Wednesday, 14 June 2023

The world will see JESUS


If you like it you can play it in a loop. 😃


  1. Our JESUS is with us!😄


    12 minutes ago
    AMEN brother Hans!!! God bless you!!! MARANATHA!!!🤗☝️🕊🦅✝️❤


  2. YES! And now your version with higher vocals!


    John Threethirty
    3 minutes ago
    It's the Final Countdown OHHHH! YEAHHHH!


  3. The real JESUS IS able to correct the injustice and corruption in the world
    , because He's GOD manifested in the flesh = sinless male human form and He's COMING! 😀


    Fujii M
    25 minutes ago
    I believe that the real Jesus would be able to correct the injustice and corruption in the world.


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