Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Mark (of the Beast) Rutte

Number of immigrants let in by Rutte

Mark of The Beast

 Mark Rutte schudt de hand van Het Beest - Mark Rutte shakes hands with The Beast


Brief van Schwab veroorzaakt deining: ‘Voor veel mensen is dit toch wel een schok’

Letter from Schwab causes a stir: 'This is quite a shock for many people'

“Feitelijk is Rutte een puppet van Schwab” “In fact, Rutte is a puppet of Schwab”

And Schwab is a puppet of the Pope and the Pope is a puppet of Satan


Klaus Schwab, son of a NAZI


DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection


Don't beat around the bush anymore....


We dienen allemaal gered te worden van dat we onze eeuwigheid in Gods poel van vuur moeten doorbrengen, want dat is een lot dat we ALLEN verdienen.
Dus wordt GERED en geloof dat God zo VEEL van ons HOUDT dat Hij Zich op aarde manifesteerde als de Heer JEZUS Christus die Zijn zondeloze bloed vergoot voor de vergeving van onze zonden, die werd begraven en opstond uit de dood, drie dagen later, 1 Korinthiërs 15:1-4.
Als je dit gelooft, ben je niet alleen gered, maar verzegeld met de Heilige Geest en opname gereed.
Lees elke dag je Bijbel en praat met onze Schepper over alles en maak Hem je beste Vriend en deel dit GOEDE NIEUWS = EVANGELIE met anderen.

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. This way the summer recess is being used to ram the CBDC and digital identity through

  2. 'Arme' mark Rutte..hij heeft zich tot VIJAND van zijn eigen maker gemaakt in ruil voor tijdelijk genot...

    1. 'Poor' Mark Rutte..he has made himself the ENEMY of his own maker in exchange for temporary pleasure...

    2. En dit geldt voor alle schurken zoals hij And this applies to all villains like him

  3. Replies
    1. Declassified Wob documents reveal that NCTV is closely monitoring NineForNews

  4. Replies
    1. "We will keep fighting until the main characters of this horror story get what they deserve"

  5. Replies
    1. Video: VVD MP gets completely stuck during clash

    2. VVD: 'wij als machthebbers mogen de wet overtreden en de burger mag dat niet'

    3. VVD: 'we as rulers are allowed to break the law and the citizen is not allowed to'

    4. De Antichrist is 'de wetteloze' The Antichrist is 'the lawless one'

  6. Replies
    1. This is striking in the government's answers to questions about the mysterious Bilderberg conference

  7. Replies
    1. MEP strongly criticizes shadowy SDGs: 'This undermines democracy'

  8. Replies
    1. The conference for awake Netherlands is about to start and these are the speakers

    2. Maar niemand gaat het hebben over het merkteken van het beest....

    3. But no one is going to talk about the mark of the beast....

  9. Replies
    1. A status 'coincidentally' expires just after the adoption of pandemic law: 'It's all so sneaky, sneaky and evil'

    2. Over onze overheid zegt de psycholoog: “Het zijn leugenaars, onbetrouwbaar, geniepig, achterbaks, acteren niet in de interesse van het volk en interesseren zich niet in onze grondrechten. Dit komt nooit meer goed.”

    3. The psychologist says about our government: “They are liars, unreliable, sneaky, underhanded, do not act in the interests of the people and are not interested in our fundamental rights. This will never be okay again.”

  10. Replies
    1. Plane with text 'Government = Public Enemy #1' goes 'not too far at all'

  11. Replies
    1. Common Sense censored, watch banned interview: 'A huge cloud of taboo has descended on this story'

    2. Excess mortality from injections? Continued growth in deaths! Karel van Wolferen and GP Pilon

    3. Helaas gebruikte Peter Pilon als voorbeeld van oversterfte de zogenaamde atoombom op Hiroshima.
      Veel mensen die de waarheid nastreven hebben nog steeds geen moeite met wat de criminele overheden beweren over het bestaan van de zogenaamde 'kernwapens' terwijl zulke wapens NIET bestaan!
      Dus ze geloven NIET wat de criminele overheden zeggen aangaande 'oversterfte' en de coronaprikken, maar ze geloven WEL wat de criminele overheden zeggen over 'atoombommen'.
      Het GELOOF in het bestaan van 'kernwapens' is bij velen sterker dan het geloof in God!

    4. Unfortunately, Peter Pilon used the so-called atomic bomb on Hiroshima as an example of excess mortality.
      Many people who pursue the truth still have no problem with what the criminal governments claim about the existence of so-called 'nuclear weapons' when such weapons do NOT exist!
      So they do NOT believe what the criminal governments say about 'excess mortality' and the corona shots, but they DO believe what the criminal governments say about 'atomic bombs'.
      The FAITH in the existence of 'nuclear weapons' is stronger than the belief in God for many!

    5. Ondanks deze miskleun: een goede video! In spite of this blunder: good video!

  12. Replies
    1. A confidential Pfizer document shows that the company has observed 1.6 million side effects in almost all organ systems

  13. Replies

    2. Waarom accepteert de Nederlandse bevolking nog steeds een regering die de bevolking afperst en misleid?

    3. Why do the Dutch people still accept a government that extorts and deceives the population?

    4. Waarom accepteert de Nederlandse bevolking seksueel misbruik van babies, kinderen en minderjarigen?

    5. Why does the Dutch population accept sexual abuse of babies, children and minors?

  14. Replies
    1. Fleur Agema about 'shocking' report: 'Heads should roll, clear!'

  15. Replies
    1. Motion that asks government to listen to the judge rejected: "But no evil elite"

    2. “These four parties, two of which call themselves completely misguidedly Christian, represent absolute evil,”

    3. “The government has law enforcers to make sure citizens are law-abiding. I don't think there are any enforcers now to make sure the government is following the law…”

    4. Everyone now has the right to break the law because the government does....

  16. Replies
    1. 'It is remarkable that the World Economic Forum has more power than the House* in this matter'

  17. Replies
    1. Excess mortality suddenly rises again, and fast! "We'll see what this means"

  18. Replies
    1. AIVD is asked whether the World Economic Forum poses a threat to national security and this is the 'weak' answer


    2. Johan Duinkerken
      5 uren geleden

      Nog een “leuke” vraag voor de AIVD.
      Nederland is een belangrijke kruispunt voor de productie en internationale handel in kinderporno. Is de AIVD hiervan op de hoogte. Zo ja, wat doet ze eraan? Zo nee, waarom weet de AIVD dit niet?

    3. John Dunkirk
      5 hours ago

      Another “nice” question for the AIVD.
      The Netherlands is an important crossroads for the production and international trade in child pornography. Is the AIVD aware of this? If so, what do they do about it? If not, why is the AIVD not aware of this?

  19. Replies
    1. WEF Mrs. Barbara Baarsma is making herself heard again

    2. Deze vrouw is duidelijk krankzinnig This woman is clearly insane

  20. Replies
    1. Outraged reactions to imminent ban FVD: "Everyone should be startled

    2. Lawyer Jeroen Pols reminds: “Factions in the House of Representatives eager to ban FVD must realize that they are continuing the fascist tradition. In 1933 the Nazis banned the Social Democratic SPD in Germany.”

  21. Replies
    1. The Advertising Code Committee was also part of the censorship brigade of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and these were the consequences

  22. Replies
    1. Fifteen Minute Cities: yesterday a conspiracy theory, today openly in the newspaper

  23. Replies
    1. Statements Roland Pierik arouse irritation: 'It's that time again, non-medical people with an opinion about vaccination'

  24. Replies
    1. Pot calling the kettle black: Rutte accuses Putin of taking children away from their parents en masse

  25. Replies
    1. Cabinet agrees on the introduction of a European digital ID, despite explicit instructions from the House not to do this

    2. De 'Nederlandse' regering is een bezettingsmacht en die luistert alleen naar buitenlandse opdrachtgevers

    3. The 'Dutch' government is an occupying power and it only listens to foreign principals

  26. Replies
    1. Former OMT member thinks it is "criminal" that The Other Newspaper remains on the market

  27. Replies
    1. Tens of millions for health care Ukraine, but our elderly can sort it out

  28. Replies
    1. Thierry Baudet speaks in a completely EMPTY Sleeping Chamber during an important debate: 'Incredible'

    2. From Kennedy to Baudet: 60 years against military-industrial complex


    3. Maar Thierry heeft ook eens gezegd (in het Engels) dat JEZUS volgens hem niet mannelijk genoeg is.
      Dat zei hij omdat hij JEZUS nog niet kent.
      JEZUS is God, gemanifesteerd in het vlees, en Hij zal de wereld laten zien wie Hij is bij Zijn aanstaande Wederkomst!
      Ondertussen is 1 Korinthiërs 15:1-4 ons door Hem gegeven als HET Evangelie via Zijn dienstknecht Paulus.


      18 hours ago (edited)
      Thierry. 🌺🌷🖐️. Ik ben het hier mee eens wat je zegt "Het pad naar Vrede is het beste pad ,🕊️🗺️Alleen Jesus Red

    4. But Thierry also once said (in English) that he thinks JESUS is not manly enough. He said that because he doesn't know JESUS yet.
      JESUS is God manifest in the flesh, and He will show the world who He is at His imminent Second Coming!
      Meanwhile, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 has been given to us by Him as THE Gospel through His servant Paul.


      18 hours ago (edited)
      Thierry. 🌺🌷🖐️. I agree with what you say "The path to Peace is the best path ,🕊️🗺️Only Jesus Saves

  29. Replies
    1. "This is a left, AGGRESSIVE alliance!" Baudet (FVD) in NATO debate

  30. Replies
    1. Lecture is criticized by Volkskrant: "What idiotic and defamatory conspiracies are being spread here!"

  31. Replies
    1. DEVILISH Former OMT member does not want an investigation into corona policy: 'Does not add anything'

  32. Replies
    1. Mona Keijzer about 'acting' Rutte: 'It is actually unbelievable'

  33. Replies
    1. The Netherlands supplies 1.9 billion to Ukraine, but the cabinet does not know that the elections there have been suspended

  34. Replies
    1. Cabinet fallen: don't forget this when you're back in the voting booth in a few months

  35. Replies
    1. Despite the concerns of residents, this municipality simply continues: 'We follow the national rules'

    2. “That's what they said in World War II,” someone responds.

  36. Replies
    1. This is what the hypocrisy of the Christian Union looks like

    2. The PHARISEES of the Christian Union will BURN in the Lake of Fire!

  37. Replies
    1. Video: Rutte talks about power WEF

    2. Mark Rutte is ERGER dan Anton Mussert en die hebben ze geëxecuteerd...

    3. Mark Rutte is WORSE than Anton Mussert and they executed him...

    4. Wat maakt het uit? Markje gaat fijn bakken en braden in de hel...

    5. What does it matter? lil' Mark is going to bake and roast in hell...

    6. Samen met 'Biden' de Paus en al die andere ROTZAKKEN!

    7. Along with 'Biden' the Pope and all those other SCUMBAGS!

  38. Replies
    1. Flashback: Rutte to Wilders: 'You walked away at the height of a crisis, you don't do that'

  39. Replies
    1. Does Rutte have to leave the Little Tower immediately today? "This will be an interesting move"

  40. Replies
    1. Tempered optimism after Rutte's departure: 'The Schwabinet is still firmly in the saddle'

  41. Replies
    1. Short video: "The summary of the VVD in one minute"

  42. Replies
    1. Bizarre footage: this is how the VVD deals with critical journalists

  43. Replies
    1. Guessed wrong? Mark Rutte provoked the bankruptcy of his government and was seen through

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  44. Replies
    1. While thousands of soldiers die, Rutte and Zelensky have the greatest fun: 'Disgusting display'

    2. Moedersjochie Hitler vernietigde Duitsland en moederjochie Rutte Nederland.

    3. Mommy's Boy Hitler destroyed Germany and mommy's boy Rutte destroyed the Netherlands.

  45. Replies
    1. What you need to know about prospective VVD leader Dilan Yesilgöz

    2. Besides the above being another dirty story, since when can someone not born in the Netherlands become the prime minister? God protect the VVD from becoming the biggest again!
      Hoekstra gone, Rutte gone, Kaag gone, can we sweep more?

      13 hours ago

  46. Replies
    1. TERRORIST Rutte already warns that it could be years before he is gone: 'I'm having a lot of fun'

  47. Replies
    1. Rutte: I'm also just a little weird guy apparently

  48. Replies
    1. Karel van Wolferen: Rutte has proclaimed the permanent Dutch dictatorship

    2. Terug naar de tijden van de 80-jarige oorlog, N. Bonaparte en A. Hitler

    3. Back to the times of the 80 years war, N. Bonaparte and A. Hitler

    4. Namens het satanische Vaticaan! On behalf of the satanic Vatican!

    5. The Netherlands in permanent dictatorship by outgoing cabinet | Karel van Wolferen | Common sense

    6. Karel probeert zo krampachtig de intellectueel uit te hangen dat hij vaak niet uit zijn woorden komt en ondertussen werd hij geïnterviewd door een dame met gelakte lange vingernagels....47:51
      Karel heeft geen flauw benul van waarom dit allemaal gebeurt omdat hij zich niet beroept op God, de Bijbel, het profetische woord en de Heer JEZUS Christus.
      Dat alles toewerkt naar de implementatie van het merkteken van het beest, ziet hij niet.

    7. Karel tries so desperately to be an intellectual that he often cannot get his words out and in the meantime he was interviewed by a lady with long, painted fingernails....47:51
      Karel has no idea why all this is happening because he does not appeal to God, the Bible, the prophetic word and the Lord JESUS Christ.
      He doesn't see that everything is working towards the implementation of the mark of the beast.

  49. Replies
    1. De 'koning' is net zo erg! The 'king' is just as bad!

  50. Replies
    1. The most controversial decision that a cabinet can take is, according to the parliamentary majority, 'not controversial'

  51. Replies
    1. Council of State advises FVD bill for Nexit referendum 'not to be taken into consideration' and this is why

    2. Because the Netherlands has become a DICTATORSHIP!

  52. Replies
    1. Europe is going to pump 45 billion taxpayers' money into South America: 'Our government was a caretaker, wasn't it?!'

  53. Replies
    1. Rutte also continues to lie as outgoing prime minister


    2. Ton Nuiten
      3 uren geleden

      Dat kan ook niet anders; het liegen zit in zijn aard. Eigenlijk is Rutte een dwaas. In verband hiermee weer iets uit de Bijbel:

      “Al stampt gij een dwaas in een vijzel, tussen de graankorrels met een stamper, zijn dwaasheid zal niet van hem wijken,” (Spreuken 27:22)

      En net zoals de dwaasheid Rutte altijd bij blijft, zo blijven – ongeacht hoe vaak hij er ook mee geconfronteerd werd – ook zijn vele leugens hem bij. Wat zijn bedrieglijke aard betreft, is Rutte dan ook niet te veranderen…

    3. Tony Nuiten
      3 hours ago

      There is no other way; lying is in his nature. Actually, Rutte is a fool. In connection with this, again something from the Bible:

      “Though thou pound a fool in a mortar, and among the grains of wheat with a pestle, his folly shall not depart from him.” (Proverbs 27:22)

      And just as Rutte's foolishness always stays with him, so - no matter how often he was confronted with it - many lies also stay with him. As far as his deceptive nature is concerned, Rutte cannot be changed…


    4. Bezorgde burger 🌺🌺
      3 uren geleden

      De leugen regeert en wie is de vader van de leugen volgens de Bijbel ?? Jawel Satan. Dus satan wordt hier ten volste bediend op zijn wenken, want in hem is geen gerechtigheid/ waarheid en de leugen wordt ten volste bediend.

      Je zou toch denken, wij hebben allemaal een geweten gekregen welke de zacht fluisterende stem van onze Schepper is : onze geestelijke Vader, die ons als een zorgzame vader ons op het juiste pad wil houden, zoals een vader zijn kind behoed voor verkeerde keuzes.

      Oooh wat erg dat dit soort mensen hun geweten volledig negeren en lekker hun eigen gang gaan. Tenvolste Liegen en bedriegen zodat hun medemens hierdoor de vernietiging in kan gaan of beschadigd wordt.

      Wat zegt de Here Jezus : heb je naaste lief zoals uzelve. Dit houdt in dat gij niet liegt ten nadele van uw naaste, niet moord, niet steelt en alle verdere 3 adviezen/ leefregels in de 10 geboden. De overige 4 zijn heb uw God de vader lief.

      M.a.w wat zal deze mensen te wachten staan als het eindoordeel over een ieder zal plaatsvinden, want geloof me een ieder heeft verantwoording af te leggen over zijn leven, een iedere knie zal buigen voor de Here Jezus.
      Niemand komt weg met vreselijke misdaden en praktijken tegen de mensheid zoals de vele dictators, leiders en koningen die hun volk lieten afslachten, verhongeren enz enz…

      Zij en anderen komen hier niet mee weg, want een ieder zal eerlijk veroordeeld worden door een rechtvaardige rechter: God de vader en door Zijn Zoon de Here Jezus Christus !

      De bijbel is er duidelijk over! En ook terecht, is het niet zo dat als iemand grote misdaden heeft gepleegd tegen zijn medemens, hier vrij uit mee mag of kunnen komen?

      Nee het geeft mij een gevoel van rechtvaardigheid, want wij mensen zijn niet altijd bij machte om het kwaad en onrechtvaardigheid aan te pakken. Wij mensen krijgen het kwaad niet uitgeroeid. Het blijft voortwoekeren als een kankergezwel. Maar wetende dat de Here Jezus het kwaad reeds heeft overwinnen op het kruis te Golgotha stelt mij gerust, want wetende dat gerechtigheid en waarheid uiteindelijk zal zegevieren 🎊. T is enkel nog een kwestie van weinig tijd. De Here Jezus komt spoedig, we kunnen de barensweeën voelen 💖

    5. Concerned citizen 🌺🌺
      3 hours ago

      The lie reigns and who is the father of the lie according to the Bible?? Yes Satan. So satan is fully served here at his beck and call, for in him there is no righteousness/truth and the lie is fully served.

      You would think, we have all been given a conscience which is the softly whispering voice of our Creator: our spiritual Father, who wants to keep us on the right path as a caring father, as a father protects his child from wrong choices.

      Oooh how sad that these kind of people completely ignore their conscience and go their own way. Lie and cheat to the fullest so that their fellow man can be destroyed or damaged.

      What does the Lord Jesus say: love your neighbor as yourself. This means that you do not lie to the detriment of your neighbor, do not murder, do not steal and all further 3 advices/precepts in the 10 commandments. The other 4 are Love your God the Father.

      In other words, what will these people expect when the final judgment will take place over everyone, because believe me everyone has to give an account of his life, every knee will bow to the Lord Jesus.
      No one gets away with terrible crimes and practices against humanity like the many dictators, leaders and kings who slaughtered, starved, etc. etc. their people.

      They and others will not get away with this, because everyone will be judged fairly by a just judge: God the Father and through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ!

      The Bible is clear about it! And rightly so, isn't it so that if someone has committed major crimes against his fellow man, he may not or cannot get away with this freely?

      No, it gives me a sense of justice, because we humans are not always able to deal with evil and injustice. We humans cannot eradicate evil. It continues to grow like a cancer. But knowing that the Lord Jesus has already conquered evil on the cross at Golgotha reassures me, because knowing that justice and truth will ultimately prevail 🎊. iT is only a matter of little time. The Lord Jesus is coming soon, we can feel the labor pains 💖

  54. Replies
    1. Exodus from political The Hague: 'Start the tribunals before they go into hiding'

  55. Replies
    1. Ex-GP shares 'staggering news' about the dangers of corona vaccination

  56. Replies
    1. Unsolicited, the cabinet plundered the state treasury for more than 40 billion euros

  57. Replies
    1. 'Speechless, shocked, furious': The Netherlands is going to expand euthanasia rules

  58. Replies
    1. Why the coalition agreement with BBB inevitably means more influence from the World Economic Forum


  59. Bezorgde burger 🌺🌺

    12 uren geleden

    Het woord Gods : het tweesnijdend ZWAARD … de Here Jezus zei : IK ben de weg, de WAARHEID en het (eeuwige) leven.

    De waarheid overwint 💪🎊 altijd !!! Daar kan de leugen ( satan ) niet tegen op …
    Verberg Reacties (2)
    Mme. Jeanne-Marie Roland de la Platière
    Mme. Jeanne-Marie Roland de la Platière
    Reactie op
    Bezorgde burger 🌺🌺
    10 uren geleden

    AMEN & AMEN !! 🙏
    Reactie op
    Bezorgde burger 🌺🌺
    11 uren geleden

    Want Jezus, Hij is Overwinnaar!🙏
    En in Hem, met Hem, houden wij stand, houden wij het vol dwars door de ‘stormen’ van het leven

    1. Concerned citizen 🌺🌺
      12 hours ago

      The word of God : the two-edged SWORD … the Lord Jesus said : I am the way, the TRUTH and the (eternal) life.

      The truth always wins 💪🎊!!! The lie (Satan) cannot compete with that…
      Hide Comments (2)
      Mme. Jeanne-Marie Roland de la Platiere
      Mme. Jeanne-Marie Roland de la Platiere
      Response to
      Concerned citizen 🌺🌺
      10 hours ago

      AMEN & AMEN!! 🙏
      Response to
      Concerned citizen 🌺🌺
      11 hours ago

      For Jesus, He is Victorious!🙏
      And in Him, with Him, we endure, we endure through the 'storms' of life

  60. Replies
    1. While a driving lesson should cost 70 euros per hour, status holders can get a driver's license for free

  61. Replies
    1. Outgoing cabinet is rumbling on full steam ahead, according to an analysis of 4,000 bills

  62. Replies
    1. The decision has (finally) been made: a unique procedure has just been started in the Netherlands

  63. Replies
    1. According to Schwab, you have to be 'totally transparent', but the WEF itself is completely intransparent

  64. Major EU country slides into recession – data
    The economy of the Netherlands has contracted for two straight quarters, statistics show

  65. Replies
    1. Corrupt outgoing cabinet Rutte 4 returns to Binnenhof. (Friday 8/18/2023)

  66. Replies
    1. 'Warmonger' Rutte gives Ukraine F-16s, Dutch people angry: 'Is this legal at all?'

  67. Replies
    1. Outgoing cabinet supports and welcomes 'extremely controversial proposal'

  68. Replies
    1. FVD asks questions to VVD party leader about waving Woke flag: 'So terribly wrong'

  69. Replies
    1. Mother of 4 children placed in care arrested: 'Terrible what happened here


    2. “Jeugdzorg is kinderhandel!” Zegt @EPassemiers Emily heeft al 33 (on)rechtszaken gevoerd om haar 4 kinderen terug te krijgen
      …(opname van 17 mei 2021) https://x.com/huig_plug/status/1642873341559160835?s=46&t=dlG8I3Z0Ad5BwfUa2znhoA

    3. Een kinderverkrachtende topambtenaar voelt zich gesmaad?


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”