Another post of mine was blocked by Google-Blogger
What happened? Wat is er gebeurd?
And because of this video:
According to the liars of Google-YouTube this video contains "Medical misinformation"
So they deleted it.
So what?
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
413 kinderen van toeslagengedupeerden overleden: ‘Bizar!’
ReplyDelete413 children of benefits victims died: 'Bizarre!'
As you may know, our community guidelines ( describe the boundaries for what we allow – and don't allow – on Blogger. Your post titled 'About the Dutch Prime or Crime Minister Mark Rutte' was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL, making it unavailable to blog readers.
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ReplyDeleteAs you may know, our community guidelines ( describe the boundaries for what we allow – and don't allow – on Blogger. Your post titled 'What happened? Wat is er gebeurd?' was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL, making it unavailable to blog readers.
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Greetings from Satan...
DeleteVerzet tegen initiatiefwet D66 en VVD over kweken embryo’s: ‘Waarom moet ik opeens aan Mengele denken?’
ReplyDeleteOpposition to initiative law D66 and VVD about cultivating embryos: 'Why do I suddenly have to think of Mengele?'
DeleteD66ers geloven in the Big Bang and evolutie, beide leugens van de Jezuïeten namens satan
DeleteOprichter Hans van Mierlo van D66 zei 'het leven is absurd, maar het moet geleefd worden'...hij was zelf absurd
DeleteD66ers believe in the Big Bang and evolution, both lies of the Jesuits on behalf of Satan
DeleteFounder Hans van Mierlo of D66 said 'life is absurd, but it has to be lived'...he was absurd himself
OMT-lid onder vuur: ‘Deze man moet je echt zijn registratie afpakken’
ReplyDeleteOMT member under fire: 'You should really take away his registration from this man'
Delete‘De Jonge zou zich morgen moeten melden bij de Tweede Kamer om onder ede te worden gehoord’
ReplyDelete'De Jonge should report to the House of Representatives tomorrow to be heard under oath'
DeleteKaag onderbroken op D66-partijcongres: ‘Ik voel mij verraden door u!’
ReplyDeleteKijk: Kuipers heeft ‘even geen tijd’ voor vraag over aansprakelijkheid bij vaccinatieschade
ReplyDeleteWatch: Kuipers has 'no time' for a question about liability in the event of vaccination damage
DeleteKuipers is een zware D66 MISDADIGER Kuipers is a serious D66 CRIMINAL
Delete‘Dit is de meest dictatoriale wet die ooit door een regering is voorgesteld’
ReplyDelete"This is the most dictatorial law ever proposed by any government"
DeleteWe worden geterroriseerd door SATANISCHE BEESTEN! We are being terrorized by SATANIC BEASTS!
DeleteZo zien vrijgegeven Wob-documenten over de bestrijding van desinformatie eruit
ReplyDeleteThis is what released Wob* documents on combating disinformation look like
Delete*law open government
This is what released Wob* documents on combating disinformation look like
Delete*law open government
De Nederlandse regering plus 'koningshuis' en topambtenaren zijn ERGER dan de NAZI'S!
DeleteThe Dutch government plus 'royal house' and top officials are WORSE than the NAZIS!
DeleteEinde van eigen auto in zicht: ‘You will own nothing’
ReplyDeleteEnd of private car in sight: 'You will own nothing'
DeleteFinancieel expert over ‘grootste schandaal ooit’: Het zit ‘ontzettend fout’ met de pensioenfondsen
ReplyDeleteFinancial expert on 'biggest scandal ever': It is 'extremely wrong' with the pension funds
DeleteLees de reacties read the comments
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Beelden: Klimaatactivisten roepen op de UvA op tot geweld en vermoorden van Joden
ReplyDeleteFootage: Climate activists call for violence and the murder of Jews at the UvA
DeleteTelevisiewereld gooit roer om: kijkcijfers blijven voortaan geheim
ReplyDeleteThe television world changes course: ratings will remain secret from now on