Saturday, 11 November 2023

The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 was NOT the fulfillment of a prophecy! - The end of atheism and Islam

We live in the dispensation or age of grace and of The Body of Christ and God has temporarily 'sidetracked' Israel because Israel as a nation had rejected their own Messiah, the Lord JESUS Christ, and had handed Him over to the Roman occupier to be crucified.
God will not move on with Israel until the era of The Body of Christ ends at the time of the rapture.
Immediately afterwards the prophetic Word comes into effect again and the rapture itself is the beginning of the fulfillment of a prophecy by the apostle Paul.
There will be immediate war after the rapture in which Israel will be attacked by all her immediate Arab neighbors and Israel will again triumph thanks to God, but then a much larger and much more dangerous coalition will be formed of non-Arab Muslim nations as described in Ezekiel 38 /39.
Israel will not be able to win this war without a powerful supernatural intervention by God, which will impress ALL people on earth, after which no one will be able to deny that the God of Israel and the Bible exists.
This will mean the end of atheism and Islam!

Was the Restoration of Israel in 1948 Prophetically Significant?

Two examples of the wrong view of the prophetic Word, because in this dispensation of grace NO prophecy will be fulfilled except only the prophecy about the rapture which means the end of this dispensation, after which God continues with Israel:


Greg Laurie Suggests Israel-Hamas War is Part of Biblical End Times Prophecy


The Psalm 83 Prophecy


This article does mention that we are still living in the age of grace and that the prophecies regarding Israel cannot yet be fulfilled:


Gog/Magog War Can’t Happen Before the Rapture, Part 1 :: By Ron Ferguson


"But isn't it a miracle that Israel existed as a nation again in 1948 after all those centuries of persecution of the Jews and the Holocaust?"

No, that was not a miracle but part of the plan of the Luciferian Roman Empire = the Vatican.
The one thing Lucifer had no control over was that the secular Jewish founders of the Jewish state named this country 'Israel' because they couldn't think of any other name!

But because God does use this secular Jewish state with a view to the future, He has indeed helped the Israelis to continue to exist despite the various wars, attacks and terrorism to this day.

The secret is that both Satan and God use the state of Israel!
Satan wants all Jews to come to Israel so that he can destroy them at once and he then thinks that God will then have no reason to come back to earth as JESUS Christ to take away world power from him.
God will prove that He is more powerful than Satan and He will protect and save a third of His people when He returns to earth, Zechariah 13:8-9!
What will happen is stated in the Bible and we already know the outcome: Satan will fail and God will be victorious! 


Gog and Magog, Ezekiel 38/39 


And in the meantime, this is still the most important message on earth for everyone, that is, for Jews and non-Jews (Gentiles):

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Atheists and Muslims currently have the biggest problems with the state of Israel, because suppose Israel continues to exist, and 'worse', will win', then this means that something 'impossible' has happened in the eyes of both the atheists and Muslims, but from their different points of view.
    Atheists will no longer be able to deny that there is something supernatural connected to Israel and they will acknowledge that this is 'the divine' and Muslims will recognize that their 'Allah' was powerless against the God of Israel.
    But immediately afterwards, Satan will deceive humanity through his Antichrist and False Prophet and claim victory for himself because his goal is to make all people worshipers of himself through the Mark of the Beast.

  2. Replies
    1. De STAAT Israël is een project van het Vaticaan = het vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse rijk, MISBRUIK makende van het gerechtvaardigde verlangen van Joden om in hun eigen thuisland te wonen dat de Romeinse wereld 'Palestina' had genoemd.
      Een duidelijk bewijs dat de STAAT Israël te kwader trouw is, is het feit dat de staat Israël haar eigen Joodse bevolking heeft VERGIFTIGD met de mRNA injecties, nog los van hoe de staat Israël omgaat met de Arabieren die de Romeinse wereld "Palestijnen" noemt, terwijl ze zichzelf gewoon Arabieren noemen.
      Het doel van de STAAT Israël is om alle Joden daarheen te lokken opdat ze in één keer kunnen worden UITGEROEID!
      Dat is althans satans plan via ARMAGEDDON, want satan hoopt daarmee te voorkomen dat zijn aartsvijand JEZUS Christus nog een motief zal hebben om terug te keren om een deel van Zijn volk te redden.
      We weten middels het profetische woord dat satan, en zijn Romeinse wereld zal FALEN!

    2. The STATE of Israel is a project of the Vatican = the Luciferian Roman Empire in disguise, ABUSING the legitimate desire of Jews to live in their own homeland that the Roman world had called 'Palestine'.
      Clear evidence that the STATE of Israel is in bad faith is the fact that the State of Israel POISONED its own Jewish population with the mRNA injections, not to mention how the State of Israel deals with the Arabs that the Roman world calls "Palestinians", while they just call themselves Arabs.
      The purpose of the STATE of Israel is to lure all Jews there so that they can be EXTERMINATED at once!
      At least that is Satan's plan through ARMAGEDDON, because Satan hopes to prevent his archenemy JESUS Christ from having a motive to return to save part of His people.
      We know through the prophetic word that Satan, and his Roman world, will FAIL!

    3. Het ISRAËL van GOD is een project van God-de Heer JEZUS Christus en het bestaat simultaan met het SECULIERE Israël dat van satan en het Vaticaan is.
      Het ISRAËL van God zal ZEGEVIEREN en het seculiere Israël teniet doen, en het ISRAËL van GOD zal de HELE WERELD tot ZEGEN zijn na de wederkomst van God-de Heer JEZUS CHRISTUS.

    4. The ISRAEL of GOD is a project of God-the Lord JESUS Christ and it exists simultaneously with the SECULAR Israel that is of Satan and the Vatican.
      The ISRAEL of God will be VICTORIOUS and nullify secular Israel, and the ISRAEL of GOD will BLESS the ENTIRE WORLD after the Second Coming of God-the Lord JESUS CHRIST.

  3. Israel used US-made white phosphorus munitions in Lebanon attack – WaPo
    The White House found the report “concerning,” while Amnesty International has called the incident a potential war crime

    1. When Ukraine uses US-made weapons to kill Russians it's not a war crime....

  4. Replies
    1. World wide chain reaction to Israel's attack on Hezbollah, which may receive Russian cruise missiles

    2. Ezekiel 38/39 is a prophecy concerning Israel and NOT the Body of Christ, so it can only happen right after the rapture of the Body of Christ


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