejaagd door de overheid
ReplyDeleteDatabase administrator who revealed how many people died after Pfizer jab hounded by government
DeleteEuroparlementariërs sturen vervolgbrief aan EMA na schokkende onthullingen Covid-vaccinaties
ReplyDeleteMEPs send follow-up letter to EMA after shocking revelations about Covid vaccinations
DeleteCOVID-vaccinatie verandert plotseling de persoonlijkheid van ontvangers
ReplyDeleteCOVID Vaccination is Suddenly Changing the Personality of Recipients
DeleteThere Is A Personality Change After mRNA Jab. The first loss is the feelings of love for others
ReplyDeleteI saw a stupid globe at the end of the video...
DeleteNAVO plant valse vlag in Zwarte Zee om WO III te lanceren
ReplyDeleteNATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII
DeleteAlmost no people died on 9/11 and 'nukes' do not exist.
DeleteEen vreemdeling in mijn eigen land
ReplyDeleteA stranger in my own land
Delete7 For nation shall rise against nation, and realm against realm, and there shall be famine, and pestilence, and earthquakes in divers places.
DeleteMatthew 24:7
1599 Geneva Bible
7 For peoples will fight each other, nations will fight each other, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various parts of the world;
Matthew 24:7
Complete Jewish Bible
Pottenkijkers niet gewenst: Bilderberg-journalisten bijna uur vastgehouden door militaire politie
ReplyDeleteSnoopers not wanted: Bilderberg journalists held by military police for almost an hour
DeleteNext Level Lockdowns At Bilderberg 2024…
DeleteHier is het bewijs: onze overheden zweren samen om een autoritair politiek systeem op te tuigen
ReplyDeleteHere is the proof: our governments are conspiring to create an authoritarian political system
DeleteNATO Prepares for WW3 at Huge D.C. Summit, Ukraine top focus
ReplyDeleteRussia’s key ally warns of World War III
ReplyDeleteBelarus should not get involved in the Ukraine conflict since it continues to escalate, President Alexander Lukashenko has said
Arts doet heftige voorspelling over nieuwe noodtoestand in 2025
ReplyDeleteDoctor makes stark prediction about new emergency in 2025
DeleteManifest: ‘Nu is het moment gekomen om de vijandige elite van nepleiders en nepautoriteiten te verwijderen’
ReplyDeleteManifesto: ‘Now is the time to remove the hostile elite of fake leaders and fake authorities’
DeleteAls er één film is die je tijdens de feestdagen moet zien dan is het deze
ReplyDeleteIf there's one movie you have to see this holiday season, it's this one
DeleteThis documentary mainly examines the matter from an American perspective and the solution is not based on what the Bible says but on 'if enough people resist, everything will still turn out fine'.
DeleteOf course, we know from the Bible that this is not the case, and that it will first get much worse, after which ONLY God-the Lord JESUS can save this world, after the false savior and antichrist will have led the world to destruction.
🇺🇲🇷🇺 US Vice President JD Vance warned Putin that if he does not accept a deal, the US will take "military actions" towards Russia and deploy troops to Ukraine - WSJ
ReplyDeleteVice President JD Vance said Thursday that the U.S. would hit Moscow with sanctions and potentially military action if Russian President Vladimir Putin won’t agree to a peace deal with Ukraine that guarantees Kyiv’s long-term independence.
Vance said the option of sending U.S. troops to Ukraine if Moscow failed to negotiate in good faith remained “on the table
“There are economic tools of leverage, there are of course military tools of leverage” the U.S. could use against Putin, Vance said.
Vance accuses WSJ of inventing ‘threats to Russia’