In a rare win, the World Health Organisation has backed down on proposed International Health Regulation amendments for compulsory vaccination and lockdowns. It is a win, yet the pandemic treaty that would do the same thing again is still waiting in the wings.
Shocking WHO pandemic treaty update
'He who restrains' = the Holy Spirit = JESUS in spiritual capacity restrains the devil and this news is proof of that!
But after the rapture this will not happen no longer, so be sure you are saved NOW:
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Schokkende update over het WHO-pandemieverdrag
ReplyDeleteShocking update on the WHO Pandemic Treaty
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Gezondheidsautoriteit Dr. Anthony Fauci geeft nu toe dat de mRNA Covid-vaccins nauwelijks werken en misschien niet goedgekeurd kunnen worden
ReplyDeleteDr. Anthony Fauci now admits the mRNA Covid vaccines hardly work and might not be approvable
DeleteCleveland Clinic bevestigt dat covid-prikken het immuunsysteem systematisch vernietigen, prik na prik, jaar na jaar
ReplyDeleteCleveland Clinic confirms that covid jabs systematically DESTROY the immune system, jab after jab, year after year
DeleteDe terreintheorie van sociale ziekte/ontsteking
ReplyDeleteThe Terrain Theory of Social Disease/Contagion
DeleteIn Duitsland loopt het de spuigaten uit en niemand wil het onderzoeken
ReplyDeleteIn Germany it is getting out of hand and nobody wants to investigate it
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BREAKING! The WHO warns of next pandemic, calls in Big Pharma | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteHet wordt steeds erger: ‘Bijna dagelijks krijg ik telefoontjes van piloten met hartproblemen’
ReplyDeleteIt is getting worse: 'Almost every day I get calls from pilots with heart problems'
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Wat begrafenisondernemers weten dat u niet weet
ReplyDeleteWhat funeral directors know that you don't
DeleteNieuwe president Brazilië zet meteen de toon: geen prik, geen geld
ReplyDeleteBrazil's new president immediately sets the tone: no injection, no money
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Bulgarije: ‘slechtste’ jongetje van de klas nu beste jongetje van de klas
ReplyDeleteBulgaria: 'worst' boy in class now best boy in class
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Nieuwe paper: 13 MILJOEN mensen gestorven door coronavaccin
ReplyDeleteNew paper: 13 MILLION people died from corona vaccine
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In Ecuador gebeurt iets prachtigs!
ReplyDeleteSomething wonderful is happening in Ecuador!
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Zweden gooit 8,5 miljoen doses covid-vaccins weg
ReplyDeleteSweden THROWS AWAY 8.5 million doses of covid vaccines
Delete“Fitte en gezonde mensen vallen gewoon om”: Australische presentator spreekt onomwonden over de vaccinatiemanie
ReplyDelete“Fit and healthy people just fall over”: Australian presenter speaks bluntly about the vaccination mania
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Karl Stefanovic & Nick Coatsworth Go Completely Off Script, Discuss Sudden Deaths, Efficacy Problems
DeleteIn Nieuw-Zeeland de grootste stijging overlijdens in 100 jaar
ReplyDeleteNew Zealand's largest increase in deaths in 100 years
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Waarom u het vaccin niet moet nemen
ReplyDeleteWhy You Shouldn’t Take the Vaccine
DeleteDr. Coleman: Een boodschap aan de geprikten
ReplyDeleteDr. Coleman: A Message to the Jabbed
DeleteKijk: senator sloopt corrupte WHO, ‘suikeroom’ Bill Gates en ‘moordenaar’ Tedros
ReplyDeleteWatch: Senator demolishes corrupt WHO, 'sugar daddy' Bill Gates and 'killer' Tedros
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Dit gebeurt er na coronavaccinatie met je goede darmbacteriën
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens to your good intestinal bacteria after a corona vaccination
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‘We zijn werkelijk van de ratten besnuffeld als we dit absurde pandemieverdrag tekenen’
ReplyDelete'We are really sniffed out of the rats if we sign this absurd pandemic treaty'
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Wat u niet wordt verteld over schandalige plannen om de WHO macht over uw leven te geven
ReplyDeleteWhat you are not being told about outrageous plans to give the WHO power over your life
DeleteEen schokkend VN-document onthult de zieke seksuele agenda die de globalisten de hele wereld willen opdringen
ReplyDeleteA Shocking UN Document Reveals The Sick Sexual Agenda That The Globalists Plan To Push On The Whole World
DeleteEuroparlementariër pleit tegen wereldbestuur WHO: ‘Volstrekt foute strategie’
ReplyDeleteMEP argues against WHO world administration: 'Completely wrong strategy'
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WHO heeft in 2030 500 (!) vaccins beschikbaar: ‘Echt krankzinnig’
ReplyDeleteWHO will have 500 (!) vaccines available in 2030: 'Really insane'
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the World Vaccine Organization or World Damage Organization
DeleteCovid-19 pandemic is over – WHO
ReplyDeleteInde Zone
DeleteThere was never a pandemic to begin with. Most "deaths" were unrelated. Whole thing was bs. Still laughing at all of the morons who got vaxed with experimental crap lol
Senator over grooming van kinderen door VN & WHO: ‘Tijd om te vertrekken uit het paradijs van viespeuken’
ReplyDeleteSenator on child grooming by UN and WHO: 'Time to leave the paradise of perverts'
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The UN and the WHO are projects of the perverted Vatican...and Satan
DeleteWHO New Health Regulations
ReplyDeleteWHO: “Het is tijd om peuters te leren hoe ze van masturbatie kunnen genieten”
ReplyDeleteWHO: ‘It’s Time To Teach Toddlers How To Enjoy Masturbation’
DeleteEuroparlementariër: dit is waarom de WHO bestempeld moet worden als terreurorganisatie
ReplyDeleteMEP: This is why the WHO should be labeled a terrorist organization
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WHO Pandemic Treaty
ReplyDeleteGet ready for this
ReplyDeleteVoormalig VN-directeur doet schokkende onthullingen over 8 miljoen vermiste kinderen
ReplyDeleteFormer UN director makes shocking revelations about 8 million missing children
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Calin Georgescu confirms that oligarchs who rule our world (the Committee of 300)are pedophiles who control the global child sex trafficking systems and control UN and WEF 8,000,000 missing children
DeleteFormer UN Executive and Former President of the Club of Rome for Europe
Pedophiles is a nice word for CHILD RAPISTS
DeleteMaak je borst maar nat: WHO wil coronacertificaat ook inzetten bij klimaatcrisis en andere ‘noodsituaties’
ReplyDeletePrepare yourself: WHO also wants to use the corona certificate in the event of a climate crisis and other 'emergencies'
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ReplyDelete‘De WHO heeft eindelijk zijn echte bedoelingen laten zien’
The WHO has finally shown its real intentions
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In this way, the WHO can prescribe far-reaching measures to countries, without the intervention of national authorities
DeleteIt's unacceptable that a non-democratic organization can impose freedom-restricting measures on billions of people
DeleteUnited Nations employees accused of drug smuggling
ReplyDeleteIsraeli police have arrested three people for allegedly trying to bring in liquid cocaine disguised as perfume
UN staffers around the world have been involved in crimes ranging from rape to drug trafficking. A former UN employee was sentenced last year to 15 years in prison for drugging and sexually assaulting at least 13 women in the US and Iraq.
DeletePAY ATTENTION! Former WHO officer WARNS against Pandemic Treaty | Redacted News
ReplyDeleteWHO pandemic treaty Redacted
ReplyDeleteAustralische senator: “De globalisten hebben de ‘pandemie’ decennia geleden gepland”
ReplyDeleteAustralian Senator: “The Globalists Planned the 'Pandemic' Decades Ago”
DeleteDe WHO-richtlijnen stellen dat kinderen tussen 0 en 4 jaar moeten worden geïnformeerd over het plezier van masturbatie in de vroege kinderjaren
ReplyDeleteThe WHO guidelines state that children between 0 and 4 years of age should be educated about the pleasure of masturbation in early childhood
DeletePAY ATTENTION! What the WHO just did is DISGUSTING and CRIMINAL | Redacted with Natali Morris
ReplyDeleteRob Roos in Amerikaanse Senaat: ‘Niet pandemieverdrag, maar dit vormt het échte directe gevaar’
ReplyDeleteRob Roos in the US Senate: 'Not a pandemic treaty, but this is the real immediate danger'
DeleteRob Roos laat zich door een Amerikaan Mr. Roes noemen...Rob Rose lets himself be called Mr. Ruse by an American
DeleteRob Roos was ook het Engelse woord voor filantroop vergeten..Rob Roos had also forgotten the English word for philanthropist
Delete‘World Economic Forum richt zijn kwaadaardige agenda nu op voedsel’
ReplyDelete'World Economic Forum now focuses its evil agenda on food'
DeleteThe ‘Pandemic’ Was Planned & Globally Coordinated For Decades Says Australian Senator
ReplyDeleteWatch "BREAKING: Supreme Court declares COVID Vaccine Mandates "UNLAWFUL"
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts' Fierce Wake-Up Call to the World
This is the first time they withdrew a proven, safe, effective, affordable, accessible treatment. Ivermectin. They withdrew it! You don't do that to people. Made it illegal. And then this is the first time they made a lethal, untested, unproven drug mandatory. Yes. So that you could feed your children.
This was a pandemic of vaccination. Pandemic of injections. So we had COVID first, then we had the injections. So you can tell I'm getting a bit angry about this. Because they're killing people. They're killing tens of thousands of people.
These bastards, the parasitic, predatory globalists. They have quite often told us exactly what they're doing. You just have to listen to them.
These globalists want to destroy that, send us back to the caves. These people are that way inclined. So once you understand that and you understand the critical role of the World health Organisation, how can I forget Tedros, a known terrorist, presiding over an organisation in which 83 people have filed complaints for sexual abuse and rape?
They did their own internal investigation. Even their own internal investigation found those claims were verified and they said, if you don't do anything about it, you will be. What was their word? Rapist. Culture. I can't remember. Culture of Rape. They didn't do anything about it.
Then you've got people like Bill Gates, who funds the World Health Organisation. and you've got Fauci, who's a genocidal maniac. Fauci has killed thousands of black Africans doing experiments. He's killed american kids doing experiments. They picked on foster kids to do experiments.
So once you understand that, and you understand that Bill Gates was an investor in the WHO. Well, not only that, he was an investor in GAVI, but he was also an investor in the COVID injections..
👉THE SHOCKING TRUTH on why the Pandemic Treaty Talks have BROKEN DOWN👈
ReplyDeleteEEN “VACCINPANDEMIE”: Australische senator Malcolm Roberts’ dringende oproep aan de wereld om wakker te worden
ReplyDeleteA “VACCINE PANDEMIC”: Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts' urgent call for the world to wake up
Delete1 juni: ‘grootste vrijheidsprotest ooit’ in Genève tegen de WHO
ReplyDeleteJune 1: 'largest freedom protest ever' in Geneva against the WHO
DeleteNo Deal: W.H.O. Fails to Secure Global Pandemic Treaty
ReplyDeleteWHO-baas Tedros ‘vol vertrouwen’ over pandemieverdrag
ReplyDeleteWHO boss Tedros 'full of confidence' about pandemic treaty
DeleteWHO-baas Tedros wil ‘agressiever’ optreden tegen ‘anti-vaxxers’
ReplyDeleteWHO boss Tedros wants to take 'more aggressive' action against 'anti-vaxxers'
DeleteWijzigingen van de Internationale Gezondheidsregeling aangenomen: dit betekent het
ReplyDeleteAmendments to the International Health Regulations adopted: this is what it means
DeleteKijk: Wybren van Haga en advocaat Meike Terhorst proberen brief te overhandigen aan WHO-baas Tedros
ReplyDeleteWatch: Wybren van Haga and lawyer Meike Terhorst try to hand over a letter to WHO boss Tedros
Delete‘Moordenaar’ Tedros van de WHO weigert 83 medewerkers te ontslaan die meisjes van 13 hebben verkracht
ReplyDeleteWHO 'murderer' Tedros refuses to fire 83 employees who raped 13-year-old girls
DeleteWHO bereidt massale vaccinatiecampagne tegen vogelgriep voor: ‘Hetzelfde spel nogmaals?!’
ReplyDeleteWHO prepares mass vaccination campaign against bird flu: ‘Same game again?!’
DeleteKijk: Australische senator legt ‘Great Reset’-agenda van het WEF bloot
ReplyDeleteWatch: Australian Senator Exposes WEF’s ‘Great Reset’ Agenda
DeleteSenator over tirannieke Great Reset-agenda van het WEF: ‘Dit is slavernij’
ReplyDeleteSenator on WEF's tyrannical Great Reset agenda: 'This is slavery'
DeleteKijk en huiver: het schokkende verleden van WHO-baas Tedros
ReplyDeleteWatch and shudder: the shocking past of WHO boss Tedros
DeleteWHO's Global Power Grab - Part 1
DeleteUnfortunately, this documentary starts with another serious lie: the spinning globe...While the WHO logo is the flat earth....
DeleteFully Jabbed W.H.O. Boss Tedros Rushed to Hospital With Heart Problems – Media Blackout
ReplyDeleteHe didn’t have the vaccine, none of them did.