Wednesday, 15 March 2023

We zijn voorgelogen, de Aarde is plat. We've been lied to, the Earth is flat.

Sorry folks, but this is in Dutch
But with a translation program you're still able to read most of it

We zijn voorgelogen, de Aarde is plat

5:18 Zwaartekracht bestaat idd ook niet
Laat eens iets vallen. Zweeft het weg. Nee!
Ruben Weijers klopt 6:49
@Arakiel de Hoop En waarom vallen we dan naar beneden als we springen?
Zwaartekracht is een prachtig Nederlandstalig woord voor 'gravity' en naar mijn smaak een beter woord. Zwaartekracht is WAAR.
Er is dus een kracht die alle objecten richting de aarde trekt.
De verklaring: denk eerst aan ZWEMMEN in WATER: een mens met lucht in diens longen is LICHTER dan WATER en blijft DRIJVEN!
Een object dat LICHTER dan LUCHT is, blijft ook 'drijven' en dan noemen we het ZWEVEN.
Maar met een ballon met genoeg OPWAARTSE KRACHT gaan we OMHOOG.
Maar de beste sensatie (gewaarwording) van GEWICHTLOOSHEID krijgt men als men in- en onder water zwemt!
Wie als een parachutist uit een vliegtuig springt gaat uiteindelijk met de snelheid van zo'n 200 km per uur naar de aarde omdat we zwaarder dan lucht zijn, maar niet sneller, want dan wordt men door de lucht AFGEREMD.
Alles heeft dus te maken met 'buoyancy & density' = drijfvermogen en dichtheid en dat verklaart het fenomeen ZWAARTEKRACHT.
Wie in een voertuig zit (draaimolen, auto of vliegtuig, trein, speedboot) en versnelt, die voelt zich zwaarder dan voorheen omdat men TIJDELIJK lichter is ten opzichte van dat voertuig dat sneller gaat, maar als dat voertuig op een vaste snelheid beweegt dan voelt men dat niet meer.
Nogmaals: in water voelen we ons GEWICHTLOOS!
Baby's in de baarmoeder die nog klein zijn en in het vruchtWATER bestaan voelen zich constant GEWICHTLOOS.
In het zeer zoute water van de Dode Zee in Israël blijft men zelfs hoger dan normaal drijven, want dat zoute water heeft een hogere OPWAARTSE kracht ten opzichte van een menselijk lichaam dat lichter is. Dat komt omdat zeer zout water een hogere dichtheid heeft dan normaal (zout) water ten opzichte van het menselijke lichaam.
Men wordt toch naar BENEDEN richting de aarde gedrukt door de LUCHTDRUK.
In een VACUÜM of LUCHTLEDIGHEID wordt elke object ook naar BENEDEN, naar de aarde bewogen en is er dus GEEN LUCHTDRUK: hoe is dit mogelijk?
Omdat elk object ZWAARDER is dan NUL LUCHT.
Waarom vallen objecten NAAR DE AARDE en niet naar OMHOOG?
Dan zou de aarde dus LICHTER dan objecten moeten zijn!?
Blijkbaar is dat het geval en is er dus een AANTREKKINGSKRACHT van de aarde op alle objecten erboven.
Objecten 'voelen' zich sterk AANGETROKKEN tot de aarde en de aarde trekt objecten naar zich toe.
De aarde wil dus als GROTER GEHEEL objecten met zich VERENIGEN die VAN de aarde zijn.
Echter zolang het gas in een luchtballon (hete lucht, helium of een ander lichter gas dan lucht) aanwezig is wordt de ballon ervan weerhouden om te VALLEN in de richting van de aarde.
Maar de kracht die van de aarde uitgaat is toch zo sterk dat een ballon een beperkte vlieg- of drijfhoogte heeft, een zogeheten plafond.
Dat geldt ook voor vliegende dieren en vliegtuigen.
Een raket met genoeg snelheid en kracht en brandstof of aandrijvingskracht kan het firmament bereiken en wordt dan gestopt en afgeketst.

Komt men met een vliegtuig te dichtbij het firmament in horizontale richting dan kan men te pletter slaan tegen het firmament.
Het firmament die als een ENORME KOEPEL is over de ronde en platte aarde maakt dat we in een GESLOTEN SYSTEEM leven.
Een ENORME LUCHTBEL met water er omheen, volgens de Bijbel.
Het platte aarde-systeem is als een stationaire ONDERZEEËR.
Weer terug naar het voorbeeld van WATER: in water en met lucht in onze longen worden we naar BOVEN getrokken, weg van de aarde!
Zouden we in water kunnen leven zoals de onderwaterdieren als vissen met kieuwen en uitgerust met een zwemblaas, dan zouden we altijd blijven zweven.
In LUCHT worden we dus naar BENEDEN, naar de aarde gedrukt.
Maar ook vissen zonder zwemblaas zoals HAAIEN vallen langzaam omlaag richting de aarde, en daarom moeten ze altijd blijven zwemmen, tenzij het zandhaaien zijn die op de bodem leven.
Ook in water geldt dat objecten die een hogere dichtheid hebben dan water naar OMLAAG, naar de aarde bewegen.
De AANTREKKINGSKRACHT van de aarde is dus NIET EENVOUDIG te verklaren!
Tenzij men gelooft in God die het hele systeem in de VERSNELLING heeft gesteld, terwijl Hij daar zelf geen last van heeft.
Dus een versnelling naar 'omhoog' waardoor de aarde zwaarder wordt dan wij en we daardoor dus tegen de aarde worden gedrukt en dat heeft dan toch met de enorme massa van de aarde te maken.
We slaan te PLETTER op de PLATTE aarde als we zonder parachute van een grote hoogte naar beneden vallen.

Klopt dit?
Ik denk er nog over na.....ondertussen....

 JEZUS is het zat en ZIJN aarde is rond en PLAT!
 JESUS is fed up: His earth is round and FLAT!
JESUS is not dead and HIS earth is round and FLAT! 

De Platte Aarde


  1. Een menselijk lichaam zonder skelet zakt als een plumpudding in elkaar zoals een kwal op het droge.


  2. Hallo, ik probeerde een reactie te plaatsen onder de video
    We zijn voorgelogen, de Aarde is plat. maar via een andere browser waarmee ik niet ben ingelogd (signed in) zag ik dat mijn reactie niet was geplaatst.
    Nu kan het zijn dat je de reacties modereert en dat men moet wachten op jouw goedkeuring, maar ik zag dat ik hier wel een reactie kan plaatsen.
    Hallo, Arakiel, mede platte aardbewoner!
    Hier zijn mijn topics op mijn site betreffende de platte aarde realiteit:
    Op mijn kanaal heb ik ook een paar platte aarde-video's.
    Groeten van Hans!


  3. @Arakiel de Hoop Hoi Ariel! je kunt dus mijn reacties lezen
    via dit notificatiesysteem, want ik zag mijn reacties niet verschijnen op YouTube onder jouw video.
    Kijk eens naar mijn platte aarde-topics op mijn site:
    Groeten en leuk dat je reageert.


    Flo Ben
    Flo Ben
    7 hours ago
    Okee, dus als de noordpool in het midden ligt, en ik vlieg in een rechte lijn weg van de noordpool naar het zuiden dan moet ik toch bij de rand uitkomen als de aarde plat is, of niet dan
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    5 hours ago
    rand ? geen een flat earther claimt dat er een rand is :) dat is iets wat jullie verzinnen :P

    en je mag zoiezo niet beneden de 60 graden zuid onafhankelijk rond dwarrelen :)
    dus als er wat te zien valt.. zullen we dat voorlopig niet weten
    Hans S
    Hans S
    1 second ago
    @Martin D Metdubbelss Ik ben een Bijbelse platte aardling en naar mijn overtuiging is de aarde rondom begrensd door de ijswal die Antarctica is en daarachter en rondom en boven ons is het firmament als een koepel die alles omvat, gemaakt van glasachtig materiaal.


  4. @Martin D Metdubbelss Mooi antwoord.


    Nick Wlok
    Nick Wlok
    9 hours ago
    Als de arde plat is hoe verklaar je dan onze kaart indeling zuid Afrika is niet zo gróót Congo wel Rusland lijkt groot ma is niet zo kwa kilometers de kaart kan je op zo scaal toch niet bekijken dan
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    5 hours ago
    kaart indelingen zijn allemaal onjuist.. het zijn maar projecties..
    zoek de video.. "why all maps are wrong"


  5. How the 4 seasons work on the Flat Earth model


    Nick Wlok
    Nick Wlok
    10 hours ago
    Hoe kan dan dat op de noordpol donker blijft winters en zomers licht ik heb zelf gezien in noorden van noorwegen dus is geen grap verklaar dat is
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    5 hours ago
    dat is makkelijk te verklaren.. in het zuiden is het wat moeilijker ;)

    de zon maakt kleinere rondjes om de pool heen ;)
    google het anders ff


  6. Satellieten bestaan niet en beelden van de aarde als een bol zijn allemaal NEP!

    Planeten zijn sterren die los van de overige sterren bewegen.
    Het firmament (het hemelgewelf of de koepel) met al die kleine lichtjes die we sterren noemen is net als een enorme DISCOSHOW met ronddraaiende lampjes.
    Sterren zijn maar klein, en de zon en de maan zijn veel groter en toch relatief klein ten opzichte van de platte aarde.
    Zoek op YouTube (of het internet) naar deze video: How the 4 seasons work on the Flat Earth model


    Robert Vermeer
    Robert Vermeer
    11 hours ago
    Als de aarde plat zou zijn, hoe kan het dan dat bepaalde sterren vanuit verschillende gebieden/posities niet- of juist wel waargenomen kunnen worden?
    Hoe kan het dat je vanuit een hogere positie verder kunt zien dan vanaf de grond?
    Waarom zou de aarde als enige planeet geen bol zijn?
    Hoe kan het dat we tijdzones hebben en het niet overal tegelijkertijd dag of nacht is?
    Beeldmateriaal van satellieten en ruimtestations laten duidelijk een bolvormige aarde zien, net als alle andere manen en planeten.
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    5 hours ago
    waarom zou de aarde een planeet zijn ?
    planeten zijn dingen ind e licht


  7. @Martin D Metdubbelss God is de schepper van de platte aarde en Zijn naam is JEZUS!
    Uiteraard wil satan niet dat mensen dat ontdekken en vandaar die leugen over de zogenaamde aarde als een draaiende bol in de 'ruimte'.
    Jij bent blijkbaar nog niet zover om dit te erkennen, maar ik ken ex-atheisten die VIA de platte aarde-waarheid in God-JEZUS-de Bijbel zijn gaan geloven.
    Ik ken ook een platte aarde-atheïst.
    Dat is allemaal mogelijk, want de platte aarde-realiteit is puur een gegeven en zegt niet direct iets over de maker ervan.
    Maar het is duidelijk dat de platte aarde-realiteit de 'big bang' en 'evolutie' uitsluit, dus duidt op een schepping, en een schepping duidt op een schepper.


    Antonio Collenzo
    Antonio Collenzo
    16 hours ago
    De aarde is plat,maar satanisten besloten 500 jaar geleden om te beweren dat de aarde rond @t reden voor de ronde aarde,is het verbergen van Gods bestaan,God is de Schepper van de aarde.
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    5 hours ago
    god is een menselijk construct om iets onverklaarbaars te verklaren.. wij zijn niet capabel om dat te verklaren en rationaliseren in ons brein


  8. @unimprovable De zon draait iets sneller dan de maan en elke maand haalt de zon de maan in. Het maanlicht is niet een reflectie van het zonnelicht
    , want de maan schijnt zijn eigen, koude licht. Zon en maan draaien boven de platte aarde met de klok mee, van bovenaf gezien (als dat mogelijk zou zijn).
    Hans S
    Hans S
    2 minutes ago (edited)
    @Eline Visser Dat heeft te maken met perspectief: de aarde is ENORM veel groter dan de zon (en de maan) en de zon wordt op een gegeven moment zo'n zwak licht dat we het niet meer kunnen zien en ook omdat het vanuit ons zicht (perspectief) dichtbij de aarde staat terwijl het hemelgewelf (het firmament of de koepel) veel hoger is.
    Dat de zon zo groot LIJKT bij 'zonsondergang' komt door de dikke laag atmosfeer waardoor we de zon waarnemen die het licht van de uit het zicht verdwijnende zon steeds roder kleurt.
    Heb je nooit gemerkt, dat als het nog zeer licht is en het is al laat op de dag dat de zon VEEL minder warmte afgeeft?
    Dat komt omdat de zon dan al VEEL verder van ons verwijderd is dan op het HEETST van de dag rond 12 uur 's middags, want dan staat de zon heel dichtbij.
    's Winters geeft de zon weinig warmte omdat hij dan een veel grotere cirkel beschrijft boven de aarde en dan 'beneden' de evenaar juist krachtiger straalt, en dan is het in bijvoorbeeld Zuid Afrika zomer.


    Eline Visser
    Eline Visser
    17 hours ago
    Maar hoe verklaar je dan dat de zon opkomt en weer ondergaat?
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    17 hours ago
    Eline Visser de zon is kleiner en lokaal, en verdwijnt uit u zicht omdat perspectief zo werkt. De zon en maan draaien in circeltjes boven een vlak.
    17 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop Wat veroorzaakt het "draaien in cirkels" van de zon en maan dan volgens jou?
    13 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop hoi Arakiel, jij denkt dus dat het licht van de zon een bepaalde "range" heeft?
    13 hours ago
    Ze draaien net als ying & yang
    Lars Zet
    Lars Zet
    13 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop hoe leidt perspectief voor zonsopkomst en ondergang wanneer ie overvliegt? Zou die dan niet een ver stuk boven de horizon kleiner en kleiner worden tot het donker is?
    Eline Visser
    Eline Visser
    8 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop Maar als de zon in circeltjes boven de platte aarde draait, dan zou hij toch altijd boven in de lucht moeten zijn? En dat is niet zo want elke morgen kun je zien dat hij opkomt en elke avond gaat hij weer onder.
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    5 hours ago
    @GWNJerry het word veroorzaakt door "dark lift" ;)


  9. @Arakiel de Hoop Mijn theorie over de AANTREKKINGSKRACHT van de aarde


    Luuk Van Der Krogt
    Luuk Van Der Krogt
    17 hours ago
    als alles door dichtheid tegen de aarde blijft, zouden objecten moeten vliegen als je ze in een vacuum chamber doet. Dat is niet zo.
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    21 hours ago
    Luuk Van Der Krogt Het gaat om relatieve dichtheid. Dus iets wat een dichtheid heeft groter dan nul (vacuum) zakt naar beneden. Daarnaast zoek ik ook uit wat electrostatisch magnetisme bijdraagt aan het vallen of de richting van het object. ‘Gravity’ is alleen nodig om kleuters uit te leggen dat je niet van de aardbol afvalt!
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    Martin D Metdubbelss
    9 hours ago
    perfecte vacuums zijn er niet :) onmogelijk


  10. @Arakiel de Hoop Kijk dan naar 'mijn' video The Dark History Of The Heliocentric Model op mijn kanaal.


    17 hours ago
    ooit komen we er allemaal achter wat de waarheid is, waarom we hier zijn en wat wel en wat niet waar is.
    1 ding is mij allang duidelijk dat de voor geprogameerde wereld een feit is, en wij allemaal deel nemen in dit voor gekauwde wereldje.
    Werk je niet mee dan ben je een buitenstaander, ik vraag mij al jaren af of bepaalde dingen wel echt zijn gebeurd of gefabriceerd zijn om ons iets wijs te maken.
    9/11 als voorbeeld, zocht amerika niet een reden om irak binnen te vallen? na 9/11 was er een reden om het te doen. De maan landing is al jaren een verhaal om wel te geloven of niet, is er bewijs dat het echt gebeurd is? of is het echt scripted en gefilmt in een hollywood basement?

    ik vind het moeilijk om alles te geloven wat je leest, wat is wel echt en wat niet?

    Veel is mij wel duidelijk met de komst van internet en het mediacontrole is niks meer zeker, en worden wij als normale burgers gedwongen mee te gaan in society.
    Werk, status, familie, gewoontes, tradities......zeg het maar.

    Is de aarde plat of rond? does it even matter? weten we niet.
    Ooit komen we vraag is nu wanneer en gaan wij het nog meemaken.....
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    17 hours ago
    Terrex mij maakt de vorm vd aarde geen bal uit 😂 wel de leugen!
    16 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop hoe komen we erachter of het een leugen is? Ik bedoel de theorieën zijn erg sterk en brengt de nodige twijfels met zich mee. Dat we allemaal voor gelogen worden is duidelijk.


  11. @Griefr Je neemt de horizon niet juist waar via die raampjes van een vliegtuig die het beeld vervormen.

    Er zijn heel veel video's en foto's van zeer hoog vliegende ballonen met een camera die tonen dat de horizon ZEER PLAT is.


    20 hours ago
    Hoe de fuck is de aarde plat? Wa gaat er gebeuren als ik te ver ga ? Val ik dan in de ruimte ofz
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    20 hours ago (edited)
    GĖT TRIGGERED heeft u het videootje bekeken? We zien veel te ver dan mogelijk is op een bolle aarde... schepen verdwijnen niet achter de horizon. We leven in een gesloten systeem en de rand heb ik zelf nooit kunnen observeren maar ik gok dat antarctica met het antarctica verdrag er iets mee te maken hebben. Wees dus gerust u valt niet van de rand, daarentegen kunt u wel land ontdekken waar jij en ik niet mogen komen 👍
    20 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop waarom is er een horizon op een platte aarde?
    18 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop omdat de aarde daar te groot voor is. De straal is 6371 km dus is het te groot om de bolling te zien. Als je in een vliegtuig zit kun je de bolling gewoon zien. Het lijkt net of al de platte aarde gelovers nooit in een vliegtuig zijn geweest


  12. Ik denk dat de maan aan onze kant een bolling heeft
    en de zon ook, maar mogelijk aan de achterkant (de voor ons niet zichtbare kant) plat is. Foto's van de achterkant van de maan (dark side of the moon) zijn NEP.


    Gijs Van der plas
    Gijs Van der plas
    1 day ago
    Is de maan dan ook plat 🤔
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    22 hours ago
    Gijs Van der plas Weten we niet. Je hebt minstens 2 aanzichten nodig om dat te claimen...


  13. De aarde is ook ROND...en PLAT!


    1 day ago
    Wel toevallig dat de maan/zon wel rond is en wij niet.... ;)
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    23 hours ago
    Lars199 U probeert de vorm van de aarde te bestuderen en u kijkt naar de zon en de maan? Waarom? De poolballen op de tafel zeggen niks over de vorm van de pooltafel. Zet ook vraagtekens bij de bol en begin bij je eigen waarneming, metingen en zintuigen!
    kiet oosterwijk
    kiet oosterwijk
    17 hours ago
    Maar bekijk het wiskundig, als om ons heen de planeten er rond uit zien op elke plek op de aarde, zou de kans niet klein zijn dat de aarde plat is?


  14. @William Waterford Islam werd uitgevonden door het Vaticaan
    dus het komt uit Katholieke bron die DEELS Bijbels is.


    William Waterford
    William Waterford
    1 day ago
    Platte-aarde-theorie wordt gevoed vanuit de Islam want het staat in de koran: 20:53 and 43:10.
    Op een schijfvormige aarde heeft de zon in het ene seizoen een kortere route te gaan in het midden dan in het andere seizoen aan de buitenkant. Gaat de zon dan langzamer in het ene en sneller in het andere seizoen in 24 uur? Ik verwacht “the sound of silence”.
    23 hours ago
    breng de Koran niet in twijfel!
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    23 hours ago
    William Waterford Sterker nog... elke oude cultuur wist dat zij op een vlakke schijf leven. Sinds NASA er is wordt u gebrainwashed door de televisie. Zet ook vraagtekens bij uw cosmologie... in dit geval een rondtollende vliegende wiebel-vuurbol slingerend door een oneindig groot vacuum die je hersenen niet eens kunnen bevatten. De bevrijdende waarheid is dat we nergens kromming meten noch observeren!
    MF Starboy
    MF Starboy
    22 hours ago
    NASA is sws een geldverslindende CGI scam. Die vertellen al hlml de waarheid niet bedoel ik.
    Wetenschap is, helaas voor velen, redelijk gelijk aan fictie.
    Dus investigate investigate, want als iedereen om panklare antwoorden gaat vragen dan kom je er helemaal niet snap je?

    Wis je oude overtuigingen en verfris je hersenen vanuit nieuwsgierigheid.

    Waarom denk je dat er tijdzones zijn bedacht? "FE no direct flights" is ook n mooie.
    William Waterford
    William Waterford
    21 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop De Bijbel spreekt er over dat de aarde aan niets hangt en spreekt over het rond der aarde. Ik heb even de exacte vindplaatsen er niet bij.
    Bluffjes 070
    Bluffjes 070
    21 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop waarom zou nasa dat moeten verbergen


  15. @Arakiel de Hoop Veel mensen die vragen stellen doen ondertussen zelf geen onafhankelijk onderzoek..


    Aidan Penman
    Aidan Penman
    1 day ago
    Als satelieten nep zijn, waarom hebben we dan internet connecties?

    En als de aarde plat is, waarom zijn er dan beelden van andere planeten met een bolle vorm?

    En als er een ijsmuur om de aarde heen zit die ons stopt van er af vallen, waarom is die dan aan het breken en smelten? Zouden we dan wel van de aarde af kunnen?
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    23 hours ago
    Aidan Penman u heeft internet omdat er dikke kabels over de atlantische oceaan zijn getrokken.
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    23 hours ago
    Aidan Penman is de ijsmuur aan het breken smelten? Heeft u dat zelf kunnen verifieren? Ik weet niet eens of er een ijsmuur is. Ik weet alleen dat ik er niet mag komen als simpele ziel 😅
    22 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop ja man kabels onder de oceaan doorgetrokken. Niemand kan die diepte komen dus hoe zijn die aangelegd dan? En wanneer?
    olaf van der hidde
    olaf van der hidde
    19 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop hoe weet je dat je er niet mag komen heb je dat ooit geprobeerd?
    18 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop Hoe werkt GPS volgens jou dan?
    Dante Westerlaken
    Dante Westerlaken
    8 hours ago
    Arakiel de Hoop en waarom bestaan er geen videobeelden bij deze rand,
    1 hour ago
    @Berkenboom Er liggen wel degelijk kabels op de bodem van de oceaan voor o.a. internet. Echter is dit geen verklaring voor de werking van bijvoorbeeld GPS systemen, die alleen via satellieten werken


  16. De aarde IS ROND en PLAT.


    1 day ago
    "Als je water op een bal gooit, blijft het er niet aan plakken" nee, gek hè? De eigenschappen van dat balletje en omstandigheden waarin dat balletje zich bevindt zijn niet te vergelijken met die van de RONDE aarde!
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    22 hours ago
    Er is geen bewijs dat de aardbol zoveel massa heeft dat het enorme hoeveelheden water aantrekt, maar een vlindertje laat zweven!


  17. Scholen zijn overheidsindoctrinatieinstituten en de overheid werkt samen met het Vaticaan
    : kijk naar Mark Rutte die de Paus bezoekt en het 'koningshuis' doet dat ook en ALLE wereldleiders gaan naar de Paus.
    Wie is die vent?
    De vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse keizer.


    Patrick van der Meulen
    Patrick van der Meulen
    1 day ago
    Of de aarde plat is of niet... Feit is wel dat er geen debat meer gevoerd mag worden over existentiële vragen. En dat kinderen een zeer beperkte doctrine op scholen aangeleerd wordt.


  18. @Eta Carinae Je bedoelt de aarde als een ronddraaiende bal in de 'ruimte'.

    Omdat het Vaticaan=het vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse rijk wil dat we geloven in buitenaardse wezens die eens de aarde zullen bezoeken, en als dat gebeurt via trucages dan kan namens dat Vaticaan een wereldregering worden opgericht wegen de 'globale dreiging' van die 'aliens, en Ronald Reagan zei dat destijds al in de VN dat dit de wereld één zou maken en deze overleden ex-president van de VS was een dienaar van het Vaticaan.
    De VN is destijds ook namens het Vaticaan opgericht.


    Eric Nootebos
    Eric Nootebos
    1 day ago
    En stel dat de aarde plat zou zijn..Waarom zouden alle bestaande wetenschappers en onderzoekers hier dan over liegen? met welke reden en wie heeft daar baat bij? Zélfs 500 jaar voor christus met dezelfde redenen? en dan zónder 1 van deze personen die zich heeft versproken in 2500 jaar? Ik bedoel.. denken mensen dan écht niet na?
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    1 day ago
    Eric Nootebos de meeste wetenschappers nemen klakkeloos over. Degene die andere ideeen hebben dan de mainstream worden ontslagen of een kopje kleiner gemaakt. De rest loopt achter geld aan en zo blijft het systeem in stand. Het begint al in groep 4... mocht je in groep 4 bij wereldorientatie niet in een bol-model geloven... dan mag je niet naar groep 5 ������ zie daar de indoctrinatie! Gelukkig zijn er zat wetenschappers die het heliocentrisme verwerpen
    T QT
    T QT
    23 hours ago
    Arakiel de Hoop welke wetenschappers? Ik geloof er niks van.
    Robert Vermeer
    Robert Vermeer
    15 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop Kun je die wetenschappers dan misschien even noemen hier?
    Eta Carinae
    Eta Carinae
    8 hours ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop ik heb nog altijd van jou niet vernomen waarom ons de ronde aarde wordt opgedrongen


  19. @Jouke Rienstra Wordt jij betaald door de overheid om hier te liegen?


    tony'sMelody TM
    tony'sMelody TM
    1 day ago
    Piloten weten het. Verzekeringsbedrijven weten het. Vrijmetselaars weten het.

    Air over a Plane =airplane. Not airglobe, nee airplane. Duidelijk. Ok, next!
    Jouke Rienstra
    Jouke Rienstra
    1 day ago
    De aarde is rond op professionele en amateur vliegmappen. Als elke piloot zou moeten liegen was er allang verhaal uitgekomen


  20. HEEL verstandig!


    2 days ago
    99% van de Jensen kijkers meent dat de aarde plat is.
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    1 day ago
    ZorbaTheDutch Jensen wordt ook wakker!


  21. @Jordi Dijkstra Met VEEL fantasie is ALLES voor te stellen...probeer nou eens dat platte aarde model...


    Rawdaw Spike
    Rawdaw Spike
    2 days ago
    Ik heb een vraag :

    Wat betekent het in Jip en Jannekke taal als de aarde plat blijkt te zijn?

    En dus waarom moeten we geloven dat de aarde rond is?

    In de Quran kun je heel veel wetenschappelijke feiten vinden, maar heeft iemand enig voorbeeld uit de Quran dat de platte aarde theorie bevestigt? Of uit de bijbel of taurah?
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    1 day ago
    Rawdaw Spike dat ze u voorliegen... pik je dat of niet?
    Jordi Dijkstra
    Jordi Dijkstra
    1 day ago
    Rawdaw Spike in 400 v Chr werd door Aristoteles al bewezen dat de aarde bol is. Waarom zou hij toen al gelogen hebben? Hij verdiende er niks mee toen...
    William Waterford
    William Waterford
    1 day ago
    Koran 20:53 en 43:10 voor een platte aarde


  22. Wernher von Braun was aan SS-er en SS betekent Sedes Sacrorem
    en dat betekent HEILIGE STOEL en dat is de PAUS en die is de vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse keizer.


    Nordin Thorsten
    Nordin Thorsten
    2 days ago (edited)
    Toch vreemd dat Werner von Braun psalm 19.1 op zijn grafsteen heeft staan terwijl hij het spaceshuttle project leidde.. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

    1. Wernher von Braun was aan SS-er=Wernher von Braun was een SS-er
      Ik zie overigens geen van mijn reacties terug onder deze video, dus ik denk dat Arakiel de Hoop geen trek heeft in God-JEZUS-de Bijbel en gerelateerde info....


  23. NASA werd opgericht door Duitse Nazi's die na de oorlog naar de VS kwamen
    Nazi's dienen het Vaticaan=het vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse rijk.


    Nordin Thorsten
    Nordin Thorsten
    2 days ago
    Kan iemand NASA nog vertrouwen na het zien van deze nep deuren van het ISS?
    Iemand die liever anoniem blijft
    Iemand die liever anoniem blijft
    1 day ago
    Nordin Thorsten wat bedoel je met nepdeuren? Ze klapperen gewoon, waarom zou dat niet kunnen?


  24. @Euro Guy Mooie verklaringen!


    Jordi Dijkstra
    Jordi Dijkstra
    2 days ago
    Leg voor mij de werking van daglicht dan uit? Hoe kan het dat als de aarde plat is, we nergens op hetzelfde moment zonlicht zien? Ik heb het idee dat de mensen die dit geloven bang zijn om te beseffen dat we wss enkel materie zijn en geen kinderen van god 💁🏼‍♂️
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    2 days ago
    Jordi Dijkstra Kan een gloeilamp de hele fabriekshal verlichten? Nee... de zon lijkt me dus lokaal en draait rondjes over een vlak.
    Nordin Thorsten
    Nordin Thorsten
    2 days ago
    Hoe kan een drukgebied als onze atmosfeer bestaan naast het vacuüm van de ruimte, zonder barrière..
    Euro Guy
    Euro Guy
    2 days ago (edited)
    Afgezien van wat de zon nu eigenlijk is, bevindt de zon zich niet op de enorme afstand die NASA ons probeert wijs te maken. Daarom wordt niet het gehele aardopperVLAK door de zon beschenen.
    De zon is trouwens niet de (enige) bron van het licht waarin we overdag leven. Het elektromagnetische veld dat door de zon gecreëerd wordt laat de lichte edelgassen (zoals helium, neon en argon) in de hoogste regionen van onze atmosfeer gloeien. Deze gloed is ons daglicht.
    De aarde wordt overdag dus verlicht door "zonneschijn" ( geeft tevens de "warmte"), én door "daglicht".
    masusi malinöe
    masusi malinöe
    2 days ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop en hoe kan je dan navigeren, het hele graadnet klopt dus ook niet.
    Jay Hoffmann
    Jay Hoffmann
    2 days ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop de zon is misschien wel ver weg maar toch het grootste object in ons zonnestelsel... verklaar me even jou theorie


  25. @Arakiel de Hoop Of een pizza...


    Flavio Noticia
    Flavio Noticia
    2 days ago
    Aarde is rond 9/11 is fake
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    1 day ago
    Flavio Noticia Rond als één pannekoek!


  26. @Ricardo Berrevoets Wauw, dat is maar liefst ruim vier kilometer dieper
    .....en de aarde is zo ENORM GROOT...


    Joris Pauws
    Joris Pauws
    3 days ago
    wat zit er onder die frisbee aarde dan
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    2 days ago (edited)
    Joris Pauws We kunnen slechts gissen. Het diepste gat ooit gegraven is iets van 8 kilometer. Zet vraagtekens bij de vuurbol waarop je woont!
    Ricardo Berrevoets
    Ricardo Berrevoets
    1 day ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop diepste gat ooit gegraven is 12.262 km, eerst even je research doen.


  27. @Gregory Dat zijn alle astroNOTTEN


    FB Windsurfing
    FB Windsurfing
    1 week ago
    Best knap van kuipers de vrijmetselaar dat hij zweeft in de ruimte , maar zijn boutje valt als hij een reparatie moet doen bij een WC !!! HAHAHAHAHA Understanding the matrix :-)
    Zeger Stoel
    Zeger Stoel
    3 days ago
    Heel goed opgemerkt. Echt lachwekkend.
    2 days ago
    het zijn allemaal vrijmetselaars


  28. Gwn_TiTi

    Jij gelooft in bullshit!


    1 week ago
    Wat een bullshit!!
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    1 week ago
    4 days ago
    Gwn 👍


  29. @Roel van Houten Jij mag JOUW ONZIN ook verkondigen,
    , dus ga niet als een DICTATOR bepalen wat een ander moet geloven.
    Hans S
    Hans S
    1 second ago
    De aarde is rond....en plat


    L O V E ME
    L O V E ME
    1 month ago
    Ik dacht gekkies, dat mensen zeggen dat de aarde plat is.. Na deze video ga ik toch wel even twijfelen dat de aarde rond is...
    Roel van Houten
    Roel van Houten
    1 month ago
    Niet twijfelen ;-) De aarde is rond. We hebben al genoeg idioten die denken dat de aarde plat is.
    L O V E ME
    L O V E ME
    1 month ago (edited)
    Roel van Houten Ik beluisterde vandaag complotcast, op Spotify over dit onderwerp. Dan maar eens YouTube filmpjes bekijken over dit onderwerp! Als ik NASA op YouTube in typ: krijg je live beelden te zien en ja hoor, de aarde is toch echt rond...... of een complot ��
    Roel van Houten
    Roel van Houten
    1 month ago
    @L O V E ME Het is altijd goed om zelf kritisch te blijven, maar eerlijk gezegd heb ik nog nooit één goed argument gehoord voor de platte aarde. Normaal gesproken vind ik dat iedereen zelf moet weten wat men gelooft, maar gezien het feit dat YouTube een populair platform is voor de jeugd, vind ik het een heel kwalijke zaak dat deze onzin vrij verspreid kan worden. Ik snap ook best dat mensen hier van aan het twijfelen raken, maar er zijn genoeg filmpjes te vinden waarin elk argument van de platte aarde vakkundig worden weerlegd.
    Greet Borremans
    Greet Borremans
    1 month ago
    Luister naar Roel man
    Dance nation
    Dance nation
    1 month ago
    Dat betekent dat je makkelijk te beïnvloeden bent.
    Wilbert Lek
    Wilbert Lek
    1 month ago
    "Na deze video ga ik toch wel even twijfelen dat de aarde rond is..."
    Dat noemen ze brainwashing. Iets kijken wat alleen maar een mening herhaalt en herhaalt en herhaalt...
    Dat deed Charles Manson ook... En Hitler. En de Westboro Baptist Church. En Ken Ham. En Kent Hovind. En Ray Comfort. En Joel Olstein. En Joyce Meyers. En William Lane Craig... Etc, Etc...


  30. @Rinse-esniR Je liegt dat het gedrukt staat!


    2 months ago
    Hahaha. wat een onzin! Zijn jullie allemaal opgehouden echt na te denken? Of is dit een grap? Ik hoop het.
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    2 months ago
    adrian123123123123 nee geen grap! U bent voorgelogen vanaf groep 3 over de vorm van de aarde
    2 months ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop Gelukkig, in groep 2 spraken ze nog wel de waarheid over de vorm van de aarde 😅
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    2 months ago
    Rinse-esniR In groep 2 ben je nog te jong om kritisch te zijn over de waarheid die je met de paplepel naar binnen hebt gewerkt. ‘Question authority’ zit er al helemaal niet bij. Nu ben je volwassen en kan je zelf onderzoeken hoe krom de bol-theorie eigenlijk is!
    2 months ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop Noem eens iets dat volgens jou krom is?
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    2 months ago
    Rinse-esniR ?? Een banaan? 🙈😅
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    2 months ago
    Rinse-esniR wat ook krom is is de aardboltheorie 😅🙈
    2 months ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop Dus je weet niets te noemen...
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    2 months ago
    Rinse-esniR Wil je de vraag herhalen?
    2 months ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop Wat is er krom aan wat jij de bol aarde theorie noemt?
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    2 months ago
    Rinse-esniR De de ‘bol-theorie’ niet empirisch te verifieren valt. Zie bovenstaand filmpje! Mocht je vragen hebben over het filmpje dan graag met tijdcode aanduiden!
    2 months ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop Jij beweert dat de aarde plat is.
    Dat moet je dan empirisch bewijzen.
    Het vermeend ontbreken van bewijs voor de globe is geen bewijs dat de aarde dan plat is.
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Arakiel de Hoop
    1 month ago
    @Rinse-esniR 1 woord: wateropperVLAK (geverifieerd door infra zoom-camera's, lasers, microgolf verbindingen)
    1 month ago
    @Arakiel de Hoop Tja, Jeran heeft onlangs met een laser aangetoond dat er gewoon een curve in zit.
    Dus zo vlak is water nu ook weer niet.
    En hoe verklaar je getijden als water altijd volledig vlak is?
    5 days ago
    Arakiel de Hoop
    Die Rinse-esniR is een trol.
    Niet op reageren.
    3 days ago
    @Rinse-esniR Serieus...? Jeran Campanella (=Jeranism) heeft dat met een laser aangetoond...?
    Je liegt.


  31. Absoluut! Heel mooi gedaan!


    4 months ago
    Top video , eindelijk een goeie van eigen bodem !

  32. Hallo Ruben, ik zag jouw reactie op mij van 7 maanden geleden onder de video We zijn voorgelogen, de Aarde is plat.
    Ruben Weijers
    7 months ago
    @Hans S Heb een paar dingen te melden,
    1. Heb je het zelf getypt of gwn ctrl + c, ctrl + v
    2. Hoe verklaar je eb en vloed dat wordt veroorzaakt door de maan?
    3. Zelf geloof ik niet in god (k ga je ook niet zegge of die wel of niet bestaat, dat moet je zelf beslissen) maar als ik het me goed herinner zou de wereld pas enkele duizenden jaren oud zijn volgens de bijbel. Hoe verklaar je dan dat wij de oudheid van dingen van miljoenen jaren oud kunnen bepalen dankzij vervaltijden van radioactief materiaal?
    Ik probeerde diverse keren een reactie te plaatsen, maar het lijkt erop dat ik om wat voor reden ben geblokkeerd.
    Ik testte of ik hier iets kon plaatsen en dat was gelukt.
    Dus plaats ik hier mijn reactie en helaas zonder linken erbij, want als ik meer dan één link plaats dan wordt het niet geplaatst.

    1. Ja, ik had mijn reactie zelf getypt.
    Als ik linken plaats dan wordt mijn reactie niet geplaatst.
    Dat is raar, want het plaatsen van linken heeft YouTube mogelijk gemaakt...soms heb ik er geen probleem mee, en nu weer merk ik dat YouTube moeilijk doet.
    Dus ik los het zo op:
    In reactie op je derde punt: zoek deze video op YouTube Earth is 6,000 Years Old
    In 2013 werd ik een aanhanger van het geocentrische model en in 2016 een 'platte aardling'.
    Ik kijk nu ook heel anders tegen het fenomeen 'dinosauriërs' aan.
    Bekijk daartoe deze video op YouTube Eric Dubay: Dinosaurs Never Existed!
    Wil je meer weten over wat ik geloof aangaande de platte aarde, ga dan naar mijn blog ezekiel38rapture en zoek in de rechterkolom naar 'Flat Earth' en klik daarop.
    Verder kun je op mijn site nog veel meer ontdekken over waarin ik geloof als voormalige atheïst.
    Hans S
    Hans S6 minutes ago
    Toch kijken of ik een link kan plaatsen:

    1. Hi Ruben, I saw your reaction to me from 7 months ago under the video We've been lied to, Earth is flat.
      Ruben Weijers
      7 months ago
      @Hans S Have a few things to say,
      1. Did you type it yourself or gwn ctrl + c, ctrl + v
      2. How do you explain the ebb and flow caused by the moon?
      3. I myself do not believe in god (I am not going to tell you whether it exists or not, you have to decide for yourself) but if I remember correctly the world would only be a few thousand years old according to the Bible. How do you explain that we can determine the antiquity of things millions of years old thanks to the decay times of radioactive material?
      I tried to comment several times but it seems I have been blocked for some reason.
      I tested if I could post something here and it worked.
      So I post my comment here and unfortunately without any links, because if I post more than one link it will not be posted.

      1. Yes, I had typed my response myself.
      If I post links, my comment will not be posted.
      That's weird, because posting links has made YouTube possible ... sometimes I don't have a problem with it, and again I notice that YouTube is having a hard time.
      So I solve it like this:
      In response to your third point: Search this video on YouTube Earth is 6,000 Years Old
      In 2013 I became a supporter of the geocentric model and in 2016 a 'flat earthling'.
      I now also look very differently at the phenomenon of 'dinosaurs'.
      Watch this video on YouTube Eric Dubay: Dinosaurs Never Existed!
      If you want to know more about what I believe about the flat earth, go to my blog ezekiel38rapture and search in the right column for 'Flat Earth' and click on it.
      You can also discover much more about what I believe as a former atheist on my site.
      Hans S
      Hans S6 minutes ago
      Still see if I can post a link:


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

God's Footstool is the FLAT EARTH - Globe Earthers want to be acceptable to the Vatican controlled society

If you're a person with a BROWN skin, just imagine God has a brown skin too...

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

10 MORE Things You Never Learned About the Globe

 This video contains a great explanation for the phenomenon of 'gravity'!

  1. mic dhen
    Flat earthers know that Saturn is only a relatively small wandering star in the firmament
    , just like the other planets.


    mic dhen
    mic dhen
    16 minutes ago
    Flat Earthers think Saturn has Onion Rings!🤓
    (Wrong again!)😠
    (only french fries)😜
  2. mic dhen
    I give you all that I own if you can show me just ONE undoctored picture of earth as a BALL from 'space'.

    God-the Lord JESUS created the earth round and flat, with a firmament.
    Outside the firmamant/dome/vault is water, just as the Bible says.


    mic dhen
    mic dhen
    26 minutes ago
    Hans S Of course..That's why they put Rings around it.To keep it from wandering off!
    Hey, a question: Is there water in the firmament/dome, and/or above the firmament/dome, or is it all only on the earth?
  3. mic dhen, it's clear you're mocking the God-made flat earth truth and I've never done that in public when I was still a deluded globe earther, though I thought that flat earthers are insane.
    They're not insane and all flat earthers are former globe earthers and they will never go back to that stupid globe earth lie concocted by satan and the Vatican.
    So you don't want my MONEY?
    Concerning this topic you reason exactly like the ATHEISTS I confronted after I had become a flat earth truther.
    Try to convince JESUS Christ that the earth He made is a BALL, okay?


    mic dhen
    mic dhen
    27 minutes ago
    Hans S Thx, but I've already got too much stuff I've got to unload. Want to downsize. Rapture ready...can't take it with us anyways. But thx.

    Also, I have no pictures of Earth from space. I've never been that far out. (Okay, some might debate that.) Let me re-phrase that.
    Barring some weird 'adventures' long ago that I don't recommend to others, and am grateful Jesus forgave, rescued, and delivered me from, (many times shame on me), I've never been that far out.
    Especially not with a camera. So, no pics.

    So anyway... If there IS water in and/or above the firmament/dome/vault, is the water curved or flat?
  4. Renee, I was a globe/ball earther most of my life and when I was 56, on October 1, 2016, I became a globe earther and I was already saved forever by JESUS's Grace through faith alone in His atoning BLOOD.
    You fight for the gospel and me too and I also fight for the truth, because JESUS is the truth.
    He showed me the truth about the true shape of the earth and He had already convinced me in 2013 that the earth doesn't spin and that it's the center of His creation and NOT the sun.
    You assert the Bible easily supports the globe earth and heliocentrism and I know people who got convinced that the earth is flat by reading that same Bible.
    So now the question is: is there a 'globe earth Jesus' and a 'flat earth Jesus' and do they disagree?
    I know someone who got saved from suicide after he first discovered the flat earth truth.
    According to you he first believed in a lie in his desperation and from there he got saved...or is he still going to burn forever in hell?
    I give you all my money if you can show me just one undoctered picture of the earth as a BALL from 'space'.
    I'm sure you can't because such pictures don't exist: No Photographs of Earth!
    Is it possible to believe in the gospel of grace and still be deceived?
    I was deceived when I believed in the globe earth nonsense when I was already saved.


    Renee Roland
    6 minutes ago
    mic dhen im a ball easily supports it. But ppl.can think its flat...i fight for the gospel
  5. mic dhen
    Your sense of humor will be tested when you realize WHY satan concocted the GLOBE EARTH LIE!

    You really did your best to try to impress me by using your OWN language to a Dutchman, or shall I now continue in Dutch to show my sense of humor?
    Dat kan ik uiteraard doen, maar dat doe ik niet: Of course I can do that but I don't.
    Thanks for your long reply, which shows you have pondered about it.
    James is only 10 years old and he's already been brainwashed by the globe earth lie, which also happened to me (and BILLIONS of others) when I was a child through the 'educational' (mind control) system.
    Here's a man with a great sense of humor who attacks the globe earth bull crap through his songs:
    Many people just don't WANT TO know that this world is ruled by satan through the Vatican and the JESUITS, and for example the Jesuits concocted the 'Big Bang' LIE, with devastating consequences: The Bloody History of ATHEISM, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, SATANISM
    Atheism=satanism cannot thrive WITHOUT the globe earth lie! ��
    The globe earth lie is pure SATANISM!
    But I have 'no sense of humor'......
    I'm so GLAD that JESUS and NOT anybody else showed me the flat earth truth, even though it's not about eternal salvation.
    So to me you're trying to tell me that JESUS is NUTS. ������
    I can't use those funny smileys so I steal them from you. ��
    You know why satan=adversary is so successful?
    Because it's so EASY to DECEIVE people!
    If he can make them believe the earth is a BALL, he can control them and they don't even know it.
    So many believers in JESUS believe in the TRUTH=JESUS while at the same time they're preaching and teaching lies, and most of them aren't even aware.
    Try to convince this ATHEIST that the earth is a BALL: The ATHEIST Flat Earther
    Don't worry GLOBEHEADS: Satan is on your side!
    JESUS is not dead and the earth is flat
    Satan loves NASA!

    Are you still laughing?
    JESUS and I satan and his STUPID BALL earth LIE!
    Hans S
    Hans S
    1 second ago
    mic dhen
    To answer your question: I believe that outside the flat earth system there's WATER as far as the eye can see and it's neither curved nor flat and I believe we live in a HUGE 'submarine' which is moving 'upward' so that we get that sense of 'gravity'.
    This system is also God's FOOTSTOOL:

    Matthew 5:34-36 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

    34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all, neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God:

    35 Nor yet by the earth, for it is his FOOTSTOOL: neither by Jerusalem: for it is the city of the great King.

    36 Neither shalt thou swear by thine head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
  6. JESUS isn't resting His holy feet on a FAST SPINNING BALL! ������
    Hans S
    Hans S
    1 second ago
    Flat Earth on Dutch T.V


    mic dhen
    2 minutes ago
    Hans S Wrong again, Flatso. Look, Hans, I don't want to fight w you, brother. I didn't then and I don't now. I'm a saved believer in Jesus, you claim to be, too. Great! That makes us bros in HIS grace and HIS decision, not anything WE did, so keep that in mind, ok?

    I made a joke for my friends, Renee and JimJim. That10yr old lad is smart enough to know the Earth is round. He has also had intelligent conversations AND good-natured ribbing with FEers, as have I. Sadly, there only seems to be a few ppl that are FEers that can also kid around, and not get all snotty about it when someone thinks they're nuts. It's called having a sense of humor and not taking yourself too seriously.

    One is a very sweet sister and intelligent Bible believer, she's a saved believer in Jesus, believes in pre-trib rapture (properly, imo) and has a heart for the truth. She supports Renee's osas, grace alone, biblically true position. She's one of our many beautiful sisters in Christ, her initials are VS. She also believes in the FlatEarth theory, so she's a nutso!

    Another one has a very thought provoking channel, hosts some very intersting livestreams, and ALSO believes in Jesus and the truth of salvation by grace thru faith in Jesus Christ alone, so is a brother in Christ. He happens to be post-trib (I think), and is a FEer as well, so he's a DOUBLE nutso. ����His initials are MV. You might know him.

    Now, JimJim loves science and math and kidding around, too. So when he made a joke about Onion Rings, I thought of the Rings of Saturn. (Space humor has been in the news lately) So I made a joke about Flat Earthers believing Saturn had Onion Rings. (Then I said, no, only french fries ��������)

    That's when you chimed in with your humorless spiel on why you think the Earth is flat, and that everyone must believe it like you or they're anti-Bible. ��
    A little more sarcasm from me...a little more 'high-and-mighty' from thing you know you're challenging Renee Roland to prove her Holy Spirit is hipper than yours is! ��

    Oh well. More of the same meanspiritedness from a FEer that sadly is all too common. But at least it helps me appreciate bros/sis like VS and MV all the more! ☺️

    Btw, where are all the undoctored pictures from space of a FLAT Earth?
    And you still haven't answered the Q about the water in or above the dome ... Is it flat or curved?
    God bless you, brother. And relax, the Bible says (if you can believe it...the Mandelites say you can't) that God is gonna make a new Heaven and Earth. The old one will burn away, or something like that. Then I guess, when the old rock is burning, the shape of it won't seem as important.
    Speaking of which ...
    If someone tries to prophesy to you that they know the shape of the new earth in advance...?
    Don't believe 'em!
    IT'S A TRAP.....ezoid! ��
    (Lol, see what I did there?��)
    Oh, brother. °~°
  7. mic dhen
    You don't get it: God-the Lord JESUS isn't dependent upon the laws of physics
    he created Himself and He's ABOVE all laws we're subjected to and that's why He could walk upon water!
    So when the flat and round earth with a firmament moves 'upward' He's not feeling it because He's NOT a human being of flesh and blood but GOD!
    He made the firmament big enough so that His feet can rest on it, even though it's round, but not too round.
    Try to convince brother Rob Skiba that the earth is a BALL: Biblical Flat Earth Conference in Amsterdam - Part 2: A Seed War, the Beast and a Strong Delusion
    Yes, JESUS loves us! 😜


    mic dhen
    2 hours ago
    Hans S

    ••How does he smell? 😦

    Okay, Flatsum, I take it back...You've got a GREAT sense of humor!
    (That one about Jesus can't rest His Holy feet on a fast spinning ball is a riot!🤣🤣🤣)
    But seriously 😃 it might be therapeutic. It might be stimulating, and could get kind of tingly on His toes, plus, all the fast-spinning skyscrapers could help scrub the scaly bits off His heels. Followed by a nice foot-soaking in all the saltwater.

    So let me get this picture correctly...
    God/Jesus is sitting on the throne of heaven. (Is this a fluffy throne like on the clouds? Or a hard white porcelain throne? Does it recline? And have pillows? (It IS heaven, you know, so it's gotta have comfy cushions and fluffy pillows!).

    Now, He has his feet up on the Earth for a footstool, right? Are His legs fully stretched out, or are His knees bent?
    In other words, are the soles of His feet flat down on the FlatEarth? Or are His heels on the FlatEarth, with His toesies sticking up?
    They can't be up on the dome, because that would be ... round? And they would slip off, right? Isn't that what you were implying? He can't have His feet on a round footstool, so the Earth MUST be flat?

    So His feet are on the flatstool, which is like an ever-rising (up?) yellow submarine we all live in.
    And we should assume the throne of heaven is rising upward, too, otherwise, only His feet would be going up, up, up and WOAH! WHEE! FLIPSIES!! Can't have that!
    So...All of this PROVES that the Earth MUST be flat, because a round earth footstool for the Creator of the universe would be .....

    Praise the Lord...A merry heart doeth good like a medicine 😃!
    God bless you, brother! Jesus loves you!
  8. mic dhen
    Before I believed in the flat earth truth and before I believed in OSAS
    I was called WORSE THAN SATAN by a 'friendly and kind' OSAS-adherent with a 'good sense of humor'.
    Rob Skiba is SAVED and he's MY brother in Christ JESUS, but your jesus doesn't know this and he dislikes the flat earth REALITY..
    All convinced globe earthers who refuse to investigate GOD's flat earth truth are on the side of the Vatican, the Jesuits and NAZI-NASA and the devil concerning this subject.
    JESUS will show you what a fool you are in this respect, and you mock and scoff those who were drawn to JESUS after they discovered the flat earth truth. 😲


    mic dhen
    mic dhen
    2 hours ago
    Hans S Lol, I get it just fine. I don't know any Rob Skiba or whether he's saved (a brother) or not.
    I DO know that if he believes God is some big giant dude floating around on a puffy throne with His feet propped up on an invisible dome (which may or may not be curved and may or may not contain water which water ALSO may or may not be curved) covering an earth that HAS to be flat because it's God's LITERAL FOOTSTOOL, then,'s time to play 'Spot the Looney'!
  9. Deb Jones JESUS is not dead and the earth is flat so that every eye can see Him when He'll return I subscribed to you! <3JESUS<3


    Deb Jones
    Deb Jones
    8 hours ago
    Mic, I am with you all the way on the MandelaCult. They nearly had me sucked in deep -- UNTIL I started reading the bible for myself and God showed me these verses and instances have always been there!!!!!

    For a long time I trolled them too. EYA (EXTOL YESHUA ALWAYS-- no she does not!!!) is a witch. I was in her secret facebook group for quite sometime and let me say shes a total deceiver on many fronts and aspects of our faith. You right about this brother. To twist and manipulate the words of God the way they do is downright blasphemous.

    However...that I agree with you there, I also believe the earth is a immovable level plane -- flat. Those darn Jesuit / Freemasons sculpted our history to fit their narrative. The narrative there are aliens from outer space, when in fact there are only demons. There will come a time when they use the deception on us that we have been invaded. Remember Ronald Reagans speech about "It will take some outside force for us all to come together....."

    Anyhow, there are many people out there actually PROVING earth is not a ball. Water exposes the global lie (and earth is mostly made of water).
    Let me know if you want me to hook you up with another brother in Christ who helped me understand it.... he does a fantastic presentation. The ball earth was created actually to HIDE GOD .... I know. Crazy...but true. I had a difficult time accepting also. Blessing to you and Miss Renee dear hearts. Much love
  10. mic dhen
    "You, sir, are an idiot" "Flatsy"

    There's NO difference between you and atheists who desperately cling to their beloved JESUIT concocted LIES, concerning this issue.
    You're calling JESUS Christ, God manifested in the flesh an IDIOT, because He didn't make a satanic spinning ball in 'space' called earth, but a flat and round plane with a firmament.
    You're on the side of the Nazis who founded NASA, because they didn't lose the war, because they went to America, with the aid of the EVIL Vatican, which is the satanic Roman Empire.
    I already knew this before I became a flat earther.
    Wake up 'American', because you live in the most evil country that ever existed!
    Your country financed BOTH Hitler and Stalin on behalf of the POPE and Satan, causing MILLIONS of deaths and even more MILLIONS of traumatized people, like my late MOTHER when Hitler invaded my country.
    You dare to call me arrogant?
    Have you ever looked in the mirror?


    You are a PROUD AMERICAN, and proud Americans are VERY DANGEROUS, because they're MURDERING and MAIMING people all over the world, and all because they're too stupid to see that they're being used by the devil and his JESUITS and the Vatican.
    You may SLAUGHTER me or BURN ME ALIVE me if you can show me just ONE REAL picture of earth from 'space'.
    Yes there are no pictures from above of the flat and round earth and you know why?
    Because God made it IMPOSSIBLE to make such pictures!!!
    The STUPID ROCKETS that all 'aerospace countries' fire into the SKY, based on NAZI-technology can't get HIGH enough to make such pictures.
    You have been fooled by the devil and his Vatican!
    And something else: NUCLEAR WEAPONS DON'T EXIST

    Nuclear danger is a HOAX!!! It is only heat!


  11. mic dhen
    54 minutes ago
    Hans S Oh why don't you shut up and get off your arrogant high horse with your false accusations!
    Ok, well at least I have Deb Jones to add to my list of DECENT FEers, (even tho I disagree w the FE theories) along with who I mentioned before, VS and MV , most ppl here know who I mean. Deb Jones, ty for at least being gracious and understanding some humor....

    But you, Hans?! Your arrogant meanspiritedness has gone too far, and it's really disappointing!

    I was kidding around with my young christian friend, and you stuck your nastiness into it.
    Thanks for the good cheer, Flatsy.
    Calling me a devil or jesuit follower, is the same stinkin low blow I see vomitting out of the mouths of 90+% of FlatEarth peanutbrains like you. I told a joke, so what, big deal, to my young christian friend, who has more intelligence AND good cheer in his little finger than most FEers have in their warped heads.

    And BTW, Don't call my little brother brainwashed, you flatz.
    MAN, you're just another typical vicious flat rat, aren't ya?

    And telling me MY Jesus is somehow inferior to your god who's sitting on a fluffy throne with his feet propped up on an INVISIBLE CURVED DOME with CURVED WATER, overtop a Flat Earth that HAS to be flat because it's his footstool and his feet would fall off, even though NOW you say his feet aren't even on the 'flat earth', they're on the curved dome?!
    You, sir, are an idiot.

    I've seen a few 'somewhat' reasonable, though disputable, theories as to why some ppl might believe in a flat earth. But...
    this scripture-twisting you appeal to, about God's heavenly throne and Earth being His LITERAL footstool is about as doofish as Hinn trying to tell us there are 3 Trinities in the Godhead!
    And YOU're gonna come on HERE and insult a young boy's intelligence?, and his mother as well?
    Some nerve!

    Hans...YOU are the one that said the Earth has to be FLAT because it's God's footstool. THEN you said His feet are actually on the CURVED dome part.
    Do you hear what you're saying?!

    It can't be round because it's His footstool, so it has to be flat, but His feet aren't on the flat earth but the round dome??!! ��

    Hans, I don't know who this Rob Skiba guru is you're following, but it sounds like he's manipulating people and messin' with their heads!
    I hope you get away from that, and just stand on the SOLID ROCK of Jesus Christ.

    (And, NO, that does NOT mean He's LITERALLY made of stone!) ✝️��☺️
  12. mic dhen
    I decide to be GRACEFUL to you.

    It's so EASY to respond FROM THE FLESH, but I'm as DEAD as a DODO, though JESUS raised me from the spiritual death!
    This is not your or my TERRITORY and the ENTIRE internet belongs to Satan and I love to ANNOY him whenever and wherever I can by talking about JESUS as much as I can.
    I did not insult Jim or Renee, and you're NOT their DADDY/HUSBAND!
    Yes, I believe you love JESUS Christ, but if you're truly detached from stupid NATIONALISM and PATRIOTISM and if you truly belong the the KINGDOM OF GOD then you MUST agree with JESUS and ME or your eternity will turn out to be a HELLISH experience, because I'm NOT going to BURN IN HELL FOR YOU to satisfy your GOD-COMPLEX!
    You'll have to KILL me first to 'prove' you're 'right' and I am 'wrong' and then you'll only do me a favor because then I'm with JESUS and then you have proven that your FLESH still loves to DOMINATE your MIND.
    Rob Skiba is NOT my 'guru' and in fact I discovered him later after I had become a flat earther, and I mostly agree with what he says, but not with everything because like so many people with a CHURCH-background, which I DON'T HAVE as a FORMER ATHEIST, he believes in the OCCULT GARBAGE called 'the book of Enoch'.
    Do you know I was kicked out of the 'Biblical Flat Earth community' on Google plus and do you know why?
    Because almost all of them believe in the WRONG GOSPEL and NOT in the gospel of GRACE.
    They almost tried to LYNCH me, so to speak, when I confronted them with their fallacy.
    Christians can be just as EVIL and ROTTEN as 'unbelievers', unless they're DEAD!
    They also don't do GOOD!
    But I'm not afraid to be BLOCKED and to be kicked out of communities of UNTRUSTWORTHY people, because JESUS is my BEST FRIEND!
    This was the video that convinced me the earth is FLAT on October 1, 2016: Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth
    But in 2013 I was already convinced the earth is NOT spinning and that it's the CENTER of God's creation, and I already knew that the 'manned moon landings' were FAKE and that 'satellites' DON'T EXIST.

    You really don't know how ROTTEN and EVIL the JESUITS are!
    Flat Earth: Exposing the Jesuit Agenda!


    mic dhen
    3 hours ago
    Hans S Yes I call you arrogant! You came on Renees channel after I made a simple friendly joke with her son. You took the fun out of it by immediately going into a serious 'FlatEarth' spiel.
    After a little more sarcastic needling, your nasty nose got snipped and you went for the generalizations and condemnations, all the while making ASININE statements about God LITERALLY sitting with His feet propped up on Earth!
    YOU made the claim that the Earth MUST be flat because it's God's footstool.
    Then you changed THAT scripture twisting, and decided His feet are actually resting on a dome!
    A CURVED dome.
    With water!
    Those are YOUR twisted versions of scripture and strange view of God, imo.
    Yet, when challenged, you skip over your own claims and go on attacking me with false accusations, lumping me in with groups that I neither ascribe to, nor want to.
    You attacked a 10yr old kid, you insulted his Mom, Renee Roland, and you falsely accuse me ... Who WAS calling you brother, saying 'I wasnt here to fight', that 'ok, so I think ppl who believe in FE are nuts, but I still have a few that I consider bro/sis in Christ and love as such', ...

  13. And you continue to falsely accuse me, even of siding with the Vatican and even satan???!!! You lying, false accusing *@#$!

    Ok, boy, you want to be a lowlife, go ahead. You are ANOTHER in a growing list of FEers who turns into a false accusing jackal as soon as you find someone who doesn't believe in your little pet flat earth theory.
    I've come across your type before, I doubt you'll be the last.

    It doesn't matter, the Lord Jesus Christ is my God and Saviour, and there's no more condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
    So hurl your lies and false accusations all you want. You do not know me, you do not know what I believe regarding America, OR WW2, OR the RC/Vatican abominations, OR NASA. You simply make generalized, group assumptions and condemnations based on the fact that I think the FlatEarth theory is wrong, and that your silly TWISTING OF SCRIPTURE to try to prove it, is moronic!

    PLUS, you still haven't addressed your own contradictory claims, you skipped right over them to continue your diversionary attack with false accusations against me.
    YOU made the claims, Hans.
    YOU said the Earth had to be flat because it's God's footstool. Then YOU contradicted yourself and said His feet were on some invisible curved dome.
    YOU made those claims following what started as a playful joke with a young christian regarding OnionRings.
    And YOU, Hans, YOU, have yet to plainly address the claims you made, rather, you keep trying to shove your FE theory at others, shilling for others by posting link after link of other ppls channels... And doing it on RENEE'S channel, the same one where you insulted her son AND her! You've got some nerve, Hans! Her channel isnt for spewing nonsense by other flat earth profiteers and possible wolves.
    Her channel is about salvation in Jesus Christ, the gift of God.

    I'm checking your FE guru Skiba, but I'm not touching your links. I'm already suspicious about him...if he is who I think, I suggest you find another about the gospel of grace, not law and flat earth theories.
    Believe in FE if you want, Hans, but not thru scriptorture, and because you follow after a possible false teacher.

    I'm suggesting that for your own sake, just suggesting.
    But if you come back at me with another false accusation and condemnation, you prove you're not interested in brotherhood in Christ, but only promoting your FE theory agenda while avoiding the earlier claims you made about God and scripture.
    Meanwhile, do you think maybe you owe JimJim and Renee both an apology?, which I'm sure they, as I, would be happy to accept and forgive. We ARE christians.



  1. mic dhen
    Thanks for your long reply, but why don't you just admit that you simply don't know enough about the subject?

    Renee also asserts she knows a lot about it, but to me it's clear that both you and Renee just copy what critics of the flat earth reality say, and I know for sure that Renee has watched videos made by anti-FE-ers, and maybe you too.
    If people don't WANT TO know anything about something with which they are confronted they tend to look for support by people who seem to know more about it.
    I've watched some of those anti-FE-vidoes Renee has been watching and they are the dumbest anti-FE-vidoes I've ever seen and they are full of lies.
    I told you that I became a FE-er on October 1, 2016, after I had already become an adherent of the geocentric model in 2013, which means that I already believed that the earth doesn't spin and that earth is the center of God's creation, which is what one would expect from the Biblical account in Genesis, because the celestial bodies, like the sun, the moon and the stars were only created on day FOUR of creation, while God had already created the difference between light and dark, day and night on day ONE of creation, which proves that God doesn't need the sun and the moon for that.
    The sun is a source of energy for everything that lives on earth and the moon too, but in an opposite role, and the light of the moon makes everything COLDER, because that's what flat earthers discovered when they did their experiments, which everyone can do with not very expensive equipment.
    But my point is that NO FE-er became an adherent of this concept without having thought about it, and realize that ALL FE-ers are RIDICULED by the MAJORITY of globe earthers, and you are no exception, because you started calling me names and not I, and just check out the entire thread to see that I'm right about that.
    What made you ANGRY is that I accuse all people who DELIBERATELY mock FE-ers and who HATE the flat earth concept of being on the side of the LYING government and the LYING 'scientists', and I know WHY they lie, because it's all about the FEAR of losing a LOT of MONEY and so called REPUTATIONS.
    I have been LIED TO by the educational system, like BILLIONS of people world wide, and I only said that this goes for Jim too, WITHOUT 'insulting' him or his mother Renee!
    I have been a VICTIM of the satanic system and Jim too, and I'm NOT going to apologize about it, because the truth is the truth.
    All FE-ers went through a journey of discoveries and revelations before they became FE-ers, like the discovery that '9/11' was an INSIDE JOB and also a BIG HOAX.
    On my site I have a heading about such discoveries called BUSTED
    The FAKE moon landings is another discovery and also the truth about the Holocaust and that it was completely organized by the Jesuits and the satanic Vatican: The Vatican Jesuit Holocaust
    DON'T click on the links or you might become better informed!
    I know that the Vatican and all the organizations that are under its control are DUMBING DOWN the people and NOT only in the US, but WORLD WIDE.

    1. The main stream media are only telling us what the Vatican wants us to know and most if not all are LIES mixed with truth, just what the Serpent did in Paradise when he managed to deceive first Eve and through her, Adam.
      Satan always operates like that and he never wants to be in the spotlight, but he always uses DISTRACTIONS.
      Most Americans don't know that their capital, Washington D.C. was originally called ROME: Washington D.C.'s original name was Rome, Maryland
      Most Americans don't know WHAT their 'founding fathers' were: The Founding Fathers: a bunch of SATANISTS on behalf of the VATICAN
      Most Americans don't know why their country has started so many wars (and is still doing so) in its history: The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the war machine of the Jesuits
      Most Americans don't know that their country has become a ROMAN CATHOLIC COUNTRY with presidents who ALL serve the Vatican!
      Most Americans don't know that ALL US-presidents were and are NOT the most powerful person in office, but that every president is controlled by the VICE president on behalf of the Vatican and the Pope.
      There was ONE exception when George H 'Bush' was president because then HE really was in charge on behalf of the Vatican and the vice president back then was the not so clever Dan Quayle.
      Such was the case because Bush had been the head of the CIA=the Catholics In Action, misleadingly called the 'Central Intelligence Agency'.
      Both the CIA and the NSA were co-founded by German NAZIS and the real name of George Herbert Bush was SCHERFF! NAZI-America: Adolf Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997!
      George H. Bush was (is) a GERMAN NAZI!
      What has this to do with the flat earth?
      Some 500 years ago it was ABSOLUTELY NORMAL to believe in the flat earth concept, but then the Vatican and its JESUITS changed everything through their henchmen like COPERNICUS: Heliocentrism is SATANISM on behalf of the VATICAN!
      The Vatican and its henchmen are also behind the EVIL and SATANIC 'theory of evolution' and the 'Big Bang' LIE.
      Such LIES cannot exist WITHOUT the lie of the 'solar system' and earth as a 'spinning ball' in 'space', which is supposedly revolving around the SUN.
      Many people don't know that the Vatican is all about the satanic, Babylonian SUN-worship.
      Many people don't know that the CROSS on which JESUS died was the Babylonian symbol for the SUN and that the Nazi-Swastika was also that same symbol.
      The OCCULT Japanese don't need this symbol because their national flag already glorifies the SUN.
      In whose interest is this?
      In whose interest is it to SUGGEST that the earth is a TINY particle in a 'vast and endless universe'?

    2. What has this to do with the gospel of GRACE?
      All believers who are SAVED according this gospel are SEALED with the HOLY SPIRIT.
      WHO is the Holy Spirit?
      JESUS in spiritual capacity and JESUS is VERY INTELLIGENT!
      How is it possible that people who claim to be saved by JESUS are at the same time so STUPID to believe in Satan's BIG FAT LIES!
      How is it possible that such believers ATTACK and MOCK fellow saved sinners?
      YOU started this whole thing by mocking fellow saved sinners who believe in the flat earth with this 'joke':

      Flat Earthers think Saturn has Onion Rings!�� (Wrong again!)�� (only french fries)��

      And you think this is a good example to a boy like James/Jim?
      When I was his age and younger they had LIED to me about the 'space programs' by the US and the former Soviet-Union and Russia is just as bad as the US as a state, because COMMUNISM was invented by the JESUITS:

      Russia and the US PLAY the role of ADVERSARIES, but in fact they are ON THE SAME SIDE: the Vatican, which is the disguised ROMAN EMPIRE on behalf of SATAN the DEVIL:

      I have not said you are a satanist or a government agent, but I do say you are DECEIVED and FOR THE LAST TIME, because you DON'T want to listen.
      JESUS Christ will show you that the flat earth is the TRUTH whether you like it or not and the same goes for Renee.
      Renee pretends to be 'neutral' but I know she's also mocking FE-ers like me.
      She also believes that the OCCULT 'book of Enoch' has anything to do with the Bible and she's befriended with a brother who LIES about HELL as if the condemned cease to exist after they've been cast into the lake of fire.
      I'm waiting for the moment that she's going to block me and then I'll know she's not my friend, and whoever doesn't want to be my friend, doesn't want to be a friend of my BEST FRIEND JESUS, because JESUS and I agree with each other.
      A fellow saved believer in JESUS and a friend of mine has already unsubscribed to Renee since he knows she's AGAINST the flat earth truth.


      mic dhen
      4 hours ago
      Hans S Thx, and I mean no offense, but I'm actually more interested in Jesus, the gospel of salvation, the truth of the unchanging Word of God (written and living) and contending for the faith in order to help ppl get saved, avoid wolves, false teaching and practices, etc., and, for myself and my brothers and sisters in Christ, to grow in the grace, knowledge, and love of Jesus.

      (Especially love, which has been sorely lacking for much of my life, before AND after (I take blame for much of that) but it hasn't seemed to get much some ways it's gotten worse.
      Agree or disagree on other things, believers in Jesus are still brethren, and are called to love one another. Plus I STILL cling to hope of having/sharing love with a 'friend' in my own life as well)

      You ALMOST make me regret telling a harmless joke w my 10yr old little bro, tho ... I can't believe what it escalated into, but like I said before, it seems to be part of the 'OVERALL' FE agenda (not necessarily yours, but others) to quickly turn nasty on ppl who don't believe the FE theory, even bros/sis in Christ, throwing them under the bus as being govt spies, or illuminati, or freemasons and siding with NASA, or Rome, or jesuits, or being agents of satan or some such crap like that!
      It happens alot.

      From wolves, I can expect it, but from once-friends and fellow believers in Jesus, to suddenly jump to THOSE kind of false accusations?!
      It just shouldn't be, and I hope that line of contention stops with us, Hans.

    3. However, I don't often trust third or fourth party links posted on someone else's channel who is not dedicated to the teaching in the links, or at least showing approval of it, especially w out prior consent.

      Example here is: Renees channel is about Jesus and the osas gospel of grace.
      She's stated she doesn't believe in the FE theory. Her son JimJim doesn't either.
      Now, she's very gracious and allows a couple of kooks like us to banter about it in her comments page. But the last thing that little boy needs is to have himself and his mom insulted publicly on her own page. The kids been thru more in 10 years than some ppl have in a lifetime.
      He doesn't need to be more upset by some strange guy caliing him 'brainwashed' and insulting his mom by accusing her of contributing to his 'brainwashing' and even encouraging him to believe lies from satan, which is essentially what your accusation did, and it's why I said I felt you owed them an apology. That's just how I saw it, Hans.
      I won't accuse you of meaning it in a vicious way, but neither JimJim nor Renee deserved that kind of comment.

      Meanwhile, I'll be happy to share my initial views on the guy you were endorsing, but I'm REALLY busy, plus I type slow, this takes alot of time, but I DID check things out, and am aware of more than you seem to want to give me credit for.
      I'm not of the sort to just make blind, rash judgements (most of the time ��), and I HAVE believed in Jesus for a LITTLE while, anyways.
      So this is also where my 'I don't mean to offend you' comment applies. I don't mean to offend YOU, HANS, But, In my next comment, if Renee allows, I'll address the guy you endorse and my concerns about him. You might not like my opinion, but I think it's valid.
      (I just realized THAT↑ was a pretty silly thing to say °~° ... Of COURSE I think my own opinion is valid, or I wouldn't have it!) ��
      ANYways, I will try to explain later.
      I'm not putting him in the 'deliberate wolf' catagory yet, but he seems to have a false gospel, and some ppl he endorses go from wacky to wolvish... Please be careful, Hans. (Actually, I'd suggest leaving them outright) More later, ok? God bless you. ✝️☺️

    4. mic dhen
      He doesn't need to be more upset by some strange guy caliing him 'brainwashed'

      You are the strange guy and not me.
      Why don't you show your face?
      I'm Hans from the Netherlands and I'm 58 years old.

    5. mic dhen
      You want me to listen to you while you call me a DIRTY RAT and a FLATSO, a PUNK
      , and then you said "but I AM insulting you now, so get it through that flat head of yours... YOU are a DURTBAG, a scripture-twister, and a MORON."
      Then you call me a CREEP.

      I told you before that I'm NOT a follower of Rob Skiba, but you love to lie about that as if I am.
      I simply AGREE with Rob that the earth is FLAT and I happen to know that he believes in JESUS Christ since he's a BOY of seven.
      Your comments are totally from the FLESH and to me you're a VERY DANGEROUS person and I'm happy to be thousands of miles away from you, because I believe you're prepared to KILL me because you suffer from a GOD-COMPLEX and your 'jesus' is INSANE and a SPLIT PERSONALITY, Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde.
      You HIDE behind the gospel of grace through faith alone in the atoning BLOOD of JESUS so that you don't have to change your behavior and you think that JESUS Christ doesn't mind what you say or do, as long as you believe you're eternally forgiven.

      God made the rules and NOT you or me:

      Romans 8:1 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      1 Now then there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, which walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

      A lot of OSAS-adherents tend to only remember the first part, but in in the second part it says WHICH WALK NOT AFTER THE FLESH, BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT.

      You have proven in your comments that you walk after the FLESH and that you're ready to KILL for your 'right'.

      Most of the time the 'game' on the internet and in real life is 'who has the LAST WORD' as if the one with the last word is 'the winner'.

      When JESUS stood before Herod He simply kept His mouth SHUT.....but in His BRAIN He had already decided that this arrogant Herod wouldn't enter His heavenly realm FOREVER!

      I'm talking to someone I can't see who's name is 'mic dhen'.
      When I check out your 'channel' I see that it has NO CONTENT, though you seem to have 25 subscribers, which doesn't say anything btw.
      Are you sure you're not a government agent or a CIA-JESUIT infiltrator/agitator, 'mic dhen'?
      JESUITS know the Bible VERY WELL, but from Satan's point of view.
      I trust you as much as I trust the DEVIL, and now you may have the last word on 'your' thread on ONE page out of BILLIONS on the internet.

      Matthew 22:37-40 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      37 Jesus said to him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

      38 This is the first and the great commandment.

      39 And the second is like unto this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

      40 On these two commandments hangeth the whole Law and the Prophets.

      1 Corinthians 13:13 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      13 And now abideth faith, hope and love, even these three: but the chiefest of these is love.

      People who LOVE me don't call me names!

      Bub bye!


    6. mic dhen
      mic dhen
      2 hours ago
      Hans S ... Ok, flatso, you've vomitted up enough of your hatred, you can have your self and your false teachers.

      I did NOT start out insulting you, I told a joke to my young friend, YOU came on with your FlatEarth garbage, and then insulted a little kid by saying he's being 'brainwashed' and insulted his mother by accusing her of being complicit in it. The kid's been through alot of trauma in 10 years, especially lately, yet has handled it with more grace and class than you'll ever show while spewing your FlatEarth baloney and all that other bitter, hate-filled diatribe, I don't care WHAT portion of it may or may not be true.

      No matter how you try to defend it, that was a lowlife, low blow on your part!
      And now ... going off on a hate-filled, anti-American rage, replete with your paranoia about Hitler being alive and in America in 1997?!
      As if that has anything to do with me telling a kid a joke about Flat Earthites thinking Saturn has Onion Rings and you accusing the kid of being brainwashed, you dirty rat!

      You're right, I'm not their husband and father, you be glad I'm not. But they're still my sister and brother, punk.

      No, I didn't START with insults, I was kidding around, but I AM insulting you now, so get it through that flat head of yours... YOU are a dirtbag, a scripture-twister, and a moron.

      First, a dirtbag, because IF you were any kind of a man, you'd apologize to JimJim AND Renee for that 'brainwashed' attack on them. (Shame! On a public forum, yet...his Mom's own channel, where she preaches Gods grace and love everyday! He's a 10 year old boy, you creep!)

      Second, you'd repent of your scripture-twisting and lying about God.

      And then, if you had any sense, you'd quit being a moron and stop following false teaching gurus on the internet.

      Rob Skiba teaches a false gospel (when he teaches one at all)...his business is selling his FlatEarth theories. Sure, he's entitled to make a buck, that's his biz, but just know ... that's what he's about.

      And he endorses others that range from wacky to wolf. Zen Garcia and Johnathan Kleck are just two false teachers and deceivers that he endorses and recommends. Not good. He needs to get away from them, and YOU need to get away from him, and anyone who is perverting scripture to deceive ppl out of their money, and possibly out of receiving salvation through faith in Jesus, the only Way.

      I tell you, between the Mandelites and the FlatEarthites, I don't know who's worse!

      The ME's lie, corrupt scripture, ... SOME of them are wolves and snakes of the very worst kind. Their 'leaders' are dangerous cultists, their followers are sorely deceived. But... many of them still ACT nice, (when they're not ignoring you). The followers at least SEEM to want to share some love. (But, The ones at the top and behind the scenes are a different story...VERY deceptive, manipulating, wolves).

      But the FEers...? Wow...just a nasty, arrogant bunch! With the exception of the few decent ones I've mentioned already...God bless them.

    7. But, It's been my experience, many are condescending snot-nosed snobs, they use bully tactics, and, they ALSO twist scripture. But at least they aren't trying to convince ppl that scripture can't even be trusted, like the ME's do. THAT's just HORRIBLE!!

      So, take your pick, I guess.
      But either way, I have to give SOME of you folks in EITHER bunch some credit.

      You've managed to accomplish something that, until recently, most ppl would have thought was geometrically AND anatomically impossible.

      You've managed to insert a square peg into a round hole!

      The square peg being your flat blockheads, and the round hole being your own ..... well...just don't sit down at the next FE/ME might miss the false-teaching guru at the podium.

      No need to reply anymore...unless you do AT LEAST two things from above first...apologize to Renee and son, and stop twisting scripture.

      Until then, I'm not interested in anything else you have to say. No video links, no comments, zip.

      Believe whatever you want about the shape of the earth, but
      I DO pray you change your tune and your attitude, and I pray you get away from those false teachers I mentioned, FE or no FE, and I pray for those guys to get away from preaching false gospels and other false doctrines, and get into the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, and preach the TRUE gospel of His grace. I mean it sincerely, Hans, as a believer/brother in Christ. I hope you listen. ✝️

    8. mic dhen

      Below are a number of Bible verses without commentary. Unless otherwise noted, all of the Scriptures are taken from the KJV. Pretending you have never heard of a globe or even a flat earth before, let's just allow the Bible to speak for itself. Read them over a couple of times, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what they mean. Without forcing an interpretation based on preconceived notions, meditate on them and ask yourself, "What is the Bible really showing me concerning the nature of the heavens, the earth, the sun, moon and stars?" Then, in the next section after this one, I will give my commentary on these Scriptures, revealing what I believe they are saying to me.

      The Scriptures below are arranged by topics in order to set the stage for what will follow. I have placed the book of Job before Genesis as many (if not most) scholars believe it is the oldest book of the Bible. And I have also emphasized words in bold for us to consider as we read. This is by no means an exhaustive list of Scripture. It is essentially just a first run, which I will continue to add to as I find more in the future.

      Scriptures concerning the nature of the heavens/sky above and their relationship to the earth:

      Job 9:
      6 Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.
      7 Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars.
      8 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.

      Job 22:14 Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh in the circuit {Hebrew: "chug"} of heaven.
      Job 22:14 (HCSB) Clouds veil Him so that He cannot see, as He walks on the circle of the sky.
      Job 22:14 (ASV) Thick clouds are a covering to him, so that he seeth not; And he walketh on the vault of heaven.

      Job 26:
      7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.
      8 He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them.
      9 He holdeth back the face of his throne, and spreadeth his cloud upon it.
      10 He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end.
      11 The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof.
      12 He divideth the sea with his power, and by his understanding he smiteth through the proud.
      13 By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent.

      Job 37:18 Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?

      Genesis 1:
      1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
      2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
      3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
      5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
      6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
      7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
      8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

      Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

      Genesis 8:2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;

    9. 2 Samuel 22:8 Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of heaven moved and shook, because he was wroth.

      Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

      Psalm 29:10 The LORD sitteth upon the flood; yea, the LORD sitteth King for ever.

      Psalm 78:
      21 Therefore the Lord heard this, and was wroth: so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel;
      22 Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation:
      23 Though he had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven,
      24 And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven.
      25 Man did eat angels' food: he sent them meat to the full.

      Psalm 104:
      1 Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.
      2 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:
      3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:

      Psalm 148:4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.

      Proverbs 8:27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set {Hebrew: "chaqaq"} a compass {Hebrew: "chug"} upon the face of the depth:
      Proverbs 8:27 (ESV) When He established the heavens, I was there, When He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep.

      Isaiah 13:13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.

      Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
      Isaiah 40:22 (ISV) He's the one who sits above the disk of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He's the one who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to live in,

      Isaiah 44:24 Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

      Isaiah 45:12 I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.

    10. Isaiah 48:13 Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.

      Isaiah 66:1 Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?

      Ezekiel 1:26 And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.

      Amos 9:6 It is he that buildeth his stories in the heaven, and hath founded his troop in the earth; he that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name.
      Amos 9:6 (ASV) it is he that buildeth his chambers in the heavens, and hath founded his vault upon the earth; he that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth; Jehovah is his name.
      Amos 9:6 (ESV) it is he that buildeth his chambers in the heaven, and hath founded his vault upon the earth; he that calleth for the waters of the sea and poureth them out upon the face of the earth; the LORD is his name.
      Amos 9:6 (Darby) It is he that buildeth his upper chambers in the heavens, and hath founded his vault upon the earth; he that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: Jehovah is his name.
      Amos 9:6 (NASB) The One who builds His upper chambers in the heavens And has founded His vaulted dome over the earth,
      He who calls for the waters of the sea And pours them out on the face of the earth, The Lord is His name.

      Scriptures concerning the nature of the earth below the firmament:

      Job 9:6 Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.

      Job 26:7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.

      Job 26:10 He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end.

      Job 28:24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven;

      Job 37:3 He directeth it under the whole heaven, and his lightning unto the ends of the earth.

      Job 38:
      1 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
      2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
      3 Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.
      4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
      5 Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?
      6 Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;
      7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

      Job 38:13 That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?

      Genesis 1:
      9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
      10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
      11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
      12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
      13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.




    11. mic dhen
      mic dhen
      36 minutes ago
      Hans S No , I don't expect a blockhead like you to listen to reason, you already are sold out to false-teaching gurus on the internet. You took a friendly joke I had with my young brother and turned it into an opportunity to vomit up your flatearth nonsense about Earth HAVING to be flat because God's feet would slip off a round footstool, but then you changed your scripture-twisting to try to convince ppl His feet are REALLY on some invisible CURVED dome, destroying your own silly reason of why the earth HAS to be flat in the first place!

      (Oh, and curved water up there, too?)
      You quickly ran away from your own convoluted theories, to insult a 10yr old boy and his Mom and go on a hate-filled rant against America and a bunch of paranoid conspiracies about Hilter being alive and in America.
      Your really need to get your flat square-peg head out of your fat round hole so you can use your brain a little bit, Nancy.
      I'm glad not all Dutch are like you, (I happen to be very fond of some! ��) and I'm glad not all FEers are like you either (I happen to be fond of some of them, too, although you and your hate-filled arrogance seems to represent many of them, unfortunately.)

      You still need to apologize for attacking a 10yr old boy and his Mom on a public forum and be damn glad it wasn't done in person with someone there that might have punched your lights out.
      I can't believe you can't see that was a lowlife thing to say to them and you refuse to apologize, so add 'yellow' to the list of colorful words describing you, Nancy.

      And if you're offended by some words, which you brought upon yourself with your humorless flat-earth spiel, then it's no wonder you don't like the Bible or God. I guess that's why you listen to false teachers...they often skip over parts of the Bible that don't agree with their fantasies, and twist other parts to try to make them fit, then find groupies to buy their theories (and their books).
      You shall know them by their fruits...their false doctrine and the condescending hatred it produces.
      You need to repent...God is not some giant genie floating around on a fluffy throne with His feet propped up on a flat dome like an ever-rising yellow submarine, as fun as that sounds, Ringo.
      And a10yr old boy and his Mom deserve an apology. It's that simple.

  2. +GE2015 News Anything else, antichrist?


    GE2015 News
    You know how long it would take to get to the speed of light if we moved upwards at 1g?

  3. Replies
    1. Atheism is Madness
      Hi, Sh***, I'm glad you've become a flat earther too.

      JESUS & His flat Earth


      Atheism is Madness
      Atheism is Madness
      1 year ago
      Going through the Van Halen belt should have been easy. Strike the right cords and crank the amps and your rythym flow will get-R-done.😨
      1 year ago
      Atheism is Madness Well luckily we're speaking about the "Van Allen" belts....
      1 year ago
      Atheism is Madness And your name is quite right.
      Lyle Waller
      Lyle Waller
      1 year ago
      Atheism is Madness - *chords
      Atheism is Madness
      Atheism is Madness
      1 year ago
      +Lyle Waller oops my bad😨
      1 year ago
      Lyle Waller I don't know how I missed that. Good catch.
      Detroit Seeds
      Detroit Seeds
      1 year ago
      Lyle Waller
      Lyle Waller
      1 year ago
      TheJurnalyst - I did like your joke. One guy didn't get it.
      Lyle Waller
      Lyle Waller
      1 year ago
      Sorry. That wasn't your joke.
      Lyle Waller
      Lyle Waller
      1 year ago
      Good punning. I, myself, have been ticketed for punhandling.
      Atheism is Madness
      Atheism is Madness
      1 year ago (edited)
      +Lyle Waller​ I got pulled over last week for a routine speeding ticket. I got put into a 24 hour psychological hold because I told the officer the Russians hacked my speedometer. It works for Hildabeast Clinton, why does it make me crazy?😨
      Detroit Seeds
      Detroit Seeds
      1 year ago
      Im pretty sure you have to murder a couple hundred people and lie to everyone around you, oh yea you have to be female to!
      Atheism is Madness
      Atheism is Madness
      1 year ago
      +Detroit Seeds 😨
      Michael Greer
      Michael Greer
      1 year ago
      Atheism is Madness Rhythm *
      Milt Farrow
      Milt Farrow
      8 months ago
      Van Allen
      Ralph Farmer
      Ralph Farmer
      6 months ago
      Atheism is Madness
      That is easy to have happen. We knew what you meant.
      Ralph Farmer
      Ralph Farmer
      6 months ago
      Detroit Seeds
      And be connected to the satanic trash who do blood rituals and rape children.
      Victor Carroll
      Victor Carroll
      5 months ago
      * Fake Video * ...obviously affiliated with ignoramus US Media ever lying about American/German successes...the fakes who produce this are the same who align with Hermorphradites like Fake-Prez traitor Balak Osambo who is unfit to preside over a garbage-collectors' convention...
      ian one
      ian one
      4 months ago
      Atheism is Madness
      i like your sense of humor!
      Leo Wong
      Leo Wong
      3 months ago
      Awful music, sounded very Hindu like.
      Aaron Scott
      Aaron Scott
      3 months ago
      The Van Allen belt isn't even Gamma Radiation and is more dense at parts than it is at others you most certainly could get through it
      Indio Peltier
      Indio Peltier
      2 months ago
      Atheism is Madness PANAMA! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    2. Mojo Man
      The video encourages people to research the flat earth.
      All who HONESTLY do so must come to the conclusion that the the earth is flat and round, with a firmament.

      Check out this video which convinced me on October 1, 2016: Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth


      Mojo Man
      Mojo Man
      1 year ago
      Space travel is definitely as fake as two left shoes! And while I don't believe the earth is flat, I have never ridiculed people for thinking so and I have a lot of respect for all of you because you question things, and that's the way it should be. And truth be told, I'd rather be in your company than all the NASA fanboys. Cheers!
      1 year ago
      Mojo Man fair comment, do what i did, try and prove the earth is a ball, rather pear shaped now they say. all the made up complexity is to continue with the lie. The flat earth is simple. globers just tend to use insults or quote from the same NASA made up information. If the earth was a ball you would see the curve, the idea that you can't see it, is a lie, and of course you can't see it cause it's not there.
      Mojo Man
      Mojo Man
      1 year ago (edited)
      +1960ARC I don't accept flat earth bc I have actually been around the world. I used to be in the service. All flat earth models eventually come to terms with a 3 dimensional space. And yes, I will admit that the "science" they use to explain the ball earth has very serious errors. The origin of flat earth comes from heaven above, hell below, hence flat earth. But we don't go to space and it is true that all of the pictures of earth from space are cgi.
      Mojo Man
      Mojo Man
      1 year ago
      +1960ARC But as I said, I would never ridicule anyone for believing in flat earth. It doesn't hurt me, it doesn't hurt anything, and I actually have a problem when the NASA fanboys just throw insults and as you said, just spout off NASA bs and try to hound people for believing something they have every right to. So yeah, call me strange but I feel more comfortable with the flat earthers than the science fanatics. Flat earthers to me appear to be more genuine, honest people overall
      Roger Clemons
      Roger Clemons
      1 year ago
      Great post.
      Roger Clemons
      Roger Clemons
      1 year ago
      You can circumnavigate a flat earth via air or ship. Being the military has zero relevance.
      tank 28
      tank 28
      11 months ago
      Mojo Man t
      tank 28
      tank 28
      11 months ago
      Mojo you the man
      Samuel Parker
      Samuel Parker
      9 months ago
      Mojo Man If the earth was spinning we'd ALL be DIZZY due to the movement of the liquid in our inner ear which gives us balance. We're not DIZZY BECAUSE the liquid ISN'T MOVING. THUS THE EARTH IS STATIONARY. IT TRULY IS THAT SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND.
      StodgyPigeon061 Gaming
      StodgyPigeon061 Gaming
      8 months ago
      Mojo Man go watch professor stick on this shit
      philip stien
      philip stien
      8 months ago
      Two left shoes are not fake....perhaps useless to a one legged man with his Left leg missing.........but not fake

    3. Electronics and radio
      Electronics and radio
      7 months ago (edited)
      Samuel Parker go fly on a plane and walk about the ailes. .. look up, look down, walk about... feel dizzy? No, I thought not. That's because you don't feel speed, you only feel changes in speed. So while we're all spinning at a constant rate, you cannot and do not detect it. It truly is that simple to understand.
      GT FORD 427
      GT FORD 427
      6 months ago
      shhhhhhhhh the earth is flat
      Ralph Farmer
      Ralph Farmer
      6 months ago
      Mojo Man
      Earth doesn't move eother, mojo. With a stationary earth, the ball doesn't work either. Even the most basic gyroscope verifies no movement.
      Thank you. I wish the scientific method was allowed to be applied to everything, with reproduction of experiments, but instead, as Tesla noted, this no longer happens. Its a corrupt religion, as is everything now. We are living in a satanic world, with propaganda being the order of the day.
      Ralph Farmer
      Ralph Farmer
      6 months ago (edited)
      Electronics and radio
      That isn't true. Even the heliocentric model admits there are changes in speed and in several different durections. There is the 1038 mph spin with a 23.4 degree tilt, a 666,600 mph eliptical around the sun, @490,000 through the milky way, and 1.2 million mph toward the great attractor. Just like in a merry go round spinning at 5mph, if you are anywhere but in the center, the rotational speed at the edges are felt considerably. Then, there is the lack of curve, which is exponential, but not measurable....there are so many obvious problems with heliocentricity, but a stationary earth with a sphere that Noone can see or measure curve on is more than sufficient to show it isn't a spinning ball.

    4. Electronics and radio
      Electronics and radio
      6 months ago (edited)
      Ralph Farmer No different than small changes of speed and direction on a commercial flight. If the changes are gradual which they are with planets then you would not notice. The problem you have is grasping the actual relative size of planets and distance of orbits. You / we are used to dealing with 10s and hundreds of miles in out lives not in the multi millions.
      Regardless, our bodies only detect directional changes that are of a certian magnitude. Our multi directional travel on earth happens fast, but with unnoticeable changes because of size. I realise you say that... and I say this.... But your arguement is actually based on incredulity not on evidence, so my answer can be based on a similar level. All of your 'obvious problems' with a spinning ball have an equal or greater number of solutions, but you don't acknowledge them for some reason.
      Mr Westie
      Mr Westie
      5 months ago
      theres a interesting black and white documentry on the russian space programe to be the first to put a saterlight into space (sputnik) in the1960s at the end of the programe someone casualy asks what did the earth look like and the answer was it looked pear shaped! --the interesting point here is that this was a natural answer and wasnt any thing to do with flat earth.though my thoughts are that a pear does seem upside down more in keeping with the flat earth theory----fruit for thought !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Fonzo Hernandez
      Fonzo Hernandez
      5 months ago
      Mojo Man "as fake as two left shoes"what the fuck kind of saying is that?
      Christopher Dykes
      Christopher Dykes
      5 months ago
      Mojo Man Boy, you're a very special kind of stupid aren't you. Space is fake? Moron!
      Christopher Dykes
      Christopher Dykes
      5 months ago
      Mojo Man Just like I told the genius who posted this, if space is fake does that mean God is fake? Because many times he referenced the heavens, constellations and space in the bible.
      What do you think the sun is, or where its located if there's no space? Or the moon and stars? Yeah, you too are an uneducated nutjob
      STEM Rules!
      STEM Rules!
      4 months ago
      I have two left shoes. Both are quite real.
      Mary Smith pretty
      Mary Smith pretty
      4 months ago
      space and NASA is a lie
      Leo Wong
      Leo Wong
      3 months ago
      Mojo Man You may be smart to reject the notion that men walked on the moon, but then you revealed your ignorance by not believing the earth is flat.
      Leo Wong
      Leo Wong
      3 months ago
      Electronics and radio You think like a 4 year child.
      Elizabeth Brower
      Elizabeth Brower
      2 months ago
      Mojo Man that is the dumbest post I’ve read yet.
      1 month ago
      When you say “definitely fake” how so? Where’s the proof?
      Gaming Bizz
      Gaming Bizz
      2 weeks ago
      Ralph Farmer its called relativity
      Phuk Itall
      Phuk Itall
      1 week ago
      Mojo Man Wow! Someone posted something that actually made sense. People should take notes. Myself included.

  4. Replies
    1. ALLOWING THE BIBLE TO SPEAK FOR ITSELF The Bible and the Still Flat Earth


      Lynne Hargreaves
      1 year ago (edited)
      I do not have a link to the video but I saw it some time ago. The 'flying' cross was a cross that was on a wall behind Pastor Paul Begley and during this video the cross dropped from the wall and landed on top of a cupboard which was directly underneath it. From memory he was talking about Satan when it occurred. I hope that helps. God Bless.

      Also I have a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible and have done the same study Isaiah 40:22. Strongs 2329 chuwg: a circle, circuit, compass from 2328 chagag prime root 2287 prop, to move in a circle, ie to march in a sacred procession; by impl. to be giddy, reel to and fro. I thought this was important in light of Psalm 127:37 and God's judgement on the land Isaiah 24:20 "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgressors thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again."
      Reel v & n (Of eyes, mind, head) be in a whirl, be dizzy, swim, stagger, stand, walk or run unsteady, rock from side to side, swing violently.
      1 year ago
      You aren't gong to believe this but I know what you are talking about. I've seen maybe 5 small parts of PB videos but for some reason, I saw that one - I forgot about it! Now that I remember, "flying cross" makes a lot of sense. Someone left a link. I'm going to go back and re-watch it again. Thanks.
      Lynne Hargreaves
      Lynne Hargreaves
      1 year ago (edited)
      +MrThriveAndSurvive OK you are welcome.
      Hans S
      Hans S
      1 second ago
      Paul Begley Jesuit

    2. +Andrew Clark He's totally wrong about the shape of the earth.
      All globe earthers are under the SPELL of Satan who invented the globe earth and heliocentrism and the 'solar system' and 'space' LIES.
      The best proof for the flat earth truth is that water always levels and it can't bend around the 'globe' earth with the aid of 'gravity'.
      The huge Pacific Ocean is totally FLAT, to give one example.


      Andrew Clark
      Greg Sereda is a false prophet

  5. Replies
    1. This is a BAD documentary and it ignores many facts related to the FLAT EARTH TRUTH and it was made before many flat earth facts were published on the internet.

  6. Replies
    1. Positively Godless Buzz Aldrin is a FREEMASON and all ASTRONUTS/ASTRONOTS are and Freemasons are LIARS!
      This video is a WARNING and you're a LIAR too, because your name is NOT 'Positively Godless' and you're going to BURN in hell FOREVER too UNLESS you BELIEVE that JESUS Christ, God manifested in the flesh, shed His BLOOD for your SINS and was buried and rose from the dead on the third day, according to the scriptures.
      JESUS & His flat Earth


      Positively Godless
      Positively Godless
      11 months ago
      Prove that he's "lying" This video proves nothing.
      11 months ago
      look at his face, its written all over it Scott. Also youtube search Buzz is a liar. if you are honest within a few videos you will know he is.
      Positively Godless
      Positively Godless
      11 months ago
      Seriously...he's mocking Trumps tell US to do who's lying?
      11 months ago
      Do the research Scott, the truth is he is a liar and so is Trump. You are being played, its a puppet show
      Positively Godless
      Positively Godless
      11 months ago
      I'm not going to do YOUR homework for have not proven a made the's on you to prove it.
      11 months ago
      I have watched all the videos on him and looked at all the information, its you that lacks research lol Do some research and figure it out on your own Scott, or remain a fool.
      Positively Godless
      Positively Godless
      11 months ago
      You Claiming you 'watched" does nothing to prove your claim.
      RL Agito
      RL Agito
      11 months ago
      how did buzz prove it to you? he didnt. you believe him by faith. do you believe the bible on faith tho? probably not. we believe the brakes on our car wont fail by faith. admit youre selectice in what you BELIEVE.
      RL Agito
      RL Agito
      11 months ago
      anyone denying the bible, the truth is not in them. they hate the truth and righteousness.
      Positively Godless
      Positively Godless
      11 months ago
      Ran has not proven a thing in this video nor my this exchange....HE made the claim
      RL Agito
      RL Agito
      11 months ago
      ask buzz to prove it to you lol he'll tell you the same thing.
      11 months ago
      FlatOUTELECTED, Easy there Ran. Nobody can judge another person's salvation. I agree that the Buzz fruit doesn't look good, but maybe take a step back from this one brother. And please don't call people who disagree with you fools. I seem to recall our Savior speaking against calling any man a fool. Maybe the title would be better if it included " if buzz doesn't repent". He is still alive. And God still loves him too.
      11 months ago (edited)
      Oh I'm sorry does he claim Christ as his saviour? Provide me any footage of him saying Jesus is the savior and the truth and the life and I will debunk all videos calling him a liar.

      1 Corinthians 6:9-11

      9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

      Time is to short to be condoning the behaviors of deceivers. Buzz has been living a lie and being idolized. If he hears this video, he may just be convicted. If he reads your comment, he may just believe he is cool with God and needs not repent of his behavior. Let this sink in. I am a Jude 1 vers 23 Christian, not a Joel Olstene fan.

      God bless

    2. TheChamp
      11 months ago
      FlatOUTELECTED, You're implying he's damned and doesn't still have a choice to turn to Jesus. I'm not defending the man who's obviously lied. But again, he's still alive and has the choice.
      11 months ago
      In this video I explain how he can repent and come to know Christ, if he chooses not to then he is already condemned. Sorry Champ but the time of ear tickling is over, we are in extra innings and time for the lost is short.
      11 months ago
      FlatOUTELECTED ," Matthew 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."
      Jesus doesn't tickle ears. And you called someone a fool in these comments. And I was speaking of The Title of this video and how you've reacted to those here who left comments.
      11 months ago (edited)
      John 3:5
      Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

      The ones leaving comments are atheist, ant Christian trolls. They have been trolling me for many years, let that sink in. Also to be my brother you must be born again, this I will know by your fruit. You have proven to me that you use scripture but do not apply it to your own behaviors.

      Matthew 18:15

      If your brother wrongs you, go and show him his fault, between you and him privately. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother.

      The next time you attempt to correct me publically you will be removed and blocked, as I have no time to waste on anyone who sides with trolls and anti Christians. Let this be a stern warning, if you are truly a brother.
      11 months ago
      FlatOUTELECTED, You didn't wrong me at all, but you wronged others here. Therefore the passage you posted doesn't apply. This whole video makes your past loving, caring, and Christ like attitude of no effect to those outside the faith here that you obviously offended. And I'd be glad to address you personally except that you don't answer your emails. There are still two emails that I sent you personally that you never replied to. I'll leave you to your own shaming. May Jesus correct you because I'm done with those who say they are Christians and proclaim obvious falsities, and wrongfully pass judgement on others salvation. Jesus alone is the judge of anyones salvation...not Ran. It's a shame to see you go down this path. No need for deleting. Unsubscribed.
      11 months ago
      Have you wrestled an anaconda in Africa? Have you dragged anyone to hell lately? Do you wear adult diapers? What the fuck have you done for Jesus?
      11 months ago
      FlatOUTELECTED, Oh and thanks for the Public correction after you were offended by a brother. Hello pot, meet kettle.
      11 months ago
      The scriptures say nothing about responding to a correction in error publically. You already brought it publically and now you are blocked.
      Astro Not
      Astro Not
      11 months ago
      And yea, all the other Space Agencies smell of Sulfur too:

      Chinese Space Walk - filmed in a Pool on Earth ✞

      Iranian Space Monkey - Amazing Fake Space! ✞

      India launched 104 Fake Nano Satellites in a Pool? ✞

  7. Replies
    1. Pastor Preaching Flat Earth Truth from the Bible

      The AntiChrist Just Took Over NASA to Stop Flat Earth Movement The Antichrist is the PAPACY by DEFAULT

      Heliocentrism is SATANISM on behalf of the VATICAN!

      Flat Earth: Jesuits & the Global Conspiracy!

      Jesuits Erasing our Flat Earth - Documentary

      Flat Earth: Exposing the Jesuit Agenda!

      Heliocentrism - False Science

      Read a GOOD BIBLE, the GENEVA BIBLE 1599! Revelation 20:9 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      9 And they went up into the plain of the earth, and they compassed the tents of the Saints about, and the beloved city: but fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.


      JESUS & His flat Earth

  8. Replies
    1. Freda WakeUp53
      Thanks for this video!

      JESUS & His flat Earth


      Freda WakeUp53
      3 weeks ago (edited)
      💖👈👏🙏👊📖 GOD BLESS
      👉MY PLAYLIST, 👀 AT IT.👈
      "Will the(Real King James)Stand Up/Truth About King James = A True Hebrew"
      C H E M t r a i l s 💰 HOW MUCH PRooF do U NEED? ••■( 👀 )■••
      Joshua Trosclair
      Joshua Trosclair
      3 weeks ago
      Freda WakeUp53 peace sister, im tired of these lying devils
      Freda WakeUp53
      Freda WakeUp53
      3 weeks ago
      Joshua Trosclair me too brother and thats why we need to expose them to their church followers that one might break free and actually pray to God to see this! GOD BLESS JOSH

  9. So........if you take a flat piece of paper and roll it up, you can see it is a ROUND SCROLL. Your EYES will SEE a circle. You know ? Like a telescope thingy you put your eyes in to look out into the distance. They have these things on the piers at the beach. So if you do that with paper, you get the same effect. Do it now. Flat earth and round globe seem to make sense now. So in my personal opinion - BOTH flat earthers and Globe Believers are right. So it could be that the earth IS INDEED FLAT, like a carpet so that the earth is The Lord's footstool. However, I beg to differ. The Lord speaks in parables. So when I read that the earth is His Footstool, I take it that HE IS IN CONTROL of what happens on this earth. He is THE CREATOR of ALL things. So if you really do love Jesus with all your heart you would love your brothers and sisters as yourself and respect their personal opinions. The devil is a liar and he tries so hard to get the body of Christ arguing and debating. I mean, we will soon find out when the rapture happens. Just keep looking UP ! We are in the last days. We must end the bickering and encourage one another. No need to be right or wrong. Just LOVE GOD and LOVE ONE ANOTHER for this is the Greatest Command. Some waters are fresh and some are salty. But if you jump in - you are still gonna GET WET ! I know !!!!!!!!!! JESUS LOVES ALL OF HIS LITTLE CHILDREN. Spread Love, not hate. And PS. Don't debate ! "GOD IS IN CONTROL" satan likes to deceive and he smiles when we (Believers) argue against one another. Start Loving Today. Ego and the pride of life and thinking you are right with all the answers is wrong. E G O = Edging God Out. Be humble and remember, we must decrease while HE must increase. The pride of life is going against the will of The Lord. Love is kind, patient, endures much and doesn't hold wrongs against one another. So I AGREE with BOTH flat earth people and GLOBE trotters. Why ? Because I don't KNOW how God did it. I'm just glad HE DID ! I KNOW !!!!! LOVE YOU ALL IN JESUS NAME. BE BLESSED. Remember, the devil likes arguments. If u r 4 PEACE = then show it in your comments. No need to persuade believers of this earth. It is NOT OUR HOME. We are just passing through. It does indeed belong to satan. He told Jesus, "I will give you this earth if you bow down and worship me" How can he (devil) offer Jesus the earth if he didn't own it ? We are in the last days. Accept Jesus and Love each other. It's dat simple. PEACE, LOVE & JESUS. The Lord is OUR SAVIOR and we SHALL NOT BE MOVED. All glory belongs to God in heaven. I am nothing without Him. Time to work in the garden and Praise His Holy Name for He is SO WORTHY to be PRAISED ! Love - Donna Johnson-Davis in Florida U S A (Under Satan's Attack)

    1. Donna, I'm not going to argue with you or anyone else about the shape of the earth, but I give you my opinion and you don't have to agree with me: the flat earth concept is totally different than the globe earth concept.
      The flat earth concept is about a stationary earth and the globe earth concept is about the earth as a spinning ball in empty space, revolving around the sun, and about the sun revolving around the center of the 'galaxy' called the 'Milky Way', and about 'galaxies' that in their turn are part of bigger systems of celestial bodies, and so on....
      I already told how illogical it is, if we take God and His Word seriously, to believe that God made the (spinning) earth go around the sun, THREE DAYS after He created it.

      Why would God do such a thing?
      Well I believe He didn't but so called scientists believe it happened that way.
      They believe the earth is an insignificant tiny dot in a vast, expanding 'universe', while I read in the Bible that God made the earth as the CENTER of His attention and interest, and immovable and stationary.
      I read in the Bible that God created the sun and the moon and the stars THREE ENTIRE DAYS after He had created the earth.

      People who believe in God's Word, the Bible, and who believe in the earth as a spinning ball must ignore many verses that show how impossible a globe earth is.
      But there are many more arguments against the spinning, globe earth concept, and people who want to know the truth and who are not afraid to lose sympathy of others who mock the flat earth concept, will find the glorious flat earth truth!
      It happened to me and to many others, and everyday many more people discover this reality.

      This discovery isn't about eternal salvation, but JESUS is the way the life and the TRUTH, and I believe the globe earth concept is not the truth.

      Love in our JESUS from Hans from the Netherlands, who believes that Satan had been defeated by JESUS Christ.

  10. Replies

    1. Published by T Mark Hightower

      I am a Christian Universalist, All will ultimately be saved through Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:22), a retired NASA engineer, a student of conspiracy theories, and concerned about the recent emergence of the flat earth movement, within which many Biblical literalists claim the earth is actually flat and that this truth has been hidden by Satan and science and NASA in the greatest of all conspiracies to keep people from the truth of God. How does flat earth theory stack up with science and theology? View all posts by T Mark Hightower


    2. October 7, 2019 at 1:08 pm
      Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

      First off, Universalism is unbiblical, but I agree with

      1 Corinthians 15:22 1599 Geneva Bible
      22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
      But the question is: are you saved and ‘in Christ’?
      1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is the Gospel of our salvation:
      1 Corinthians 15:1-4 1599 Geneva Bible
      1 Moreover brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you, which ye have also received, and wherein ye continue,
      2 And whereby ye are saved, if ye keep in memory, after what manner I preached it unto you, except ye have believed in vain.
      3 For first of all, I delivered unto you that which I received, how* that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,
      4 And that he was buried, and that he arose the third day, according to the Scriptures,
      *through the shed BLOOD of JESUS

      NASA was co-founded by German Nazi’s like the lake Wernher von Braun who was a member of the SS.
      SS means Sedes Sacrorem and this means Holy See and that’s the Papacy.
      And what does the Papacy stand for?
      The Luciferian, Babylonian disguised Roman Emperor.

      Now to the issue of Gravity is simply buoyancy & density – Debunked:
      Since we BOTH believe in the God of the Bible, we both believe in the Genesis account of creation.
      God created the sun, the moon and the stars on DAY FOUR, so THREE ENTIRE DAYS the earth already existed underneath a FIRMAMENT, which God called HEAVEN.
      I can prove that the ‘Big Bang’ THEORY was invented by a JESUIT priest: Jesuit Priest Georges Lemaître Invented The Big Bang Theory

      JESUITS aren’t neutral ‘scientists’: they work for the Vatican, the Luciferian disguised Roman Empire.
      Also the ‘evolution’ THEORY wasn’t concocted by neutral scientists, and Darwin wasn’t the first one who came up with this IDEA.
      But I digress.
      So the earth already existed 3 entire days before God created the sun, the moon and the stars.
      This already debunks the whole idea of the so called ‘Big Bang’ and everything that derives from it, unless people are satanists like the Jesuits.
      God didn’t create the earth as a SPECK of DUST in a ‘vast and expanding universe’.
      Catholic means ‘universal’ and there is NO UNIVERSE.
      That’s what Satan wants, because he tries to escape (in his mind) from God’s ENCLOSED FLAT (and ROUND) flat earth system with a firmament.
      Yes, there is a force that pulls everything toward the earth, but what is the origin of this force so that buoyancy & density work?
      On the other hand there’s also a force that’s keeping the sun and the moon in orbit ABOVE the flat and round earth plane.
      How is that possible?
      Ever thought of electromagnetism as a possibility?
      Now I don’t claim to have all the answers, because I am not God, but could it be possible that ‘gravity’ (the force that makes us feel heavy when we are on earth in air, but NOT in water, is caused by an electromagnetic force, made by God?
      I’m Hans, from the Netherlands and I became a flat earth adherent on October 1, 2016, but I already believed in the Geocentric model since 2013.
      I recognized you and I’ve seen you being interviewed in a flat earth video on YouTube.



We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.

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