WEF Orders Schools To Force Children To Watch Hardcore Porn ‘For Their Own Good’
Chelsea Clinton, who previously insisted that a person with a beard and a penis “can absolutely be a woman,” is now dedicating her time and resources to promoting the dissemination of hardcore pornographic material in our schools. According to Chelsea, it is “harmful” for children to grow up in an environment without pornography.
Next, what she wants to teach children is to hate JESUS Christ and to love Satan from the heart....
The Global Elites Are Normalizing Pedophilia
The right word is CHILD RAPE
I have never read or heard a testimony from a former rapist of (small) children who had become a saved believer in JESUS....
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
WEF beveelt scholen om kinderen te dwingen naar hardcore porno te kijken ‘voor hun eigen bestwil’
ReplyDelete“Eric met de grote clitoris” in plaats van Pippi Langkous en Winnetou
ReplyDelete„Eric mit der großen Klitoris“ statt Pippi Langstrumpf und Winnetou
Delete“Eric with the big clitoris” instead of Pippi Longstocking and Winnetou
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Amerikaanse acteur doet schokkend boekje open over luguber ritueel dat hij zag
ReplyDeleteAmerican actor opens a shocking book about the lurid ritual he saw
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Hollywoodster geeft toe dat elites bloed van kinderen gebruiken in ‘misselijkmakende’ satanische rituelen
ReplyDeleteHollywood Star Admits Elites Use Children’s Blood in ‘Sickening’ Satanic Rituals
DeleteKlokkenluiders Ministerie van Justitie: Bewijs van “extreme kinderporno” op Biden’s laptop wordt onderdrukt
ReplyDeleteDOJ Whistleblowers: Evidence of ‘Extreme Child Porn’ on Biden’s Laptop Being Suppressed
DeleteLerares betrapt op video terwijl ze kinderen instrueert hoe ze het ‘kontgaatje’ moeten bevredigen
ReplyDeleteSoCal Teacher Caught on Video Instructing Children How To Pleasure the ‘Booty Hole’
DeleteHet Atlantic magazine verklaart dat de wereld ‘steriel en saai’ zou zijn zonder pedofielen
ReplyDeleteThe Atlantic Magazine Declares the World Would Be ‘Sterile and Boring’ Without Pedophiles
DeleteNext: 'the world is a better place thanks to the presence of Satan'....
DeleteExpert legt in 2 minuten uit waarom de linkse woke-agenda hetzelfde is als de pedofilie-agenda
ReplyDeleteExpert explains in 2 minutes why the left-wing woke agenda is the same as the pedophilia agenda
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Ministerie van Justitie verwijdert stilletjes informatie over kindersekshandel van website
ReplyDeleteMinistry of Justice quietly removes information about child sex trafficking from website
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WEF-professor zegt dat we een ‘massabeweging’ nodig hebben om pedofielen in staat te stellen kinderen te kopen voor seks
ReplyDeleteWEF professor says we need a 'mass movement' to enable pedophiles to buy children for sex
DeleteEU Legalizes Child Porn As WEF Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates