Saturday, 18 November 2023

The Ethnic Cleansing of Jews within Muslim Countries

The ethnic cleansing of Jews within Muslim countries
0:00 - Intro
4:07 - The Jews of Yemen
7:17 - Jews of Iran
8:40 - Babylonian Jews
11:25 - Jews of Morocco
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7 Things pro-Palestinians Forgot to Tell You (...this war is not about land...)

We all (Jews and non-Jews) need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ* who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.

*Who is one with the God of Israel = Jacob


  1. What does Israel have to do with Ukraine? During WWII, many Jews (and Poles and Russians) were murdered by Ukrainians

    1 hour ago
    Vielen herzlichen Dank ! Ich durfte seit Oktober schon viel auf Ihrem Kanal lernen. Gott schütze Israel und die Ukraine und alle Menschen guten Willens.

    Many many thanks ! I've been able to learn a lot on your channel since October. God save Israel and Ukraine and all people of good will.


  2. @timothyrussell4445 The Big Bang theory was invented by a Jesuit Priest
    and Charles Darwin was influenced by the Jesuits. Communism was invented by the Jesuits and 'Stalin' the atheist was a Jesuit priest. Hitler was controlled by the Jesuits and so was Napoleon Bonaparte.
    The Jesuits started the counter-reformation and the Vatican pretended to be against heliocentrism, but was in fact in favor of it. And I could go on and on.
    The current Pope is a Jesuit....

    57 minutes ago
    When I did my DNA I found out I was actually part Ashkenazi Jewish. It was never revealed to my father who thought we were polish. I started looking into the history then. I’m so happy I found your channel. I love learning about this part of me I never was aware of until my 40’s. Am Yisrael Chai 🙏🏻🇮🇱
    1 hour ago
    Did you know we all have about 2% Neanderthal DNA? Explains some of the comments on this piece...
    55 minutes ago
    For generations Poland was one of the Jewish largest diaspora, its very logical that many converted to christianity over the generations, this is probably how you got your Jewish DNA
    46 minutes ago
    you can be Polish and Jewish. Jewish people are and were citizens of many countries.
    26 minutes ago
    ​ @timothyrussell4445 by all evidence available neanderthal people were very caring. Perhaps too nice to survive
    18 minutes ago
    Well if you are of very high intelligence, chances are not bad there's some Ashkenazi ancestors in your family tree. 😁
    14 minutes ago
    @jwenting Ashkenazi Jews are a mix of European genes (from Germany, Ashkenaz is an ancient Hebrew name for the Rhine river area in nowdays Germany ) and some distinct Middle Eastern genes, therfore genetically they are not close to Poles or Slavic people, but more to German people, you can see it on their last names that are the same as non Jewish German last name, and by their original language (Yiddish) which is acombination of Hebrew and German.. according to genetic studys the Ashkenazis started from few Middle Eastern men that married European converts, later they converted more people to their community but it all start from this mix. they later moved to Eastern Europe (mainly Poland) due to Pogroms and persecution..
    13 minutes ago
    What's exactly the difference between Polish and Ashkenazi. Aren't they the same species?
    12 minutes ago
    My great grandfather is from Warsaw and was Catholic. His last name is Majewski. It can either be Polish or Jewish. I haven't had a DNA test yet, but my mom kinda acts Jewish.


    1. ​ @ori1676 "the Ashkenazis started from few Middle Eastern men that married European converts"

      One can only be a real Jew if their mother is a real Jew, so it's not true what you're saying.
      The father may be a Chinese or an African or European, but if the mother is a real Jew, her offspring are real Jews.


  3. @rustyguy5161 At least 11,500 people have died in Gaza since October 7
    according to the terrorist organization Hamas. Do you believe what a terrorist organization says?
    43 minutes ago
    Between 2008 and sept 2023 Palestinian deaths 6167 / Israeli deaths 313 (source Statista)
    So, yes, some people, including Israeli and Jews all over the world think Israël is somehow responsible.
    Netanyahu's government, and the others before, treat Palestinians like Americans did with the Indians.
    So don't expect antisemitism to decrease, as Netanyahu and his racist politics throw fuel on the fire.
    21 minutes ago
    @ofdrumsandchords So you believe what the terrorist organization Hamas says that wants to kill ALL the Jews?

    3 hours ago
    You have been producing excellent and informative videos. The problem is not lack of knowledge in the general population of American and the rest of the world, the problem is pure antisemitism. You can't educate away hatred. I am utterly shocked and embarrassed how so many of my fellow Americans are willing to ignore or downplay or worse blame Jews for "fake news" about the 10/7 slaughter. People aren't stupid, they just choose hatred over truth. May God bless and protect Israel.
    1 hour ago
    Nigeria vs Boko Haram 350,000 dead

    Sudan vs JEM/Darfur 300,000 dead

    Yemen vs Houthis 233,000 dead

    Pakistan vs Islamists 50,000 dead

    Syria's civil war 400,000 dead

    South Sudan's civil war 400,000 dead

    Ethiopia and Eritrea vs Tigray 600,000 dead

    Do you remember protests for all these dead?

    Me, neither.
    1 hour ago
    ​ @ef2718 were they all dead in a single day ??
    1 hour ago (edited)
    I don't think so, I'd bet that most antisemitism is in fact misinformation.
    Life is limited, and everyone is ignorant of most things. Propaganda exploits this necessary intrinsic ignorance of us all. Antisemitic propaganda is no different. So these informations help
    1 hour ago
    Criticising the actions of a government is not anti-semitic just because the people of that country are Jewish.
    Many people criticise the authoritarian governments of Iran and Saudi Arabia the same way they criticise China. It's because of their actions!
    Atrocities should not be used as a defense of more atrocities and that is exactly what is happening right now.


    1. @mejsjalv There are also Israelis ('settlers') who teach their children to hate Arabs.

      The only solution is if all people love the BEST JEW that ever walked this earth: JESUS Christ.

      12 minutes ago
      I believe you can educate hatred away, as much as it is not easy to do. That's part of why people leave fundamentalism. Sadly is that hatred can be taught and it can be taught from childhood. Watch a Palestinian children TV show and see hatred taught at a very young age (spoiler alert: it is disgraceful and utterly sad)

  4. JESUS is the God of Israel = Jacob and not the God of the STATE of Israel!

    1. The STATE of Israel has POISONED most of is OWN citizens with the mRNA jabs!

  5. Replies

    1. Native American here…. Why are people who are living on my ancestral land, this great empire of America, chanting “from the river to the sea”?
      Hypocrisy at its finest. If they believe that Palestinians are the true natives, and all Jews don’t belong, then they themselves should move THEIR tails back to where they came from. The same goes for ALL the dark skinned people living in Europe. If they want Jews to leave- they need to leave too. (THAT would end the Islamic colonialism currently happening in Europe)

      This idiocy pretends like there were never any native white spaces. They want others to do what they themselves won’t. (And for the record, the people calling themselves Palestinians are ARABS that migrated. The ancient Land of Israel is not their land land either- they shoot themselves in the foot with that argument.)

      1 day ago (edited)


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”