Friday, 16 June 2023

Dont let them take your mind - ft Alex Michael

Dont let them take your mind - Flat Earth Man (ft Alex Michael)


Conspiracy Music Guru
Published on Feb 3, 2019
Don't let 'em take your mind man!

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Album available to download from all the following digital stores: iTunes, Amazon Music, Google Play, Deezer, Groove, iHeartRadio, Napster, Simfy Africa, MediaNet, VerveLife, Tidal, Gracenote, Shazam, 7Digital, Juke, Slacker, KKBox, Akazoo, Anghami, Spinlet, Neurotic Media, Yandex, Target Music, ClaroMusica, Zvooq, Saavn, NMusic, 8tracks, Q.Sic, Musicload, Kuack, Pandora, Boomplay Music

For those who feel compelled enough to make a donation, it would be humbly received with a million thanks 🙏


Well we all believed in that spinning ball
Indoctrination blinded us all
From the very first day that we went to school
They put a globe in your face and that thing looked cool
The teacher explained how it all worked
Of course it sounded so bezerk
But who was I to question it
Coz I was just a tiny kid

It sounded crazy as could be
But teacher would never lie to me
She was real nice she didn't know
She too was taught to believe the globe
I don't blame her it wasn't her fault
She was only repeating what she's been taught
I went through life believing that lie
That spinning ball was now in my mind


Don't let em take your mind
Don't let em tell you that you are not Divine
Take control of your soul
Find the truth and find it all
Don't believe their lies
Don't let em take your mind

So I'm hurling through space on a road to nowhere
So I lived my life without a care
Coz I was taught that there ain't no creator
That's what I was told from my educator
So I lived my life so selfishly
There ain't gonna be no hell for me
I'll do what I want with no care for others
With no respect for my brothers

Till one day when I woke up
And I drank some truth with my coffee cup
I learned that things ain't what they seem
This so called reality is just a dream
Theres deception everywhere I look
The news the tv and in my school books
And pretty soon I realised
That everything's just a pack of lies man


It's deception on a biblical level
Orchestrated by the devil
Many think that he don't exist
But that's what he wants, that's one of his tricks
But I found out that that dudes real
And I tell you man that's a bitter pill
So I questioned everything I was told
I had to question that spinning globe

I had to relearn it all again
And get some truth inside this brain
And pretty soon I realised
That the globe I was taught was a pack of lies
So I studied as hard as can be
And found the flat earth Conspiracy
Man it hit me like a tonne of bricks
That globe I was taught was a devils trick


I started to connect the dots
And I'm telling you man there are lots
I soon realised the earth was flat
It's not a belief man, it's a fact
And once I found out that reality
It did a funny thing to me
For a while there I was pretty shocked
But now I know that there is a god

And once you get to that point of understanding
Once you know there ain't no moon landing
Once you know that space is fake
You view your life with a different take
It ain't just random chance that we're here
We ain't living on no stupid sphere
It ain't some rediculous spinning ball
The earth is flat and god created it all


Well now I found out about all these lies
I live a completely different life
I stopped reading the news turned off the tv
That thing is as evil as can be
I started being a nicer guy
And God forbid I tell a lie
I treat people with more respect
And I got me a wife that I'd never neglect

Yeah being goods working out for me
Now I ain't blinded and I can see
I know that there's a god above
And if I'm good then he'll show me love
I try to live life selflessly
To be the best that I can be
I treat people how I wanna be treated
Since my indoctrination was defeated

So don't believe the devils lies
Because it's god he wants to hide
That's why they teach that spinning ball
To make you think you ain't special at all
Don't believe what your being told
Don't believe that your evolved
It's all an accident and you are too
No! Your someone special and god made you


I Told You So - Conspiracy Music Guru (BANNED on Spotify!)


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.




  1. Replies
    1. Genesis - Watcher Of The Skies (Official Audio: Original Master) (Restored/Remastered and IA Remix by Mathis.M)

      Genesis - Live at Shepperton Studios 1973 (CM Edition): Watcher Of The Skies (Part) (IA Upscale by Mathis.M)


      Watcher of the skies, watcher of all
      His is a world alone, no world is his own
      He whom life can no longer surprise
      Raising his eyes beholds a planet unknown
      Creatures shaped this planet's soil
      Now their reign has come to end
      Has life again destroyed life?
      Do they play elsewhere?
      Do they know more than their childhood games?
      Maybe the lizard's shed its tail
      This is the end of man's long union with Earth
      Judge not this race by empty remains
      Do you judge God by his creatures when they are dead?
      For now, the lizard's shed it's tail
      This is the end of man's long union with Earth
      From life alone to life as one
      Think not now your journey's done
      For though your ship be sturdy
      No mercy has the sea
      Will you survive on the ocean of being?
      Come ancient children, hear what I say
      This is my parting council for you on your way
      Sadly now your thoughts turn to the stars
      Where we have gone you know you never can go
      Watcher of the skies watcher of all
      This is your fate alone, this fate is your own

    2. This song could never have been made without the globe earth lie.

    3. "Get 'Em Out By Friday"

      [John Pebble of Styx Enterprises] :

      "Get 'em out by Friday!
      You don't get paid till the last one's well on his way.
      Get 'em out by Friday!
      It's important that we keep to schedule, there must be no delay."

      [Mark Hall of Styx Enterprises (otherwise known as "The Winkler") :

      "I represent a firm of gentlemen who recently purchased this
      house and all the others in the road,
      In the interest of humanity we've found a better place for you
      to go, go-woh, go-woh"

      [Mrs. Barrow (a tenant)] :

      "Oh no, this I can't believe,
      Oh Mary, they're asking us to leave."

      [Mr. Pebble]

      "Get 'em out by Friday!
      I've told you before, 's good many gone if we let them stay.
      And if it isn't easy,
      You can squeeze a little grease and our troubles will soon run away."

      [Mrs. Barrow] :

      "After all this time, they ask us to leave,
      And I told them we could pay double the rent.
      I don't know why it seemed so funny,
      Seeing as how they'd take more money.
      The winkler called again, he came here this morning,
      With four hundred pounds and a photograph of the place he has found.
      A block of flats with central heating.
      I think we're going to find it hard."

      [Mr. Pebble] :

      "Now we've got them!
      I've always said that cash cash cash can do anything well.
      Work can be rewarding
      When a flash of intuition is a gift that helps you

      [Mr. Hall] :

      "Here we are in Harlow New Town, did you recognise your block
      across the square, over there,
      Sadly since last time we spoke, we've found we've had to raise
      the rent again,
      just a bit."

      [Mrs. Barrow] :

      "Oh no, this I can't believe
      Oh Mary, and we agreed to leave."

      (a passage of time)

      This is an announcement from Genetic Control:
      "It is my sad duty to inform you of a four foot restriction on humanoid height."

      [Extract from coversation of Joe Ordinary in Local Puborama] :

      "I hear the directors of Genetic Control have been buying all the
      properties that have recently been sold, taking risks oh so bold.
      It's said now that people will be shorter in height,
      they can fit twice as many in the same building site.
      (they say it's alright),
      Beginning with the tenants of the town of Harlow,
      in the interest of humanity, they've been told they must go,
      told they must go-go-go-go."

      [Sir John De Pebble of United Blacksprings International] :

      "I think I've fixed a new deal
      A dozen properties - we'll buy at five and sell at thirty four,
      Some are still inhabited,
      It's time to send the winkler to see them,
      he'll have to work some more."

      [Memo from Satin Peter of Rock Development Ltd.] :

      With land in your hand, you'll be happy on earth
      Then invest in the Church for your heaven.

      Would you like this old dream of the british establishment to become reality ?... or will you stand up and fight ? THe destiny of humanity is in your hands people. ♥

    4. And the nurse will tell you lies
      Of a kingdom beyond the skies

      Yes, this is what I also believed when I was an atheist and heard this for the first time in the early '70s

      Of course this is a LIE and it's no surprise that Peter Gabriel is pro-vax

    5. Birth name Stephen Richard Hackett
      Born 12 February 1950 (age 73)

  2. Replies
    1. "Het United States Space Command is er 99,999 procent zeker van dat het uit een ander zonnestelsel afkomstig is"

      Er is geen 'zonnestelsel' en ook geen 'ander zonnestelsel'.

    2. Beware of because this site propagates lies like this:

      This professor thinks he has discovered remnants of 'alien technology' near Papua New Guinea

      "The United States Space Command is 99.999 percent sure it came from another solar system"

      There is no 'solar system' and also no 'other solar system'.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”