Pfizer Executive: ‘Mutate’ COVID via ‘Directed Evolution’ for Company to Continue Profiting Off of Vaccines … ‘COVID is Going to be a Cash Cow for Us’ … ‘That is Not What We Say to the Public’ … ‘People Won’t Like That’ … ‘Don’t Tell Anyone’
Phreakazoid Pfizer executive goes BERSERK when confronted by Project Veritas over HIS OWN claims of virus mutation research and vaccine profiteering
🚨 BREAKING: Pfizer can't hide the TRUTH anymore, CAUGHT trying to 'Mutate' virus | Redacted News
Clayton Morris: This is even WORSE than we imagined
Pfizer Director Assaults James O'Keefe & Veritas Staff; Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recordings
Situation Update, Jan 27, 2023 - Pfizer director goes BERSERK, violently assaults Project Veritas journalists in NYC
The plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Pfizer Director Assaults James O'Keefe & Veritas Staff; Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recordings
ReplyDeletePhreakazoid Pfizer topman gaat BERSERK wanneer hij wordt geconfronteerd door Project Veritas over ZIJN EIGEN beweringen over onderzoek naar virusmutatie en winstbejag bij vaccins
ReplyDeletePhreakazoid Pfizer executive goes BERSERK when confronted by Project Veritas over HIS OWN claims of virus mutation research and vaccine profiteering
DeleteZ28.310 – De code bestemd voor de ongevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteZ28.310 - The code designated for the Unvaccinated
DeleteDe ineenstorting van het Covid narratief
ReplyDeleteThe Collapse of the Covid Narrative
DeleteEXPLOSIEF: Pfizer GEEFT TOE dat ze covid virussen ONTWERPEN
ReplyDeleteBOMBSHELL: Pfizer ADMITS to ENGINEERING covid virus
DeletePfizer admits it ‘engineered’ new Covid mutations
ReplyDeleteWalker was told on camera that he was speaking to a journalist with Project Veritas, a conservative outlet known for its hidden-camera sting operations. After hearing this, Walker insisted that he was lying to impress his date, before attempting to steal an iPad from Project Veritas CEO James O’Keefe.
DeleteAnd he was lying that he was lying....that's what satanic liars do...
DeleteDRINGEND: Een groot Nieuw-Zeelands onderzoek onthult hoge percentages nierschade na de Pfizer-prik
ReplyDeleteURGENT: A big New Zealand study reveals high rates of kidney injury after the Pfizer jab
DeleteWaarom zien de mensen het overduidelijke niet? Waarom geloven de mensen niet wat er gaande is?
ReplyDeleteNorth Dakota gaat het gebruik van mRNA-vaccinaties strafbaar stellen
ReplyDeleteNorth Dakota is going to criminalize the use of mRNA vaccines
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De woordenboekdefinitie van “Anti-Vaxxer” is verruimd
ReplyDeleteThe Dictionary Definition of “Anti-Vaxxer” Has Broadened
DeleteWill Thailand take Pfizer to court for Fraud?
ReplyDeleteGaat dit land als eerste het contract met Pfizer nietig verklaren? ‘Het was zeer indrukwekkend’
ReplyDeleteWill this country be the first to annul the contract with Pfizer? 'It was very impressive'
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Farmaceutische lobby bereidt reeds volgende mRNA vaccinatiecampagne voor
ReplyDeletePharmaceutical lobby is already preparing next mRNA vaccination campaign
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White House reveals Covid emergency plan
ReplyDeleteHoe een PSYOP uit te wissen
ReplyDeleteHow to Memory-Hole a PSYOP
Delete'the Sino-Judeo-Commie-Satanist-Occupation-Global-Government'...nothing about the JESUITS
DeleteDeze satanische act bij de Grammy Awards wordt u aangeboden door Pfizer
ReplyDeleteThis satanic act at the Grammy Awards is brought to you by Pfizer
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Pfizer strikt beroemdheden voor deerniswekkende reclamespot over coronaprik
ReplyDeletePfizer uses celebrities for pitiful commercial about corona shot
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Mike Yeadon: ik denk dat het iedereen zal doden
ReplyDeleteMike Yeadon: I think it will kill everyone
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Wordt het mRNA-vaccin overgedragen via seks, moedermelk, ademhaling?
ReplyDeleteIs the mRNA vaccine transmitted through sex, breast milk, breathing?
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Pfizer blijkt verwondingen en sterfgevallen van deelnemers aan hun klinische proeven met COVID-19 vaccins te hebben verdoezeld
DeletePfizer found to have covered up injuries and deaths of study participants in their clinical covid-19 vaccine trials
‘100 miljoen dieren zijn al geïnjecteerd met mRNA en bijna niemand weet ervan’
ReplyDelete'100 million animals have already been injected with mRNA and hardly anyone knows about it'
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Vertrouwelijke Pfizer-documenten onthullen dat farmaceutisch bedrijf ‘bewijs’ had dat wijst op een ‘verhoogd risico op myocarditis’ na Covid-19-vaccins in het begin van 2022
ReplyDeleteConfidential Pfizer documents reveal pharmaceutical company had 'evidence' pointing to 'increased risk of myocarditis' following Covid-19 vaccines in early 2022
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Geen complottheorie meer: grafeenoxide in Pfizer-vaccins
ReplyDeleteNo More Conspiracy Theory: Graphene Oxide in Pfizer Vaccines
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CONFIRMED: Graphene Oxide Found In SHOTS Pfizer SUED For $3 TRILLION Over “Safe & Effective” LIES!
DeleteArts: als ik een jaar geleden zoiets had gezegd, zou ik compleet afgemaakt zijn
ReplyDeleteDoctor: If I had said something like that a year ago, I would have been completely finished
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‘Baanbrekende’ rechtszaak: ‘Pfizer komt voor de rechter!’
ReplyDelete'Groundbreaking' lawsuit: 'Pfizer goes to court!'
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The Cover-Up: How Pfizer and Biontech FALSIFIED lab results in order to bring vaccines to market
ReplyDeleteInvestigative Journalist Sonia Elijah has uncovered data that shows both Pfizer and Biontech were actively falsifying lab results in order to bring their vaccines to market. In this interview, Redacted host Clayton Morris and Sonia Elijah discuss the bombshell report.
DeleteTientallen kinderen sterven na COVID-19 vaccinatie, en de auteurs concluderen: “Relatief veilig!”
ReplyDeleteAuthors Conclude "Relatively Safe" as Dozens of Children Die After COVID-19 Vaccination
DeleteCOVID-19 vaccin Shedding – Kanaries in de mijn
ReplyDeleteCOVID-19 vaccine Shedding – Canaries in the mine
DeleteBekentenis van Pfizer: Covid-19-vaccins waren nooit veilig voor zwangere vrouwen!
ReplyDeletePfizer Confession: Covid-19 Vaccines Were Never Safe For Pregnant Women!
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Oud-vicepresident Pfizer: er ligt een plan om miljoenen, zo niet miljarden mensen te doden
ReplyDeleteFormer Vice President Pfizer: There is a plan to kill millions, if not billions, of people
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'global' = world wide...the earth is not a 'globe'
DeleteDr. Naomi Wolf onthult de ontvolkingsagenda van Pfizer, zoals blijkt uit hun eigen documenten
ReplyDeleteDr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents
Delete“And as a woman, this is one of the most painful things to see. And I’m Jewish. And my grandmother lost nine brothers and sisters to the Holocaust. So I don’t say this lightly, but this chart is a Mengele-type of chart. It’s Mengele science.”
Delete‘Crimineel’: deze schokkende Pfizer-documenten bleven tot nu toe onder de radar
ReplyDelete‘Criminal’: Confidential EU Documents Reveal Thousands of Deaths From Pfizer-BioNTech Shots
DeleteWe wisten dat er kinderen waren gestorven door de coronaprik, maar dit is wel heel schokkend
ReplyDeleteWe knew that children had died from the corona shot, but this is very shocking
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Pfizer can't HIDE this anymore, Explosive report exposes shocking CHILD DEATHS from covid vaccine
DeleteHet is nog erger: Duitse wetenschappers ontrafelen de duistere waarheid over de Pfizer-prik
ReplyDeleteIt's even worse: German scientists are unraveling the dark truth about the Pfizer jab
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Pfizer caught in yet another LIE! You won't believe what it was this time!
ReplyDeleteBig Pharma wetenschapper bekent: “Ze stoppen kankerverwekkende chemicaliën in de COVID-prikken”
ReplyDeleteBig Pharma Scientist Confesses: “They Put Cancer-Causing Chemicals in the COVID Jabs”
DeleteDaad van God? Tornado raast door Pfizer-fabriek, vernietigt 50.000 pallets met producten
ReplyDeleteAct of God? Tornado Rips Through Pfizer Plant, Destroys 50,000 Pallets of Product
DeleteEx-vicepresident Pfizer waarschuwt: volgende crisis dichterbij dan ooit
ReplyDeleteEx-vice president Pfizer warns: next crisis closer than ever
DeleteReport via 'Alex Jones', who doesn't tell the Jesuits and the Vatican are behind everything, and who makes people think we could hold it back without the Lord JESUS Christ.
DeleteMedewerkers van Pfizer kregen vaccin uit ‘speciale batch’: ‘Opmerkelijk’
ReplyDeletePfizer-klokkenluider in zeer verontrustende video: ‘Mijn leven is in gevaar’
ReplyDeletePfizer whistleblower in very disturbing video: 'My life is in danger'
DeleteWaarschuwing voor nieuwe sterk gemuteerde ‘Covid’-variant, voormalig FDA-chef zegt dat vaccins onderweg zijn
ReplyDeleteWarning Of New Highly Mutated ‘Covid’ Variant, Former FDA Chief Says Vaccines Are On The Way
DeletePfizer testte zijn ‘Booster’ op 23 mensen voordat Biden’s FDA de injecties op alle mensen losliet; zonder vragen te stellen
ReplyDeletePfizer tested its ‘Booster’ on 23 people before Biden’s FDA unleashed injections on all Americans; no questions asked
DeleteWETENSCHAPSFRAUDE: Pfizers COVID-prik “placebo” controlegroep kreeg in plaats daarvan MODERNA “vaccin” toegediend, bevestigt preprint
ReplyDeleteSCIENCE FRAUD: Pfizer's COVID jab “placebo” control group was given MODERNA “vaccine” instead, preprint confirms
DeleteVideo: Deze professor kon zien wat er in de Pfizer-vaccins zat en is erg ongerust
ReplyDeleteVideo: This professor could see what was in the Pfizer vaccines and is very worried
DeleteLees en huiver: Israël vindt ‘kwijtgeraakte’ overeenkomsten met Pfizer terug en dit staat er in
ReplyDeleteRead and shudder: Israel finds 'lost' agreements with Pfizer and this is what it says
Delete"OH SH*T! Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy?! | Redacted with Clayton Morris"
ReplyDeletePfizer bevestigt wat velen al lang vermoedden: pak de popcorn erbij, want dit wordt smullen
ReplyDeletePfizer confirms what many have suspected for a long time: grab the popcorn, because this is going to be delicious
DeleteLast week a momentous meeting took place in the Australian Parliament that went virtually unnoticed. Five minutes before the end, Senator Gerard Rennick was allowed to ask the last question. What followed was perhaps the most startling revelation in the corona drama to date.
DeleteZo hield Pfizer alles verborgen voor de toezichthouders
ReplyDeleteThis is how Pfizer hid everything from the regulators
DeleteWhy don't the media report on this? Siepel: “Then there should also be messages with the headline: 'Media and hundreds of journalists have been guilty of crimes against humanity'. That's too much to ask!”
DeleteHet Pfizer ‘vaccin’ dat in miljarden armen werd geïnjecteerd, was niet hetzelfde vaccin dat werd gebruikt in de klinische onderzoeken van Pfizer
ReplyDeleteThe Pfizer “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same vaccine used in Pfizer's clinical trials
DeletePfizer/BioNTech en EMA wisten alles in 2019, biochemicus doet heftige onthullingen
ReplyDeletePfizer/BioNTech and EMA knew everything in 2019, biochemist makes dramatic revelations
DeletePfizer overladen met kritiek na wereldvreemd bericht: ‘Dit spant de kroon’
ReplyDeletePfizer overloaded with criticism after unworldly message: 'This takes the cake'
DeletePfizer klaagt Polen aan en eist geld voor niet-geleverde en ongewenste COVID-vaccins
ReplyDeletePfizer Sues Poland, Demanding Money for Undelivered and Unwanted COVID Vaccines
DeletePfizer classificeert zijn eigen C19 modRNA-product als “zeer gevaarlijk”
ReplyDeletePfizer classifies its own C19 modRNA product as “very dangerous”
Delete‘Eigenlijk is het heel cynisch’: Pfizer veroorzaakt dit met zijn prik en heeft daar ook de oplossing voor
ReplyDelete'It's actually very cynical': Pfizer causes this with its shot and also has the solution for it
DeletePfizer maakt opvallende move nu wetenschappers waarschuwen voor ‘pandemie van hartfalen’
ReplyDeletePfizer makes striking move as scientists warn of 'heart failure pandemic'
DeletePfizer-baas Albert Bourla weet iets wat wij niet weten
ReplyDeletePfizer CEO Albert Bourla knows something we don't
DeleteMost US Cheese Contains GMO Made By Pfizer
ReplyDeleteOnthullende beelden gepubliceerd: topwetenschappers van Pfizer maakten zich zorgen over mRNA-prikken
ReplyDeleteRevealing footage published: Pfizer's top scientists were concerned about mRNA shots
DeletePfizer hield toezichthouders bewust in het duister over dit levensgevaarlijke vaccin-ingrediënt
ReplyDeletePfizer deliberately kept regulators in the dark about this life-threatening vaccine ingredient
DeleteVideo: Arts doet bizarre ontdekking in bloed van gevaccineerde patiënt
ReplyDeleteVideo: Doctor makes bizarre discovery in blood of vaccinated patient
DeleteCancer ‘is our new Covid’ – Pfizer CEO
ReplyDeletePfizer testte het mRNA-vaccin op 344 baby’s en dit is de uitkomst
ReplyDeletePfizer tested the mRNA vaccine on 344 babies and this is the outcome
DeleteMassamoord Mass murder
DeleteJongetje sterft tijdens proef met gentherapie van Pfizer
ReplyDeleteLittle boy dies during Pfizer gene therapy trial
DeleteKijk: Klokkenluider onthult wat Pfizer wist over grafeenoxide in covidvaccin
ReplyDeleteWatch: Whistleblower reveals what Pfizer knew about graphene oxide in Covid vaccine
DeletePfizer Insider Admits ‘Pandemic Was a Depopulation Scam’
ReplyDeletePresidentskandidaat doet verbijsterend boekje open over Bill Gates en Pfizer
ReplyDeletePresidential candidate makes stunning revelation about Bill Gates and Pfizer
DeleteBizar: zo zien de Pfizer-vaccins eruit tegen een zwarte achtergrond
ReplyDeleteBizarre: this is what the Pfizer vaccines look like against a black background
DeleteDeze staat sleept Pfizer voor de rechter om bijwerkingen van COVID-19-vaccins, en er komt nog veel meer aan
ReplyDeleteThis state is taking Pfizer to court over side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, and there's more to come
DeletePfizer-baas: ‘Covid was een repetitie’ en ‘onze beste dagen komen nog’
ReplyDeletePfizer boss: 'Covid was a rehearsal' and 'our best days are yet to come'
DeletePfizer was established in 1849 by Jewish German immigrant Charles Pfizer…
ReplyDeletePfizer has been in business for 175 years without curing one single disease.
Charles Pfizer
DeleteHe was not Jewish. His middle name was literally Christian.
DeletePfizer makes antibiotics and vaccines.
Pfizer Inc. has a serious problem. Former employees, including very, very senior executives, are coming forward to blow the whistle on the evil agenda of the Pharma giant.
ReplyDeleteAs these brave men and women explain it, their consciences simply won’t allow them to go on pretending that Pfizer is anything other than a bloodsucking vampire squid relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money – and damn the consequences on public health.
But it gets even worse, according to Dr. Peter Rost.
The former Pfizer Vice President turned whistleblower has got proof that Pfizer intentionally designed their vaccines to cause a global explosion in heart disease and turbo cancer, providing themselves with billions of highly lucrative new patients.
Why did Albert Bourla call the ‘Covid Vaccines’ WEAPONS?
ReplyDeleteWhat a MURDERER.
Pfizer staat op het punt flink te cashen met ’turbokankers’: ‘Nog nooit zoiets gezien’
ReplyDeletePfizer is about to cash in on 'turbo cancers': 'Never seen anything like it'
Delete🚨 Pfizer Insiders Admit Vaccinated Men Are Being ‘Chemically Castrated’
ReplyDeleteVaccinated men around the world who thought they had escaped without side-effects are waking up to bad news this week as groundbreaking research reveals their sperm is behaving in ways doctors have never seen before.
According to new research, vaccinated sperm is refusing to swim and instead ties itself into knots by self-assembles into bizarre 3D ribbon-like structures.
But it gets even worse for vaccinated men, as doctors are now warning the unvaccinated to avoid sleeping with them under any circumstances.
Kansas klaagt Pfizer aan om leugens over COVID-19-vaccin: ‘Het tij keert’
ReplyDeleteKansas sues Pfizer over COVID-19 vaccine lies: ‘The tide is turning’
DeleteBill Gates is in huge trouble.
ReplyDelete“The vaccines were NOT developed by Moderna-Pfizer…but by NIH. The patents are owned by NIH. They were made by military contractors. Pfizer and Moderna were paid as if they came from Pharma. They were a Military Project…”
Pfizer Insider Reveals Vaccinated People Will Soon Start 'Bleeding From Every Orifice'
ReplyDeleteCovid vaccinated individuals contain dormant nanopathogens in their bodies that can be activated by an 18 gigahertz signal on the 5G network, according to a Pfizer insider who reveals that once triggered, these pathogens can cause catastrophic health effects, ranging from sudden heart and brain explosions to uncontrollable bleeding from every orifice.
It may sound extreme, but according to the Pfizer insider, the elite have already begun activating these dormant pathogens. As people worldwide begin experiencing alarming symptoms this week - such as bleeding from the eyes and sudden heart explosions - the horrifying results are unfolding before our eyes.
Startling evidence points to a planned Marburg epidemic - an event that has already been paid for U.S. taxpayer dollars through last year’s PREP Act.
Dit rapport van Pfizer over de covidprikken wordt achtergehouden, en het ziet er niet goed uit
ReplyDeleteThis Pfizer Report on Covid Vaccines Is Being Withheld, and It Doesn't Look Good